1: The Constitutional Monarchy of -Danubian-Federation- Pop: 408 Mil 2: The Community of 5th Martian Infantry Pop: 1,416 Mil 3: The Kingdom of Abiaq Pop: 45 Mil 4: The Puckering of Add Sour Pop: 1,346 Mil 5: The Grand Duchy of Adlerheim Pop: 1,310 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Aleph-Y Pop: 6 Mil 7: The Republic of Amineian Pop: 376 Mil 8: The Kingdom of Arstusia Pop: 226 Mil 9: The Merchant Kingdom of Associated Autonomous States Pop: 2,328 Mil 10: The Empire of Asvadel Pop: 80 Mil 11: The British Anti-Fascists of Baroness Kensington Pop: 916 Mil 12: The Principality of Bavere Pop: 7 Mil 13: The Republic of Belvitanioshine Pop: 7 Mil 14: The Disco Club of Boogalooland Pop: 588 Mil 15: The Republic of Bread coiny Pop: 113 Mil 16: The Republic of Bricksland Pop: 205 Mil 17: The Empire of Britannia Founder Pop: 1,503 Mil 18: The Civic Communist Republic of Bulw Pop: 5,474 Mil 19: The Cyberstate of Capanch Pop: 4,001 Mil 20: The Kingdom of CavalierEngland Pop: 50 Mil 21: The Most Serene Republic of Cavellaria Pop: 366 Mil 22: The Federation of Chlerolia Pop: 231 Mil 23: The Colony of Cream Poetry Pop: 16 Mil 24: The Delectable Drink of Cream Soda Pop: 1,024 Mil 25: The United Kingdoms of Delmarva and New England Pop: 11,170 Mil 26: The Commonwealth of Dinannia Pop: 440 Mil 27: The Republic of Dollero Pop: 67 Mil 28: The Communist states of Dragon Isle United Trade Federation Pop: 3,069 Mil 29: The Kingdom of Ducky nation Pop: 4,665 Mil 30: The United Socialist States of Epia Unianalithe Pop: 1,658 Mil 31: The British Protectorate of Fahazi Pop: 1,063 Mil 32: The United Kingdom of Falvidia Pop: 45 Mil 33: The United States of Far Phice Taloshcartholm Pop: 356 Mil 34: The Free Land of Ferleden Pop: 95 Mil 35: The Grand Duchy of Garkha Pop: 8 Mil 36: The Federal Republic of Gastonova Pop: 2,305 Mil 37: The Constitutional Monarchy of Geuvya Pop: 17,746 Mil 38: The Democratic Republic of Glausa Pop: 12 Mil 39: The People's Republic of Goltownevska Pop: 96 Mil 40: The Grand Duchy of Great Dunmow Pop: 1,082 Mil 41: The Constitutional Monarchy of Green Flame Dynasty Pop: 68 Mil 42: The Federal Republic of Heldvia Newle Pop: 84 Mil 43: The Emirate of Henrys fingers Pop: 101 Mil 44: The Queendom of Hessen-Kasseli Pop: 284 Mil 45: The Empire of Hispaniala Pop: 14 Mil 46: The Republic of Hungarion Pop: 12 Mil 47: The Totally Legitimate Kingdom of Ibr Pop: 1,164 Mil 48: The Armed Republic of Ireleand Pop: 36 Mil 49: The Republic of Isles Ireland Pop: 50 Mil 50: The State of Israelitan Pop: 722 Mil 51: The Dominion of Kastrel Pop: 67 Mil 52: The Democratic Republic of Klakastan Pop: 9 Mil 53: The Federation of Kofertyn Pop: 10 Mil 54: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN39 Pop: 4,778 Mil 55: The Holy Empire of Leila Malcal Pop: 729 Mil 56: The Republic of Limenterse Pop: 1,693 Mil 57: The Republic of Limeser Pop: 36 Mil 58: The Kingdom of Little Penguin Pop: 67 Mil 59: The Theocracy of Lumenstadt Pop: 477 Mil 60: The Empire of Lux Nutricii Pop: 13,900 Mil 61: The Grand Duchy of Lyriciae Pop: 489 Mil 62: The Federal Republic of Magdoria Pop: 829 Mil | 63: The Dominion of Mediterranean Palestine Pop: 446 Mil 64: The Community of Middle Thereer Milows Pop: 468 Mil 65: The Federation of Mulea Pop: 378 Mil 66: The Kingdom of Neo Albion Pop: 76 Mil 67: The Republic of Ninjago lightland Pop: 4,779 Mil 68: The Kingdom of Noercyre Pop: 98 Mil 69: The Republic of North Destra Pop: 7 Mil 70: The Republic of North Galicia Pop: 45 Mil 71: The Free Land of Northern Michael-Land Pop: 45 Mil 72: The Grand Duchy of Nova Schwerin Pop: 1,526 Mil 73: The Kingdom of Of The Philippine Union Pop: 56 Mil 74: The Kingdom of Palkgia Pop: 10 Mil 75: The Allied States of Pand alp Pop: 3,822 Mil 76: The Confederacy of Penia Lalin Pop: 7 Mil 77: The Democratic Republic of Phenaxla Isle Pop: 50 Mil 78: The Disputed Territories of Polarizing Bathtub Pop: 747 Mil 79: The People's Republic of Poudewistan Pop: 10 Mil 80: The Republic of Putalandia y Pijuda Pop: 8 Mil 81: The Federal Republic of Regis Pop: 326 Mil 82: The United Kingdom of Revanilia Pop: 4,038 Mil 83: The Federal Republic of Romavakia Pop: 911 Mil 84: The Kingdom of Rommalise Pop: 145 Mil 85: The Republic of Rosevana Pop: 67 Mil 86: The Democratic Republic of Saint Liudovik Pop: 148 Mil 87: The Dictatorship of Scooootland Pop: 32 Mil 88: The Republic of Seamark Pop: 178 Mil 89: The United States of Shaivastan Pop: 448 Mil 90: The Kingdom of Slacking Pop: 751 Mil 91: The Federation of Spanish Democratic People Pop: 14 Mil 92: The United Socialist States of Spartachia Pop: 388 Mil 93: The Empire of Specteria Pop: 4,924 Mil 94: The Kingdom of Startania Pop: 2,082 Mil 95: The Sultanate of State of Morocco Pop: 62 Mil 96: The Kingdom of Stuffedlan Pop: 787 Mil 97: The Kingdom of Taelrania Pop: 343 Mil 98: The Free Land of Taiwan congo Pop: 7 Mil 99: The Democratic Republic of Tamanya Pop: 7 Mil 100: The Republic of Tansanie Pop: 14 Mil 101: The Grand Duchy of Tarlowe Pop: 10 Mil 102: The Republic of Taska Pop: 895 Mil 103: The Rogue Nation of The Azean Black League Pop: 62 Mil 104: The Colony of The House of York Pop: 851 Mil 105: The Armed Republic of The Land Of Athena Pop: 20 Mil 106: The Empire of The lazy genius Pop: 451 Mil 107: The Free Land of The Moist Biscuits Pop: 586 Mil 108: The Federation of The Petorian Empire Pop: 1,064 Mil 109: The Empire of The second Algerian empire Pop: 7 Mil 110: The United States of The Star Spangled Banner Pop: 18 Mil 111: The 1st Colonial Empire of United States of America 75 Pop: 3,287 Mil 112: The Democratic Republic of United tree republic Pop: 62 Mil 113: The Federation of Valeshkas Pop: 845 Mil 114: The Federal Republic of Very New Republic of Madinia Pop: 6,577 Mil 115: The United Kingdom of War of The Roses Pop: 385 Mil 116: The Borderlands of Wenda UWU Cat Pop: 12 Mil 117: The Dominion of XM-8 Pop: 681 Mil 118: The Dictatorship of Yappenkon Pop: 74 Mil 119: The Grand Duchy of Zadruzyn Pop: 233 Mil 120: The Armed Republic of Zugrad Pop: 1,246 Mil |