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166 Countries populate the Region of Albastru

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1: The Dictatorship of Acaisain empire
Pop: 142 Mil

2: The Republic of Aguaniama
Pop: 56 Mil

3: The Free Land of Albastru News
Pop: 237 Mil

4: The Federation of Altir
Pop: 895 Mil

5: The Sultanate of Ambriana
Pop: 332 Mil

6: The Union of Amosina
Pop: 3,764 Mil

7: The Republic of Antesiesia
Pop: 1,160 Mil

8: The Free Land of Appendicitopia
Pop: 897 Mil

9: The Commonwealth of Appy Namicpamell
Pop: 605 Mil

10: The Thousand Scattered Islands of Araj Bev Quiel Los Des Des
Pop: 663 Mil

11: The Arboric Republic of Arborgreen
Pop: 2,459 Mil

12: The People's Republic of Auramtania
Pop: 351 Mil

13: The Emirate of Bahrana
Pop: 90 Mil

14: The People's Republic of Baikhan
Pop: 283 Mil

15: The Democratic Republic of Bazaar
Pop: 20 Mil

16: The Something or Other State of Binstone
Pop: 3,456 Mil

17: The Demutualized Nation of Blackhill
Pop: 1,209 Mil

18: The Blue Unified Government of Bluu
Pop: 1,170 Mil

19: The Incorporated States of Camerali
Pop: 382 Mil

20: The Republic of Cantergury
Pop: 32 Mil

21: The Rogue Nation of Cardboardistan
Pop: 80 Mil

22: The Confederacy of Cardoni
Pop: 36 Mil

23: The Republic of Cetary
Pop: 1,907 Mil

24: The People's Republic of Cootan
Pop: 29 Mil

25: The People's Republic of Cuppy Dog City
Pop: 306 Mil

26: The Federal Republic of Cynthra
Pop: 5,288 Mil

27: The Empire of Darjhk
Pop: 62 Mil

28: The Kingdom of Diass
Pop: 88 Mil

29: The Holy Empire of Elvoland
Pop: 3,302 Mil

30: The Democratic Republic of Enqiutia
Pop: 50 Mil

31: The Fiefdom of Enys
Pop: 21,528 Mil

32: The Grand Duchy of European Karana
Pop: 88 Mil

33: The Republic of EXPERITERRAMENT
Pop: 72 Mil

34: The Most Serene Republic of Fluffing Kitties
Pop: 108 Mil

35: The Empire of Foxytowm
Pop: 26 Mil

36: The Colony of Fred russia
Pop: 86 Mil

37: The Republic of Fritixland
Pop: 515 Mil

38: The Republic of Fury Overla
Pop: 839 Mil

39: The Commonwealth of Galtrix
Pop: 106 Mil

40: The Democratic Republic of Gandeeland
Pop: 2,212 Mil

41: The Republic of Gemnoviag
Pop: 5,171 Mil

42: The Empire of GHY
Pop: 62 Mil

43: The Republic of Gosta
Pop: 50 Mil

44: The Rogue Nation of GSN4
Pop: 3,470 Mil

45: The Federal Republic of Hailiiya
Pop: 646 Mil

46: The Empire of Halkeganiae
Pop: 113 Mil

47: The Republic of Hardbania
Pop: 3,736 Mil

48: The Autocracy of Haslopp
Pop: 1,369 Mil

49: The Dictatorship of Hassinya
Pop: 356 Mil

50: The Republic of Hexatanople
Pop: 780 Mil

51: The Empire of Holy city empire
Pop: 229 Mil

52: The Militarized Republic of Iikaah
Pop: 788 Mil

53: The Republic of Ilkeston
Pop: 5,220 Mil

54: The Federal Republic of Inclu
Pop: 1,765 Mil

55: The Republic of Indochina Peninsula
Pop: 32 Mil

56: The Confederacy of IslandMammoth
Pop: 1,007 Mil

57: The Republic of Jamoney Republic
Pop: 249 Mil

58: The Dictatorship of Jong-Un
Pop: 32 Mil

59: The Commonwealth of Kairsoftia
Pop: 242 Mil

60: The Kingdom of Karmahiraj
Pop: 272 Mil

61: The Theocratic Republic of Kastaryn
Pop: 924 Mil

62: The Sultanate of Kizixar
Pop: 681 Mil

63: The Federal Republic of Kogi
Pop: 2,572 Mil

64: The Federal Republic of Kwangyea
Pop: 508 Mil

65: The Most Serene Republic of La Soleil
Pop: 800 Mil

66: The Republic of Lady Anastasia of Kensington
Pop: 400 Mil

67: The Kingdom of Lebron James Gooners
Pop: 56 Mil

68: The Democratic Republic of Liboneland
Pop: 482 Mil

69: The Republic of Losdiablos
Pop: 32 Mil

70: The Cursed Inevitability of Lost Dominos Drivers
Pop: 3,782 Mil

71: The Commonwealth of Maeralier
Pop: 50 Mil

72: The Republic of Melvaria
Pop: 20 Mil

73: The Kingdom of Mertza
Pop: 669 Mil

74: The Republic of Mesuckriia
Pop: 12 Mil

75: The Republic of Micosoft edge
Pop: 208 Mil

76: The United States of Middle Children
Pop: 150 Mil

77: The Kingdom of Midton
Pop: 614 Mil

78: The Democratic States of Mirzaistan
Pop: 98 Mil

79: The Parliamentary Democracy of Montana Commonwealth
Pop: 1,189 Mil

80: The People's Republic of Moving Shadow
Pop: 639 Mil

81: The Federation of Mrmloia
Pop: 1,692 Mil

82: The Empire of Narcoizia
Pop: 20 Mil

83: The Republic of Navarda
Pop: 448 Mil

84: The Commonwealth of Naxarene
Pop: 327 Mil

85: The Federal Republic of New Land of Cadajous
Pop: 232 Mil

86: The Incorporated States of North Ufre
Pop: 14 Mil

87: The Matriarchy of North Varna
Pop: 450 Mil

88: The One People of Oari
Pop: 1,076 Mil

89: The Sovereign empire of Odezya
Pop: 890 Mil

90: The Empire of Oromei
Pop: 32 Mil

91: The Republic of Pais Numero Dos
Pop: 12 Mil

92: The Dominion of Panaoa
Pop: 700 Mil

93: The Community of Pandaland9
Pop: 240 Mil

94: The United Kingdom of Pasforia
Pop: 50 Mil

95: The Holy Empire of Pomos
Pop: 211 Mil

96: The Kingdom of Portaz
Pop: 487 Mil

97: The Queendom of Prussels
Pop: 292 Mil

98: The Republic of Punland
Pop: 2,932 Mil

99: The Holy Empire of Qawaddam
Pop: 10 Mil

100: The Holy Empire of Qualunque cosalandia
Pop: 8 Mil

101: The Kingdom of Quapolia
Pop: 481 Mil

102: The Noble Sovereign Kingdom of Quezon Manila
Pop: 2,490 Mil

103: The Confederacy of Quire
Pop: 40 Mil

104: The Republic of Ramerland
Pop: 431 Mil

105: The Empire of RANIAREE
Pop: 45 Mil

106: The Commonwealth of Rdanni
Pop: 50 Mil

107: The Federal Democratic of Republic of the Argentina
Pop: 20,511 Mil

108: The Confederacy of Reservel
Pop: 409 Mil

109: The Empire of Rhemaneia
Pop: 362 Mil

110: The Riassi Republic of Riassi
Pop: 583 Mil

111: The United Kingdom of Romgarina
Pop: 1,632 Mil

112: The Kingdom of Romillia
Pop: 40 Mil

113: The Federation of Sailfish Land
Pop: 510 Mil

114: The Democratic Republic of Saintfu
Pop: 2,721 Mil

115: The Republic of Santaros
Pop: 195 Mil

116: The Syndicate of Scarlet Veil
Pop: 871 Mil

117: The Glorious State of Sckotonia
Pop: 4,730 Mil

118: The People's Republic of Sensationa
Pop: 20 Mil

119: The Federal Republic of Shinn Land
Pop: 32 Mil

120: The Democratic republic of Sho sho land
Pop: 3,915 Mil

121: The Buddhist Republic of Soumyajitstan
Pop: 5,104 Mil

122: The Constitutional Monarchy of South Darcia
Pop: 338 Mil

123: The Incorporated States of Stolen Elections
Pop: 710 Mil

124: The Democratic Republic of Swingwrk Evistermy
Pop: 715 Mil

125: The Emirate of Tajikykyrgz
Pop: 36 Mil

126: The Constitutional Monarchy of Talaneris
Pop: 97 Mil

127: The Republic of Tantrua
Pop: 2,520 Mil

128: The Dualist Republic of Tarvozzia
Pop: 934 Mil

129: The Commonwealth of ThatRandomSociety
Pop: 667 Mil

130: The Armed Republic of The Boer Air Force
Pop: 29 Mil

131: The Empire of The Cesar
Pop: 1,807 Mil

132: The Democratic Republic of The Championz
Pop: 502 Mil

133: The Federation of The Cool Zone
Pop: 9 Mil

134: The Rogue Nation of The Crying River
Pop: 807 Mil

135: The Kingdom of The Fyord Islands
Pop: 157 Mil

136: The Kingdom of The Holy Kingdom of Bob the Seal
Pop: 20 Mil

137: The Kingdom of THE LOTM
Pop: 40 Mil

138: The Theocracy of The Mountiers
Pop: 26 Mil

139: The United States of The North American Legionary State
Pop: 308 Mil

140: The Incorporated States of The Palladium Corporation
Pop: 723 Mil

141: The United States of The Republic of Leeds
Pop: 451 Mil

142: The Commonwealth of The Second Boer Republic
Pop: 36 Mil

143: The Borderlands of The Slayer Coast
Pop: 56 Mil

144: The Kingdom of The State of Gujarat
Pop: 2,464 Mil

145: The Smoke of Tobacco
Pop: 5,497 Mil

146: The United Socialist States of Truemen and little women
Pop: 20 Mil

147: The Democratic Republic of Turandota
Pop: 40 Mil

148: The Federal Republic of Tusktop
Pop: 32 Mil

149: The Federal Republic of Tzedekia
Pop: 1,917 Mil

150: The Theocracy of Ulashat
Pop: 878 Mil

151: The Kingdom of Underground nation
Pop: 794 Mil

152: The Republic of United Clonmel
Pop: 858 Mil

153: The Kingdom of United kingdom of Olympia
Pop: 56 Mil

154: The Emirate of United Roughwor
Pop: 338 Mil

155: The Republic of United Torans
Pop: 95 Mil

156: The Democratic Republic of Untied States of Bududa
Pop: 9 Mil

157: The Constitutional Monarchy of Urdaneta
Pop: 11,923 Mil

158: The United Socialist States of Uzbek language
Pop: 16 Mil

159: The Free People's Republic of Valtheronesia
Pop: 810 Mil

160: The Republic of Veloris
Pop: 215 Mil

161: The United States of Venosi
Pop: 1,299 Mil

162: The Colony of Vinelinstant
Pop: 18 Mil

163: The Federation of Vishaconia
Pop: 29 Mil

164: The United Socialist States of Western Brittania
Pop: 778 Mil

165: The Social democracy of Woood
Pop: 1,477 Mil

166: The Holy Empire of YACHII
Pop: 12 Mil

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