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90 Countries populate the Region of Christmas

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1: The Loving Couple of 4rt Fan
Pop: 6,838 Mil

2: The Republic of A Friend Like You
Pop: 5,192 Mil

3: The Holy Empire of Admiral Tage Island
Pop: 3,968 Mil

4: The Unexpected Pregnancy of Agnes Gooch
Pop: 9,033 Mil

5: The Republic of Andoriania
Pop: 17,542 Mil

6: The Theocracy of Bobcal
Pop: 6,250 Mil

7: The Republic of Boniju
Pop: 7,145 Mil

8: The Democratic Republic of Boyathe
Pop: 6,656 Mil

9: The Disputed Territories of BrusselSprout
Pop: 16,573 Mil

10: The Protectorate of Cards of Eagles 4
Pop: 9,883 Mil

11: The Toasty Smell of Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Pop: 14,651 Mil

12: The Most Serene Republic of Christmas angel
Pop: 6,847 Mil

13: The Dictatorship of Christmas Bedebao
Pop: 15,846 Mil

14: The Festivities of Christmas Eve
Pop: 20,410 Mil

15: The Multicolored World of Christmas Lights
Pop: 13,775 Mil

16: The Holiday Traditions of Christmas Morning
Pop: 18,079 Mil

17: The Colony of Christmas Town
Pop: 5,058 Mil

18: The Republic of CIAs dental plan
Pop: 3,481 Mil

19: The Concordan Christmas Creature of Cindy Claws
Pop: 3,678 Mil

20: The Republic of Claushavn
Pop: 3,588 Mil

21: The Borderlands of Darickelo
Pop: 17,372 Mil

22: The Protectorate of Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen
Pop: 20,023 Mil

23: The Well don't of Dont eject this fenda sleeper 8
Pop: 9,093 Mil

24: The Dpublic of Dsheiga
Pop: 4,680 Mil

25: The Rogue Nation of DSN19
Pop: 3,458 Mil

26: The Republic of Duncantopia
Pop: 8,333 Mil

27: The Republic of Elf Mage
Pop: 15,915 Mil

28: The Republic of Farming frenzy
Pop: 3,738 Mil

29: The Dictatorship of Feudal India
Pop: 12,755 Mil

30: The Confederacy of Finmany
Pop: 22,290 Mil

31: The Fleetfooted Nomads of Floreque
Pop: 15,938 Mil

32: The Cosy Warmth of Folks Dressed Up Like Eskimos
Pop: 14,718 Mil

33: The Rogue Partner of FR0SCH
Pop: 12,074 Mil

34: The Republic of Generic Operating Technician
Pop: 10,187 Mil

35: The Caroling Colony of GoodKingWenceslas
Pop: 15,083 Mil

36: The Republic of Hetoblik
Pop: 6,415 Mil

37: The Republic of Hidden swamp
Pop: 4,143 Mil

38: The Santa States of Ho Ho Ho
Pop: 27,346 Mil

39: The Confederacy of Holland-Bravo
Pop: 5,172 Mil

40: The Kingdom of Housearryn
Pop: 28,177 Mil

41: The Allied States of Ingbytter
Pop: 6,802 Mil

42: The Disputed Territories of Iyaoye
Pop: 17,815 Mil

43: The Icy Bite of Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose
Pop: 14,663 Mil

44: The Icycles of JackyFrost
Pop: 18,001 Mil

45: The Batman smells of Jingle all the way
Pop: 8,120 Mil

46: The Spirit of Jolly Old St Nicholas
Pop: 14,853 Mil

47: The People's Republic of Korumm
Pop: 18,046 Mil

48: The Krypton of Kr
Pop: 24,798 Mil

49: The Democratic States of Krampustown
Pop: 16,176 Mil

50: The Republic of Little Elf Alti
Pop: 8,795 Mil

51: The Little bobsled of Little St Nick
Pop: 16,540 Mil

52: The Republic of Lor Ott
Pop: 5,423 Mil

53: The United Kingdom of Malineria
Pop: 6,640 Mil

54: The Tarpon of Megalops atlanticus
Pop: 4,222 Mil

55: The Malevolence of Mister Grinch
Pop: 19,829 Mil

56: The Stone-cold rule of Morozko the snow demon
Pop: 9,432 Mil

57: The Rebellion of Most Rebellious Youth
Pop: 5,477 Mil

58: The Xmas Day Transmogrification of Mr Grinch
Pop: 23,313 Mil

59: The Rogue Nation of MSN61
Pop: 4,763 Mil

60: The Matriarchy of Nimba
Pop: 2,773 Mil

61: The Armed Republic of North Pightobb Drum
Pop: 4,362 Mil

62: The Republic of North pole Santas
Pop: 9,277 Mil

63: The Fiefdom of Pan-Inuit
Pop: 9,749 Mil

64: The Republic of Red fluffy Santa hat
Pop: 10,417 Mil

65: The Republic of Reitarawi VIII
Pop: 4,444 Mil

66: The Xmas Mass Murder Spree of Robot Santa-
Pop: 21,548 Mil

67: The Holy Blue Republic of Saint Nicholas
Pop: 16,557 Mil

68: The Return of Santa Claus
Pop: 26,105 Mil

69: The Evil Empire of Santa Is Satan
Pop: 30,849 Mil

70: The Republic of Santa Sleigh
Pop: 10,438 Mil

71: The Festivus Miracle of Santa Venico
Pop: 2,196 Mil

72: The Bells of Sealokin
Pop: 8,777 Mil

73: The Terror From The Beyond of Sky of Stars
Pop: 38,750 Mil

74: The People's Republic of Slumbar
Pop: 6,559 Mil

75: The Christmas Tardis Anomaly of Storm and Space
Pop: 18,673 Mil

76: The Republic of The Astralborn
Pop: 10,283 Mil

77: The Republic of The Great Congress
Pop: 14,262 Mil

78: The Demonic Christmas Kingdom of The Krampus
Pop: 23,677 Mil

79: The Most Wonderful Time of The Year
Pop: 10,075 Mil

80: The Holy Sun Baby of Tubbytronic
Pop: 11,242 Mil

81: The Cold Biome of Tundra
Pop: 5,592 Mil

82: The Utopia of White Christmas
Pop: 11,427 Mil

83: The Last Can of Who Hash
Pop: 6,904 Mil

84: The Republic of Wintry Christmas
Pop: 22,962 Mil

85: The Democratic Republic of Xigduo
Pop: 12,720 Mil

86: The Christmas Legend of Ykrampusania
Pop: 8,953 Mil

87: The Republic of Yulet
Pop: 1,486 Mil

88: The Cacophony of Yuletide Carols Being Sung by a Choir
Pop: 14,740 Mil

89: The Vast Herd of Zombie Reindeer
Pop: 4,633 Mil

90: The Democratic States of Zubawa
Pop: 6,488 Mil

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