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161 Countries populate the Region of Blue Ridge

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1: The Mountain Serenity of Adkissa
Pop: 2,087 Mil

2: The United States of Aegean Counties
Pop: 547 Mil

3: The Democratic Republic of Agerna
Pop: 169 Mil

4: The Queendom of Alcona County
Pop: 1,980 Mil

5: The Republic of American Mercenaries
Pop: 45 Mil

6: The Kingdom of Ananasland
Pop: 412 Mil

7: The Republic of APT
Pop: 167 Mil

8: The Democratic Republic of Ashlinla
Pop: 2,239 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Athenheim
Pop: 29 Mil

10: The Dominion of Autononova
Pop: 125 Mil

11: The Federation of Azekstan
Pop: 92 Mil

12: The Empire of Baikala
Pop: 6,430 Mil

13: The Colony of Bajor Nine
Pop: 7,494 Mil

14: The Confederacy of Basshobia
Pop: 2,022 Mil

15: The Empire of Bay de verde
Pop: 1,411 Mil

16: The Grand Duchy of Bluessouria
Pop: 754 Mil

17: The Empire of Blus Tritat
Pop: 7 Mil

18: The Democratic Lands of Bob Rosses United State
Pop: 5,944 Mil

19: The Kingdom of BOLINHOSO
Pop: 156 Mil

20: The Queendom of Bubblegum158
Pop: 50 Mil

21: The Republic of Bythica
Pop: 286 Mil

22: The Empire of Byzanthion
Pop: 1,414 Mil

23: The People's Republic of Carxcrand
Pop: 536 Mil

24: The Borderlands of Catboy Evi
Pop: 321 Mil

25: The Republic of Cheesecakeastan
Pop: 18,366 Mil

26: The Republic of Chigasaki
Pop: 1,426 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Christians And Pusheens
Pop: 122 Mil

28: The Principality of City of Thering
Pop: 148 Mil

29: The Alpine Empire of Compakt Repsublic
Pop: 12,043 Mil

30: The Republic of Confidential Soldiers
Pop: 584 Mil

31: The People's Republic of Demokratik German Soviet Republic
Pop: 621 Mil

32: The Free Land of Dogg Uppy
Pop: 20 Mil

33: The Kingdom of Domido
Pop: 2,087 Mil

34: The Dominion of Druvania
Pop: 604 Mil

35: The Allied States of East Pan Schevidust
Pop: 712 Mil

36: The United States of Eastern Fistanka
Pop: 1,872 Mil

37: The Holy Empire of Elsewehr
Pop: 6 Mil

38: The Republic of Enchon
Pop: 385 Mil

39: The Dictatorship of Enclave Governance
Pop: 897 Mil

40: The Empire of Fincham
Pop: 133 Mil

41: The Empire of FreeLoseles
Pop: 328 Mil

42: The Empire of Freemount
Pop: 1,799 Mil

43: The Republic of Garden God
Pop: 95 Mil

44: The United Kingdom of Gardin
Pop: 540 Mil

45: The Federation of Geezy
Pop: 1,124 Mil

46: The Republic of Germany-2
Pop: 731 Mil

47: The Republic of Gladonia
Pop: 371 Mil

48: The Holy Empire of Goditasion
Pop: 113 Mil

49: The Democratic Republic of Grunning
Pop: 23 Mil

50: The Rogue Nation of GSN14
Pop: 3,458 Mil

51: The Republic of Hashlend
Pop: 23 Mil

52: The Sanctified Snakehandlers of Hasil Adkins
Pop: 9,773 Mil

53: The Theocracy of Heavenly Middlekingdom of Great Peace
Pop: 20 Mil

54: The Republic of Hippopotomonstroses
Pop: 656 Mil

55: The Lunar Nation of Hraino
Pop: 2,961 Mil

56: The Federation of Iaratian
Pop: 96 Mil

57: The Democratic Republic of Iazadi
Pop: 366 Mil

58: The Republic of Indians and Only Indians
Pop: 1,249 Mil

59: The Grand Duchy of Irestonia
Pop: 2,203 Mil

60: The Nomadic Peoples of Ironhound
Pop: 130 Mil

61: The Kingdom of Japonindon
Pop: 205 Mil

62: The Free Land of Kamis Vat
Pop: 538 Mil

63: The Federal Republic of Kard Nallandis
Pop: 6,472 Mil

64: The Kingdom of Karrithia
Pop: 2,411 Mil

65: The Kingdom of Kniron
Pop: 1,120 Mil

66: The Republic of Koalashiya
Pop: 171 Mil

67: The Empire of Koreran Empire
Pop: 18 Mil

68: The Empire of Korreea
Pop: 372 Mil

69: The Republic of Labudovo Brdo
Pop: 528 Mil

70: The Federal Republic of Latonya
Pop: 560 Mil

71: The Republic of Leata
Pop: 754 Mil

72: The Kingdom of Lorenna
Pop: 356 Mil

73: The Republic of Luminara Aurelia
Pop: 358 Mil

74: The Imperial Republic of Lurimar
Pop: 6,337 Mil

75: The Union of Mairis
Pop: 2,172 Mil

76: The United Kingdom of Malora
Pop: 3,945 Mil

77: The United States of Massive Fade
Pop: 14 Mil

78: The Violent Maniac of Maurny the frog
Pop: 3,982 Mil

79: The Confederacy of Meeksevspero
Pop: 203 Mil

80: The Federation of Melayudvipa
Pop: 600 Mil

81: The Most Serene Republic of Merctoria
Pop: 50 Mil

82: The Free Land of Mertond
Pop: 1,640 Mil

83: The Commonwealth of Miaucraftia
Pop: 175 Mil

84: The Empire of Miyamai
Pop: 1,520 Mil

85: The Ittihad of Muizzuddin
Pop: 4,761 Mil

86: The Democratic Republic of Naldoken
Pop: 7,036 Mil

87: The Holy Empire of NathanielsCountry
Pop: 67 Mil

88: The Mountain Peaks of Neptunite Junimos
Pop: 4,451 Mil

89: The Empire of New Romans Empire
Pop: 62 Mil

90: The Holy Roman Dictatorship of New Scotoisy
Pop: 6,343 Mil

91: The Cloudless Sky of New South Yukon
Pop: 7,520 Mil

92: The Commonwealth of Norfadia
Pop: 6,048 Mil

93: The Borderlands of Northern Athenheim Army
Pop: 26 Mil

94: The Federation of Novgoravia
Pop: 62 Mil

95: The Kingdom of Nunsbruck
Pop: 20 Mil

96: The Incorporated States of Nymbriata
Pop: 543 Mil

97: The Sultanate of Nyoihghuty
Pop: 82 Mil

98: The Isle of Oblinsolintary
Pop: 4,911 Mil

99: The Traveler of Omoide Emanon
Pop: 5,144 Mil

100: The Republic of Orleniamania
Pop: 3,069 Mil

101: The Confederacy of Orlovskay Confederation
Pop: 664 Mil

102: The Ice Cream Princess of Oseanic
Pop: 1,198 Mil

103: The Federal Republic of Patterthippe
Pop: 12,776 Mil

104: The Republic of Peacilum
Pop: 129 Mil

105: The Nomadic Peoples of Plausibland
Pop: 644 Mil

106: The Kingdom of Pohjola
Pop: 725 Mil

107: The United Socialist States of Portland Polycule
Pop: 375 Mil

108: The Federation of Progto
Pop: 354 Mil

109: The Empire of Pug raj
Pop: 416 Mil

110: The Rogue Nation of Pure Despicability
Pop: 889 Mil

111: The Blue Ridge Ranger Station of Ranger Rick
Pop: 5,476 Mil

112: The Monarchy of Reborn Kingdom of Two Nations
Pop: 14,284 Mil

113: The Republic of Republica de Sevderev
Pop: 143 Mil

114: The United Socialist Republic of Ruskyet
Pop: 1,506 Mil

115: The Kingdom of Siberi Influxia
Pop: 5,233 Mil

116: The Kingdom of Silvania
Pop: 2,428 Mil

117: The Republic of Soleil Bleu
Pop: 359 Mil

118: The Holy Empire of St Santino
Pop: 45 Mil

119: The Most Serene Republic of Storaiil
Pop: 252 Mil

120: The Starry Sky of Supurior
Pop: 2,267 Mil

121: The Republic of Swiftillia
Pop: 153 Mil

122: The Borderlands of SwissPuppet51
Pop: 254 Mil

123: The Anarchy state of Sytronio
Pop: 1,975 Mil

124: The Democratic States of Ta da Islands
Pop: 476 Mil

125: The Daily Daydreamer of Tazarskia
Pop: 3,043 Mil

126: The Community of The Alone
Pop: 2,313 Mil

127: The United Socialist States of The Arroyan Federation
Pop: 50 Mil

128: The Colony of The Bee Farm
Pop: 32 Mil

129: The People's Repbulic of The Emphrand
Pop: 2,312 Mil

130: The Republic of The greater canadian empire
Pop: 20 Mil

131: The Colony of The Oilian Armed Forces
Pop: 847 Mil

132: The Nation States Area Goverment of The Place Protection Forces
Pop: 1,580 Mil

133: The Burning Star Empire of The Poor Peoples Republic
Pop: 5,963 Mil

134: The Republic of The Republic Of Flovenia
Pop: 1,843 Mil

135: The Republic of The Smashing Pumpkins
Pop: 1,868 Mil

136: The United Socialist states of The solav union
Pop: 2,139 Mil

137: The Commonwealth of The Stratospheric
Pop: 2,203 Mil

138: The United Republics of The Vally
Pop: 2,102 Mil

139: The Incorporated States of The Volta Basin
Pop: 414 Mil

140: The Colony of The Washington Ridgeration
Pop: 644 Mil

141: The United Kingdom of Thetoce
Pop: 20 Mil

142: The Free Land of Tonttusia
Pop: 579 Mil

143: The Republic of Tremith
Pop: 219 Mil

144: The Kingdom of Truvska
Pop: 466 Mil

145: The Empire of Tyreequantaria
Pop: 163 Mil

146: The Nomadic Peoples of Unia Kin
Pop: 16 Mil

147: The United Kingdom of United Nations of Oceania
Pop: 45 Mil

148: The Imperialist Empire of United State of Oil
Pop: 3,699 Mil

149: The Republic of USAISTHEGOAT
Pop: 455 Mil

150: The Empire of Valarys
Pop: 549 Mil

151: The Republic of Vanxing
Pop: 446 Mil

152: The Kingdom of Vashlatama island
Pop: 56 Mil

153: The United States of Vedalrt
Pop: 23 Mil

154: The Armed Republic of Vexillarius Keskisaari
Pop: 494 Mil

155: The Matriarchy of Weeeeeeee
Pop: 97 Mil

156: The Commonwealth of Yanskia
Pop: 304 Mil

157: The Empire of Yarussia-Stavruania
Pop: 498 Mil

158: The Community of Yayyyy X3
Pop: 20 Mil

159: The Best Color of Yellow Ridge
Pop: 1,041 Mil

160: The Republic of Zav
Pop: 2,506 Mil

161: The Republic of Zaxogravia
Pop: 215 Mil

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