NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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127 Nations populate the Region of Middle Earth

Below are the most valuable currencies in Middle Earth.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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4. Click here to see WA Delegate Nations.

Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Humanist Geniocracy of Ryfin
1 Silmaril = $1.75
or $1 = 0.57 Silmaril
2: The Elven Realm of March of Maedhros
1 Silmaril = $1.6
or $1 = 0.63 Silmaril
3: The Republic of Numeracy
1 Chronocredit = $1.54
or $1 = 0.65 Chronocredit
4: The Noocracy of Antons Key
1 Bean = $1.53
or $1 = 0.65 Bean
5: The LOTR Nation of Tatarica
1 Gold Coins = $1.47
or $1 = 0.68 Gold Coins
6: The Holy Empire of Lagaronians
1 Dino = $1.47
or $1 = 0.68 Dino
7: The Desolation of Smaug
1 Silver = $1.39
or $1 = 0.72 Silver
8: The Loving Couple of -4rt Fan
1 snail = $1.39
or $1 = 0.72 snail
9: The Rogue Nation of DSN52
1 bitcoin = $1.33
or $1 = 0.75 bitcoin
10: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner19
1 Tal Shiar = $1.32
or $1 = 0.76 Tal Shiar
11: The Unexpected Journey of The Hobbit
1 Tower = $1.27
or $1 = 0.79 Tower
12: The Holy Green Kingdom of Kiirnodel
1 Kiir = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Kiir
13: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN43
1 krona = $1.2
or $1 = 0.83 krona
14: The King Under the Mountain of Neo Dragon
1 Dwarven Gold = $1.14
or $1 = 0.88 Dwarven Gold
15: The Humble Dwelling of Bombadil
1 Goldberry = $1.14
or $1 = 0.88 Goldberry
16: The Protectorate of Halls of Mandos
1 Ring = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Ring
17: The Rogue Nation of MSN52
1 mark = $0.95
or $1 = 1.05 mark
18: The Republic of The Witch King
1 mark = $0.92
or $1 = 1.09 mark
19: The Eternal Eventide of Maeglin
1 silver penny = $0.9
or $1 = 1.11 silver penny
20: The Holy Empire of The Insane Sociopeople
1 Madness = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Madness
21: The Confederacy of Cap Italist
1 Cold Hard Cash = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Cold Hard Cash
22: The Republic of Low Meadows
1 Krona = $0.7
or $1 = 1.43 Krona
23: The Free Land of Lethem
1 gyanese dollar = $0.65
or $1 = 1.54 gyanese dollar
24: The Redfish of Sciaenops ocellatus
1 franc = $0.64
or $1 = 1.56 franc
25: The Amorous Adventures of The Lady of Lorien
1 White Ring = $0.62
or $1 = 1.61 White Ring
26: The Elven Realm of Eglamar
1 Mirian = $0.62
or $1 = 1.61 Mirian
27: The Ancestral Homelands of Emyn Arnen
1 castar = $0.61
or $1 = 1.64 castar
28: The Liberated Realms of Entwives
1 Mirian = $0.61
or $1 = 1.64 Mirian
29: The Armed Republic of Isengard and the Isen
1 meat = $0.6
or $1 = 1.67 meat
30: The Repressed memory of What Lies Beneath
1 dollar = $0.54
or $1 = 1.85 dollar
31: The Infinite Dominion of The Dread Overlord
1 Golden Precious = $0.51
or $1 = 1.96 Golden Precious
32: The Principality of Prince Imrahils Dol Amroth
1 Castar = $0.5
or $1 = 2.00 Castar
33: The Community of Dispatch
1 letters = $0.49
or $1 = 2.04 letters
34: The Emirate of Earendil
1 dollar = $0.47
or $1 = 2.13 dollar
35: The We are of In the Middle of
1 rupee = $0.43
or $1 = 2.33 rupee
36: The Strongbow of Cuthalion
1 ION = $0.42
or $1 = 2.38 ION
37: The Grand Duchy of Sicilian Zachariah
1 Chihuahuas = $0.42
or $1 = 2.38 Chihuahuas
38: The Community of Big boy Economy
1 trillion dollar = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 trillion dollar
39: The Rogue Nation of The Plague Spoon
1 Silver = $0.4
or $1 = 2.50 Silver
40: The Well don't of Dont eject this fenda sleeper 9
1 mark = $0.34
or $1 = 2.94 mark
41: The Kingdom of The Realm of Gondor
1 Castar = $0.34
or $1 = 2.94 Castar
42: The Democratic States of Raderras
1 Raderis = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 Raderis
43: The United States of Kitezh
1 pound = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 pound
44: The Republic of Weitarawi III
1 dollar = $0.31
or $1 = 3.23 dollar
45: The Sith Master King of Doom of Vader Knows Best 14
1 Imperial Credit = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Imperial Credit
46: The Federal Republic of Ezellohar
1 Feanorian Gem = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Feanorian Gem
47: The Protectorate of Thomas More Utopialand
1 Pound = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Pound
48: The Commonwealth of Freedoms For Dogs
1 fluffy eyes = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 fluffy eyes
49: The Empire of Wesl
1 Canvar = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Canvar
50: The Kingdom of Dwarves or Erebor
1 gold coin = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 gold coin
51: The Allied States of Religious Reckless and Rowdy
1 god's coin = $0.28
or $1 = 3.57 god's coin
52: The Commonwealth of Traditional Thanksgiving
1 dollar = $0.27
or $1 = 3.70 dollar
53: The Kingdom of The Eothed of Rohan
1 mark = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 mark
54: The Undying Empire of Tareldar
1 castar = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 castar
55: The Kingdom of The Free Peoples of Arnor
1 Castar = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Castar
56: The United States of Billy Joel and JRR Tolkien
1 mithril piano = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 mithril piano
57: The Borderlands of Easterlings of Rhun
1 haramir = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 haramir
58: The Voices of Mad Gollum
1 Precious = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 Precious
59: The Very Cool Nation of Raz
1 bitcoin = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 bitcoin
60: The Forest Reaches of Mander-Lorien
1 bounty = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 bounty
61: The Confederacy of Athamor
1 gold coin = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 gold coin
62: The Democratic Republic of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr
1 civil right = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 civil right
63: The Borderlands of Cats Are Better
1 meow = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 meow
64: The Republic of Chilling in Shire
1 gold = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 gold
65: The Theocracy of Margibi
1 Delta Eagle = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 Delta Eagle
66: The Dominion of Saurons Mordor
1 L?r = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 L?r
67: The Kingdom of Free Lands of Cardolan
1 castar = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 castar
68: The Republic of The Grey Havens of Lindon
1 elvish castar = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 elvish castar
69: The Borderlands of No Laws Ever
1 tradable item = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 tradable item
70: The Disputed Territories of Dagor Dagorath
1 end of the world = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 end of the world
71: The Jingoistic States of Orcs of the Grey and Misty Mountains
1 Arttia = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Arttia
72: The Republic of The Military of South Asians 25
1 Rupee = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Rupee
73: The Commonwealth of Shirefolk
1 Potato = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Potato
74: The Free Land of Mr Bilbo Baggins
1 farthing = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 farthing
75: The Protectorate of Lothlorien Galadhrim
1 mirian = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 mirian
76: The Kingdom of Manners maketh man
1 Pound = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Pound
77: The Free Folk Captain of Harma Dogshead
1 Gold = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Gold
78: The Disputed Territories of Jiz Starchede
1 Dollar = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Dollar
79: The Hobbit of FrodoBaggins
1 Hobbit money = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Hobbit money
80: The Arling of Imbelaris
1 kama = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 kama
81: The Kingdom of Elenna
1 krone = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 krone
82: The Republic of Know Thyself
1 lira = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 lira
83: The Republic of Qullissat
1 baht = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 baht
84: The Retired Sleeper of Obrimenja Shire Guard
1 krona = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 krona
85: The Democratic States of Wirazis
1 Dollar = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Dollar
86: The Republic of Man With Great Beard
1 Money = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Money
87: The Free Land of Shuteye
1 shuteye = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 shuteye
88: The Kingdom of Westernesse
1 dollar = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 dollar
89: The Republic of Hidden alcove
1 Delta Eagle = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Delta Eagle
90: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dunedain Arthedain
1 castar = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 castar
91: The Dazed and Confused Squad of Grrorg the Orc
1 Black Coins = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Black Coins
92: The Borderlands of A Huge Freaking Spider
1 Shiny Green Things = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Shiny Green Things
93: The Empire of Rinamian
1 denier = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 denier
94: The Confederacy of Dunnish Tribes
1 wulf = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 wulf
95: The Protectorate of Tulkas
1 Fists = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Fists
96: The Shield That Guard The Realms of Pan-Apache
1 Knots = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Knots
97: The Emirate of Med Zoe Unia
1 peso = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 peso
98: The Kingdom of Brontille
1 Pound = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Pound
99: The Allied States of The Southrons of Harad
1 harmir = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 harmir
100: The Kingdom of Evael
1 pennie = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 pennie
101: The Dominion of Udun
1 ring = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 ring
102: The Democratic Republic of Verdant Crossing
1 rootmark = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 rootmark
103: The Dominion of Angmar and Gundabad
1 witch-coin = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 witch-coin
104: The Republic of The Veil Soul
1 dollar = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 dollar
105: The Republic of Scheming Bastet
1 guilder = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 guilder
106: The Jingoistic States of Big Army Now
1 military ration = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 military ration
107: The Dominion of Siorapaluk
1 Euro = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 Euro
108: The Kingdom of Numenor
1 castar = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 castar
109: The Most Serene Republic of Frodo
1 coin = $0.11
or $1 = 9.09 coin
110: The Federation of Yay yay
1 I agree = $0.11
or $1 = 9.09 I agree
111: The Dominion of Thranduils Halls
1 galadhrim coin = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 galadhrim coin
112: The Music of Eru
1 song = $0.09
or $1 = 11.11 song
113: The Guards of Narnan
1 Nova = $0.07
or $1 = 14.29 Nova
114: The Precious of Smeagollum
1 ring = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 ring
115: The Flames of TheBalrogsWhip
1 Dwarven Skulls = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 Dwarven Skulls
116: The Sleeper of Bananaful Fort
1 hour of sleep = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 hour of sleep
117: The Holy Empire of Turin the Tyrant
1 margison = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 margison
118: The Reptilian Rage of Gamera
1 shell = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 shell
119: The Kingdom of Turin Turumarth
1 Gurthang = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Gurthang
120: The Faun Republic of Mr Tumnus
1 Narnian Gold = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Narnian Gold
121: The Chiefdom of Dunland
1 ring = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 ring
122: The Monty Python Kingdom of The Black Knight-
1 Gold Coin = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Gold Coin
123: The Kingdom of Mordor of Sauron
1 mirian = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 mirian
124: The Republic of Stalin 2025
1 government issued whea = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 government issued whea
125: The Most Serene Republic of Crazy crazy Commies
1 Opposite of the dollar = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Opposite of the dollar

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Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. Sometimes other countries will no longer accept your moneis because your taxes are too high, you don't make anything of worth, or waste it all. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, it could change...

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