1: The Null of 0x00 Pop: 10,417 Mil 2: The Start of Heading of 0x01 Pop: 10,363 Mil 3: The Start of Text of 0x02 Pop: 10,359 Mil 4: The End of Text of 0x03 Pop: 10,366 Mil 5: The End of Transmission of 0x04 Pop: 10,395 Mil 6: The Enquiry of 0x05 Pop: 10,407 Mil 7: The Acknowledgement of 0x06 Pop: 10,357 Mil 8: The Bell of 0x07 Pop: 10,405 Mil 9: The Backspace of 0x08 Pop: 10,401 Mil 10: The Horizontal Tab of 0x09 Pop: 10,393 Mil 11: The Line Feed of 0x0A Pop: 10,398 Mil 12: The Vertical Tab of 0x0B Pop: 10,343 Mil 13: The Form Feed of 0x0C Pop: 10,407 Mil 14: The Carriage Return of 0x0D Pop: 10,384 Mil 15: The Shift Out of 0x0E Pop: 10,392 Mil 16: The Shift In of 0x0F Pop: 10,405 Mil 17: The Data Link Escape of 0x10 Pop: 10,355 Mil 18: The Device Control 1 of 0x11 Pop: 10,357 Mil 19: The Device Control 2 of 0x12 Pop: 10,332 Mil 20: The Device Control 3 of 0x13 Pop: 10,351 Mil 21: The Device Control 4 of 0x14 Pop: 10,417 Mil 22: The Negative Acknowledge of 0x15 Pop: 10,359 Mil 23: The Synchronous Idle of 0x16 Pop: 10,338 Mil 24: The End of Transmission Block of 0x17 Pop: 10,332 Mil 25: The Cancel of 0x18 Pop: 10,353 Mil 26: The End of Medium of 0x19 Pop: 10,225 Mil 27: The Substitute of 0x1a Pop: 10,258 Mil 28: The Escape of 0x1b Pop: 10,208 Mil 29: The File Separator of 0x1c Pop: 10,233 Mil 30: The Group Separator of 0x1d Pop: 10,237 Mil 31: The Record Separator of 0x1e Pop: 10,214 Mil 32: The Unit Separator of 0x1f Pop: 10,289 Mil 33: The S P A C E of 0x20 Pop: 10,242 Mil 34: The Exclamation Point of 0x21 Pop: 10,164 Mil 35: The Second Best TCM Puppet of 0x22 Pop: 10,246 Mil 36: The Commented Out Puppet of 0x23 Pop: 10,017 Mil 37: The $$$ of 0x24 Pop: 10,006 Mil 38: The 25 Percent Real Puppet of 0x25 Pop: 10,061 Mil 39: The AmpersAND of 0x26 Pop: 10,010 Mil 40: The 'Single' Quote of 0x27 Pop: 9,973 Mil 41: The Unmatched Left Parenthesis of 0x28 Pop: 9,945 Mil 42: The Closing Parenthesis of 0x29 Pop: 9,994 Mil 43: The Wildcard and Pointless Dash of 0x2a- Pop: 9,929 Mil 44: The NationStates Plus Plus of 0x2b Pop: 9,984 Mil 45: The Comma D of 0x2c Pop: 9,960 Mil 46: The ---------------------------- of 0x2d Pop: 9,951 Mil 47: The Dot Dot Dot Dot Dot Dot Dot of 0x2e Pop: 9,957 Mil 48: The Slash Attack of 0x2f Pop: 9,924 Mil 49: The Zero But Not Null of 0x30 Pop: 9,969 Mil 50: The Not the First TCM Puppet of 0x31 Pop: 9,904 Mil 51: The Not the Second Best Puppet of 0x32 Pop: 9,934 Mil 52: The 3333333333333333333333333333 of 0x33 Pop: 9,918 Mil 53: The Cards 4 The Cosmic Mainframe of 0x34 Pop: 9,933 Mil 54: The 6th if Arrays Start at Zero of 0x35 Pop: 9,891 Mil 55: The Actual ASCII Number 6 of 0x36 Pop: 9,903 Mil 56: The Lucky Number 7 of 0x37 Pop: 9,955 Mil 57: The Armed Republic of 0x38 Pop: 9,888 Mil 58: The Fiefdom of 0x39 Pop: 9,853 Mil 59: The Theocracy of 0x3a Pop: 9,844 Mil 60: The Disputed Territories of 0x3b Pop: 9,862 Mil 61: The Allied States of 0x3c Pop: 9,866 Mil 62: The United Kingdom of 0x3d Pop: 9,853 Mil 63: The People's Republic of 0x3e Pop: 9,873 Mil 64: The Incorporated States of 0x3f Pop: 9,860 Mil 65: The Incorporated States of 0x40 Pop: 9,743 Mil 66: The Grand Duchy of 0x41 Pop: 9,785 Mil 67: The Sultanate of 0x42 Pop: 9,768 Mil 68: The Jingoistic States of 0x43 Pop: 9,716 Mil 69: The Holy Empire of 0x44 Pop: 9,755 Mil 70: The Democratic Republic of 0x45- Pop: 9,798 Mil 71: The Fiefdom of 0x46 Pop: 9,755 Mil 72: The Principality of 0x47 Pop: 9,701 Mil 73: The Federation of 0x48 Pop: 9,773 Mil 74: The Democratic Republic of 0x49 Pop: 9,736 Mil 75: The Matriarchy of 0x4a Pop: 9,746 Mil 76: The Principality of 0x4b Pop: 9,761 Mil 77: The Oppressed Peoples of 0x4c Pop: 9,838 Mil 78: The People's Republic of 0x4d Pop: 9,812 Mil 79: The Emirate of 0x4e Pop: 9,764 Mil 80: The Commonwealth of 0x4f Pop: 9,787 Mil 81: The Rogue Nation of 0x50 Pop: 9,783 Mil 82: The Kingdom of 0x51 Pop: 9,724 Mil 83: The Nomadic Peoples of 0x52 Pop: 9,742 Mil 84: The Jingoistic States of 0x53 Pop: 9,687 Mil 85: The Nomadic Peoples of 0x54 Pop: 9,745 Mil 86: The Dominion of 0x55 Pop: 9,747 Mil 87: The Fiefdom of 0x56 Pop: 9,715 Mil 88: The United Socialist States of 0x57 Pop: 9,787 Mil 89: The Constitutional Monarchy of 0x58 Pop: 9,749 Mil 90: The Federation of 0x59 Pop: 9,748 Mil 91: The Incorporated States of 0x5a Pop: 9,741 Mil 92: The Matriarchy of 0x5b Pop: 9,750 Mil 93: The United States of 0x5c Pop: 9,737 Mil 94: The Oppressed Peoples of 0x5d Pop: 9,717 Mil 95: The Nomadic Peoples of 0x5e Pop: 9,793 Mil 96: The Disputed Territories of 0x5f Pop: 9,723 Mil 97: The Holy Empire of 0x60 Pop: 9,731 Mil 98: The United States of 0x61 Pop: 9,679 Mil 99: The Disputed Territories of 0x62 Pop: 9,683 Mil 100: The Empire of 0x63 Pop: 9,729 Mil 101: The Theocracy of 0x64 Pop: 9,679 Mil 102: The Rogue Nation of 0x65 Pop: 9,717 Mil 103: The Rogue Nation of 0x66 Pop: 9,693 Mil 104: The Democratic States of 0x67 Pop: 9,732 Mil 105: The Sultanate of 0x68 Pop: 9,718 Mil 106: The Sultanate of 0x69 Pop: 9,734 Mil 107: The United Kingdom of 0x6a Pop: 9,638 Mil 108: The Rogue Nation of 0x6b Pop: 9,712 Mil 109: The Empire of 0x6c Pop: 9,669 Mil 110: The United Socialist States of 0x6d Pop: 9,722 Mil 111: The Emirate of 0x6e Pop: 9,721 Mil 112: The Community of 0x6f Pop: 9,691 Mil 113: The Oppressed Peoples of 0x70 Pop: 9,631 Mil 114: The Democratic States of 0x71 Pop: 9,625 Mil | 115: The Theocracy of 0x72 Pop: 9,659 Mil 116: The Constitutional Monarchy of 0x73 Pop: 9,686 Mil 117: The Armed Republic of 0x74 Pop: 9,693 Mil 118: The Incorporated States of 0x75 Pop: 9,643 Mil 119: The Dictatorship of 0x76 Pop: 9,682 Mil 120: The Sultanate of 0x77 Pop: 9,608 Mil 121: The Community of 0x78 Pop: 9,681 Mil 122: The Most Serene Republic of 0x79 Pop: 9,668 Mil 123: The Colony of 0x7a Pop: 9,677 Mil 124: The United Socialist States of 0x7b Pop: 9,652 Mil 125: The Democratic Republic of 0x7c Pop: 9,659 Mil 126: The Fiefdom of 0x7d Pop: 9,723 Mil 127: The Queendom of 0x7e Pop: 9,628 Mil 128: The Protectorate of 0x7f Pop: 9,697 Mil 129: The Queendom of 0x80 Pop: 9,477 Mil 130: The Kingdom of 0x81 Pop: 9,543 Mil 131: The Constitutional Monarchy of 0x82 Pop: 9,490 Mil 132: The Republic of 0x83 Pop: 9,512 Mil 133: The Democratic Republic of 0x84 Pop: 9,495 Mil 134: The Jingoistic States of 0x85 Pop: 9,471 Mil 135: The Borderlands of 0x86 Pop: 9,513 Mil 136: The United Socialist States of 0x87 Pop: 9,471 Mil 137: The Dictatorship of 0x88 Pop: 9,504 Mil 138: The Fiefdom of 0x89 Pop: 9,488 Mil 139: The Matriarchy of 0x8a Pop: 9,466 Mil 140: The Democratic States of 0x8b Pop: 9,521 Mil 141: The Sultanate of 0x8c Pop: 9,464 Mil 142: The Nomadic Peoples of 0x8d Pop: 9,403 Mil 143: The Sultanate of 0x8e Pop: 9,494 Mil 144: The Holy Empire of 0x8f Pop: 9,539 Mil 145: The Commonwealth of 0x90 Pop: 9,461 Mil 146: The Theocracy of 0x91 Pop: 9,445 Mil 147: The Incorporated States of 0x92 Pop: 9,511 Mil 148: The Constitutional Monarchy of 0x93 Pop: 9,450 Mil 149: The Empire of 0x94 Pop: 9,473 Mil 150: The Matriarchy of 0x95 Pop: 9,483 Mil 151: The Federation of 0x96 Pop: 9,451 Mil 152: The Colony of 0x97 Pop: 9,384 Mil 153: The Nomadic Peoples of 0x98 Pop: 9,472 Mil 154: The Fiefdom of 0x99 Pop: 9,407 Mil 155: The Queendom of 0x9A Pop: 9,435 Mil 156: The Democratic States of 0x9B Pop: 9,469 Mil 157: The People's Republic of 0x9C Pop: 9,471 Mil 158: The Fiefdom of 0x9D Pop: 9,490 Mil 159: The Most Serene Republic of 0x9E Pop: 9,484 Mil 160: The Queendom of 0x9F Pop: 9,414 Mil 161: The The Lover of Very Long Words of A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away Pop: 11,207 Mil 162: The Protectorate of Andy Billups Pop: 9,338 Mil 163: The Fiefdom of Badgey the Holodeck Tutor Pop: 9,415 Mil 164: The Lower Decker of Beckett Mariner Pop: 9,315 Mil 165: The Up-and-coming Officer of Brad Boimler Pop: 9,369 Mil 166: The Rogue Nation of BSN71 Pop: 3,442 Mil 167: The Fiefdom of Carol Freeman Pop: 9,379 Mil 168: The Colony of Cobra Card Sales Pop: 9,314 Mil 169: The Jingoistic States of Commander Jack Ransom Pop: 9,302 Mil 170: The Nummern Zahlen Handel Leute of Computerwelt Pop: 10,135 Mil 171: The Abandoned Lore Nation of Cyberkelia Pop: 10,394 Mil 172: The Deadly Complex of Darkside Dare Pop: 9,520 Mil 173: The United Socialist States of David Drumlin Pop: 9,931 Mil 174: The Ancient Distro of Debian 1 Pop: 9,674 Mil 175: The Queendom of Debian 10 Pop: 9,761 Mil 176: The Dominion of Debian 2 Pop: 9,635 Mil 177: The Community of Debian 3 Pop: 9,684 Mil 178: The Grand Duchy of Debian 4 Pop: 9,707 Mil 179: The Jingoistic States of Debian 5 Pop: 9,702 Mil 180: The Borderlands of Debian 6 Pop: 9,734 Mil 181: The Queendom of Debian 7 Pop: 9,734 Mil 182: The Disputed Territories of Debian 8 Pop: 9,710 Mil 183: The Rogue Nation of Debian 9 Pop: 9,689 Mil 184: The Semi-Human Being of Die Mensch Maschine Pop: 10,108 Mil 185: The Constitutional Monarchy of Doctor TAna Pop: 9,253 Mil 186: The Dictatorship of DVana Tendi Pop: 9,341 Mil 187: The M?sica Electr?nica of Electric Cafe Pop: 10,116 Mil 188: The SETI Astronomer of Ellie Arroway Pop: 9,917 Mil 189: The Loving Couple of For The Future- Pop: 4,114 Mil 190: The Debut Album of Kraftwerk 1 Pop: 10,121 Mil 191: The Second Album of Kraftwerk 2 Pop: 10,156 Mil 192: The 23 Minute Title Track of Kraftwerk Autobahn Pop: 10,160 Mil 193: The United Kingdom of Lieutenant Shaxs Pop: 9,299 Mil 194: The Confederacy of Michael Kitz Pop: 9,933 Mil 195: The Imperial Province of Morrowind-3E Pop: 10,760 Mil 196: The Pacifican Master Node of NPO Supercomputer 00 Pop: 9,812 Mil 197: The Oppressed Peoples of NPO Supercomputer 01 Pop: 9,770 Mil 198: The Emirate of NPO Supercomputer 02 Pop: 9,768 Mil 199: The Most Serene Republic of NPO Supercomputer 03 Pop: 9,793 Mil 200: The Allied States of NPO Supercomputer 04 Pop: 9,807 Mil 201: The Kingdom of NPO Supercomputer 05 Pop: 9,777 Mil 202: The Matriarchy of NPO Supercomputer 06 Pop: 9,815 Mil 203: The Federation of NPO Supercomputer 07 Pop: 9,802 Mil 204: The Commonwealth of NPO Supercomputer 08 Pop: 9,807 Mil 205: The Principality of NPO Supercomputer 09 Pop: 9,819 Mil 206: The Allied States of Palmer Joss Pop: 9,900 Mil 207: The Hero of the Milky Way of Pan-Galactic Dolphin Pop: 10,177 Mil 208: The All you can eat of Pancake Robot Pop: 10,089 Mil 209: The Lesser-known Dilemma of Paradox of Tolerance Pop: 9,573 Mil 210: The Bilingual Album of Radio-Aktivitat Pop: 10,105 Mil 211: The Forgotten Album of Ralf und Florian Pop: 10,085 Mil 212: The New hero on the scene of Robo Hambot Pop: 10,105 Mil 213: The Dictatorship of Sam Rutherford Pop: 9,357 Mil 214: The Follow the rainbow of Sandwich Turtle Pop: 10,137 Mil 215: The Free Land of Sol Hadden Pop: 9,951 Mil 216: The Marshmallow laser of Space Unicorn Pop: 10,107 Mil 217: The Incorporated States of Ted Arroway Pop: 9,931 Mil 218: The Dictatorship of The American Machine Pop: 9,939 Mil 219: The Colony of The Hokkaido Machine Pop: 9,930 Mil 220: The People's Republic of The Message from Vega Pop: 9,936 Mil 221: The Camarades et Amiti? of Tour de France Soundtracks Pop: 10,125 Mil 222: The Straight Connection of Trans-Europa Express Pop: 10,153 Mil 223: The Magnetic Anomaly of Tycho Monolith Pop: 9,671 Mil 224: The Fresh pair every day of Underwear Frog Pop: 10,102 Mil 225: The Dominion of Very Large Array Pop: 9,879 Mil |