1: The Republic of 13th Ghillemearan Marine Brigade Pop: 1,634 Mil 2: The Republic of 15th Ghillemearan Armored Brigade Pop: 1,661 Mil 3: The Classified Operations of 1NSPU Pop: 2,678 Mil 4: The Republic of 21st Ghillemearan Aeromarine Brigade Pop: 1,645 Mil 5: The Republic of 22nd Ghillemearan Armored Brigade Pop: 1,048 Mil 6: The Republic of 23rd Ghillemearan Mountaineer Brigade Pop: 1,038 Mil 7: The Republic of 34th Ghillemearan Air Assault Brigade Pop: 339 Mil 8: The Republic of 5th Ghillemearan Marine Brigade Pop: 1,650 Mil 9: The People's Republic of 6th Samonian Division Pop: 2,439 Mil 10: The Five Year Plan Commissar of Bog the Builder Pop: 12,002 Mil 11: The Seabound Socialist Invaders of Flyskistani Naval Infantry Pop: 4,094 Mil 12: The Socialist Naval Command of Flyskistani Peoples Revolutionary Navy Pop: 4,600 Mil 13: The Welsh Piratical Communists of FPRN Barti Ddu Detachment Pop: 2,730 Mil 14: The Slava-Class Cruiser of FRNV Flyskigrad Pop: 4,583 Mil 15: The People's Republic of Naxalite Pop: 10,592 Mil 16: The Leftist Defending Forces of Podrian Coastal Defence Command Pop: 1,869 Mil 17: The Armed Republic of Podrian Submarine Command Pop: 2,049 Mil 18: The People's Galactic Sword of Red Alnilam Pop: 12,059 Mil 19: The People's Interstellar Sword of Red Alnitak Pop: 11,944 Mil 20: The Shining Beacon of Red Antares Pop: 11,520 Mil 21: The Armed Republic of Red Army Faction Pop: 11,737 Mil 22: The Vermilion Eye-Star of Red Betelgeuse Pop: 11,403 Mil 23: The Scary Socialist Space Armada of Red Centaurus Pop: 13,545 Mil 24: The Commie Space Invasion of Red Cygnus Pop: 13,577 Mil 25: The Flagrant Terror of Red Eridani 1 Pop: 13,541 Mil 26: The Stellar Social Syndicate of Red Fomalhaut Pop: 10,371 Mil 27: The Interstellar Revolution of Red Mintaka Pop: 11,980 Mil 28: The Class-Warring Hawkeye of Red Orionis Pop: 13,593 Mil 29: The Horrific Bears of Red Ursus Pop: 13,619 Mil 30: The People's Republic of SAFTian Starship 1 Pop: 2,332 Mil 31: The Classified Operations of SPUC2 Pop: 3,006 Mil 32: The Classified Operations of SPUC3 Pop: 3,045 Mil 33: The Armed Republic of The 13th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,978 Mil 34: The Armed Republic of The 14th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,982 Mil 35: The Armed Republic of The 15th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 36: The Armed Republic of The 16th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,963 Mil 37: The Armed Republic of The 17th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,983 Mil 38: The Armed Republic of The 18th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 2,003 Mil 39: The Armed Republic of The 19th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,997 Mil 40: The United and Armed Leftists of The 1st Podrian Revolutionary Guards Pop: 2,557 Mil 41: The Armed Republic of The 20th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,978 Mil 42: The Armed Republic of The 21st Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,982 Mil 43: The Armed Republic of The 22nd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,989 Mil 44: The Armed Republic of The 23rd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,989 Mil 45: The Armed Republic of The 24th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,991 Mil 46: The Armed Republic of The 25th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,980 Mil 47: The Armed Republic of The 26th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 2,000 Mil 48: The Armed Republic of The 27th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,999 Mil 49: The Armed Republic of The 28th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,963 Mil 50: The Armed Republic of The 29th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 51: The Armed Republic of The 2nd Podrian Submarine Division Pop: 1,985 Mil 52: The Armed Republic of The 30th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,988 Mil 53: The Armed Republic of The 31st Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,984 Mil 54: The Armed Republic of The 32nd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 55: The Armed Republic of The 33rd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,982 Mil | 56: The Armed Republic of The 34th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,956 Mil 57: The Armed Republic of The 35th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,978 Mil 58: The Armed Republic of The 36th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,998 Mil 59: The Armed Republic of The 37th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,990 Mil 60: The Armed Republic of The 38th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,966 Mil 61: The Armed Republic of The 39th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,977 Mil 62: The Armed Republic of The 3rd Podrian Submarine Division Pop: 1,980 Mil 63: The Armed Republic of The 40th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,994 Mil 64: The Armed Republic of The 41st Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 65: The Armed Republic of The 42nd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,990 Mil 66: The Armed Republic of The 43rd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,975 Mil 67: The Armed Republic of The 44th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,966 Mil 68: The Armed Republic of The 45th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,972 Mil 69: The Armed Republic of The 46th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,973 Mil 70: The Armed Republic of The 47th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,981 Mil 71: The Armed Republic of The 48th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,988 Mil 72: The Armed Republic of The 49th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,953 Mil 73: The Red Menace Naval Unit of The 4th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 8,211 Mil 74: The Armed Republic of The 4th Podrian Submarine Division Pop: 1,961 Mil 75: The Armed Republic of The 50th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,975 Mil 76: The Armed Republic of The 51st Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,978 Mil 77: The Armed Republic of The 52nd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,974 Mil 78: The Armed Republic of The 53rd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,977 Mil 79: The Armed Republic of The 54th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,996 Mil 80: The Armed Republic of The 55th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,992 Mil 81: The Armed Republic of The 56th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,990 Mil 82: The Armed Republic of The 57th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,989 Mil 83: The Armed Republic of The 58th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,954 Mil 84: The Armed Republic of The 59th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,961 Mil 85: The Red Menace Naval Unit of The 5th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 7,818 Mil 86: The Armed Republic of The 5th Podrian Submarine Division Pop: 1,987 Mil 87: The Armed Republic of The 60th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,972 Mil 88: The Armed Republic of The 61st Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 89: The Armed Republic of The 62nd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,985 Mil 90: The Armed Republic of The 63rd Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,998 Mil 91: The Armed Republic of The 64th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,972 Mil 92: The Armed Republic of The 65th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,993 Mil 93: The Armed Republic of The 66th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,970 Mil 94: The Armed Republic of The 67th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,971 Mil 95: The Armed Republic of The 68th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,960 Mil 96: The Armed Republic of The 69th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,955 Mil 97: The Armed Republic of The 6th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,989 Mil 98: The Armed Republic of The 8th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,968 Mil 99: The Armed Republic of The 9th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,976 Mil 100: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force Pop: 2,149 Mil 101: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force-1 Pop: 2,509 Mil 102: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force-2 Pop: 2,525 Mil 103: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force-3 Pop: 2,523 Mil 104: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force-4 Pop: 2,530 Mil 105: The Republic of Ursalian Sea Force-5 Pop: 2,498 Mil 106: The Armed Forces of Zulankan Outpost 80 Pop: 7,609 Mil |