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68 Countries populate the Region of Biodiversity

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1: The Zamenis longissimus of Aesculapian snake
Pop: 2,395 Mil

2: The Agkistrodon contortrix of American Copperhead
Pop: 2,263 Mil

3: The Toxotidae of Archer Fish
Pop: 2,380 Mil

4: The Sheepshead of Archosargus probatocephalus
Pop: 2,427 Mil

5: The Republic of Aye-Aye
Pop: 18 Mil

6: The Republic of Babakoto
Pop: 18 Mil

7: The Haliaeetus leucocephalus of Bald-Eagle
Pop: 1,595 Mil

8: The Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus of Beaked Snake
Pop: 2,408 Mil

9: The Republic of Black Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

10: The Republic of Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

11: The Republic of Blue-eyed Black Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

12: The Pinniped of California Sea Lion
Pop: 2,249 Mil

13: The Republic of Carolina Chickadee
Pop: 23 Mil

14: The Thryothorus ludovicianus of Carolina Wren
Pop: 1,590 Mil

15: The Boiga of Cat Snake
Pop: 2,415 Mil

16: The Republic of Cleeses Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

17: The Republic of Clouded Leopard
Pop: 367 Mil

18: The Masticophis flagellum of Coachwhip
Pop: 2,236 Mil

19: The Republic of Collared Brown Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

20: The Republic of Common Brown Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

21: The Republic of Coquerels Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

22: The Republic of Diademed Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

23: The Sialia sialis of Eastern Bluebird
Pop: 1,576 Mil

24: The Heterodon platirhinos of Eastern Hognose Snake
Pop: 2,229 Mil

25: The Republic of Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

26: The Republic of Eastern Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

27: The Acrochordus javanicu of Elephant Trunk Snake
Pop: 2,407 Mil

28: The Bothriechis schlegelii of Eyelash Viper
Pop: 2,252 Mil

29: The Pelochelys cantorii of Giant Softshell Turtle
Pop: 2,287 Mil

30: The Republic of Gilberts Bamboo Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

31: The Republic of Golden Bamboo Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

32: The Republic of Golden-crowned Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

33: The Republic of Gray-headed Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

34: The Republic of Greater Bamboo Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

35: The Harpia harpyja of Harpy Eagle
Pop: 1,381 Mil

36: The Atlantic Sailfish of Istiophorus albicans
Pop: 2,431 Mil

37: The White Marlin of Kajikia albida
Pop: 2,237 Mil

38: The Defender of Kivu C
Pop: 936 Mil

39: The Republic of Lac Alaotra Gentle Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

40: The Rogue Nation of LSN44
Pop: 3,063 Mil

41: The Boiga dendrophila of Mangrove Snake
Pop: 2,410 Mil

42: The Republic of Milne-Edwards Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

43: The Republic of Mongoose Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

44: The Republic of Moores Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

45: The Passerina ciris of Painted Bunting
Pop: 1,581 Mil

46: The Republic of Perriers Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

47: The Republic of Peyrieras Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

48: The Republic of Ramanantsoavanas Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

49: The Republic of Red Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

50: The Republic of Red Ruffed Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

51: The Pseudechis porphyriacus of Red-bellied Black Snake
Pop: 2,416 Mil

52: The Republic of Red-bellied Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

53: The Republic of Red-fronted Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

54: The Buteo jamaicensis of Red-tailed Hawk
Pop: 1,579 Mil

55: The Republic of Ring-tailed Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

56: The Republic of Sanfords Brown Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

57: The Serra Spanish Mackerel of Scomberomorus brasiliensis
Pop: 2,449 Mil

58: The Republic of Silky Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

59: The Pit Viper of South American Bushmaster
Pop: 2,062 Mil

60: The Pompilidae of Tarantula Hawk
Pop: 2,431 Mil

61: The Republic of Verreauxs Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

62: The Republic of Von der Deckens Sifaka
Pop: 18 Mil

63: The Agkistrodon piscivorus of Water Moccasin
Pop: 2,235 Mil

64: The Republic of Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

65: The Republic of Western Woolly Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

66: The Republic of White-headed Lemur
Pop: 18 Mil

67: The Republic of Wood Stork
Pop: 23 Mil

68: The Setophaga dominica of Yellow-throated Warbler
Pop: 1,595 Mil

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