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316 Nations populate the Region of The Region That Has No Big Banks

Below are the most valuable currencies in The Region That Has No Big Banks.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Federal Republic of Ophaesia
1 Dollar = $1.78
or $1 = 0.56 Dollar
2: The Commonwealth of Mjau
1 Mew = $1.77
or $1 = 0.56 Mew
3: The Enlightened Republic of Southsea
1 Ringpiah = $1.76
or $1 = 0.57 Ringpiah
4: The Rare 360 No-Scopers of Sniper Slayers
1 BMG round = $1.75
or $1 = 0.57 BMG round
5: The Communist Collective of Unat
1 Quake = $1.74
or $1 = 0.57 Quake
6: The Federation of Asturii
1 Liberty = $1.74
or $1 = 0.57 Liberty
7: The County of Lotarmy
1 loter = $1.72
or $1 = 0.58 loter
8: The Borderlands of Tarao
1 Ti = $1.72
or $1 = 0.58 Ti
9: The Republic of United Lovervyche
1 dollar = $1.72
or $1 = 0.58 dollar
10: The United Socialist States of Gine Caruttiva
1 Social = $1.72
or $1 = 0.58 Social
11: The Purple Consciousness of Oldmanzakk
1 Credit = $1.7
or $1 = 0.59 Credit
12: The Altruistic Republic of Eftichia
1 euro = $1.7
or $1 = 0.59 euro
13: The Reunited States of Ardeyn
1 Squire = $1.7
or $1 = 0.59 Squire
14: The Furry Strangereal Yassifiers of Sicario Mercenary Corps
1 Credit = $1.7
or $1 = 0.59 Credit
15: The United States of Rogue River
1 Florin = $1.69
or $1 = 0.59 Florin
16: The Parliamentary Republic of Greater Drussi
1 Euro = $1.69
or $1 = 0.59 Euro
17: The Kolhoos of J6geva
1 rubla = $1.68
or $1 = 0.60 rubla
18: The Republic of Mingde
1 新台幣 = $1.68
or $1 = 0.60 新台幣
19: The Nomadic Territories of Ragnox
1 Ragtorio = $1.67
or $1 = 0.60 Ragtorio
20: The United Commonwealths of The Washington Federation
1 Richmond = $1.67
or $1 = 0.60 Richmond
21: The Cat Shelter of Cat Army
1 Mouse = $1.67
or $1 = 0.60 Mouse
22: The People's Republic of Seychellia
1 lira = $1.67
or $1 = 0.60 lira
23: The United Federalist Union of Vlaskal
1 Vinerisk = $1.66
or $1 = 0.60 Vinerisk
24: The ???????????????????????????? of Lemona
1 Dogecoin = $1.66
or $1 = 0.60 Dogecoin
25: The Republic of Krayo29
1 Yoyanos = $1.66
or $1 = 0.60 Yoyanos
26: The United Socialist States of Masiona
1 dank = $1.66
or $1 = 0.60 dank
27: The Empire of Hot Catboys
1 Purrolean = $1.65
or $1 = 0.61 Purrolean
28: The Deep Blue Sea of National Coraland of Fishery
1 Heat Seeking Missile = $1.64
or $1 = 0.61 Heat Seeking Missile
29: The Nudist Colony of Yodle 12
1 Gold Coin = $1.63
or $1 = 0.61 Gold Coin
30: The Tumblr using nation of Envoi
1 urbul = $1.63
or $1 = 0.61 urbul
31: The Yodlean Puppet of Yodle 7
1 Gold Coin = $1.61
or $1 = 0.62 Gold Coin
32: The United Socialist States of Ochelaga
1 Bidou = $1.61
or $1 = 0.62 Bidou
33: The Federation of Aya Democratic Republic
1 Aya Dollar = $1.61
or $1 = 0.62 Aya Dollar
34: The Holy Blue Zombie of Yodle 9
1 Gold Coin = $1.6
or $1 = 0.63 Gold Coin
35: The Republic of Mornamaa
1 salme = $1.6
or $1 = 0.63 salme
36: The Meritocratic Commonwealth of Pragmatikotita
1 gold coin = $1.59
or $1 = 0.63 gold coin
37: The Questionable Conglomeration of Chronic and Violent IBS
1 Procal = $1.59
or $1 = 0.63 Procal
38: The Republic of Trustertid
1 pound = $1.59
or $1 = 0.63 pound
39: The ???????????????????????????? of Yodle
1 Gold Bar = $1.58
or $1 = 0.63 Gold Bar
40: The Eternal Democratic Republic of Blustan
1 Sun = $1.58
or $1 = 0.63 Sun
41: The Tie-Dye Republic of Mars Hotel
1 Garcia = $1.57
or $1 = 0.64 Garcia
42: The National Park of Lawid
1 Lewadollar = $1.56
or $1 = 0.64 Lewadollar
43: The Collective Communes of Socialistic Britain
1 Pound Sterling = $1.55
or $1 = 0.65 Pound Sterling
44: The Commonwealth of Batcountry
1 toke = $1.54
or $1 = 0.65 toke
45: The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater
1 chocolate coin = $1.52
or $1 = 0.66 chocolate coin
46: The Peoples Republic of New United Common-lands
1 Common Pound = $1.52
or $1 = 0.66 Common Pound
47: The Federazione of Chalistine
1 Rugles = $1.52
or $1 = 0.66 Rugles
48: The Generous Trading Card Donor of Oh Kyle
1 Gold Coin = $1.51
or $1 = 0.66 Gold Coin
49: The TKM Main Character of Jem Finch
1 Gold Coin = $1.51
or $1 = 0.66 Gold Coin
50: The Christmas Borderlands of Mad Citizens
1 Golden O2 = $1.51
or $1 = 0.66 Golden O2
51: The People's Republic of Hitentherps
1 pound = $1.48
or $1 = 0.68 pound
52: The Doggo Republic of Bob Harnan
1 Bob Dollar = $1.47
or $1 = 0.68 Bob Dollar
53: The Benevolent Absolutism of Letrosis
1 euro = $1.46
or $1 = 0.68 euro
54: The Socialist Republic of Rica Nardis
1 Nyonk = $1.45
or $1 = 0.69 Nyonk
55: The Holy Zombie of Go B1G
1 Gold Coin = $1.44
or $1 = 0.69 Gold Coin
56: The Holy Dictatorship of Jared Kushner
1 Gold Coin = $1.44
or $1 = 0.69 Gold Coin
57: The Several Showerless Semesters of Smeg
1 Rind = $1.44
or $1 = 0.69 Rind
58: The Loving Couple of 4rt F4n-
1 snail = $1.41
or $1 = 0.71 snail
59: The Most Serene Republic of Illuminous Tee Swirl
1 Tea Leaves = $1.41
or $1 = 0.71 Tea Leaves
60: The Corporate Dystopia of Pheonixknight
1 Bytecoin = $1.39
or $1 = 0.72 Bytecoin
61: The President Emeritus of Bernie Nation
1 Gold Coin = $1.38
or $1 = 0.72 Gold Coin
62: The Holy Blue Hospital of Doctor
1 Gold Coin = $1.38
or $1 = 0.72 Gold Coin
63: The Democratic Republic of Kuinasia
1 Ruvle = $1.38
or $1 = 0.72 Ruvle
64: The Holy Blue Republic of Jesus Lays
1 Gold Coin = $1.37
or $1 = 0.73 Gold Coin
65: The Free Land of Chocobomanland
1 Chocobobuck = $1.37
or $1 = 0.73 Chocobobuck
66: The The People's Republic of Larry Stylinsion
1 Clifford = $1.36
or $1 = 0.74 Clifford
67: The Blue Holy Republic of Boo Radley
1 Gold Coin = $1.34
or $1 = 0.75 Gold Coin
68: The Holy Blue Republic of Jesus Falls
1 Gold Coin = $1.34
or $1 = 0.75 Gold Coin
69: The Triumviratus d' Machina of New-Union
1 Axiom = $1.34
or $1 = 0.75 Axiom
70: The Holy Blue S1 Card Collector of Tye 0
1 Gold Coin = $1.33
or $1 = 0.75 Gold Coin
71: The The Un Holy Gold Republic of New Zephyra
1 Gold Bar = $1.32
or $1 = 0.76 Gold Bar
72: The Holy Black Kingdom of Oh Daddy
1 Gold Coin = $1.3
or $1 = 0.77 Gold Coin
73: The Archetype State of Ticheotis
1 euro = $1.3
or $1 = 0.77 euro
74: The United Socialist States of Ente
1 Mark = $1.3
or $1 = 0.77 Mark
75: The Yes Tribe of Yt
1 gold = $1.3
or $1 = 0.77 gold
76: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner50
1 Tal Shiar = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 Tal Shiar
77: The Primitive People's Republic of Vitorianiania
1 voucher = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 voucher
78: The Queendom of Umoncil
1 Malr = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Malr
79: The United States of Flomonga
1 Dollar = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Dollar
80: The Holy Blue Kingdom of Disney World
1 Gold Coin = $1.23
or $1 = 0.81 Gold Coin
81: The Glorious Memeland of Shavo
1 vakos = $1.23
or $1 = 0.81 vakos
82: The Imperial Provinces of Lkandria
1 Slovak = $1.22
or $1 = 0.82 Slovak
83: The Federation of Eskandra
1 Crea = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Crea
84: The Holy Blue Empire of Cellos
1 Gold Coin = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Gold Coin
85: The La Seren?sima Rep?blega de of Venesia Grande
1 Venesian ducat = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Venesian ducat
86: The Resting Revolutionary State of Claibornia
1 Claibornian Franc = $1.16
or $1 = 0.86 Claibornian Franc
87: The Holy Blue Duchy of Ya Fatha
1 Gold Coin = $1.15
or $1 = 0.87 Gold Coin
88: The Rogue Nation of BSN34
1 coin = $1.13
or $1 = 0.88 coin
89: The Holy Blue Republic of PoW
1 Gold Coin = $1.12
or $1 = 0.89 Gold Coin
90: The Free Land of Loonielan
1 unknown = $1.11
or $1 = 0.90 unknown
91: The Holy Blue Republic of Sadie Nation
1 Gold Coin = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Gold Coin
92: The Blue Holy Republic of Diphenhydramine
1 Gold Coin = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Gold Coin
93: The Holy Blue Republic of Jesus Cries
1 Gold Coin = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Gold Coin
94: The Empire of The Powerhouse
1 Power = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Power
95: The Queendom of Great and glorious dominion
1 Favor = $1.08
or $1 = 0.93 Favor
96: The Holy Republic of Jesus Sings
1 Gold Coin = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Gold Coin
97: The Republic of Plass Kaylanale
1 baht = $1.06
or $1 = 0.94 baht
98: The Blue Holy Republic of Willy Pete
1 Gold Coin = $1.04
or $1 = 0.96 Gold Coin
99: The Holy Golden Empire of ForeignPeanut
1 Gold Coin = $1.03
or $1 = 0.97 Gold Coin
100: The Holy Blue Republic of Pastor Mann
1 Gold Coin = $1.03
or $1 = 0.97 Gold Coin
101: The Blu Rpublic of Fam Cetons
1 Gold Coin = $0.99
or $1 = 1.01 Gold Coin
102: The New republic of Puttt
1 Putttian thing = $0.97
or $1 = 1.03 Putttian thing
103: The Holy Blue Republic of PewDiePie
1 Gold Coin = $0.95
or $1 = 1.05 Gold Coin
104: The Christmas Holiday of Sadie Bear
1 Gold Coin = $0.94
or $1 = 1.06 Gold Coin
105: The Republic of Sefai
1 Cironi = $0.94
or $1 = 1.06 Cironi
106: The Socialist Monarchy of Danobia
1 Danobian Franc = $0.91
or $1 = 1.10 Danobian Franc
107: The Holy Yellow Dictatorship of Talitop
1 Gold Coin = $0.9
or $1 = 1.11 Gold Coin
108: The Holy Blue Theocracy of Pastor Manning
1 Gold Coin = $0.89
or $1 = 1.12 Gold Coin
109: The Federation of Silves
1 shellius = $0.89
or $1 = 1.12 shellius
110: The TKM Main Character of Scout Finch
1 Gold Coin = $0.87
or $1 = 1.15 Gold Coin
111: The Holy Blue Republic of Paul Ryan
1 Gold Coin = $0.87
or $1 = 1.15 Gold Coin
112: The Full Deck of 52
1 gold = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 gold
113: The Republic of Achrom
1 Fang = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Fang
114: The Blue Holy Republic of Hydra Fanboy
1 Gold Coin = $0.83
or $1 = 1.20 Gold Coin
115: The Grand republic of Carolian Empire
1 Amethyst pound = $0.82
or $1 = 1.22 Amethyst pound
116: The Republic of Skrewty
1 Skrown = $0.8
or $1 = 1.25 Skrown
117: The Jellyfish of Western Arba Fir
1 Jellyfish = $0.79
or $1 = 1.27 Jellyfish
118: The Holy Blue Rectange of Lovely Bones
1 Gold Coin = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Gold Coin
119: The Holy Red Matriarchy of Mommy Issues
1 Gold Coin = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Gold Coin
120: The Holy Blue Republic of Ken Starr
1 Gold Coin = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Gold Coin
121: The Femboy filled colony of Bean territory
1 seeds = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 seeds
122: The Sultanate of Bruno Mars
1 white gold = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 white gold
123: The The Puppeted colony of Bean territorry
1 sesame seeds = $0.72
or $1 = 1.39 sesame seeds
124: The Holy Blue Empire of Freudian Psychology
1 Gold Coin = $0.71
or $1 = 1.41 Gold Coin
125: The Holy Blue Republic of Jesus Poops
1 Gold Coin = $0.71
or $1 = 1.41 Gold Coin
126: The Republic of Dip
1 Dip = $0.71
or $1 = 1.41 Dip
127: The Holy Bankish Empire of The Bankland
1 Inch = $0.7
or $1 = 1.43 Inch
128: The Community of Postgate
1 Clangers = $0.69
or $1 = 1.45 Clangers
129: The Peculiar Nation of Otherland
1 Sand Dollar = $0.68
or $1 = 1.47 Sand Dollar
130: The Democratic Republic of United Soviet States of Kim Kardashian
1 Kim Dollar = $0.65
or $1 = 1.54 Kim Dollar
131: The Republic of Sental
1 Franc = $0.63
or $1 = 1.59 Franc
132: The Holy Kingdom of Dill Harris
1 Gold Coin = $0.62
or $1 = 1.61 Gold Coin
133: The Blue Holy Republic of Titans
1 Gold Coin = $0.61
or $1 = 1.64 Gold Coin
134: The Holy Blue Republic of Jane the Killer
1 Gold Coin = $0.59
or $1 = 1.69 Gold Coin
135: The One true one of Going4NumbaOne
1 One = $0.59
or $1 = 1.69 One
136: The Galactical Empire of Otrama-Averilla
1 Win token = $0.58
or $1 = 1.72 Win token
137: The Federation of Flanelvia
1 Solenc = $0.56
or $1 = 1.79 Solenc
138: The Meritocratic Kingdom of Gharghot
1 Gharghotian merit = $0.56
or $1 = 1.79 Gharghotian merit
139: The People's Republic of Kropotkin Island
1 None = $0.55
or $1 = 1.82 None
140: The Holy Republic of Lasi Appria
1 Gold Coin = $0.52
or $1 = 1.92 Gold Coin
141: The Armed Republic of Vhelkland
1 krona = $0.52
or $1 = 1.92 krona
142: The Blue Holy Empire of Jesus My Dad
1 Gold Coin = $0.5
or $1 = 2.00 Gold Coin
143: The Republic of Ounon
1 Ciuffolo = $0.5
or $1 = 2.00 Ciuffolo
144: The M?dousa of Faralried
1 Dollar = $0.47
or $1 = 2.13 Dollar
145: The Fantastic joyful catland of The Persistence of Cats Memory
1 Treats = $0.47
or $1 = 2.13 Treats
146: The Federation of TheTakeOver
1 mark = $0.45
or $1 = 2.22 mark
147: The Empire of Purelin
1 Lien = $0.44
or $1 = 2.27 Lien
148: The Republic of The-island-of-Nublar
1 Nublarian Mark = $0.44
or $1 = 2.27 Nublarian Mark
149: The Most Serene Republic of Oursulaert
1 franc = $0.43
or $1 = 2.33 franc
150: The Empire of Mahindran
1 Rupee = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 Rupee
151: The Geordie o'er the hills of The Southern Dependencies
1 Plata Dollar = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 Plata Dollar
152: The Glorious Spanish Kingdom of San Jorentino
1 Jorent?nian Euro = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 Jorent?nian Euro
153: The Kingdom of Prachu
1 baht = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 baht
154: The Kingdom of Okona
1 ?knik = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 ?knik
155: The Republic of Adraillic
1 Adra = $0.4
or $1 = 2.50 Adra
156: The Holy Blue Orchestra of Violas
1 Gold Coin = $0.39
or $1 = 2.56 Gold Coin
157: The Federal Republic of Intisarium
1 Starlight = $0.38
or $1 = 2.63 Starlight
158: The Democratic Republic of Mylopolis
1 Dong = $0.37
or $1 = 2.70 Dong
159: The Community of Noki Bay
1 blue coin = $0.36
or $1 = 2.78 blue coin
160: The Blue Holy Republic of Plutocracy
1 Gold Coin = $0.36
or $1 = 2.78 Gold Coin
161: The Blue Holy Republic of The Revolution That Has No Big Banks
1 Gold Coin = $0.35
or $1 = 2.86 Gold Coin
162: The Empire of Geor Derrs
1 guilder = $0.34
or $1 = 2.94 guilder
163: The Dominion of Isabellas magical goodies
1 Bells = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 Bells
164: The Republic of A Weird bank
1 Weird paper = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 Weird paper
165: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ignis Aequitatis
1 Regalis Luminis = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 Regalis Luminis
166: The Republic of Marsone
1 dollar = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 dollar
167: The Republic of Magyaroklandja
1 Forint = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Forint
168: The United States of Kamala harris123
1 us dollar = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 us dollar
169: The United States of Femmerica
1 Femdollar = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Femdollar
170: The Democratic Republic of BrendenE
1 Loaf = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Loaf
171: The Commonwealth of Scooteristan
1 gram = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 gram
172: The Socialist Dictatorship of Sozialistisches Paradies
1 Paradies Mark = $0.31
or $1 = 3.23 Paradies Mark
173: The United Kingdom of Tomargand
1 Toma = $0.31
or $1 = 3.23 Toma
174: The Commonwealth of Ceruleantica
1 Kudos = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Kudos
175: The Federal Republic of CAPHIATA
1 piat = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 piat
176: The Armed Republic of Bansheee
1 bitcoin = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 bitcoin
177: The Federal Republic of Simabe
1 euro = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 euro
178: The Matriarchy of Adoring Anomalia
1 Acorn = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Acorn
179: The United States of The Democratic Disney States
1 Disneyian Pound = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Disneyian Pound
180: The Grand Duchy of Saint Xen Homaleland
1 Saintlier = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Saintlier
181: The Kingdom of Vulpanburg-Hannover
1 mark = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 mark
182: The Kingdom of Vofliyle
1 ruble = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 ruble
183: The Confederacy of Covant
1 Covant dollar = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Covant dollar
184: The Oppressed Peoples of Gloucester City without Big Banks
1 ruble = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 ruble
185: The People's Republic of New BrendenE
1 Tarnii = $0.28
or $1 = 3.57 Tarnii
186: The Imperij Samotar of Hetonika
1 Real = $0.28
or $1 = 3.57 Real
187: The Federation of Zvolen
1 koruna = $0.28
or $1 = 3.57 koruna
188: The United Brie Cheese States of Ourlandia
1 Oureuro = $0.27
or $1 = 3.70 Oureuro
189: The Incorporated States of Prism Point
1 dollar = $0.27
or $1 = 3.70 dollar
190: The Constitutional Monarchy of Loupos
1 R$ = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 R$
191: The Confederacy of Independent Cities of Georgia
1 Pedros = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 Pedros
192: The Commonwealth of Aemootoa
1 Baksep = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Baksep
193: The United Socialist States of The grand united soviet states
1 Το χολοτο = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Το χολοτο
194: The Federal Republic of Therrabrum
1 Therial = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Therial
195: The Republic of Proussarrra Cuth
1 finnies = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 finnies
196: The Empire of Cecilius Cesar
1 Lion Cubs = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Lion Cubs
197: The Commonwealth of Mable Island
1 euro = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 euro
198: The Federal Republic of Sim Paradise
1 dollar = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 dollar
199: The Republic of Thebeckettshow
1 doller = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 doller
200: The Moist Salty Undersea Domain of Dosidicus
1 ringlet = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 ringlet
201: The Free Land of NovaKomuna
1 Non-Coin = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 Non-Coin
202: The Queendom of DanicaDan
1 peso = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 peso
203: The Theocracy of Hamajura
1 Hajs = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 Hajs
204: The Most Serene Republic of Kon Ill
1 guilder = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 guilder
205: The Republic of Kiera
1 Kier = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Kier
206: The Federation of South East Asia and Oceania
1 Mark = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Mark
207: The Republic of Bigbalz
1 balz = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 balz
208: The Most Serene Republic of Dunehara
1 dollar = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 dollar
209: The Kingdom of Ribbon
1 streak = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 streak
210: The Empire of Egyptian Emporium
1 Dinar = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Dinar
211: The Empire of Great Takanakoi
1 Credit = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Credit
212: The Republic of Bresolia Empire
1 Jakz = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Jakz
213: The Republic of Kendall gray
1 chicken = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 chicken
214: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ailatornoa
1 pound = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 pound
215: The People's Republic of Konigsberg Oblast
1 Kopeck = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Kopeck
216: The Emirate of Konatistan
1 Ruplek = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Ruplek
217: The Empire of Viltrumm
1 Gold = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Gold
218: The Rogue Nation of Gay furry land
1 gay furry coin = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 gay furry coin
219: The Republic of Anglo-Tria
1 Pound = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Pound
220: The Confederacy of Kesset
1 Dollar = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Dollar
221: The Holy Blue Zombie of Royal
1 Gold Coin = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Gold Coin
222: The Grand Duchy of Ordianujion
1 pound = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 pound
223: The Empire of Solario
1 Sol = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Sol
224: The Dictatorship of Zaroc
1 rock = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 rock
225: The Empire of Kindom of Canada
1 Dorller = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Dorller
226: The Republic of NortonRex
1 Rx = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Rx
227: The Republic of Van Villan
1 franc = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 franc
228: The Federal Republic of Koln-Bonn
1 Euro = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Euro
229: The Democratic Republic of Jank-a-Bank Land
1 Dongy = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Dongy
230: The Dominion of Laweed
1 Leaf = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Leaf
231: The Empire of The Zam
1 peso = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 peso
232: The Empire of Tariuum
1 Col = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Col
233: The Federal Republic of Middward
1 dollar = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 dollar
234: The United Socialist States of Lobroynia
1 Lobron = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 Lobron
235: The Holy Empire of Siabia
1 siabian coin = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 siabian coin
236: The Republic of Mourbas
1 Lelda = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Lelda
237: The Dictatorship of NUlON EMPIRE
1 iniolion = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 iniolion
238: The Oppressed Peoples of Wendip
1 Stan Buck = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Stan Buck
239: The Republic of A lake of pink
1 Delta Eagle = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Delta Eagle
240: The Queendom of Terrifios
1 terrifian pound = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 terrifian pound
241: The Constitutional Monarchy of Brythonea
1 Cal = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Cal
242: The Queendom of Laeloria
1 Lunaris = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Lunaris
243: The United Kingdom of Southern Hajoga and Jekerelia
1 Herenva = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Herenva
244: The Empire of GurbetY
1 Oky = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Oky
245: The Kingdom of Cocksvaina
1 Money = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Money
246: The Democratic Republic of United States and many many more countys
1 Nukes = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Nukes
247: The Republic of Foreinlandia
1 Moolah = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 Moolah
248: The Republic of Mann co 2
1 Credit = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 Credit
249: The Republic of Utoipe
1 T?na = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 T?na
250: The Most Serene Republic of Uzaire
1 Deliere = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 Deliere
251: The Grand Duchy of Chiruelllen
1 bitcoin = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 bitcoin
252: The Constitutional Monarchy of Mongalme
1 Bitcoin = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 Bitcoin
253: The Principality of Zclaws Shales
1 ervo = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 ervo
254: The People's Republic of The Ashlands
1 credit = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 credit
255: The Commonwealth of Lerwick Township
1 Shetland Pound = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 Shetland Pound
256: The United States of Ossomak
1 dollar = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 dollar
257: The Commonwealth of Spindleplan
1 shiny = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 shiny
258: The Republic of Democracy is AWESOME
1 guilder = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 guilder
259: The Community of Bankless Eruistan
1 Coin = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 Coin
260: The Democratic Socialist States of Starulinska
1 gram = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 gram
261: The Commonwealth of Serious Keynesian
1 Bancor = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 Bancor
262: The Commonwealth of Aloalo Mun
1 Mun = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 Mun
263: The Rogue Nation of Kuphanthu
1 Sian = $0.12
or $1 = 8.33 Sian
264: The Republic of Ts pmo icl fr
1 dabloons = $0.12
or $1 = 8.33 dabloons
265: The Queendom of Feawild
1 rupee = $0.12
or $1 = 8.33 rupee
266: The Kingdom of Uusi Suomi
1 markka = $0.11
or $1 = 9.09 markka
267: The Republic of Theest Salkia
1 denier = $0.11
or $1 = 9.09 denier
268: The Kingdom of IbiSkib
1 skibidi = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 skibidi
269: The People's Republic of Flush of dawn
1 CNY = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 CNY
270: The Republic of Inperio burito
1 dolar burites = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 dolar burites
271: The Most Serene Republic of SushiSamba
1 Ounce = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 Ounce
272: The Kingdom of Moravia ScL Kingdom
1 Moravsk? Koruna = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 Moravsk? Koruna
273: The United Socialist States of Iragaelia
1 iro = $0.09
or $1 = 11.11 iro
274: The Democratic States of EuropeNation
1 Pounds = $0.09
or $1 = 11.11 Pounds
275: The Dominion of Are Dralicalles
1 krona = $0.09
or $1 = 11.11 krona
276: The Nomadic Peoples of Kamiziland
1 Kamizi Cash = $0.08
or $1 = 12.50 Kamizi Cash
277: The Commonality of Soviets of Astravica
1 kopek = $0.08
or $1 = 12.50 kopek
278: The Community of Omegatrol
1 trollface coin = $0.08
or $1 = 12.50 trollface coin
279: The Constitutional Monarchy of BarbadossiaNovaPapaState
1 Shnurivs'ka Grivna = $0.07
or $1 = 14.29 Shnurivs'ka Grivna
280: The Republic of Jastgro Moruegiyuth
1 baht = $0.07
or $1 = 14.29 baht
281: The Holy Empire of North Korenea
1 Dong = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 Dong
282: The Grand Duchy of Vawmeana
1 Von = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 Von
283: The Republic of Jutsilonia
1 bowl of corn chowder = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 bowl of corn chowder
284: The Non-Mjauing Justice of The Kaverian
1 Kaver = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 Kaver
285: The Solemn Courtyard of Socialist Adkissa
1 Adkissan Dollar = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 Adkissan Dollar
286: The Federal Republic of Ezaria
1 lier = $0.05
or $1 = 20.00 lier
287: The People's Republic of Reberean
1 dollar = $0.04
or $1 = 25.00 dollar
288: The Federation of Nova Internationale
1 Franc = $0.04
or $1 = 25.00 Franc
289: The Commonwealth of Mja
1 Faralried = $0.04
or $1 = 25.00 Faralried
290: The United Socialist States of Ferraritarian
1 Bean = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 Bean
291: The Free Land of Joviven
1 bolts = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 bolts
292: The United Socialist States of Calasso
1 v bux = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 v bux
293: The Holy Empire of CELLOM
1 bepi = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 bepi
294: The Commonwealth of Apalapucia
1 century = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 century
295: The Federation of Luminality
1 Bari = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Bari
296: The United Socialist States of New Socialist Super State
1 euro = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 euro
297: The People's Republic of Romaic
1 Ron = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Ron
298: The Matriarchy of TRTHNBB Sweeze
1 catnip = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 catnip
299: The United Socialist States of Glorious Soviet Motherland
1 Soviet Rouble = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Soviet Rouble
300: The Queendom of Gwen Tracer Allison Eveline Avril Oxton
1 Time Travel = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Time Travel
301: The Free Land of So Much Freedom
1 FreedomBuck = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 FreedomBuck
302: The Republic of Domecratik Supperman
1 WhyIsEverythingBeMoney = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 WhyIsEverythingBeMoney
303: The Allied States of Oldbay and Joku to Kaeffelland
1 Exudigung = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Exudigung
304: The Federation of Sera Valle
1 Vane = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Vane
305: The Democratic Republic of Niplusion
1 stones = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 stones
306: The United Socialist States of Aarsvyirska
1 St?bet?k = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 St?bet?k
307: The Republic of Korolkholm
1 Real = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Real
308: The Allied States of Cymarran
1 ari = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 ari
309: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kartouzhistan
1 denier = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 denier
310: The Most Serene Republic of TUPAARIS
1 Virtus = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Virtus
311: The People's Republic of Janata ka Raajy
1 Rupee = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 Rupee
312: The Rogue Nation of Swetopolis
1 swedish krona = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 swedish krona
313: The Hub of The New Way Party
1 New Way = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 New Way
314: The Elite Ambassador of Working Class Elite
1 ruble = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 ruble
315: The People's Republic of Slightly Newer Samon
1 pearl = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 pearl

I'm in the right Region, but I can't see My Nation?

Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. Sometimes other countries will no longer accept your moneis because your taxes are too high, you don't make anything of worth, or waste it all. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, it could change...

How Do I increase my Exchange Rate?

Exchange rates are a product of the calculations here.
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