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The Queendom of Arle Nadja

The Queendom of Arle Nadja


Region: Ambition
Quicksearch Query: Arle Nadja

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Arle Nadja Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Queendom
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Good
Civil Rights Rating: Superb
Political Freedoms: Excessive
Income Tax Rate: 13%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 104%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 107%
Major Industry: Information Technology
National Animal: wolf
Arle Nadja Demographics
Total Population: 5,936,000,000
Criminals: 671,343,803
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 749,998,764
Military & Reserves: ? 165,965,671
Students and Youth: 1,061,653,600
Unemployed but Able: 938,372,460
Working Class: 2,348,665,703
Arle Nadja Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $12,279,018,268,865.33
Government Expenditures: $11,665,067,355,422.07
Goverment Waste: $613,950,913,443.27
Goverment Efficiency: 95%
Arle Nadja Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $933,205,388,433.77 8%
Social Welfare: $2,216,362,797,530.19 19%
Healthcare: $1,399,808,082,650.65 12%
Education: $3,382,869,533,072.40 29%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defense: $1,283,157,409,096.43 11%
Law & Order: $816,554,714,879.55 7%
Commerce: $116,650,673,554.22 1%
Public Transport: $699,904,041,325.32 6%
The Environment: $116,650,673,554.22 1%
Social Equality: $816,554,714,879.55 7%
Arle NadjaWhite Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $10,305,000,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $1,736.02
Average Salary Per Employee: $3,173.64
Unemployment Rate: 24.35%
Consumption: $43,125,582,656,962.56
Exports: $6,514,227,798,016.00
Imports: $6,585,495,584,768.00
Trade Net: -71,267,786,752.00
Arle Nadja Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $10,337,336,282,883.51
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $1,145.68
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $542,710,154,851.38
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $307,061,529,113.81
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $739,739,138,319.63
Extortion & Blackmail: $251,232,160,184.02
Counterfeit Goods: $376,848,240,276.04
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $181,445,449,021.80
Theft & Disappearance: $530,379,004,832.94
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $572,251,031,530.28
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $111,658,737,859.57
Basic Necessitites : $1,032,843,325,200.99
School Loan Fraud : $823,483,191,714.30
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $4,445,054,601,639.91
Arle Nadja Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: yen
Exchange Rates: 1 yen = $0.18
  $1 = 5.57 yens
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $10,305,000,000,000.00 - 50%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $10,337,336,282,883.51 - 50%
Real Total Economy: $20,642,336,282,883.51          
Ambition Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $364,559,675,942,764,544
Region Wide Imports: $47,908,861,243,293,696
Largest Regional GDP: Shy Gal
Largest Regional Importer: Shy Gal
Regional Search Functions: All Ambition Nations.
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