1: The Loving Couple of -For The Future- Pop: 4,106 Mil 2: The Democratic Republic of -Liberty- Pop: 722 Mil 3: The Republic of A Reliable Guy Pop: 884 Mil 4: The Republic of Agsawa Pop: 1,165 Mil 5: The Kingdom of Albigencia Pop: 1,282 Mil 6: The Empire of Alksearia Pop: 5,830 Mil 7: The Grand Duchy of Antigra Pop: 1,741 Mil 8: The Republic of Arstotskiano Helix-Caelorum Pop: 1,184 Mil 9: The United States of Aukria Pop: 73 Mil 10: The Dual Monarchy of Austral1a-Hungary Pop: 1,536 Mil 11: The Republic of Avaldonia Pop: 1,173 Mil 12: The Empire of Avaldonian Foreign Office Pop: 993 Mil 13: The Empire of Avaldonian Governor Office Pop: 2,872 Mil 14: The Commonwealth of Avaldonian Recruitment Office Pop: 2,032 Mil 15: The Republic of Avaldonian United Nations Pop: 2,539 Mil 16: The Republic of Avaldonian WA Office Pop: 1,084 Mil 17: The United Kingdom of Averon Pop: 153 Mil 18: The Federal Republic of Bataviasberg Pop: 1,682 Mil 19: The Empire of Bathington Demondsion Pop: 152 Mil 20: The United Kingdom of Braundland Pop: 153 Mil 21: The Economic Apartheid State of Burvensaat Pop: 3,418 Mil 22: The The Unholy Spirit of of Bzalinjuasn Pop: 1,015 Mil 23: The Republic of Cape May Pop: 1,178 Mil 24: The Nomadic Peoples of Cherano Pop: 20,720 Mil 25: The Democratic Republic of Coomberaleland Pop: 20 Mil 26: The Pagen empire of Cyvin Pop: 3,447 Mil 27: The Kingdom of Dairy Bowl Pop: 45 Mil 28: The Grand Republic of Daklland Pop: 3,956 Mil 29: The Grand Duchy of Dar Es Salaam and Kilimanjaro Pop: 1,348 Mil 30: The Kingdom of Deutschbund AL Pop: 1,757 Mil 31: The Empire of East Langkasuka Pop: 663 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Eden Reigns Pop: 1,492 Mil 33: The Empire of Emperium New Pop: 966 Mil 34: The Kingdom of Erlin Pop: 18 Mil 35: The Matriarchy of Estavla Pop: 594 Mil 36: The Principality of Flerisia Pop: 468 Mil 37: The Kingdom of Formicus Pop: 1,841 Mil 38: The Empire of Frislia Pop: 1,821 Mil 39: The United Provinces of Ghanndi Pop: 2,115 Mil 40: The Republic of Gonklania Pop: 3,065 Mil 41: The Lesbian Delegacy of Greater New Orleans Pop: 5,315 Mil 42: The Rogue Nation of GSN25 Pop: 3,421 Mil 43: The Post-Lobotomy Anguish of Harvi Pop: 5,254 Mil 44: The Republic of Hirtani Pop: 588 Mil 45: The Republic of Ianalexandria Pop: 16,793 Mil 46: The Burning Memory of Ilyavan But In A Different Region Pop: 6,048 Mil 47: The Empire of Immonaus Pop: 184 Mil 48: The Federal Republic of Invictus Republicus Pop: 45 Mil 49: The People's Republic of Islanicalle Pop: 4,213 Mil 50: The Ancient Civilisation of Ismyrk Pop: 699 Mil 51: The Sovereign Stem Duchy of Juke Pop: 8,916 Mil 52: The Emirate of Kachemare Pop: 1,354 Mil 53: The Democratic Republic of Kladonia Pop: 474 Mil 54: The Kingdom of Klamajoria Pop: 1,976 Mil 55: The People's Republic of Komtylany Pop: 452 Mil 56: The Fiefdom of Kostomar Pop: 32 Mil 57: The Kingdom of Lecavia Pop: 522 Mil 58: The Democratic States of Lexxon Pop: 8,266 Mil 59: The Eternal Balkan Federation of Linirak Pop: 3,986 Mil 60: The Grand Queendom of Lovely Lady Pop: 5,716 Mil 61: The People's Republic of Luthington Pop: 3,501 Mil 62: The People's Republic of Luxury LGBTQ Communist Mars-Jupiter Pop: 1,145 Mil 63: The Republic of Marestgovia Pop: 1,269 Mil 64: The Incorporated States of Marquester Pop: 8 Mil 65: The Theocracy of Martyr Vicci Pop: 151 Mil 66: The United States of Merz Pop: 20 Mil 67: The Empire of Minglong Dynasty Pop: 2,932 Mil | 68: The Kingdom of Myrraa Pop: 602 Mil 69: The Protectorate of Nalera Pop: 593 Mil 70: The Empire of Nerimyth Pop: 6,476 Mil 71: The People's Republic of New Chicagoland Pop: 6 Mil 72: The Principality of New Gisul Pop: 7 Mil 73: The Jingoistic States of New Oresund Pop: 78 Mil 74: The Cosmo-Singularity Reich of Newa Paldosted Pop: 4,925 Mil 75: The Most Absolute Tsardom of Nikolaias Pop: 6,794 Mil 76: The Theocracy of NOICER Pop: 403 Mil 77: The Last bastion of Northen Exiles Pop: 3,187 Mil 78: The Republic of Nova Erys Pop: 899 Mil 79: The Dictatorship of Nuviri Pop: 1,132 Mil 80: The Sultanate of Office of Scientific Intelligence Pop: 2,820 Mil 81: The Imperial Republic of Oklo And Council Of Ministers Pop: 3,243 Mil 82: The Matriarchy of Old Zealande Pop: 1,087 Mil 83: The Sovereign Reigndom of Pavianalon Pop: 7,397 Mil 84: The Unquestionable Patriots of Paxium Imperium Pop: 5,052 Mil 85: The Free Land of Polibertas Pop: 20 Mil 86: The Empire of Polmenania Pop: 7,667 Mil 87: The Federation of Povland Pop: 465 Mil 88: The United Kingdom of Pragmatism Pop: 144 Mil 89: The Republic of Republic of Ashley Pop: 1,152 Mil 90: The Free nation of Republic of Axlotia Pop: 2,893 Mil 91: The Nationalist Republic of Restania Pop: 1,604 Mil 92: The United States of Russian United Socialist Krai RUSK Pop: 1,144 Mil 93: The Patriarchy of Saintlike island Pop: 3,316 Mil 94: The Sakura Republic of Saorki Ani Pop: 4,952 Mil 95: The Allied States of Satyavrata Pop: 1,042 Mil 96: The Avaldonian Progenitor of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenbach und Hohenstein Pop: 3,478 Mil 97: The Armed Republic of Screlandia Pop: 20 Mil 98: The Selenium of SE Pop: 5,648 Mil 99: The Dominion of Smoordazar Pop: 584 Mil 100: The Republic of Solid State Drive Pop: 1,099 Mil 101: The Nomadic Peoples of South Kostomar Pop: 26 Mil 102: The Holy Empire of Splo Pop: 20 Mil 103: The Kingdom of Starii Pop: 7 Mil 104: The Grand Duchy of Teditania Pop: 6,273 Mil 105: The Federal Republic of Thai states Pop: 1,060 Mil 106: The Armed Republic of The Avaldonian Regional Security Service Pop: 2,610 Mil 107: The Republic of The Colonies of New Lecavia Pop: 472 Mil 108: The Federated Commonwealth of The Congratulatory Pop: 5,237 Mil 109: The Kingdom of The House of Bourbon-Anjou Pop: 11,165 Mil 110: The Kingdom of The lake city Pop: 1,069 Mil 111: The Federation of The lands of the land Pop: 1,065 Mil 112: The 3rd Constitutional Monarchy of The Pindus Federation Pop: 4,429 Mil 113: The Kingdom of The Resurgement of Oscarlandia Pop: 411 Mil 114: The Republic of The Southern Counties Pop: 1,068 Mil 115: The DADHPRDGBCHGASKGCBDP of The Twelve Rivers Pop: 7,390 Mil 116: The Kingdom of The United Colonies of The Americas Pop: 45 Mil 117: The Judicial Principality of The Viloodds Pop: 3,913 Mil 118: The Golden States of Turkish Federation of Islam Pop: 3,579 Mil 119: The Community of UCP-Consulate Pop: 378 Mil 120: The Greater Commonwealth of United Tropics of Torchland Pop: 9,313 Mil 121: The Republic of Unity Island Pop: 1,143 Mil 122: The Kingdom of Uvra Pop: 5,019 Mil 123: The Queendom of Valeriya Astapova Pop: 469 Mil 124: The People's Republic of Velmaran Pop: 8 Mil 125: The Federal Republic of Veridia and Avaloria Pop: 846 Mil 126: The Devoluted Regions of Vltava Rivers Pop: 2,758 Mil 127: The Empire of Waterloo Blow Pop: 889 Mil 128: The Republic of We Are Going To Kill Pop: 340 Mil 129: The Republic of West Hukian Ghos Jimmante Pop: 50 Mil 130: The Democratic Republic of Yunora Pop: 2,153 Mil 131: The United Systems of Zelenorossiya Pop: 5,502 Mil |