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The Borderlands of Puppet St

The Borderlands of Puppet State 253

From Many, One

Region: Silly
Quicksearch Query: Puppet State 253

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Puppet State 253 Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Borderlands
Government Priority: Defence
Economic Rating: Good
Civil Rights Rating: Good
Political Freedoms: Very Good
Income Tax Rate: 37%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 101%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 103%
Major Industry: Cheese Exports
National Animal: swan
Puppet State 253 Demographics
Total Population: 1,042,000,000
Criminals: 110,748,052
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 134,538,859
Military & Reserves: ? 40,445,269
Students and Youth: 185,997,000
Unemployed but Able: 161,324,208
Working Class: 408,946,612
Puppet State 253 Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $3,922,718,168,349.41
Government Expenditures: $3,805,036,623,298.93
Goverment Waste: $117,681,545,050.48
Goverment Efficiency: 97%
Puppet State 253 Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $380,503,662,329.89 10%
Social Welfare: $418,554,028,562.88 11%
Healthcare: $494,654,761,028.86 13%
Education: $380,503,662,329.89 10%
Religion & Spirituality: $114,151,098,698.97 3%
Defense: $570,755,493,494.84 15%
Law & Order: $532,705,127,261.85 14%
Commerce: $152,201,464,931.96 4%
Public Transport: $380,503,662,329.89 10%
The Environment: $152,201,464,931.96 4%
Social Equality: $190,251,831,164.95 5%
Puppet State 253White Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $3,195,100,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $3,066.31
Average Salary Per Employee: $5,283.11
Unemployment Rate: 22.99%
Consumption: $5,128,826,954,711.04
Exports: $1,098,211,365,888.00
Imports: $1,105,709,367,296.00
Trade Net: -7,498,001,408.00
Puppet State 253 Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $4,687,705,692,338.25
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $3,492.38
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $492,209,097,695.52
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $188,325,353,392.03
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $233,164,723,247.27
Extortion & Blackmail: $167,400,314,126.25
Counterfeit Goods: $304,907,715,015.66
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $161,421,731,478.88
Theft & Disappearance: $215,228,975,305.17
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $376,650,706,784.05
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $107,614,487,652.59
Basic Necessitites : $221,207,557,952.54
School Loan Fraud : $143,485,983,536.78
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $2,015,713,447,705.45
Puppet State 253 Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: baht
Exchange Rates: 1 baht = $0.24
  $1 = 4.19 bahts
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $3,195,100,000,000.00 - 41%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $4,687,705,692,338.25 - 59%
Real Total Economy: $7,882,805,692,338.25          
Silly Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $1,960,874,432,528,384
Region Wide Imports: $264,519,821,557,760
Largest Regional GDP: BSN82
Largest Regional Importer: BSN82
Regional Search Functions: All Silly Nations.
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