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172 Countries populate the Region of Africa

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1: The Democratic Republic of -Abyssinia
Pop: 112 Mil

2: The Loving Couple of -Tr1bute4rt
Pop: 6,676 Mil

3: The Republic of ABSTANY
Pop: 202 Mil

4: The United States of Africa Creole Constitution
Pop: 1,485 Mil

5: The Office of Afro Founder
Pop: 12,066 Mil

6: The Song Contest of AfroVision
Pop: 1,662 Mil

7: The 'Constitutional' Monarchy of Akatsa-Iphuta
Pop: 2,792 Mil

8: The Emirate of Al-Akhira
Pop: 302 Mil

9: The Militant Group of Al-Shabaab
Pop: 3,179 Mil

10: The Kingdom of Algath
Pop: 321 Mil

11: The Empire of Andranion
Pop: 244 Mil

12: The Republic of Aryazan Xen
Pop: 16,534 Mil

13: The Empire of Ashanti
Pop: 28,088 Mil

14: The Holy Empire of Avrea Chersonesvs
Pop: 1,669 Mil

15: The Kingdom of Awellian Islands
Pop: 6,061 Mil

16: The Republic of Azaouad
Pop: 595 Mil

17: The United Kingdom of Benyaka Island
Pop: 501 Mil

18: The Republic of Bharat Girl Summer
Pop: 1,302 Mil

19: The Unrecognized State of Biafra
Pop: 28,026 Mil

20: The Realm of Borunsia
Pop: 6,370 Mil

21: The Democratic States of Bro Kinaba
Pop: 4,875 Mil

22: The Most Serene Republic of Calm down
Pop: 1,050 Mil

23: The Democratic Republic of Castivo
Pop: 295 Mil

24: The Dictatorship of Cerezia and Seltsam
Pop: 26 Mil

25: The Kingdom of Christian Sahara
Pop: 78 Mil

26: The Republic of Cianliesa
Pop: 439 Mil

27: The Kingdom of Clovisvaska
Pop: 496 Mil

28: The Arab Socialist Jamahiriya of Cobra Sahara
Pop: 6,751 Mil

29: The People's Republic of CoffeeLovers
Pop: 1,407 Mil

30: The Commonwealth of Coffin dancers
Pop: 4,853 Mil

31: The Democratic States of Compou
Pop: 104 Mil

32: The Republic of Cote d Ivoire
Pop: 5,468 Mil

33: The Federal Technocracy of Croydonfederaltechnocary
Pop: 4,310 Mil

34: The Principality of Damiansk
Pop: 202 Mil

35: The Kingdom of Danxome
Pop: 6,116 Mil

36: The Principality of De Leur
Pop: 7,791 Mil

37: The Sole Pride of Derakmania
Pop: 10,968 Mil

38: The Democratic Republic of Derqal
Pop: 271 Mil

39: The Kingdom of Desonea
Pop: 999 Mil

40: The Democratic Republic of DRC
Pop: 5,688 Mil

41: The Holy Socialist Paradise of East Africanism
Pop: 4,142 Mil

42: The Democratic Republic of East Kandar
Pop: 1,147 Mil

43: The Confederacy of Edgetown
Pop: 6,283 Mil

44: The Constitutional Monarchy of Egeya
Pop: 210 Mil

45: The Federation of Federal Saint Paul
Pop: 273 Mil

46: The Armed Republic of Federated Sahel States
Pop: 9 Mil

47: The Republic of Forcosts
Pop: 5,917 Mil

48: The Empire of Freaker
Pop: 538 Mil

49: The People's Republic of Free Democratic Peoples Republic of Chad
Pop: 682 Mil

50: The African Colony of French Mombombu
Pop: 10,093 Mil

51: The Protectorat of French South Africa
Pop: 1,138 Mil

52: The Commonwealth of Gaabagoo
Pop: 127 Mil

53: The Republic of Gambia
Pop: 28,052 Mil

54: The Republic of Genosha-
Pop: 1,778 Mil

55: The United Socialist States of GLOMP
Pop: 1,202 Mil

56: The Armed Republic of Great Chinaa
Pop: 548 Mil

57: The Democratic Republic of Great Congo
Pop: 404 Mil

58: The Most Serene Republic of Great Guiana
Pop: 3,178 Mil

59: The Republic of Hornica
Pop: 94 Mil

60: The Most Serene Republic of Hugothia
Pop: 5,981 Mil

61: The Republic of Irakianstian
Pop: 87 Mil

62: The Colony of Iskawle
Pop: 326 Mil

63: The Republic of Ivory Coast
Pop: 5,564 Mil

64: The Commonwealth of Jejiland
Pop: 1,001 Mil

65: The People's Republic of Jiuzhou
Pop: 2,981 Mil

66: The Dictatorship of Kaanat
Pop: 1,049 Mil

67: The African Republic of Kadera
Pop: 818 Mil

68: The Oppressed Peoples of Kataya
Pop: 894 Mil

69: The Republic of Kenitra
Pop: 1,070 Mil

70: The Commonwealth of Keralabama
Pop: 1,289 Mil

71: The Most Serene Republic of Kindred Commonwealth
Pop: 495 Mil

72: The Dominion of Kingdom of Saint Paul
Pop: 1,374 Mil

73: The Kingdom of Klatteria
Pop: 134 Mil

74: The Multifunctional Nomadics of Koekeloerders
Pop: 34,480 Mil

75: The Earth Empire of Kuvirastan
Pop: 4,107 Mil

76: The Federal Republic of Libesia
Pop: 1,420 Mil

77: The United States of Linkinite
Pop: 5,882 Mil

78: The Greater Empire of Lower Nubia
Pop: 15,616 Mil

79: The Empire of Lunar sand
Pop: 1,102 Mil

80: The Kingdom of Mabanmanga
Pop: 14,533 Mil

81: The Red Sultanate of Majeerteen
Pop: 17,441 Mil

82: The Protected Area of Malanga Tribe
Pop: 742 Mil

83: The District of Mali Adrar
Pop: 45,173 Mil

84: The Islamic Republic of Maliki Mauritania
Pop: 9,887 Mil

85: The Sultanate of Marrakeshk
Pop: 4,593 Mil

86: The Commonwealth of Maschfuert
Pop: 1,138 Mil

87: The Rogue Nation of Mattheo
Pop: 5,973 Mil

88: The Republic of Maziara
Pop: 511 Mil

89: The Kingdom of Mbangawi
Pop: 14,655 Mil

90: The United States of Mesothallania
Pop: 5,931 Mil

91: The United States of Mesozoique
Pop: 3,870 Mil

92: The Federation of Mizagrib
Pop: 341 Mil

93: The African Republic of Mombombu
Pop: 23,754 Mil

94: The Kingdom of Morocco
Pop: 12,812 Mil

95: The Volcanic African Queendom of Mount-Kilimanjaro
Pop: 15,585 Mil

96: The Rogue Nation of MSN49
Pop: 4,788 Mil

97: The Rogue Nation of MSN80
Pop: 4,752 Mil

98: The Republic of Nakuru
Pop: 187 Mil

99: The Dictatorship of Nambosia
Pop: 2,136 Mil

100: The Kingdom of Nambutu
Pop: 21,881 Mil

101: The Dictatorship of Nasorta
Pop: 2,354 Mil

102: The Republic of Nationalist Nigeria
Pop: 1,472 Mil

103: The Empire of Navgastia
Pop: 194 Mil

104: The People's Republic of New Akzvoria
Pop: 26 Mil

105: The Confederacy of New Palmdale
Pop: 4,930 Mil

106: The Borderlands of NewGermanSouthAfrica
Pop: 1,447 Mil

107: The Republic of NewLasVegas
Pop: 156 Mil

108: The Dictatorship of Nexdoria
Pop: 8,584 Mil

109: The Ijoba Aiku of Ngoltang
Pop: 9,914 Mil

110: The Federation of Nigoario
Pop: 1,909 Mil

111: The Federal Republic of North Mayensia
Pop: 2,102 Mil

112: The Democratic Republic of Nyarua
Pop: 852 Mil

113: The Kingdom of Nyasaland
Pop: 24,898 Mil

114: The Dominion of Obono
Pop: 532 Mil

115: The Sultanate of Old Andalusia
Pop: 9 Mil

116: The Volkstaat of Orania
Pop: 956 Mil

117: The Empire of OsmanliDevlet
Pop: 813 Mil

118: The Colony and Protectorate of Ost-Bewakinland
Pop: 1,874 Mil

119: The Democratic Republic of Ouadhia
Pop: 2,365 Mil

120: The Fair Queendom of Phazania
Pop: 45,703 Mil

121: The Empire of Portugolia
Pop: 1,092 Mil

122: The Republic of Qahrania
Pop: 3,514 Mil

123: The Zulu Queendom of Queen Silomo
Pop: 15,669 Mil

124: The Sultanate of Ritaki
Pop: 12,844 Mil

125: The Secularist Federal Republic of Roentgenia
Pop: 965 Mil

126: The Kingdom of Rthaawaland
Pop: 812 Mil

127: The Empire of Russian Imperial Kingdom
Pop: 363 Mil

128: The Federal Republic of Russian-Ukrainian Republic
Pop: 2,182 Mil

129: The Kingdom of Sachanese
Pop: 390 Mil

130: The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
Pop: 5,653 Mil

131: The Democratic Republic of Sconlod
Pop: 1,433 Mil

132: The Dictatorship of Scrambled Voucher
Pop: 707 Mil

133: The Alien Sultanate of Serandum
Pop: 46,321 Mil

134: The United Kingdom of Shakova and the Chatham Islands
Pop: 8,665 Mil

135: The Smuggest Armed Republic of Siaral
Pop: 17,861 Mil

136: The Democratic Republic of Sivyl
Pop: 243 Mil

137: The People's Republic of Skendria
Pop: 203 Mil

138: The People's Republic of South Darolia
Pop: 809 Mil

139: The Slangnaist state of South Mayensia
Pop: 1,479 Mil

140: The United Socialist States of Stuatragerl
Pop: 1,073 Mil

141: The Independent Kingdom of Sudoeste
Pop: 6,737 Mil

142: The People's Republic of Sulan
Pop: 20 Mil

143: The Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Union
Pop: 9,290 Mil

144: The Federal Republic of Tanzanique
Pop: 11,267 Mil

145: The Democratic Republic of That Awful Place
Pop: 16,343 Mil

146: The Republic of The Colony of Sagallo
Pop: 1,136 Mil

147: The Federation of The Free French Colonial Confederation
Pop: 274 Mil

148: The Kingdom of The Kongo
Pop: 914 Mil

149: The Democracy of The Nebraska Huskers
Pop: 4,361 Mil

150: The United Kingdoms of The Nebraska Republic
Pop: 9,644 Mil

151: The Dominion of The Overseers of Mesothallania
Pop: 702 Mil

152: The Holy Empire of The top hat
Pop: 878 Mil

153: The United Republic of Transvaall
Pop: 5,328 Mil

154: The Sheikhdom of Trarza
Pop: 11,319 Mil

155: The Republic of Umayyik al-Khafaldur
Pop: 804 Mil

156: The Royal States of Union New Canadian-American Acadia
Pop: 3,952 Mil

157: The Allied States of Union of Afro-Euroasian Alliances
Pop: 1,659 Mil

158: The Incorporated States of Vivincinia
Pop: 246 Mil

159: The Hidden Kingdom of Wakanda
Pop: 14,657 Mil

160: The Republic of Waranta
Pop: 1,522 Mil

161: The Constitutional Monarchy of West Angola
Pop: 28,560 Mil

162: The State of West Kandar
Pop: 2,348 Mil

163: The Republic of West Togoland
Pop: 1,754 Mil

164: The Republic of Western Sahara
Pop: 45,771 Mil

165: The People's Republic of Xamunda
Pop: 134 Mil

166: The Rogue Nation of XuieWu
Pop: 800 Mil

167: The United States of Yandy
Pop: 1,386 Mil

168: The Dominion of Yunji
Pop: 5,599 Mil

169: The Socialist Republic of Zambique
Pop: 18,918 Mil

170: The State of Zeo
Pop: 3,160 Mil

171: The People's Republic of Zodolon
Pop: 32 Mil

172: The Republic of Zoowanatou
Pop: 14,753 Mil

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