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35 Countries populate the Region of Aureum locum

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Aureum locum.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Community of 5 Percent Nation of Lake Edna
Pop: 2,228 Mil

2: The Republic of A lake of red
Pop: 4,134 Mil

3: The Democratic States of Aurornor
Pop: 2,581 Mil

4: The Republic of Bocchi28
Pop: 3,078 Mil

5: The Dominion of Cens Nampon
Pop: 2,416 Mil

6: The Federal Republic of Combat ready
Pop: 2,482 Mil

7: The Kingdom of Free Ver Zelion
Pop: 2,841 Mil

8: The Federal Republic of Fvv397
Pop: 462 Mil

9: The Deep Sea Barfighter of Jetsam
Pop: 4,008 Mil

10: The Dictatorship of Mayer Con
Pop: 472 Mil

11: The Oppressed Peoples of MH-XXIII
Pop: 928 Mil

12: The Queendom of Momona Tamada
Pop: 304 Mil

13: The Dictatorship of Ms Evil
Pop: 2,738 Mil

14: The Clergy of Nameless Ghoul XXI
Pop: 2,550 Mil

15: The Democratic Republic of Neo XII
Pop: 2,214 Mil

16: The Republic of Poppin
Pop: 2,513 Mil

17: The Confederacy of Princess XCI
Pop: 665 Mil

18: The Armed Republic of Rukatori
Pop: 700 Mil

19: The Federal Republic of Shaddoll
Pop: 2,829 Mil

20: The Armed Republic of Shorareni
Pop: 812 Mil

21: The Community of Song Hana
Pop: 531 Mil

22: The Empire of Sonorous Sands
Pop: 646 Mil

23: The Republic of SSN8
Pop: 4,744 Mil

24: The Republic of St Joe National Forest
Pop: 2,879 Mil

25: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCCLXIV
Pop: 1,158 Mil

26: The Garrison of The 106th Ecalpan Regulars
Pop: 2,487 Mil

27: The Republic of The Air Force of South Asians 14
Pop: 3,766 Mil

28: The Principality of The Caustic Countess
Pop: 2,360 Mil

29: The Oppressed Peoples of The Telescope
Pop: 2,475 Mil

30: The Republic of Tim Hardaway Jr
Pop: 209 Mil

31: The Rouge Red Republic of Tortugan
Pop: 2,442 Mil

32: The Republic of Trinity National Forest
Pop: 2,858 Mil

33: The Jingoistic States of Unia Cry Zimen
Pop: 2,834 Mil

34: The People's Republic of Union of Federative Soviet Republics
Pop: 799 Mil

35: The Republic of Zhloo
Pop: 283 Mil

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