1: The Democratic Republic of A Republica Galactica Pop: 333 Mil 2: The Republic of ACacre Pop: 299 Mil 3: The Sultanate of Al-Mawardi Pop: 746 Mil 4: The Revolutionary Superstate of Alario Pop: 5,360 Mil 5: The Rogue Nation of Alianca Separatista Pop: 316 Mil 6: The Sovereign Union of Peoples of Amerika do sul Pop: 3,576 Mil 7: The People's Republic of Angolistas Pop: 69 Mil 8: The Commonwealth of Angra dos Reis Pop: 372 Mil 9: The Queendom of Arakeia Pop: 194 Mil 10: The Community of Arthanis Pop: 255 Mil 11: The Republic of Banco Central de Arakeia Pop: 8 Mil 12: The Commonwealth of Banco da Solidariedade de Arakeia Pop: 7 Mil 13: The Republic of Bolsomito fanclub Pop: 20 Mil 14: The Honestidade petista do amor of Bostizuela Pop: 1,186 Mil 15: The Federal Republic of Braza Pop: 8,192 Mil 16: The AI Distopia of Cafe Hell Pop: 8,587 Mil 17: The United People's Kingdom of Charavent Pop: 6,243 Mil 18: The Queendom of Clever Kingdom Pop: 2,864 Mil 19: The Republic of Corlayis Pop: 8 Mil 20: The Serene Monarchy of Cremonesi Pop: 3,414 Mil 21: The Federation of Cristtalia Pop: 1,184 Mil 22: The Theocracy of Crisyon Pop: 100 Mil 23: The Colony of Deep Hollow Pop: 16 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Dei Voluntas Pop: 6,741 Mil 25: The Dictatorship of Elustum Pop: 56 Mil 26: The Colony of Emperva Pop: 56 Mil 27: The Constitutional Monarchy of Empire of Vera Cruz Pop: 1,880 Mil 28: The Social Imperial State of Erindia Pop: 2,567 Mil 29: The Error 404812727282288 of Evillboy Pop: 4,200 Mil 30: The Democratic Republic of Favelasil Pop: 62 Mil 31: The Novo Imp?rio Arakeiano of Finland Countryball Pop: 3,656 Mil 32: The Federative Royal Monarchy of Gateshi Pop: 5,177 Mil 33: The Monarchy of Germanic Holy Roman Empire Pop: 3,337 Mil 34: The ????MANGANHATO MANGA???? of Grawal Pop: 1,149 Mil 35: The Republic of Griekan Pop: 45 Mil 36: The Nation of Gunsdile Pop: 6,743 Mil 37: The Democratic States of Honkland Pop: 80 Mil 38: The Borderlands of Hulsbraunreichenwaldt Pop: 238 Mil 39: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ilhas Avarantinas Pop: 16 Mil 40: The District of Ilhas Serenas Pop: 1,776 Mil 41: The Confederacy of JCL Pop: 56 Mil 42: The Kingdom of Joaozinho Pop: 6,759 Mil 43: The Republic of Kazarchn Pop: 32 Mil 44: The Federal Union of Konstantino Pop: 1,478 Mil 45: The Imperial Gateshian Colony of Kyoteshi Pop: 1,110 Mil 46: The Federal Republic of Larnotzka Pop: 5,393 Mil 47: The Community of Leocalia Pop: 264 Mil 48: The Royal and Space Confederates of Lieria Pop: 4,936 Mil 49: The People's Republic of Lisbasul Pop: 69 Mil 50: The Worker's Union of Livenkenchee Pop: 8,845 Mil 51: The Democratic Republic of Lormana Pop: 262 Mil | 52: The Free States of Los Vales Pop: 4,120 Mil 53: The Anarco-ex Integralismo of Lugar Anarquista Pop: 766 Mil 54: The Grand Duchy of Lunarbor Pop: 404 Mil 55: The Feline Federation of Meowkadia Pop: 939 Mil 56: The Transition to Independence of Miocrun Pop: 1,202 Mil 57: The Oceanic Federation of Miokandia Pop: 2,880 Mil 58: The Military Republic of Morensa Pop: 1,633 Mil 59: The United States of Municipality of Sorocaba Pop: 111 Mil 60: The Proletarian Dictatorship of Neponian Pop: 2,561 Mil 61: The Socialist Federal Kingdom of New osethia Pop: 1,817 Mil 62: The Imp?rio Caramelo of New Vaslevia Pop: 3,168 Mil 63: The Dominion of Nisari Pop: 159 Mil 64: The Technocratic Republic of Norrund Pop: 1,357 Mil 65: The Democratic Republic of Northern Dariel Pop: 246 Mil 66: The Commonwealth of Nova Folha de Arakeia Pop: 18 Mil 67: The Republic of Panclestina Pop: 1,937 Mil 68: The Archont of Paradisland Pop: 1,249 Mil 69: The Theocracy of Pilares Pop: 263 Mil 70: The Community of Pontelibra Pop: 245 Mil 71: The Republic of Potrnor Pop: 45 Mil 72: The Kingdom of Prusrael Pop: 40 Mil 73: The Litovakian Hyper Federation of Quanddong Pop: 1,806 Mil 74: The Armed Republic of Rarcamontium Pop: 56 Mil 75: The Constitutional Monarchy of Reino Unido de Bravouro e Castelmar Pop: 267 Mil 76: The Federation of Republica da mancha Pop: 6,046 Mil 77: The Principality of Roruz Pop: 10 Mil 78: The Parliamentary Republic of Russiane Pop: 16,999 Mil 79: The Fallen Machine of Sah A Pop: 5,329 Mil 80: The Most Serene Republic of Saint Juliano Pop: 264 Mil 81: The Matriarchy of Saint Nathalie Pop: 255 Mil 82: The Jewish Kingdom of Sortvibelo Pop: 4,456 Mil 83: The Colony of Sortvibelo Jornal News Arakeia Pop: 18 Mil 84: The Allied States of Southern Dariel Pop: 257 Mil 85: The Theocracy of Southern Leocalia Pop: 251 Mil 86: The Commonwealth of SPORT CLUB DO RECIFE Pop: 802 Mil 87: The Republic of Stentimarg Pop: 29 Mil 88: The United Kingdom of Sul Dos Guri Pop: 6,780 Mil 89: The Democratic States of Thauanu Pop: 241 Mil 90: The Parasaridian Empire of The Thg Pop: 3,475 Mil 91: The Holy Empire of Thenates Pop: 69 Mil 92: The Favela do Morro independente of Tribo dos cria Pop: 4,079 Mil 93: The Celestial Empire of Vaticanistan Pop: 1,845 Mil 94: The People's democratic Republic of Venezaue Pop: 2,071 Mil 95: The Holy Empire of Vollim Rabat Pop: 1,212 Mil 96: The People's Republic of Westhern Thuanu Pop: 262 Mil 97: The United States of Yasquin Pop: 74 Mil 98: The Free Land of Zanibie Pop: 253 Mil 99: The Matriarchy of Zelphyria Pop: 484 Mil |