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221 Countries populate the Region of Coalition of Crown Albatross

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1: The Loving Couple of -ArtFan
Pop: 6,790 Mil

2: The Republic of A lake of shadow
Pop: 4,035 Mil

3: The Republic of Aatia
Pop: 5,253 Mil

4: The Confederacy of Abastan
Pop: 6,069 Mil

5: The Republic of Acdia
Pop: 7,085 Mil

6: The United Socialist States of Albanovi
Pop: 7,154 Mil

7: The Most Serene Republic of Albarine
Pop: 9,909 Mil

8: The Confederacy of Alcarres
Pop: 9,844 Mil

9: The Republic of Allieu
Pop: 5,121 Mil

10: The Republic of Alluna
Pop: 9,393 Mil

11: The Allied States of Alonnisosa
Pop: 9,791 Mil

12: The Republic of Alterrame
Pop: 5,867 Mil

13: The Democratic Republic of Andaluni
Pop: 9,756 Mil

14: The Confederacy of Apatonia
Pop: 7,499 Mil

15: The Federation of Arasban
Pop: 5,181 Mil

16: The Holy Empire of Arbeet
Pop: 5,136 Mil

17: The Republic of Arcurumistan
Pop: 5,011 Mil

18: The Republic of Arenacia
Pop: 7,514 Mil

19: The Republic of Artaska
Pop: 7,159 Mil

20: The Federation of Artegana
Pop: 9,504 Mil

21: The Kingdom of Ascacia
Pop: 9,975 Mil

22: The United States of Atylestan
Pop: 6,291 Mil

23: The Federation of Austrolis I
Pop: 9,814 Mil

24: The United States of Aybrea
Pop: 3,629 Mil

25: The Republic of Balatona
Pop: 4,793 Mil

26: The Republic of Barangadesh
Pop: 9,306 Mil

27: The Republic of Bazira
Pop: 8,602 Mil

28: The Republic of Beatavic
Pop: 9,595 Mil

29: The Republic of Behinia
Pop: 5,317 Mil

30: The Federation of Beleroskov
Pop: 9,555 Mil

31: The Secular Republic of Bentho
Pop: 5,260 Mil

32: The Federal Republic of Besmenien
Pop: 11,509 Mil

33: The Democratic States of Blallia
Pop: 5,908 Mil

34: The United Federal Republic of Boralkov
Pop: 1,184 Mil

35: The Rogue Nation of BSN72
Pop: 3,423 Mil

36: The Free Land of Buckingla
Pop: 9,770 Mil

37: The Confederacy of Byritand
Pop: 8,621 Mil

38: The Free Land of Cakala
Pop: 7,417 Mil

39: The United Socialist States of Calerow
Pop: 415 Mil

40: The Republic of Candatora
Pop: 9,141 Mil

41: The Republic of Cariehand
Pop: 6,549 Mil

42: The Democratic Republic of Casarta
Pop: 4,754 Mil

43: The High Kingdom of Caspiaa
Pop: 10,313 Mil

44: The Republic of Cechena
Pop: 8,696 Mil

45: The United Socialist States of Coaitte
Pop: 5,846 Mil

46: The Republic of Condtopia
Pop: 386 Mil

47: The Republic of Constantio
Pop: 9,969 Mil

48: The Armed Republic of Coonic Islands
Pop: 430 Mil

49: The Kingdom of Costa Sarba
Pop: 9,354 Mil

50: The Confederacy of Cronyia
Pop: 763 Mil

51: The Federation of Cylata
Pop: 7,237 Mil

52: The Republic of Cyruda
Pop: 8,642 Mil

53: The Optimal Republic of Daulise
Pop: 2,991 Mil

54: The People's Republic of De Yuan
Pop: 9,961 Mil

55: The Federation of Democratic Aurea
Pop: 5,919 Mil

56: The Confederacy of Dnatiri
Pop: 6,074 Mil

57: The Democratic States of Donasa
Pop: 5,077 Mil

58: The Holy Empire of Drambenburg
Pop: 9,746 Mil

59: The Federated Republic of Durnstaal
Pop: 9,767 Mil

60: The Republic of East Chanchajilla
Pop: 9,771 Mil

61: The Empire of Eastenia
Pop: 4,711 Mil

62: The Democratic States of Eastern Holin
Pop: 652 Mil

63: The Republic of Eestlati
Pop: 3,876 Mil

64: The Federation of Elastan
Pop: 7,204 Mil

65: The Protectorate of Elborra
Pop: 9,734 Mil

66: The Allied States of Elbresia
Pop: 9,353 Mil

67: The Dominion of Emansi
Pop: 6,276 Mil

68: The Islamic Republic of Emmiria
Pop: 10,330 Mil

69: The Nomadic Peoples of Endson
Pop: 612 Mil

70: The Republic of Etasia
Pop: 7,195 Mil

71: The United Federation of Etheinia
Pop: 14,831 Mil

72: The Republic of Etlia
Pop: 7,500 Mil

73: The Republic of Free Leequarcias
Pop: 352 Mil

74: The Republic of Gasheura
Pop: 8,175 Mil

75: The Republic of Great Alescoll
Pop: 5,882 Mil

76: The Dictatorship of Great Epsilon
Pop: 9,804 Mil

77: The Federal Republic of Great Lutharia
Pop: 10,032 Mil

78: The Republic of Greater Havlon
Pop: 581 Mil

79: The Kingdom of Greater Normark
Pop: 4,683 Mil

80: The Allied States of Haduastan
Pop: 7,223 Mil

81: The Disputed Territories of Hasaari
Pop: 4,858 Mil

82: The Republic of Hetangourn
Pop: 4,828 Mil

83: The Holy Empire of Holy Allonschirux
Pop: 408 Mil

84: The Socialist Union of Hordestan
Pop: 8,101 Mil

85: The Federation of Hyanata
Pop: 561 Mil

86: The Democratic States of Ignaria
Pop: 680 Mil

87: The Republic of Iobaray
Pop: 9,148 Mil

88: The Allied States of Irane
Pop: 6,565 Mil

89: The Republic of Ireqa
Pop: 7,968 Mil

90: The Republic of Irzemai
Pop: 5,213 Mil

91: The Republic of Isla Ima
Pop: 7,496 Mil

92: The Republic of Itux Earia
Pop: 4,834 Mil

93: The Confederacy of Ivite
Pop: 9,303 Mil

94: The Republic of Jaginistan
Pop: 9,607 Mil

95: The Republic of Janapa
Pop: 9,422 Mil

96: The Democratic States of Joraistan
Pop: 5,069 Mil

97: The Republic of Jyau
Pop: 9,363 Mil

98: The Confederacy of Kamani
Pop: 9,078 Mil

99: The Republic of Karabakhi
Pop: 9,712 Mil

100: The Republic of Karnaim
Pop: 8,056 Mil

101: The Theocracy of Katzdale
Pop: 4,102 Mil

102: The Commonwealth of Kontio
Pop: 5,799 Mil

103: The Republic of Kossmil
Pop: 8,943 Mil

104: The Federation of Kosystan
Pop: 4,853 Mil

105: The Allied States of Kuresa
Pop: 9,768 Mil

106: The Democratic States of Kylastan
Pop: 7,284 Mil

107: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kylver
Pop: 366 Mil

108: The Democratic Republic of Kyti
Pop: 9,289 Mil

109: The Republic of Latilli
Pop: 7,521 Mil

110: The Commonwealth of Laurichesse
Pop: 5,821 Mil

111: The Republic of Lendascina
Pop: 758 Mil

112: The Pineapple Republic of Lillestola
Pop: 9,638 Mil

113: The Principality of Litchir
Pop: 10,455 Mil

114: The Republic of Lovinali
Pop: 9,664 Mil

115: The United Republic of Lower Aseu
Pop: 6,176 Mil

116: The United States of Mandrao
Pop: 7,887 Mil

117: The Federation of Marivista
Pop: 1,385 Mil

118: The Alliance of Mist Carthara Islands
Pop: 9,273 Mil

119: The Federation of Mobina
Pop: 7,080 Mil

120: The Federation of Molenia
Pop: 5,815 Mil

121: The Republic of Motopi
Pop: 695 Mil

122: The Republic of Movarry
Pop: 6,805 Mil

123: The Republic of Mulfulira
Pop: 9,572 Mil

124: The People's Republic of Muonang
Pop: 5,119 Mil

125: The Federal Republic of Murzi
Pop: 8,022 Mil

126: The Republic of Myskenso
Pop: 520 Mil

127: The Confederacy of Nebetia
Pop: 9,265 Mil

128: The Confederacy of New Anea
Pop: 9,876 Mil

129: The People's Republic of New Ansion
Pop: 9,851 Mil

130: The Unified Territories of New Elkland
Pop: 9,774 Mil

131: The Grand Duchy of New Gildond
Pop: 445 Mil

132: The Federal Republic of Noravia
Pop: 5,080 Mil

133: The Democratic States of Norlansia
Pop: 5,104 Mil

134: The Democratic States of North Icadania
Pop: 9,860 Mil

135: The Republic of North Kandson
Pop: 7,444 Mil

136: The Republic of North Shebat
Pop: 9,339 Mil

137: The Savages of North Timeria
Pop: 23,634 Mil

138: The Free Land of Nual
Pop: 5,907 Mil

139: The Commonwealth of Odoni
Pop: 5,902 Mil

140: The People's Republic of Olsahemobka
Pop: 2,332 Mil

141: The Dominion of Ordayia
Pop: 6,776 Mil

142: The Democratic Federation of Ossinia
Pop: 9,397 Mil

143: The Federation of Ossotia
Pop: 9,576 Mil

144: The Republic of Panbell
Pop: 6,914 Mil

145: The Federation of Pangchu
Pop: 9,097 Mil

146: The Federation of Paraboca
Pop: 9,369 Mil

147: The Democratic States of Pekastan
Pop: 7,462 Mil

148: The Republican Kingdom of Peoratia
Pop: 9,088 Mil

149: The United Socialist States of Phou
Pop: 5,106 Mil

150: The Allied States of Pian Islands
Pop: 7,052 Mil

151: The Federation of Pongi
Pop: 8,910 Mil

152: The Federation of Qalano
Pop: 9,112 Mil

153: The Federation of Qolaysia
Pop: 9,865 Mil

154: The Fifth Republic of Quetana
Pop: 9,724 Mil

155: The Republic of Rajihat
Pop: 6,333 Mil

156: The People's Republic of Rettoa
Pop: 6,926 Mil

157: The Kingdom of Rio Palito
Pop: 11,358 Mil

158: The Republic of Riovenia
Pop: 1,793 Mil

159: The Republic of Romerrile
Pop: 661 Mil

160: The Most Serene Republic of Saint Astaba and Beck
Pop: 5,858 Mil

161: The Principality of Saint Croix and Bens
Pop: 9,237 Mil

162: The Confederacy of Saint Hilley
Pop: 7,522 Mil

163: The Commonwealth of Saint Lorrain
Pop: 5,855 Mil

164: The Royal Federation of Saint Offeat
Pop: 9,317 Mil

165: The Free Land of Saldia
Pop: 2,214 Mil

166: The Confederacy of Salubar
Pop: 5,113 Mil

167: The Republic of San Portina
Pop: 2,260 Mil

168: The Democratic States of Sanpia
Pop: 6,543 Mil

169: The Republic of Sateroc
Pop: 8,322 Mil

170: The Emirate of Saudi Jiddiya
Pop: 9,833 Mil

171: The Republic of Selle
Pop: 7,223 Mil

172: The Dictatorship of Serra Leon
Pop: 9,718 Mil

173: The Republic of Serthisstan
Pop: 4,811 Mil

174: The Sultanate of Shariati
Pop: 5,794 Mil

175: The Republic of Shoassau
Pop: 9,354 Mil

176: The Republic of Silkolka
Pop: 1,390 Mil

177: The Ausianan Costate of Siniapore
Pop: 9,866 Mil

178: The United States of Somodi
Pop: 9,354 Mil

179: The Democratic States of Sontre
Pop: 5,177 Mil

180: The Democratic States of South Kandson
Pop: 7,433 Mil

181: The People's Republic of South Shebat
Pop: 9,272 Mil

182: The Federal Republic of Sovua
Pop: 5,172 Mil

183: The Free Land of Sprotavia
Pop: 6,130 Mil

184: The Federation of Stanou
Pop: 519 Mil

185: The Federation of Stasso
Pop: 6,299 Mil

186: The Holy Empire of Sterallia
Pop: 729 Mil

187: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sterkistan
Pop: 19,039 Mil

188: The Islamic Principality of Sulifa
Pop: 9,907 Mil

189: The Democratic Republic of Sutaland
Pop: 7,447 Mil

190: The Republic of Syraranto
Pop: 10,348 Mil

191: The Democratic Republic of Tasiastan
Pop: 7,089 Mil

192: The Federation of Taymaite
Pop: 5,261 Mil

193: The United Socialist States of Tennew
Pop: 5,213 Mil

194: The Republic of Terehan
Pop: 5,917 Mil

195: The Confederacy of Teresta
Pop: 5,853 Mil

196: The Confederacy of Terevi
Pop: 7,228 Mil

197: The Kingdom of Thetlia
Pop: 8,269 Mil

198: The Republic of Thezu
Pop: 7,367 Mil

199: The Protectorate of Tiqal
Pop: 5,210 Mil

200: The United States of Togaria
Pop: 9,811 Mil

201: The Allied States of Tosichi
Pop: 7,498 Mil

202: The Republic of Trusarul
Pop: 5,272 Mil

203: The Republic of Tunio
Pop: 8,000 Mil

204: The Socialist Republic of Tyrtha
Pop: 7,488 Mil

205: The Constitutional Monarchy of Unified Sera Government
Pop: 22,101 Mil

206: The Constitutional Monarchy of United Cavollon
Pop: 6,809 Mil

207: The Republic of Utobania
Pop: 9,854 Mil

208: The Republic of Verdusa
Pop: 2,586 Mil

209: The Confederacy of Versenia
Pop: 9,345 Mil

210: The Free Land of Villorvi
Pop: 4,042 Mil

211: The Give Me Sushi of Vitosium
Pop: 9,545 Mil

212: The R?kiav of Voeyetska
Pop: 5,097 Mil

213: The Republic of Vorrica
Pop: 6,963 Mil

214: The Federation of Vuswistan
Pop: 10,226 Mil

215: The United Kingdom of Wallenland
Pop: 4,935 Mil

216: The Federation of Wareselt
Pop: 8,207 Mil

217: The People's Republic of West Chanchajilla
Pop: 9,355 Mil

218: The Federation of Wyomia
Pop: 9,665 Mil

219: The Commonwealth of Yubonia
Pop: 9,875 Mil

220: The Kingdom of Zalluabed
Pop: 9,911 Mil

221: The First Republic of Zamastan
Pop: 16,239 Mil

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