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64 Countries populate the Region of Beleriand

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Beleriand.

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1: The Noble Noldorin Lord of Aegnor
Pop: 2,206 Mil

2: The Free Land of Amras
Pop: 5,699 Mil

3: The Free Land of Amrod
Pop: 5,587 Mil

4: The Dictatorship of Ancalagon
Pop: 5,488 Mil

5: The Free Land of Andreth
Pop: 5,026 Mil

6: The Oppressed Peoples of Angrist
Pop: 5,626 Mil

7: The Free Land of Angrod
Pop: 5,571 Mil

8: The Kingdom of Aracano
Pop: 403 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Arafinwe
Pop: 1,180 Mil

10: The Free Land of Aredhel Ar-Feiniel
Pop: 4,952 Mil

11: The Horsedom of Arroch
Pop: 5,704 Mil

12: The Constitutional Monarchy of Artaresto
Pop: 1,170 Mil

13: The Theocracy of Balar
Pop: 5,582 Mil

14: The Free Land of Barahir
Pop: 5,021 Mil

15: The Republic of Belegost
Pop: 5,631 Mil

16: The Kingdom of Beor the Old
Pop: 403 Mil

17: The Commonwealth of Beren Erchamion
Pop: 6,969 Mil

18: The Rogue Nation of Camlost
Pop: 405 Mil

19: The Princess of Gondolin of Celebrindal
Pop: 5,661 Mil

20: The Free Land of Curufin
Pop: 5,655 Mil

21: The Kingdom of Dagnir Glaurunga
Pop: 397 Mil

22: The Kingdom of Dior
Pop: 5,485 Mil

23: The High King of the Sindar of Dior Eluchil
Pop: 5,671 Mil

24: The Free Land of Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin
Pop: 4,989 Mil

25: The Free Land of Earendil the Mariner
Pop: 4,977 Mil

26: The Free Land of Elenwe
Pop: 5,514 Mil

27: The Princess of Doriath of Elwing
Pop: 5,586 Mil

28: The Free Land of Elwing the White
Pop: 4,979 Mil

29: The Oppressed Peoples of Eol
Pop: 5,686 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Feanor
Pop: 5,603 Mil

31: The Empire of Finbrand
Pop: 408 Mil

32: The Empire of Findarato
Pop: 401 Mil

33: The High King of the Noldor of Fingolfin
Pop: 5,533 Mil

34: The Free Land of Glaurung
Pop: 5,426 Mil

35: The Free Land of Glorfindel and the Balrog
Pop: 7,188 Mil

36: The Free Land of Gondothlimbar
Pop: 7,374 Mil

37: The Free Land of Gurthang
Pop: 5,546 Mil

38: The Free Land of Hador Lorindol
Pop: 4,960 Mil

39: The Free Land of Hurin Thalion
Pop: 5,738 Mil

40: The Princess of Gondolin of Idril Celebrindal
Pop: 5,706 Mil

41: The Free Land of Idril Itarille
Pop: 4,993 Mil

42: The Kingdom of Inneth
Pop: 386 Mil

43: The Kingdom of Irime
Pop: 5,557 Mil

44: The Jingoistic States of Kanafinwe
Pop: 1,183 Mil

45: The Kingdom of Luthien Tinuviel
Pop: 5,574 Mil

46: The Oppressed Peoples of Morifinwe
Pop: 1,159 Mil

47: The Most Beautiful Mortal Woman of Morwen
Pop: 5,709 Mil

48: The Dictatorship of Nelyafinwe
Pop: 401 Mil

49: The Tragedy of Nienor
Pop: 5,578 Mil

50: The Free Land of Nienor Niniel
Pop: 4,992 Mil

51: The Daughter of Twilight of Princess Luthien
Pop: 7,318 Mil

52: The Free Land of Ring of Barahir
Pop: 5,032 Mil

53: The Glittering Cold Sword of Ringil
Pop: 5,668 Mil

54: The Free Land of Rochallor
Pop: 5,692 Mil

55: The Empire of Singollo
Pop: 394 Mil

56: The Free Land of Stone of Earendil
Pop: 4,979 Mil

57: The Free Land of The attack on Gondolin
Pop: 4,979 Mil

58: The Free Land of The Death of Glaurung
Pop: 7,168 Mil

59: The Free Land of The Fall of Gondolin
Pop: 5,012 Mil

60: The Free Land of Thuringwethil
Pop: 5,026 Mil

61: The Starfather of Tuor Eladar
Pop: 5,686 Mil

62: The King of Gondolin of Turgon the Wise
Pop: 5,672 Mil

63: The Free Land of Ulfang the Black
Pop: 4,989 Mil

64: The Free Land of Voronwe Aranwion
Pop: 5,041 Mil

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