1: The Loving Couple of -CanonShip Pop: 6,572 Mil 2: The Civitates Foederatae of Americae Nova Roma Pop: 1,245 Mil 3: The Republic of Arthur II Pop: 17,247 Mil 4: The Roman Catholic States of Barrovia Pop: 8,739 Mil 5: The Kingdom of Beiranoah Pop: 6,030 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Bellarminia Pop: 600 Mil 7: The Holy Empire of Berggipfel Pop: 6 Mil 8: The Holy Empire of Cadors Pop: 1,424 Mil 9: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cajina Pop: 86 Mil 10: The Principality of Carlvonhapsburglund Pop: 25,976 Mil 11: The Most Loyal Catholic Union of Castle Federation Pop: 22,586 Mil 12: The Most Serene Republic of Catholic Canon Pop: 155 Mil 13: The Grand Duchy of Catholic Code Pop: 156 Mil 14: The Protectorate of Catholic Codex Pop: 143 Mil 15: The Dominion of Catholic Codification Pop: 161 Mil 16: The Holy Empire of Catholic Contract Pop: 160 Mil 17: The Incorporated States of Catholic Decree Pop: 160 Mil 18: The Confederacy of Catholic Duty Pop: 148 Mil 19: The Holy Confederacy of Catholic Latin Empire Pop: 5,567 Mil 20: The United Kingdom of Catholic Law Pop: 156 Mil 21: The Theocratic Monarchy of Catholic League Pop: 3,393 Mil 22: The Commonwealth of Catholic Legislation Pop: 153 Mil 23: The Oppressed Peoples of Catholic Lex Pop: 150 Mil 24: The Constitutional Monarchy of Catholic Mandament Pop: 142 Mil 25: The Dictatorship of Catholic Order Pop: 159 Mil 26: The United States of Catholic Ordinance Pop: 148 Mil 27: The Republic of Catholic Ordination Pop: 160 Mil 28: The Fiefdom of Catholic Pact Pop: 156 Mil 29: The Principality of Catholic Regiment Pop: 156 Mil 30: The Community of Catholic Regulation Pop: 152 Mil 31: The Kingdom of Catholic Rule Pop: 176 Mil 32: The Armed Republic of Catholic Standard Pop: 149 Mil 33: The Colony of Catholic Testament Pop: 149 Mil 34: The Christian Society of Catholic Union Pop: 2,531 Mil 35: The Theocracy of Celtic Catholics Pop: 13,797 Mil 36: The Most Holy Directory of Chestertonland Pop: 1,412 Mil 37: The Most Holy and Grand Empire of Christian Democrats Pop: 34,084 Mil 38: The Theocracy of Clavis Caeli Pop: 448 Mil 39: The Absolute Monarchy of Comicsansia Pop: 25,623 Mil 40: The Republic of Comitas Suburbicaria Pop: 20,127 Mil 41: The Holy Protectorate of Devoted Decons Pop: 37,638 Mil 42: The United Catholic Federation of Djak Minor Pop: 6,773 Mil 43: The Brave New World of Eldorado2 Pop: 9,475 Mil 44: The Republic of Eponia Pop: 14,822 Mil 45: The Iron Reich of Eurogoslavia Pop: 2,748 Mil 46: The Dominion of Evangelium Pop: 7,833 Mil 47: The Democratic States of Father James Martin Pop: 50 Mil | 48: The Our Lady of Fatima Pop: 25,784 Mil 49: The Classical Theocracy of Fraustin Pop: 2,864 Mil 50: The Most Catholic Confederation of Frostedestownion Pop: 2,051 Mil 51: The Organic Vegan Commune of Frustrated Franciscans Pop: 40,505 Mil 52: The Rosarians and Chapleteers of Grand Carniola Pop: 9,239 Mil 53: The Kingdom of Gregor Monarchy Pop: 12,103 Mil 54: The Holy Empire of Hibernia Scottorum Pop: 12 Mil 55: The Most Holy Authority of Holy Papal Byzantine Empire Pop: 2,027 Mil 56: The Most Serene Catholic Duchy of Insulusia Pop: 7,307 Mil 57: The Empire of Itapeva Pop: 6,777 Mil 58: The Dominion of John Mark Pop: 8,489 Mil 59: The Kingdom of Leutherius Pop: 19,323 Mil 60: The Holy Empire of Maronite Lebos Pop: 739 Mil 61: The Republic of Michael Knowles Pop: 726 Mil 62: The Holy Dominion of Michaelslovakia Pop: 10,462 Mil 63: The Most Holy Apostolic Empire of Miderlan Catholicus Pop: 857 Mil 64: The Holy Empire of Nation1204 Pop: 8,183 Mil 65: The Empire of Neo Christlandia Pop: 6,877 Mil 66: The Theocracy of Neo Jerusalem Pop: 359 Mil 67: The Holy Empire of North-Iberia Pop: 8,850 Mil 68: The Holy Empire of Novam Ierusalem Pop: 16 Mil 69: The Catholic Serene Commonwealth of Omensa Pop: 31,710 Mil 70: The Holy See of Our Holy Father Pop: 21,446 Mil 71: The Holy Empire of Pope Pop: 29,277 Mil 72: The Holy Kingdom of Presbyter Ioannes Pop: 5,082 Mil 73: The TeoMonarquia Constitucional of Reino da Ilha Patovil Pop: 12,876 Mil 74: The Holy Republic of Saint Bryce Pop: 29,117 Mil 75: The Community of Saint Damasus Pop: 118 Mil 76: The Protection of Saint Michael The Archangel Pop: 28,166 Mil 77: The Republic of Sjobo Pop: 202 Mil 78: The Tiny Empire of Smol Pop: 5,626 Mil 79: The Democratic Republic of South Wor Tijeliontainarim Pop: 2,785 Mil 80: The Popular Union of Steppe-Helicallene Pop: 7,397 Mil 81: The Gatekeepers of Swiss Guard Pop: 21,472 Mil 82: The Europa Ambassador of Tertio Pop: 19,262 Mil 83: The Kingdom of The Holy Child Pop: 1,898 Mil 84: The Catholic Republic of The Papal Federation Pop: 20,693 Mil 85: The Saint P?lerinage of The Pilgrims in the Desert Pop: 10,388 Mil 86: The Commonwealth of Thomas More Pop: 13,556 Mil 87: The Principality of Tirena-Sulartia Pop: 1,330 Mil 88: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tridentinum Pop: 483 Mil 89: The Kingdom of Vistaillia Pop: 4,614 Mil 90: The Holy Constitutional Monarchy of Waterburg Pop: 2,003 Mil 91: The Hilarious Autonomic Mayhem of Winquila Pop: 35,385 Mil |