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The Republic of Buckbeak Waf

The Republic of Buckbeak Waffle


Region: Calefacta Aquas Piscinae
Quicksearch Query: Buckbeak Waffle

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Buckbeak Waffle Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Republic
Government Priority: Law & Order
Economic Rating: Good
Civil Rights Rating: Very Good
Political Freedoms: Good
Income Tax Rate: 19%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 102%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 104%
Major Industry: Book Publishing
National Animal: buckbeak
Buckbeak Waffle Demographics
Total Population: 7,580,000,000
Criminals: 841,871,483
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 1,023,305,556
Military & Reserves: ? 231,984,971
Students and Youth: 1,299,212,000
Unemployed but Able: 1,193,597,468
Working Class: 2,990,028,521
Buckbeak Waffle Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $18,424,523,500,447.34
Government Expenditures: $17,687,542,560,429.44
Goverment Waste: $736,980,940,017.90
Goverment Efficiency: 96%
Buckbeak Waffle Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $1,591,878,830,438.65 9%
Social Welfare: $1,591,878,830,438.65 9%
Healthcare: $2,299,380,532,855.83 13%
Education: $2,122,505,107,251.53 12%
Religion & Spirituality: $707,501,702,417.18 4%
Defense: $2,122,505,107,251.53 12%
Law & Order: $3,006,882,235,273.01 17%
Commerce: $1,061,252,553,625.77 6%
Public Transport: $1,591,878,830,438.65 9%
The Environment: $884,377,128,021.47 5%
Social Equality: $530,626,276,812.88 3%
Buckbeak WaffleWhite Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $15,036,400,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $1,983.69
Average Salary Per Employee: $3,467.49
Unemployment Rate: 24.10%
Consumption: $48,885,822,966,988.80
Exports: $7,800,873,975,808.00
Imports: $8,158,637,457,408.00
Trade Net: -357,763,481,600.00
Buckbeak Waffle Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $18,105,163,382,442.18
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $1,774.41
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $2,308,408,331,261.38
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $585,269,774,646.25
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $945,435,789,813.17
Extortion & Blackmail: $675,311,278,437.98
Counterfeit Goods: $1,305,601,804,980.09
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $607,780,150,594.18
Theft & Disappearance: $720,332,030,333.85
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $1,440,664,060,667.69
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $427,697,143,010.72
Basic Necessitites : $742,842,406,281.78
School Loan Fraud : $652,800,902,490.05
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $7,785,220,254,450.14
Buckbeak Waffle Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: waffle
Exchange Rates: 1 waffle = $0.19
  $1 = 5.21 waffles
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $15,036,400,000,000.00 - 45%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $18,105,163,382,442.18 - 55%
Real Total Economy: $33,141,563,382,442.18          
Calefacta Aquas Piscinae Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $5,015,855,544,926,208
Region Wide Imports: $648,321,421,017,088
Largest Regional GDP: Suburbistanistan
Largest Regional Importer: Ramonsland
Regional Search Functions: All Calefacta Aquas Piscinae Nations.
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