1: The Republic of Aachene Pop: 144 Mil 2: The Kingdom of Alleras Pop: 111 Mil 3: The People's Republic of Apparatchiks Pop: 6,801 Mil 4: The Republic of ArdulFurataini Watan Pop: 161 Mil 5: The Empire of Astil F Pop: 98 Mil 6: The United Socialist States of Aurora Trinity Pop: 3,294 Mil 7: The Republic of Australopolis Pop: 8,184 Mil 8: The Kingdom of Azurino Pop: 725 Mil 9: The Empire of Beridovia Pop: 162 Mil 10: The Republic of Beydili Pop: 45 Mil 11: The Kingdom of Brasil rus Pop: 129 Mil 12: The Confederacy of Casfadila Pop: 56 Mil 13: The Empire of Catlaxy Pop: 8,364 Mil 14: The Nationalist Confederation of Communist State of Argentina Pop: 9,406 Mil 15: The Matriarchy of Dalafaro Pop: 69 Mil 16: The United Kingdom of Deresiana Pop: 93 Mil 17: The Federated Socialist States of Dharitara Pop: 2,009 Mil 18: The Sultanate of Dictatorship of Acathia Pop: 169 Mil 19: The People's Republic of Donorino Pop: 6,963 Mil 20: The Matriarchy of Envye Pop: 40 Mil 21: The Republic of Far Farklan Pop: 2,521 Mil 22: The Principality of Faroese Sjoland Pop: 114 Mil 23: The Holy Empire of Free state of Vlikschrozia Pop: 56 Mil 24: The People's Republic of Galen Chor Pop: 731 Mil 25: The Most Serene Republic of Hafiria Pop: 117 Mil 26: The State of Holy Flakyria Pop: 2,327 Mil 27: The Republic of HUR 100 Pop: 1,928 Mil 28: The Empire of Imperio Bragantino Pop: 99 Mil 29: The Federal Republic of Iransia Pop: 45 Mil 30: The Commonwealth of Isla Remota Pop: 6,543 Mil 31: The Sultanate of JEERA BAD Pop: 959 Mil 32: The Interplanetary Republic or of Johun Elite Pop: 788 Mil 33: The United States of Keralani Pop: 79 Mil 34: The Republic of Koopnia Pop: 103 Mil 35: The Rouge Nation of Lasga Pop: 8,249 Mil 36: The United Socialist States of Lucillian Pop: 111 Mil 37: The Democratic Republic of Machinalia Pop: 86 Mil 38: The Colony of Manhattanz Pop: 79 Mil 39: The United Federated Republics of Mardatan Pop: 15,280 Mil 40: The Communist republic of Matheo land 2 Pop: 6,795 Mil 41: The Ancient Auroran Cryptids of Nekoite Junimos Pop: 4,422 Mil 42: The Socialist Republic of Neohellia Pop: 2,520 Mil 43: The Eminence of New Tyranniaa Pop: 3,804 Mil | 44: The United Socialist States of New Venovica Pop: 2,355 Mil 45: The Holy Empire of New Wal Pilemens Pop: 774 Mil 46: The Dictatorship of Newforge Pop: 62 Mil 47: The Great Homeland of Nipeloonklent Pop: 825 Mil 48: The Grand Duchy of North Belard Pop: 858 Mil 49: The Confederacy of OKB Union Pop: 6 Mil 50: The Soviet Onionist Republic of Onionist Randosia Pop: 8,503 Mil 51: The Federation of Outer Ire Pop: 50 Mil 52: The Royal Dominion States of Palinon Pop: 1,521 Mil 53: The Empire of Polonezia Pop: 1,971 Mil 54: The Kingdom of Ponca Pop: 127 Mil 55: The People's Republic of Proletarianized Utopia Pop: 113 Mil 56: The Grand Duchy of Quernmore Pop: 5,059 Mil 57: The Empire of Saint bloodstone Pop: 50 Mil 58: The Community of Serenoly Pop: 73 Mil 59: The Free People's Union of Sovetsya Pop: 6,980 Mil 60: The Socialist Union State of Soviet Federation of Eurasia Pop: 8,873 Mil 61: The United Socialist States of Spra Lovadz Pop: 1,497 Mil 62: The Republic of SSN30 Pop: 4,716 Mil 63: The Republic of Sun Reign Pop: 62 Mil 64: The Republic of SwissPuppet4 Pop: 1,388 Mil 65: The Peoples Kingdom Commonwealth of Tea Island Systems Pop: 12,978 Mil 66: The Free Land of The Duolith Pop: 774 Mil 67: The Protectorate of The Greater Blu Pop: 2,884 Mil 68: The Armed Republic of The kaisers armchair Pop: 2,209 Mil 69: The Theocracy of The Nolium of Ikroskan Pop: 119 Mil 70: The Incorporated States of The Percha Pop: 4,212 Mil 71: The Republic of Tristizo Pop: 7,025 Mil 72: The Republic of Union of godly indian rebuplic Pop: 81 Mil 73: The Republic of Union of Soviet Socialast Republics Pop: 725 Mil 74: The United Socialist States of Union of Soviet State Republics Pop: 6,681 Mil 75: The Republic of Valloriam Pop: 74 Mil 76: The Emmancipation Democratics of Venetias Pop: 3,050 Mil 77: The Incorporated States of Viola Magicae Pop: 5,102 Mil 78: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Volksleben Pop: 13,899 Mil 79: The Forlorn Bunker of Volkslebenian Archives Pop: 8,863 Mil 80: The Dictatorship of Wasseland Pop: 50 Mil 81: The Republic of Wavechiland Pop: 50 Mil 82: The Federal Republic of West Rommelmarders Pop: 36 Mil |