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145 Countries populate the Region of Chinese Lotus

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1: The Confederacy of Aharen Reina
Pop: 6,163 Mil

2: The Incorporated States of AI Sada
Pop: 4,564 Mil

3: The Queendom of Amy Lee
Pop: 4,551 Mil

4: The Nomadic Peoples of Anjo Anna
Pop: 5,803 Mil

5: The Community of Anya Forger
Pop: 6,160 Mil

6: The Federal Republic of Asian Communist Girl
Pop: 6,074 Mil

7: The Armed Republic of Asian Hawaii
Pop: 3,883 Mil

8: The Armed Republic of Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,106 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Bhu-tan
Pop: 3,371 Mil

10: The Nomadic Peoples of Blonde Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,778 Mil

11: The Matriarchy of Blonde Women
Pop: 4,972 Mil

12: The Holy Empire of Bubbly Anime School Girls
Pop: 5,880 Mil

13: The Republic of Central Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,126 Mil

14: The Matriarchy of Champion Geeta
Pop: 4,880 Mil

15: The Queendom of Champion Nemona
Pop: 4,257 Mil

16: The Theocracy of Chang e
Pop: 5,564 Mil

17: The Republic of Cheongsam
Pop: 5,074 Mil

18: The People's Republic of China 520
Pop: 6,011 Mil

19: The Holy Empire of China Doll
Pop: 4,963 Mil

20: The Matriarchy of China Dolls
Pop: 4,948 Mil

21: The People's Republic of Chinese America
Pop: 3,863 Mil

22: The Protectorate of Chinese Beauty
Pop: 5,101 Mil

23: The Protectorate of Chinese Canada-
Pop: 3,886 Mil

24: The People's Republic of Chinese Communist Girl
Pop: 6,040 Mil

25: The Armed Republic of Chinese Communist Girls
Pop: 6,064 Mil

26: The Free Land of Chinese Girls
Pop: 5,121 Mil

27: The Nomadic Peoples of Chinese Hawaii
Pop: 3,919 Mil

28: The Federation of Chinese Lotus
Pop: 6,032 Mil

29: The Rogue Nation of Chinese School-girls
Pop: 4,776 Mil

30: The Democratic States of Chinese-Australia
Pop: 3,943 Mil

31: The Queendom of Cute Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 6,202 Mil

32: The Republic of Dianxi Xiaoge
Pop: 6,133 Mil

33: The Democratic Peoples Republic of DPRK-
Pop: 6,148 Mil

34: The Armed Republic of Dragon Ladies
Pop: 5,017 Mil

35: The Free Land of Dragon Lady
Pop: 4,958 Mil

36: The Theocracy of East Asian Buddhism
Pop: 5,581 Mil

37: The Republic of East Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,052 Mil

38: The Theocracy of Eastern Lightning
Pop: 3,614 Mil

39: The Free Land of Evil Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,764 Mil

40: The Allied States of Far Eastern Beauty
Pop: 5,932 Mil

41: The Republic of Fuwa Yuzuki
Pop: 4,204 Mil

42: The Principality of Fuyukawa Kagari
Pop: 5,638 Mil

43: The Jingoistic States of Geisha Girl
Pop: 4,987 Mil

44: The Confederacy of Geisha Girls
Pop: 4,944 Mil

45: The Confederacy of Gina Boyd
Pop: 5,618 Mil

46: The Republic of Gu Ailing
Pop: 6,017 Mil

47: The Community of Gym Leader Iono
Pop: 4,788 Mil

48: The Theocracy of Gym Leader Marnie
Pop: 4,319 Mil

49: The Confederacy of Hafu
Pop: 4,999 Mil

50: The Empire of Hallyu
Pop: 5,465 Mil

51: The Nomadic Peoples of Hapa
Pop: 5,171 Mil

52: The Kingdom of Hapa Hawaii
Pop: 6,230 Mil

53: The Confederacy of Hapa Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,121 Mil

54: The People's Republic of Happy Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 6,185 Mil

55: The Dictatorship of Hara Sumire
Pop: 4,256 Mil

56: The Free Land of Hayami Rinka
Pop: 4,224 Mil

57: The Theocracy of Hazama Kirara
Pop: 4,213 Mil

58: The Confederacy of Hellenic Republics
Pop: 5,723 Mil

59: The United Kingdom of Heping
Pop: 4,989 Mil

60: The Matriarchy of Hey Sri
Pop: 5,512 Mil

61: The Free Land of Hibiki Sakura
Pop: 5,651 Mil

62: The Fiefdom of Hikari
Pop: 4,769 Mil

63: The Queendom of HuanHuan
Pop: 4,539 Mil

64: The Incorporated States of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
Pop: 10,572 Mil

65: The United Kingdom of Indian Australia
Pop: 3,910 Mil

66: The Republic of Indian Canada
Pop: 3,911 Mil

67: The Nomadic Peoples of Irina Yerabitchi
Pop: 4,200 Mil

68: The Nomadic Peoples of Jade Chan
Pop: 4,932 Mil

69: The Empire of Japanese Beauty
Pop: 3,679 Mil

70: The Federation of Japanese Girls
Pop: 5,092 Mil

71: The Grand Duchy of Japanese School-girls
Pop: 4,851 Mil

72: The Theocracy of K-Beauty
Pop: 5,136 Mil

73: The Republic of Kanzaki Yukiko
Pop: 4,195 Mil

74: The Fiefdom of Katoka Megu
Pop: 4,321 Mil

75: The People's Republic of Kayano Kaede
Pop: 4,247 Mil

76: The Grand Duchy of Kingdom of Switzerland
Pop: 5,300 Mil

77: The Most Serene Republic of Komi Cant Communicate
Pop: 6,158 Mil

78: The Protectorate of Komi Shoko
Pop: 5,557 Mil

79: The Kingdom of Komorebi Hiki
Pop: 5,976 Mil

80: The Matriarchy of Korean Girls
Pop: 5,126 Mil

81: The Community of Korean School-girls
Pop: 4,749 Mil

82: The Dominion of Kurahashi Hinano
Pop: 4,315 Mil

83: The Free Land of Li Ziqi
Pop: 6,172 Mil

84: The People's Republic of Lotus Blossoms
Pop: 4,926 Mil

85: The Protectorate of Marinette Dupain Cheng
Pop: 5,011 Mil

86: The Theocracy of Marnie-
Pop: 5,057 Mil

87: The Republic of Mieruko-chan
Pop: 5,775 Mil

88: The Republic of Minami Chiaki
Pop: 5,126 Mil

89: The Republic of Minami Kana
Pop: 4,999 Mil

90: The United States of Miss Emilia
Pop: 5,833 Mil

91: The Empire of Miss Nagatoro
Pop: 5,830 Mil

92: The Matriarchy of Moon Goddess
Pop: 5,694 Mil

93: The Republic of Ms Yeah
Pop: 6,048 Mil

94: The Jingoistic States of My Dress Up Darling
Pop: 5,847 Mil

95: The Empire of Nai Cha
Pop: 5,846 Mil

96: The Colony of Naicha
Pop: 5,807 Mil

97: The Republic of Nakamura Rio
Pop: 4,316 Mil

98: The Most Serene Republic of Namo Amitoufo
Pop: 5,143 Mil

99: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nippon-koku
Pop: 6,248 Mil

100: The Theocracy of Nishimiya Shoko
Pop: 5,118 Mil

101: The Armed Republic of Okano Hinata
Pop: 4,206 Mil

102: The Jingoistic States of Okuda Manami
Pop: 4,438 Mil

103: The People's Republic of Omoharu Nakanaka
Pop: 6,075 Mil

104: The Protectorate of Onemine Nene
Pop: 6,056 Mil

105: The People's Republic of Oppo
Pop: 5,003 Mil

106: The Nomadic Peoples of Oriental Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,104 Mil

107: The Constitutional Monarchy of Otori Kaede
Pop: 5,701 Mil

108: The Allied States of Perfect Anime School Girls
Pop: 5,841 Mil

109: The United States of Pokemon Professor Sada
Pop: 4,490 Mil

110: The Protectorate of Popular Anime School Girls
Pop: 5,863 Mil

111: The Federation of Pretty Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,732 Mil

112: The Rogue Nation of Professor Olim
Pop: 4,361 Mil

113: The United Kingdom of PROTECC
Pop: 5,652 Mil

114: The Republic of Qipao
Pop: 5,059 Mil

115: The Grand Duchy of Reina Aharen
Pop: 6,059 Mil

116: The United Kingdom of Ritsu
Pop: 4,237 Mil

117: The United Kingdom of Ruqun
Pop: 4,876 Mil

118: The Dominion of Saree
Pop: 4,963 Mil

119: The Queendom of Sari
Pop: 4,922 Mil

120: The Confederacy of School-girls
Pop: 5,007 Mil

121: The Free Land of Shi Qi
Pop: 4,578 Mil

122: The Empire of Shikimori
Pop: 5,586 Mil

123: The Nomadic Peoples of Shiny Gengar
Pop: 4,989 Mil

124: The Borderlands of Shiota Hiromi
Pop: 4,400 Mil

125: The Colony of Smol Anime School Girls
Pop: 5,761 Mil

126: The Democratic States of Soryuin Akemi
Pop: 5,650 Mil

127: The United Kingdom of South Asian Beauty
Pop: 5,915 Mil

128: The Grand Duchy of South Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,144 Mil

129: The Confederacy of Southeast Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,075 Mil

130: The Republic of Tachibana Satomi
Pop: 5,659 Mil

131: The Sultanate of Tadano Hitomi
Pop: 5,692 Mil

132: The Republic of Taipei City
Pop: 5,353 Mil

133: The Principality of Takagi-chan
Pop: 5,634 Mil

134: The Matriarchy of Team Star Penny
Pop: 4,489 Mil

135: The Empire of The Fire Nation
Pop: 5,595 Mil

136: The Allied States of Tingyun
Pop: 3,882 Mil

137: The United Kingdom of Uehara Ayaka
Pop: 5,583 Mil

138: The Emirate of UwU Anime Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,848 Mil

139: The Grand Duchy of Uzaki-chan
Pop: 5,610 Mil

140: The Republic of West Asian Schoolgirls
Pop: 5,102 Mil

141: The Theocracy of Xiwangmu
Pop: 4,599 Mil

142: The Oppressed Peoples of Yada Toka
Pop: 4,336 Mil

143: The Republic of Zhen Huan
Pop: 4,527 Mil

144: The Democratic Republic of Zhengzhou
Pop: 5,277 Mil

145: The Commonwealth of ZTE Corporation
Pop: 5,915 Mil

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