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117 Countries populate the Region of Abandoned Branch

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Abandoned Branch.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Empire of Acreano
Pop: 256 Mil

2: The Republic of Adfaerw
Pop: 23 Mil

3: The Republic of Aem-87
Pop: 177 Mil

4: The Empire of Afridadiaia
Pop: 8 Mil

5: The Republic of Athena 55
Pop: 163 Mil

6: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 94
Pop: 457 Mil

7: The Holy Empire of Barrog
Pop: 353 Mil

8: The Protectorate of Basque Land
Pop: 69 Mil

9: The Neo-Empire of Beeducalm
Pop: 3,177 Mil

10: The Republic of Belkan National Reclamation Government
Pop: 133 Mil

11: The Republic of Bobby Portis
Pop: 528 Mil

12: The Principality of Boetio
Pop: 87 Mil

13: The Armed Republic of Brocia Bolbe
Pop: 45 Mil

14: The People of C Q B Z
Pop: 3,304 Mil

15: The Rogue Nation of Calloic
Pop: 50 Mil

16: The Republic of CARDTESTER27
Pop: 87 Mil

17: The Allied States of Cbuh3
Pop: 199 Mil

18: The Federation of Cliffskitan
Pop: 97 Mil

19: The Republic of Creotia
Pop: 98 Mil

20: The Republic of Date Tech
Pop: 581 Mil

21: The Republic of Deselt
Pop: 115 Mil

22: The Democratic States of Dimensional
Pop: 446 Mil

23: The Federation of Dogeland0
Pop: 238 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Drenger
Pop: 157 Mil

25: The Democratic Republic of Dunjimeiji
Pop: 87 Mil

26: The Kingdom of Elloniana
Pop: 74 Mil

27: The Republic of Er-37
Pop: 153 Mil

28: The Republic of Etaash102
Pop: 248 Mil

29: The Republic of Foo Farm 66
Pop: 213 Mil

30: The Federal Republic of Fornico
Pop: 111 Mil

31: The Community of Freadaiko
Pop: 230 Mil

32: The People's Republic of Free Anika Mudenland
Pop: 217 Mil

33: The Federal Republic of Fvv163
Pop: 475 Mil

34: The Federal Republic of Fvv245
Pop: 468 Mil

35: The Federal Republic of Fvv299
Pop: 455 Mil

36: The Federal Republic of Fvv370
Pop: 450 Mil

37: The Federal Republic of Fvv468
Pop: 457 Mil

38: The Federal Republic of Fvv97
Pop: 476 Mil

39: The Empire of Geconom
Pop: 89 Mil

40: The Rogue Nation of GSN33
Pop: 3,432 Mil

41: The Incorporated States of Haeson
Pop: 521 Mil

42: The Confederacy of Helgait
Pop: 753 Mil

43: The Borderlands of Hole in the Wall
Pop: 553 Mil

44: The Republic of HUR 1991
Pop: 50 Mil

45: The Republic of Huttundyzai
Pop: 12 Mil

46: The United Kingdom of Ikm207
Pop: 207 Mil

47: The Republic of Incineram Noct
Pop: 1,041 Mil

48: The Colony of Iowa Corn Fields
Pop: 206 Mil

49: The United Kingdom of Jackenit
Pop: 6 Mil

50: The Empire of Joe 00000000000000000000
Pop: 3,114 Mil

51: The Republic of Josh Hart
Pop: 223 Mil

52: The Republic of JustKeepFarming3
Pop: 163 Mil

53: The Republic of Kanahn
Pop: 963 Mil

54: The United States of Koleakoa
Pop: 83 Mil

55: The Sultanate of Korantha
Pop: 169 Mil

56: The Empire of Kumois
Pop: 56 Mil

57: The Republic of La Premiere
Pop: 50 Mil

58: The Republic of Lillantcres
Pop: 360 Mil

59: The Most Serene Republic of Lustful Deviants
Pop: 156 Mil

60: The United Kingdom of Luxembourg-Hungary-Bohemia
Pop: 108 Mil

61: The Republic of Middle Prielley
Pop: 170 Mil

62: The Empire of Murder42
Pop: 1,043 Mil

63: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 151
Pop: 114 Mil

64: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 2
Pop: 127 Mil

65: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 46
Pop: 110 Mil

66: The Grand Duchy of Neutralzone prime
Pop: 26 Mil

67: The Gootraxias of New order of Equus
Pop: 9,175 Mil

68: The Allied States of Northern Sun Unsh
Pop: 96 Mil

69: The Colony of Nova Blixia
Pop: 76 Mil

70: The People's Republic of Optimus Maximus
Pop: 2,586 Mil

71: The Republic of Osos
Pop: 304 Mil

72: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs94
Pop: 40 Mil

73: The Republic of Pontosu
Pop: 14 Mil

74: The Armed Republic of Puppets are complicated LII
Pop: 437 Mil

75: The Republic of Queijo16
Pop: 425 Mil

76: The Free Land of Robloxian County
Pop: 18 Mil

77: The Federal Republic of Rumiyad
Pop: 172 Mil

78: The Federation of Russenberg
Pop: 313 Mil

79: The Kingdom of Salem Heights
Pop: 29 Mil

80: The Sultanate of Sana Octilus
Pop: 658 Mil

81: The Republic of Santina
Pop: 102 Mil

82: The Republic of Seaules
Pop: 152 Mil

83: The Republic of Ship84
Pop: 121 Mil

84: The Colony of Solider creek
Pop: 165 Mil

85: The Republic of Soul1
Pop: 1,763 Mil

86: The Grand Duchy of Tanal Puzarmar
Pop: 429 Mil

87: The Empire of The Ascendant Pheonix
Pop: 148 Mil

88: The Hamilton Cult of The Jojos
Pop: 1,300 Mil

89: The Federation of The New Republic of Stern
Pop: 182 Mil

90: The Republic of Tingazaria
Pop: 105 Mil

91: The Republic of Tsar Bomb
Pop: 458 Mil

92: The Rogue Nation of Ubujia Island
Pop: 275 Mil

93: The United Kingdom of Ujn184
Pop: 185 Mil

94: The United Kingdom of Ujn268
Pop: 185 Mil

95: The United Kingdom of Ujn337
Pop: 177 Mil

96: The Democratic States of Unfectales
Pop: 495 Mil

97: The Empire of United Nations Repubilc
Pop: 325 Mil

98: The Empire of Valthyros
Pop: 75 Mil

99: The Republic of Vietnamguo
Pop: 69 Mil

100: The Protectorate of Voice of Akasha 34
Pop: 62 Mil

101: The Democratic Republic of Wss11
Pop: 421 Mil

102: The Democratic Republic of Wss32
Pop: 400 Mil

103: The United Kingdom of Wss333
Pop: 253 Mil

104: The United Kingdom of Wss413
Pop: 219 Mil

105: The Democratic Republic of Wss53
Pop: 399 Mil

106: The Borderlands of XDJ1
Pop: 502 Mil

107: The United Kingdom of Ynn193
Pop: 249 Mil

108: The United Kingdom of Ynn235
Pop: 257 Mil

109: The United Kingdom of Ynn289
Pop: 250 Mil

110: The United Kingdom of Ynn319
Pop: 238 Mil

111: The Republic of Yugoslavokia
Pop: 153 Mil

112: The Holy Empire of Yuki Land
Pop: 372 Mil

113: The Commonwealth of Zianistan
Pop: 158 Mil

114: The Republic of Zile
Pop: 171 Mil

115: The Democratic Republic of Zman133
Pop: 201 Mil

116: The Nomadic Peoples of Zman44
Pop: 396 Mil

117: The Empire of Zyaunheim
Pop: 308 Mil

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