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159 Countries populate the Region of Barbaria

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1: The Confederated Islands of Abanjgo
Pop: 7,709 Mil

2: The Sultanate of Agyptus
Pop: 2,363 Mil

3: The Emirate of Ajakistan
Pop: 1,985 Mil

4: The United Berber Clans of Alezabar
Pop: 3,457 Mil

5: The Hyperic Kingdom of Alezdotyre
Pop: 7,453 Mil

6: The Emirate of Alinu
Pop: 16,310 Mil

7: The Republic of Alpecchia
Pop: 8,365 Mil

8: The Constitutional Monarchy of Alto Cabana
Pop: 5,117 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Alyssya
Pop: 5,422 Mil

10: The Emirate of Amerecus
Pop: 16,241 Mil

11: The People's Republic of Aozica
Pop: 637 Mil

12: The Fascist Dictatorship of Apreerco
Pop: 3,235 Mil

13: The United Principalities of Aravam
Pop: 16,316 Mil

14: The Republic of Aswardo
Pop: 7,022 Mil

15: The Neo-Byzantine Empire of Athant
Pop: 10,180 Mil

16: The Dominion of Atlantis Emperius
Pop: 380 Mil

17: The Kingdom of Avti
Pop: 3,270 Mil

18: The Confederated States of Awistzerland
Pop: 4,570 Mil

19: The Colony of Ayster Island
Pop: 2,844 Mil

20: The Pariah State of Badgiyazi
Pop: 3,518 Mil

21: The Kingdom of Barabel
Pop: 16,153 Mil

22: The Emirate of Belfi
Pop: 17,563 Mil

23: The Semi-Constitutional Monarchy of Berukio Imperiuk
Pop: 12,966 Mil

24: The Mercenary Company of Blackhart Militia
Pop: 1,475 Mil

25: The Democratic Republic of Bokongo
Pop: 2,427 Mil

26: The People's Democratic Republic of Borimenna
Pop: 3,485 Mil

27: The Kingdom of Bortavia
Pop: 8,849 Mil

28: The Kingdom of Brytannicea
Pop: 821 Mil

29: The Kingdom of Camvli
Pop: 13,283 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Canmara
Pop: 10,122 Mil

31: The Empire of Carscadia
Pop: 6,947 Mil

32: The Crown Imperial Union of Caruika
Pop: 14,903 Mil

33: The Junta of Catatona Republic
Pop: 2,314 Mil

34: The Commonwealth of Centurion Islands
Pop: 891 Mil

35: The Republic of Chadsf
Pop: 8,337 Mil

36: The Republic of Conecarria
Pop: 2,115 Mil

37: The Republic of Conzequc
Pop: 9,987 Mil

38: The Zaporizhian Host of Cossack Ukraine
Pop: 4,446 Mil

39: The Republic of Crampodia
Pop: 4,239 Mil

40: The Kingdom of Culof
Pop: 17,049 Mil

41: The Empire of Dankest Kekistan
Pop: 12,138 Mil

42: The Republic of Dealminer
Pop: 6,786 Mil

43: The Republic of Dexima
Pop: 2,263 Mil

44: The Dictatorship of Diracqa
Pop: 3,639 Mil

45: The Sultanate of Douman
Pop: 2,676 Mil

46: The Incorporated States of East Niholate Federation
Pop: 2,228 Mil

47: The Kingdom of Ebonic Coast
Pop: 2,410 Mil

48: The Republic of Edgenyah
Pop: 1,973 Mil

49: The Kingdom of Edlibor
Pop: 16,922 Mil

50: The Emirate of Eudexi
Pop: 967 Mil

51: The Forsaken of Far Drasis
Pop: 4,458 Mil

52: The Glorious People's Republic of Fondalma
Pop: 13,247 Mil

53: The Dope Republic of Free Regay
Pop: 13,811 Mil

54: The Republic of Free South Nivinia
Pop: 186 Mil

55: The Soviet Zootopian Union of Furry Free States
Pop: 1,881 Mil

56: The Incorporated States of Fyilliyines
Pop: 2,687 Mil

57: The Anti-Mondayan Republic of Garfield
Pop: 6,714 Mil

58: The Stratocratic Dictatorship of Gianaretopolicobrica
Pop: 5,106 Mil

59: The Republic of Glutonaria
Pop: 516 Mil

60: The Theocracy of Gnovia
Pop: 273 Mil

61: The Socialist National Republic of Gobiu
Pop: 3,817 Mil

62: The United States of Grand Saotnesoa
Pop: 2,821 Mil

63: The Kingdom of Greater Bugradolva
Pop: 5,810 Mil

64: The Imperial Iberian Confederacy of Hedra
Pop: 12,620 Mil

65: The Imperial Hegemony of Helric
Pop: 14,663 Mil

66: The Emirate of Hengu
Pop: 15,068 Mil

67: The United Republics of Herzene-Suberiskea
Pop: 2,248 Mil

68: The Papacy of Holy Barbarian Empire
Pop: 13,619 Mil

69: The Commonwealth of Holy Deseret Dominion
Pop: 865 Mil

70: The City-State of Honk Knoh
Pop: 9,927 Mil

71: The Legion of Hunnack Orionus
Pop: 16,133 Mil

72: The United Socialist Communes of Hushmera
Pop: 9,712 Mil

73: The Matriarchy of Imperii Feminam
Pop: 9,188 Mil

74: The Nomadic Tribes of Inuit Confederation
Pop: 4,226 Mil

75: The Sultanate of Islabad
Pop: 4,989 Mil

76: The State of Israestine-Judah
Pop: 5,538 Mil

77: The Federation of Iwoza Democratic Republic
Pop: 2,986 Mil

78: The Private Estate of Jeffery Epstein Island Sovereignty
Pop: 1,435 Mil

79: The Borderlands of Kan Kynanate
Pop: 1,992 Mil

80: The Sultanate of Kazakborat
Pop: 9,468 Mil

81: The Dualcratic Republic of Kiago
Pop: 7,202 Mil

82: The Central Democratic Republic of Lageos
Pop: 7,135 Mil

83: The Great Horde of Legionary Sansar
Pop: 9,578 Mil

84: The Ape Nation of Lenorah
Pop: 9,703 Mil

85: The Kingdom of Letiutin
Pop: 16,505 Mil

86: The Kingdom of Levanesse
Pop: 482 Mil

87: The Empire of Limperia
Pop: 2,960 Mil

88: The Kingdom of Lisurin
Pop: 13,429 Mil

89: The Kingdom of Lost Doggerland
Pop: 7,441 Mil

90: The Grand Duchy of Lotharbux
Pop: 575 Mil

91: The Republic of Lozaranga
Pop: 5,524 Mil

92: The Sultanate of Lyyria
Pop: 8,635 Mil

93: The Kingdom of Malulota
Pop: 13,406 Mil

94: The Dual Kingdoms of Manmik
Pop: 5,395 Mil

95: The Second Republic of Mejicanas
Pop: 9,382 Mil

96: The Emirate of Moxembe
Pop: 7,717 Mil

97: The Sultanate of Mya Ayneadosia
Pop: 1,063 Mil

98: The Kingdom of Namraca
Pop: 13,764 Mil

99: The Kingdom of Neapola
Pop: 3,215 Mil

100: The Triarchy of Neo American Union
Pop: 9,253 Mil

101: The Kingdom of Nerdphoria
Pop: 14,491 Mil

102: The Kingdom of New Eggplant Island
Pop: 589 Mil

103: The Commonwealth of New Optus
Pop: 10,103 Mil

104: The Provisional Republic of Nivagregas
Pop: 4,298 Mil

105: The Republic of Nombadia
Pop: 3,559 Mil

106: The Republic of Norezarcia
Pop: 367 Mil

107: The Kingdom of Nortus Kvenland
Pop: 7,149 Mil

108: The Republic of Nosavo
Pop: 4,793 Mil

109: The Sultanate of Oudi Hazala
Pop: 2,183 Mil

110: The Kingdom of Phat Tai
Pop: 6,721 Mil

111: The Kingdom of Pompadorea
Pop: 6,623 Mil

112: The Kingdom of Pyingang
Pop: 5,312 Mil

113: The People's Republic of Quing Nara
Pop: 8,621 Mil

114: The Republic of Quintoine
Pop: 3,786 Mil

115: The Kingdom of Rekua
Pop: 8,843 Mil

116: The Republic of Rio Visquito
Pop: 767 Mil

117: The People's Democratic Republic of Riododa
Pop: 3,408 Mil

118: The International Authority of Rromai
Pop: 1,832 Mil

119: The Tropical Paradise of Saint Barajamas
Pop: 3,690 Mil

120: The United Democratic Islands of Sana Coan
Pop: 3,877 Mil

121: The Democratic Republic of Santamonia
Pop: 7,880 Mil

122: The St?mme of Schwarzwalder
Pop: 9,481 Mil

123: The Holy Empire of Severgard
Pop: 5,399 Mil

124: The Theocracy of Shik Daha
Pop: 13,978 Mil

125: The United Kingdoms of Solitude Isles
Pop: 15,281 Mil

126: The Empire of Songhai Mali
Pop: 8,819 Mil

127: The Dominion of South Ajian Commonwealth
Pop: 9,644 Mil

128: The Kaiserreich of Sovern
Pop: 18,555 Mil

129: The Sultanate of Submetta
Pop: 7,389 Mil

130: The Sultanate of Taxarzistan
Pop: 233 Mil

131: The Free Land of Tezanania
Pop: 852 Mil

132: The Cute N Mindless Gal of The Harlequin
Pop: 3,591 Mil

133: The Kingdom of Timan
Pop: 625 Mil

134: The Third Empire of Tritra
Pop: 18,490 Mil

135: The Caliphate of Tyammad
Pop: 4,785 Mil

136: The Dictatorship of Uikastan
Pop: 10,240 Mil

137: The Oligarchy of United Hamaradi Emirates
Pop: 2,237 Mil

138: The Republic of Upper Hayastan
Pop: 3,472 Mil

139: The Republic of Uradaca
Pop: 879 Mil

140: The Emirate of Usislur
Pop: 15,919 Mil

141: The Emirate of Valenborn
Pop: 17,337 Mil

142: The Kingdom of Valgoria
Pop: 16,744 Mil

143: The Kingdom of Vasnlia
Pop: 17,059 Mil

144: The Republic of Velgoradia
Pop: 273 Mil

145: The Kingdom of Velkisa
Pop: 17,240 Mil

146: The Republic of Vhodesa
Pop: 3,407 Mil

147: The Kingdom of Vorikstean
Pop: 12,229 Mil

148: The Hyperborean Empire of Vostag
Pop: 25,749 Mil

149: The Kingdom of Xerznea
Pop: 7,432 Mil

150: The Dynastic Legionnaires of Xixvx
Pop: 1,393 Mil

151: The Republic of Xnetro
Pop: 2,234 Mil

152: The Kingdom of Yelamn
Pop: 9,812 Mil

153: The Protectorate of Yonsin-Noorger Autonomous Region
Pop: 526 Mil

154: The Republic of Yucatan Nation
Pop: 795 Mil

155: The Republic of Yusganda
Pop: 10,462 Mil

156: The Dictatorship of Yutorbia
Pop: 487 Mil

157: The Autocracy of Zampeop
Pop: 3,500 Mil

158: The Rogue Nation of Zarazstria
Pop: 590 Mil

159: The Kingdom of Zul-Tir Narda
Pop: 488 Mil

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