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The New World Order of Holly

The New World Order of Hollywood Hogan

That doesn't work for me, Brother.

Region: the Pacific
Quicksearch Query: Hollywood Hogan

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Hollywood Hogan Domestic Statistics
Government Category: New World Order
Government Priority: Defence
Economic Rating: Frightening
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Rare
Income Tax Rate: 42%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 102%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 99%
Major Industry: Arms Manufacturing
National Animal: hulkamaniac
Hollywood Hogan Demographics
Total Population: 1,427,000,000
Criminals: 120,175,224
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 157,801,213
Military & Reserves: ? 82,085,074
Students and Youth: 273,270,500
Unemployed but Able: 191,710,776
Working Class: 601,957,212
Hollywood Hogan Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $24,857,646,372,539.60
Government Expenditures: $22,371,881,735,285.64
Goverment Waste: $2,485,764,637,253.96
Goverment Efficiency: 90%
Hollywood Hogan Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $2,013,469,356,175.71 9%
Social Welfare: $2,013,469,356,175.71 9%
Healthcare: $1,789,750,538,822.85 8%
Education: $3,355,782,260,292.85 15%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defense: $4,474,376,347,057.13 20%
Law & Order: $2,237,188,173,528.56 10%
Commerce: $4,250,657,529,704.27 19%
Public Transport: $1,118,594,086,764.28 5%
The Environment: $0.00 0%
Social Equality: $1,118,594,086,764.28 5%
Hollywood HoganWhite Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $18,136,700,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $12,709.67
Average Salary Per Employee: $19,776.13
Unemployment Rate: 14.40%
Consumption: $29,299,263,112,478.72
Exports: $6,340,637,341,184.00
Imports: $6,332,448,505,856.00
Trade Net: 8,188,835,328.00
Hollywood Hogan Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $68,104,448,465,414.64
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $47,225.80
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $5,107,833,634,906.10
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $3,590,807,045,338.99
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $2,782,875,460,137.72
Extortion & Blackmail: $5,027,129,863,474.58
Counterfeit Goods: $7,002,073,738,411.03
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $897,701,761,334.75
Theft & Disappearance: $2,334,024,579,470.34
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $5,206,670,215,741.53
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $448,850,880,667.37
Basic Necessitites : $3,411,266,693,072.04
School Loan Fraud : $2,693,105,284,004.24
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $29,284,912,840,128.30
Hollywood Hogan Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: finger poke of doom
Exchange Rates: 1 finger poke of doom = $1.05
  $1 = 0.95 finger poke of dooms
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $18,136,700,000,000.00 - 21%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $68,104,448,465,414.64 - 79%
Real Total Economy: $86,241,148,465,414.64          
the Pacific Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $251,952,333,590,626,304
Region Wide Imports: $31,624,421,873,549,312
Largest Regional GDP: Cuatela
Largest Regional Importer: Cuatela
Regional Search Functions: All the Pacific Nations.
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