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1050 Countries populate the Region of Concord

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Concord.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Kingdom of -Cobra0
Pop: 12 Mil

2: The Protectorate of -x-
Pop: 62 Mil

3: The Dominion of 666666
Pop: 93 Mil

4: The Federation of A Pacific Federation
Pop: 26 Mil

5: The Republic of Abacadaea
Pop: 73 Mil

6: The Republic of Abbacus
Pop: 23 Mil

7: The Federal Republic of Abbasum
Pop: 81 Mil

8: The United Archipelago of Abersiania
Pop: 4,850 Mil

9: The Crown Federation of Accantadia
Pop: 10,793 Mil

10: The Commonwealth of Achilian II
Pop: 50 Mil

11: The Republic of Acrenes Sourkland
Pop: 6 Mil

12: The United Kingdom of Acy Gulon
Pop: 36 Mil

13: The Federation of Adentia
Pop: 1,716 Mil

14: The Free Land of Adesta
Pop: 7 Mil

15: The Kingdom of Aditburg
Pop: 7 Mil

16: The Republic of Advertise Here
Pop: 20 Mil

17: The Republic of Aelliseu
Pop: 32 Mil

18: The Republic of Aerm
Pop: 161 Mil

19: The Sulenian Colony of Aeternitas
Pop: 5,775 Mil

20: The Holy Empire of Aethori
Pop: 95 Mil

21: The People's Republic of Affai-ldh
Pop: 568 Mil

22: The Republic of Agrind
Pop: 62 Mil

23: The Protectorate of Aichis bleug
Pop: 69 Mil

24: The Fanfic State of Aikea
Pop: 4,665 Mil

25: The Sultanate of Aisipi
Pop: 208 Mil

26: The Kingdom of Akiyekapita
Pop: 14 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Aktanchaltun
Pop: 6 Mil

28: The Grand Duchy of Akvarelusus the Great
Pop: 5,144 Mil

29: The Empire of Alactraz
Pop: 170 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Albium
Pop: 641 Mil

31: The Principality of Albuquerqueville
Pop: 45 Mil

32: The Borderlands of Albus Potter
Pop: 8 Mil

33: The Kingdom of Aleth
Pop: 1,991 Mil

34: The Empire of Aliria imperia
Pop: 14 Mil

35: The Dictatorship of ALL MINEE
Pop: 216 Mil

36: The Constitutional Monarchy of Alnara
Pop: 14 Mil

37: The Empire of Althausland
Pop: 109 Mil

38: The Dominion of Amberia
Pop: 96 Mil

39: The Federation of Amerikscha
Pop: 45 Mil

40: The Auto-Protectorate of Ameriquae
Pop: 4,173 Mil

41: The United Socialist States of Amhgland
Pop: 254 Mil

42: The Allied States of Amond Hourpiros
Pop: 105 Mil

43: The Community of Amoretta
Pop: 87 Mil

44: The Empire of Amphoreus I
Pop: 36 Mil

45: The Democratic States of An Phiung
Pop: 40 Mil

46: The Democratic Republic of Anba
Pop: 50 Mil

47: The Interim Government of Andrine
Pop: 2,156 Mil

48: The Chew Toy of the Gnat Gods of Anjan Kloss
Pop: 5,462 Mil

49: The Kingdom of Anjen
Pop: 10 Mil

50: The Free Land of Ans Arc
Pop: 36 Mil

51: The Armed State of Antranwood Yeriberra
Pop: 1,408 Mil

52: The Republic of Apoless
Pop: 104 Mil

53: The Dictatorship of Aqbila
Pop: 6 Mil

54: The Kingdom of Aqualis B
Pop: 45 Mil

55: The Democratic Republic of Arakki
Pop: 7 Mil

56: The Commonwealth of Arashkar
Pop: 149 Mil

57: The Based romerist empire of Araucarlia
Pop: 4,153 Mil

58: The Dictatorship of Arbwklvel
Pop: 88 Mil

59: The Republic of Arcens
Pop: 83 Mil

60: The Republic of Archturos
Pop: 86 Mil

61: The People's Republic of Arcnia
Pop: 10 Mil

62: The Confederacy of Ardexic
Pop: 89 Mil

63: The Constitutional Monarchy of Arelilles
Pop: 505 Mil

64: The Federal Republic of Aretz Hadashah
Pop: 10 Mil

65: The Rogue Nation of Arkally metropolis
Pop: 108 Mil

66: The Federation of Arkhastan
Pop: 329 Mil

67: The Federation of Arkitus
Pop: 20 Mil

68: The Confederacy of Armed Capitals
Pop: 50 Mil

69: The Kingdom of Armeriea
Pop: 452 Mil

70: The Kingdom of Arnossarie
Pop: 40 Mil

71: The Armed Republic of Arshen Empire
Pop: 198 Mil

72: The Republic of Ary Tellikadia
Pop: 14 Mil

73: The United States of As ajbkvdvsbvhvuisf
Pop: 9 Mil

74: The Colony of Asama
Pop: 408 Mil

75: The Republic of Asedrftghjk
Pop: 7 Mil

76: The Democratic States of Ashien
Pop: 40 Mil

77: The Empire of Aslitevita
Pop: 18 Mil

78: The Imperial State of Aspyxcia
Pop: 4,824 Mil

79: The Community of Associated Peoples of West Yorkshire
Pop: 1,323 Mil

80: The United States of Atasomnia
Pop: 56 Mil

81: The Kingdom of Atharios
Pop: 14 Mil

82: The Federation of Atheraa
Pop: 6 Mil

83: The Republic of Auhunstelet
Pop: 36 Mil

84: The Commonwealth of Australiberg
Pop: 101 Mil

85: The United States of Austtry
Pop: 12 Mil

86: The Dictatorship of Auvr Impe
Pop: 23 Mil

87: The Kingdom of Avaloris
Pop: 1,066 Mil

88: The Republic of Avar Liniatnestress
Pop: 88 Mil

89: The Commonwealth of Ayres Felmari
Pop: 477 Mil

90: The Matriarchy of Baharioko
Pop: 7 Mil

91: The Domain of Baighmsia
Pop: 2,731 Mil

92: The Federal Republic of Bajanil
Pop: 2,592 Mil

93: The Republic of Balgariq
Pop: 103 Mil

94: The Republic of Balticanium
Pop: 106 Mil

95: The Republic of Bamberger
Pop: 50 Mil

96: The Sultanate of Bamoja
Pop: 229 Mil

97: The Autocratic Principality of Baracco
Pop: 1,004 Mil

98: The Democratic Republic of Baradan Tum
Pop: 75 Mil

99: The Federation of Barguskie
Pop: 18 Mil

100: The Community of Barium Sea
Pop: 9 Mil

101: The Oppressed Peoples of Barka Hunt
Pop: 787 Mil

102: The Protectorate of Basilisck
Pop: 110 Mil

103: The Community of Basvelantia
Pop: 115 Mil

104: The Democratic Republic of Bavaraburge
Pop: 29 Mil

105: The Republic of Bbebbebebe
Pop: 10 Mil

106: The Republic of Belligerantia
Pop: 7 Mil

107: The Grand Duchy of Bellimere
Pop: 80 Mil

108: The Federal Republic of Bengdom
Pop: 100 Mil

109: The Kingdom of Best country in NS
Pop: 138 Mil

110: The Federation of Between Stars
Pop: 99 Mil

111: The Republic of Bharath Desh
Pop: 105 Mil

112: The Republic of Biggitus Butticus
Pop: 16 Mil

113: The Dictatorship of Billiamson
Pop: 10 Mil

114: The Republic of Bindlandia
Pop: 243 Mil

115: The United States of Bingolao
Pop: 106 Mil

116: The Confederacy of Birmingh
Pop: 591 Mil

117: The Republic of Birtaniaha
Pop: 45 Mil

118: The Federation of Bizantinia
Pop: 96 Mil

119: The Empire of Bizel
Pop: 98 Mil

120: The United States of Blackbuck
Pop: 5,609 Mil

121: The Republic of Bletlem
Pop: 74 Mil

122: The Federation of Blueberri Fluerenceia
Pop: 670 Mil

123: The Haven Anocracy Regime of Blueflarst
Pop: 11,817 Mil

124: The Rogue Nation of Blupaci Isle
Pop: 73 Mil

125: The Supremacy of Blutiges Imperium
Pop: 11,303 Mil

126: The Kingdom of Boa Pergunta
Pop: 726 Mil

127: The Free Land of Boaurustu Eitigoubli
Pop: 8 Mil

128: The Kingdom of Boheist Association
Pop: 12 Mil

129: The Republic of Bootyswana But Concord
Pop: 4,162 Mil

130: The Empire of Bormotium
Pop: 69 Mil

131: The Empire of Bowice Slotherty
Pop: 85 Mil

132: The Free Land of Boymoder
Pop: 798 Mil

133: The Republic of BPCFortyOne
Pop: 221 Mil

134: The Incorporated States of British Mona Gen
Pop: 14 Mil

135: The Dictatorship of Bron Wab
Pop: 233 Mil

136: The Republic of Brultoribia
Pop: 16 Mil

137: The Republic of Brunyxia
Pop: 32 Mil

138: The Allied States of Bufflo wild wings
Pop: 45 Mil

139: The Holy Empire of Bunchland
Pop: 20 Mil

140: The Republic of Bunts
Pop: 50 Mil

141: The Empire of Butopias
Pop: 32 Mil

142: The People's Republic of Caada
Pop: 115 Mil

143: The Constitutional Monarchy of CadetFR
Pop: 96 Mil

144: The Republic of Caitho
Pop: 23 Mil

145: The Republic of Camaree Pupate
Pop: 9 Mil

146: The Republic of Canada 3
Pop: 36 Mil

147: The Republic of Canadianz
Pop: 18 Mil

148: The Matriarchy of Cangahsumur
Pop: 56 Mil

149: The Confederacy of Carantaneem
Pop: 32 Mil

150: The Emancipated Peoples of Carnesia
Pop: 841 Mil

151: The Empire of Cassoulet
Pop: 23 Mil

152: The Holy Empire of Castlanda
Pop: 7 Mil

153: The Kingdom of Caucasian
Pop: 45 Mil

154: The Community of Cearcesia
Pop: 2,764 Mil

155: The People's Republic of CEARTA
Pop: 32 Mil

156: The Dictatorship of Celdern
Pop: 9 Mil

157: The Principality of Centrifugal Capitalists
Pop: 195 Mil

158: The United States of CEO UKL
Pop: 26 Mil

159: The Republic of Cetaros
Pop: 3,600 Mil

160: The Community of Cha Mayopi
Pop: 20 Mil

161: The Kingdom of Charles king
Pop: 2,411 Mil

162: The Republic of Chfer
Pop: 29 Mil

163: The Republic of Chupicab
Pop: 111 Mil

164: The Allied States of CLEC Dude
Pop: 16 Mil

165: The Kingdom of Clivapuba
Pop: 32 Mil

166: The Republic of Cluvanna
Pop: 10 Mil

167: The Empire of Cobe
Pop: 40 Mil

168: The Kingdom of Cold broccoli
Pop: 195 Mil

169: The Federal Republic of Colgland
Pop: 5,037 Mil

170: The United Socialist States of Colombia Dominican Republic
Pop: 18 Mil

171: The Republic of Come Donland
Pop: 18 Mil

172: The Commonwealth of Common Wealth Commonly Wealthy
Pop: 81 Mil

173: The Free Land of Conanacapa
Pop: 50 Mil

174: The Jamitian Kingdom of Concord Empire
Pop: 5,289 Mil

175: The Borderlands of Concord Rangers
Pop: 4,320 Mil

176: The Commonwealth of Concord Takkaviita
Pop: 3,952 Mil

177: The Return to Optimism of Concord Technologies Institute
Pop: 4,391 Mil

178: The Most Serene Republic of Concordcacher
Pop: 5,171 Mil

179: The Empire of Coophalis
Pop: 23 Mil

180: The Republic of Cornoisha
Pop: 935 Mil

181: The Empire of Cornucopium
Pop: 2,176 Mil

182: The Incorporated States of Corvue
Pop: 935 Mil

183: The Kingdom of Coston
Pop: 344 Mil

184: The Microcosm of Council of Feathers
Pop: 5,220 Mil

185: The Confederacy of Crintier
Pop: 167 Mil

186: The Commonwealth of Croats Slovenes and Bosnians
Pop: 45 Mil

187: The Empire of Daijapan
Pop: 29 Mil

188: The Federation of Dalrya
Pop: 23 Mil

189: The Free Land of Dama de Lourdes
Pop: 912 Mil

190: The Dominion of Damager
Pop: 127 Mil

191: The Republic of Damarska
Pop: 468 Mil

192: The Republik of Daneka
Pop: 1,692 Mil

193: The Dictatorship of Daralath
Pop: 12 Mil

194: The Communities of Datrie
Pop: 2,847 Mil

195: The Republic of Dazand
Pop: 129 Mil

196: The Republic of Death To The People II
Pop: 193 Mil

197: The Democratic Republic of Decoralia
Pop: 62 Mil

198: The Kingdom of Deedaland
Pop: 3,974 Mil

199: The Defiant Angels of Defenders of Humanity
Pop: 5,444 Mil

200: The Empire of Den Sules
Pop: 76 Mil

201: The Confederacy of Den Zorthartairsted
Pop: 7 Mil

202: The Nomadic Peoples of Denisovan Lands
Pop: 2,920 Mil

203: The Republic of Depts
Pop: 56 Mil

204: The Republic of Derdir
Pop: 2,765 Mil

205: The Armed Republic of Derekeed
Pop: 194 Mil

206: The Dictatorship of Desperateneedofhelp
Pop: 762 Mil

207: The Republic of Desuet
Pop: 5,196 Mil

208: The Lack of Detail
Pop: 1,213 Mil

209: The Kingdom of Detoreddarth
Pop: 40 Mil

210: The Grand Duchy of Devengrad-Helburg
Pop: 771 Mil

211: The Commonwealth of Devian Prime
Pop: 3,407 Mil

212: The Principality of Die Katze
Pop: 20 Mil

213: The People's Republic of Dimosien
Pop: 20 Mil

214: The Republic of Dionstioses
Pop: 50 Mil

215: The United States of Dlarta
Pop: 282 Mil

216: The Republic of Dogschitistan
Pop: 12 Mil

217: The Republic of Dolbinoc
Pop: 229 Mil

218: The Grand Duchy of Dolmani
Pop: 300 Mil

219: The Republic of Dominican Republit
Pop: 7 Mil

220: The Allied States of Dominion of Kali
Pop: 86 Mil

221: The United States of Dooey
Pop: 135 Mil

222: The Kingdom of Dranglaic
Pop: 199 Mil

223: The United States of Ducrestamas
Pop: 29 Mil

224: The Kingdom of Dukaa
Pop: 91 Mil

225: The People's Republic of Easelandia
Pop: 20 Mil

226: The Principality of East Czerber
Pop: 80 Mil

227: The Confederacy of East Indies Raj
Pop: 477 Mil

228: The Democratic Republic of East Newenecheris
Pop: 204 Mil

229: The Kingdom of Eglarau
Pop: 26 Mil

230: The Republic of Ei nerd primeiro
Pop: 45 Mil

231: The Republic of Eieiwi
Pop: 92 Mil

232: The Republic of El gouna
Pop: 29 Mil

233: The Colony of Elieve
Pop: 8 Mil

234: The Grand Duchy of Elkavia
Pop: 984 Mil

235: The Most Serene Republic of Elmsburg
Pop: 1,239 Mil

236: The Kingdom of Elsedian
Pop: 2,514 Mil

237: The Holy Blue Logistics Experts of Eltran Quartermasters Corps
Pop: 4,240 Mil

238: The Empire of Empire of Caliban
Pop: 156 Mil

239: The Empire of Empire of Julius
Pop: 7 Mil

240: The Empire of Empire of Mexicos
Pop: 1,912 Mil

241: The Empire of Entenabia
Pop: 2,846 Mil

242: The Federal Republic of Eorthonia
Pop: 1,270 Mil

243: The Republic of Eralandss
Pop: 84 Mil

244: The United Kingdom of Estonia and Finland
Pop: 86 Mil

245: The Principality of Ethetopia
Pop: 166 Mil

246: The People's Republic of Ethrigzon
Pop: 3,278 Mil

247: The Republic of Eud Sirent
Pop: 7 Mil

248: The Democratic States of Eurosa Peoples Republic
Pop: 415 Mil

249: The United Socialist States of Eurow
Pop: 23 Mil

250: The Rogue Nation of Evi Lairretafffarili
Pop: 32 Mil

251: The Federation of Evropeas
Pop: 32 Mil

252: The Most Serene Republic of Exchanging Peasantries
Pop: 8 Mil

253: The Republic of Experouta IX
Pop: 164 Mil

254: The Republic of Extreme Indecisiveness
Pop: 36 Mil

255: The Federation of Eye Of Cash
Pop: 29 Mil

256: The Republic of Ezjqwfoble
Pop: 2,298 Mil

257: The Kingdom of Falkylands
Pop: 404 Mil

258: The Gun Farming Nation of Faltimron
Pop: 2,641 Mil

259: The Federal Republic of Fania Dae
Pop: 77 Mil

260: The Empire of Fantomos
Pop: 2,624 Mil

261: The Republic of Far Preecterokinland
Pop: 29 Mil

262: The Republic of Fectander
Pop: 20 Mil

263: The Borderlands of Feetses
Pop: 885 Mil

264: The Free Land of Felineset
Pop: 121 Mil

265: The Republic of FELPS NATION
Pop: 153 Mil

266: The Federation of Felsenheim
Pop: 244 Mil

267: The Empire of FemboyLand
Pop: 20 Mil

268: The Republic of Fenercia
Pop: 32 Mil

269: The Colony of Feracao De Futebol Citra
Pop: 300 Mil

270: The Colony of Ferrum Prime
Pop: 592 Mil

271: The Republic of Filanis Coast
Pop: 450 Mil

272: The Commonwealth of Fillone
Pop: 23 Mil

273: The Democratic Republic of Finyou
Pop: 2,370 Mil

274: The Republic of Firabat
Pop: 40 Mil

275: The Republic of Fishlanf
Pop: 7 Mil

276: The Commonwealth of Flaktopia
Pop: 888 Mil

277: The Holy Empire of Flimbostan
Pop: 907 Mil

278: The Democratic Republic of FloKo-Nation
Pop: 85 Mil

279: The Republic of Florentica
Pop: 470 Mil

280: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fores Apertas
Pop: 119 Mil

281: The Kingdom of Forhen
Pop: 76 Mil

282: The Commonwealth of Forresta
Pop: 26 Mil

283: The Grand Duchy of Forstuline
Pop: 1,874 Mil

284: The Serene Dominion of Fort Concord
Pop: 5,902 Mil

285: The Dominion of Fort Katrice
Pop: 26 Mil

286: The Jingoistic States of Freakybup
Pop: 36 Mil

287: The Republic of Free Advice Giver
Pop: 40 Mil

288: The Republic of Free britan
Pop: 82 Mil

289: The People's Republic of Freedom Commies
Pop: 16 Mil

290: The Borderlands of Freedom military warehouse
Pop: 18 Mil

291: The Colony of French Congo
Pop: 3,408 Mil

292: The Commonwealth of Frey-al-ib
Pop: 69 Mil

293: The Community of Frontier Consortium
Pop: 90 Mil

294: The Confederacy of Frowebok
Pop: 32 Mil

295: The Ethnic Concordian of Gagium Mars
Pop: 7,435 Mil

296: The Holy Empire of Galithea
Pop: 3,789 Mil

297: The Dictatorship of Gavatic Dictators
Pop: 12 Mil

298: The Federation of Gemio
Pop: 159 Mil

299: The Republic of Genevieve Gaunt
Pop: 8 Mil

300: The Federal Republic of Georthia
Pop: 62 Mil

301: The Republic of German-Bavarian
Pop: 45 Mil

302: The Republic of Giarola
Pop: 9 Mil

303: The Republic of Gill Freadamaty
Pop: 6 Mil

304: The New State of Gilmic
Pop: 1,943 Mil

305: The Kingdom of Gitalama
Pop: 459 Mil

306: The Community of Glavina
Pop: 110 Mil

307: The City State of GlitchCity
Pop: 1,384 Mil

308: The Free Land of Gnath Le Bheal
Pop: 26 Mil

309: The Theocracy of God loverss
Pop: 207 Mil

310: The Most Serene Republic of Godona
Pop: 347 Mil

311: The Incorporated States of Goohet Gahat
Pop: 1,365 Mil

312: The Republic of Goop goop
Pop: 16 Mil

313: The Rogue Nation of Gorgenstein
Pop: 36 Mil

314: The Eternal Empire of Grand Elysium
Pop: 13,470 Mil

315: The Republic of Gre Bith Night
Pop: 20 Mil

316: The Emirate of Great Antakia
Pop: 156 Mil

317: The Republic of Great Britain und Northern Ireland
Pop: 62 Mil

318: The Empire of Great Cetus
Pop: 29 Mil

319: The Federation of Great Moolahnd
Pop: 1,862 Mil

320: The Republic of Great Nation of The People of Daehan
Pop: 14 Mil

321: The United Socialist States of Great Sovietslavia
Pop: 9 Mil

322: The Republic of Great Torino
Pop: 32 Mil

323: The Holy Empire of Great vaterland
Pop: 56 Mil

324: The Theocracy of Greater Beanian Christendom
Pop: 453 Mil

325: The United Socialist States of Greater Sham
Pop: 80 Mil

326: The Dictatorship of Greater Shindu
Pop: 502 Mil

327: The People's Republic of Greater Tubal
Pop: 62 Mil

328: The Republic of Green Hill
Pop: 10 Mil

329: The Kingdom of Green Mexico
Pop: 62 Mil

330: The Republic of Greenish Prompt
Pop: 220 Mil

331: The Colony of Grenio
Pop: 170 Mil

332: The Dictatorship of Grilta
Pop: 73 Mil

333: The Federal Republic of Guangzhouwang
Pop: 2,155 Mil

334: The Republic of Gulf indian
Pop: 23 Mil

335: The Emirate of Gulf ronaldo
Pop: 23 Mil

336: The Oppressed Peoples of Gurfunkle
Pop: 32 Mil

337: The Federation of Gygistan
Pop: 32 Mil

338: The Federal Republic of Hankovia
Pop: 528 Mil

339: The Republic of Harashi
Pop: 16 Mil

340: The Community of Harrian Empire
Pop: 215 Mil

341: The Republic of Haselstadt
Pop: 18 Mil

342: The Dictatorship of Hasha
Pop: 18 Mil

343: The Federal Republic of Hashamayim
Pop: 14 Mil

344: The Democratic States of Hbgvy
Pop: 40 Mil

345: The United Socialist States of Healthlandia
Pop: 103 Mil

346: The Dictatorship of Heated
Pop: 23 Mil

347: The Mega Corporation of Hecrewyth
Pop: 2,482 Mil

348: The Empire of Hedgehogs on Saturns rings
Pop: 14 Mil

349: The Republic of Helton nation
Pop: 260 Mil

350: The Republic of Heretic Legion
Pop: 23 Mil

351: The United States of Hermshire
Pop: 7 Mil

352: The Empire of HippoCrown
Pop: 181 Mil

353: The Kingdom of Hispanum
Pop: 607 Mil

354: The Kingdom of Holdallinds
Pop: 8 Mil

355: The Republic of Holy Lemonika
Pop: 105 Mil

356: The Armed Republic of Holy Roadrunner Empire
Pop: 227 Mil

357: The United States of Homemead
Pop: 56 Mil

358: The Republic of Homo Beyondus
Pop: 20 Mil

359: The Confederacy of Hopoperka
Pop: 1,557 Mil

360: The Republic of Huckelsinia
Pop: 62 Mil

361: The Free Land of Hugr
Pop: 36 Mil

362: The Holy Empire of Humanity Reclemation
Pop: 608 Mil

363: The Multi-ethnic Federation of Hungromania
Pop: 4,982 Mil

364: The Kingdom of Hypotetia
Pop: 91 Mil

365: The Republic of Hyrpirievon
Pop: 1,345 Mil

366: The Empire of I am better than you1
Pop: 18 Mil

367: The Principality of I do not quite know
Pop: 20 Mil

368: The Armed Republic of Ianism
Pop: 129 Mil

369: The People's Republic of Iaralnudil
Pop: 17,219 Mil

370: The Divided Queendom of If Britain was good
Pop: 1,597 Mil

371: The Federation of Ihotak
Pop: 50 Mil

372: The Monarquia Constitucional of Ilha Nova do Sul
Pop: 2,969 Mil

373: The Armed Republic of Iltham
Pop: 1,678 Mil

374: The Republic of Imabuildawall
Pop: 68 Mil

375: The Theocracy of Imjustbuildingtheeconomy
Pop: 23 Mil

376: The Republic of Imperial Jedouche Rige
Pop: 92 Mil

377: The Republic of Imperial Mis Gra Huomets
Pop: 12 Mil

378: The Corrupt Vampiric Legions of Imperial Shaustria
Pop: 12,662 Mil

379: The Empire of Imperialking
Pop: 50 Mil

380: The Queendom of Inarizaki High School
Pop: 584 Mil

381: The Republic of Independent scientific Zone
Pop: 8 Mil

382: The Sultanate of Indonesia indonesia
Pop: 1,197 Mil

383: The Federation of Ineras
Pop: 111 Mil

384: The Dictatorship of Ingsoc of earth
Pop: 8 Mil

385: The Kingdom of Inkadinka Doo
Pop: 69 Mil

386: The Commonwealth of Inner Ryouniberlauite
Pop: 68 Mil

387: The Republic of Interzona
Pop: 18 Mil

388: The Commonwealth of Iohhf
Pop: 72 Mil

389: The United Kingdom of Ioniae
Pop: 3,594 Mil

390: The Empire of Iron-Oath
Pop: 211 Mil

391: The Most Serene Republic of Islantant
Pop: 20 Mil

392: The Republic of Isolation Island
Pop: 216 Mil

393: The Kingdom of Israeli Union State
Pop: 62 Mil

394: The Democratic States of Issane
Pop: 29 Mil

395: The Rogue Nation of Ithlanaur
Pop: 210 Mil

396: The Republic of Iulianus
Pop: 166 Mil

397: The Republic of Iwow
Pop: 40 Mil

398: The Empire of Ixris
Pop: 89 Mil

399: The Kingdom of Jamalmarcos
Pop: 7 Mil

400: The Oppressed Peoples of Jay Fielder
Pop: 79 Mil

401: The Bible-industrial Complex of Jay-Suezian Sklepp
Pop: 8,565 Mil

402: The Democratic Republic of Jayanla
Pop: 416 Mil

403: The Theocracy of Jehovah Witnesses
Pop: 7 Mil

404: The Commonwealth of Jereihna
Pop: 45 Mil

405: The Republic of Jesh Lattal
Pop: 7 Mil

406: The United States of Joegattopurplequeef
Pop: 20 Mil

407: The Kingdom of Johnsylvania
Pop: 136 Mil

408: The Republic of Jordani
Pop: 12 Mil

409: The Republic of Jsjdj
Pop: 74 Mil

410: The Protectorate of Jubaka
Pop: 45 Mil

411: The United States of Junge
Pop: 2,190 Mil

412: The Kingdom of Jut
Pop: 269 Mil

413: The Republic of Kabodania
Pop: 12 Mil

414: The People's Republic of Kadazkoye
Pop: 107 Mil

415: The Sultanate of Kafeel
Pop: 26 Mil

416: The Commonwealth of Kalimikya
Pop: 197 Mil

417: The Armed Republic of Kallandaria
Pop: 32 Mil

418: The Nomadic Peoples of Kalmyrania
Pop: 104 Mil

419: The Rogue Nation of Kamot
Pop: 128 Mil

420: The United Socialist States of Kampuche
Pop: 82 Mil

421: The Armed Republic of Kandeng Doguan Islands
Pop: 23 Mil

422: The Republic of Kaniksu National Forest
Pop: 2,877 Mil

423: The Empire of Karinawa
Pop: 75 Mil

424: The Kingdom of KarlandMX
Pop: 9 Mil

425: The Nusantara and Karimun States of Karoghustan
Pop: 15,966 Mil

426: The Republic of Karzon
Pop: 111 Mil

427: The Kingdom of Kasunn Catria
Pop: 10 Mil

428: The Republic of Kathoul
Pop: 539 Mil

429: The People's Republic of Keledan
Pop: 3,467 Mil

430: The Republic of Kerajaan Mataram
Pop: 139 Mil

431: The Principality of Kernev
Pop: 4,693 Mil

432: The United Socialist States of Keverikapax
Pop: 23 Mil

433: The Republic of Khbkb
Pop: 107 Mil

434: The Kingdom of Khuzaits
Pop: 85 Mil

435: The System of Kiborg
Pop: 2,420 Mil

436: The Republic of KindGood
Pop: 1,956 Mil

437: The Kingdom of Kingdom of cat
Pop: 72 Mil

438: The Kingdom of Kingdom of sinaii
Pop: 20 Mil

439: The Kingdom of Knigton
Pop: 18 Mil

440: The Democratic States of Knuklez
Pop: 225 Mil

441: The Republic of Kohle
Pop: 576 Mil

442: The Armed Republic of Kokatsuna hito
Pop: 8 Mil

443: The Nomadic Peoples of Kolkot
Pop: 9 Mil

444: The Most Serene Republic of Kolotra
Pop: 40 Mil

445: The Republic of Kolozsvar
Pop: 20 Mil

446: The Hindu Republic of Kombdillistan
Pop: 5,474 Mil

447: The Federal Republic of Koms Censopia
Pop: 10 Mil

448: The Industrial Complex of Koniads
Pop: 1,996 Mil

449: The Oppressed Peoples of Kopjislania
Pop: 12 Mil

450: The Federation of Korkat
Pop: 9 Mil

451: The Kingdom of Kreczwia
Pop: 40 Mil

452: The Diverse Biomed Federation of Krisnov
Pop: 3,620 Mil

453: The Confederacy of Krusiya
Pop: 16 Mil

454: The Democratic Republic of Krystallum
Pop: 13,968 Mil

455: The Dictatorship of Kryvichya
Pop: 543 Mil

456: The Allied States of Kubairah
Pop: 36 Mil

457: The People's Republic of Kuroven
Pop: 350 Mil

458: The People's Republic of Kuzov
Pop: 16 Mil

459: The Kingdom of Kyra Aeweram
Pop: 92 Mil

460: The Dictatorship of Kyrudistan
Pop: 480 Mil

461: The Federal Republic of Kytrekia
Pop: 74 Mil

462: The Republic of La Putka
Pop: 14 Mil

463: The Most Serene Republic of Lactiss-Kertel
Pop: 26 Mil

464: The Entenabian Province of Lamadoliya
Pop: 2,661 Mil

465: The Federation of Lamnate
Pop: 76 Mil

466: The Benevolent Empire of LamTas Act
Pop: 10,362 Mil

467: The Democratic Republic of Lan Orda
Pop: 3,757 Mil

468: The Republic of Langho
Pop: 62 Mil

469: The Republic of Latovi
Pop: 16 Mil

470: The Kingdom of Lauckston
Pop: 6 Mil

471: The Constitutional Monarchy of Laveenta
Pop: 73 Mil

472: The Commonwealth of Laviton
Pop: 50 Mil

473: The Republic of Lbc
Pop: 69 Mil

474: The Holy Empire of Le Hand Jumper
Pop: 62 Mil

475: The Democratic Republic of Lecch
Pop: 2,552 Mil

476: The Kingdom of Leggett
Pop: 794 Mil

477: The Republic of Leica Fer
Pop: 16 Mil

478: The Kingdom of Leimur
Pop: 4,174 Mil

479: The Democratic Republic of Leonelly
Pop: 6 Mil

480: The Republic of Les shmult
Pop: 14 Mil

481: The Republic of Liberlaan
Pop: 32 Mil

482: The Federation of Liberovia
Pop: 743 Mil

483: The Empire of Lielbritanjia
Pop: 12 Mil

484: The Armed Republic of Lietce
Pop: 56 Mil

485: The Kingdom of Lietuviai
Pop: 6 Mil

486: The Rogue Nation of Like a good neighbor statefarm is there
Pop: 9 Mil

487: The Protectorate of Limmadim
Pop: 1,542 Mil

488: The Republic of Ling Nan democracy
Pop: 7 Mil

489: The Federation of Littala
Pop: 16 Mil

490: The Armed Republic of Llamoptia
Pop: 113 Mil

491: The United States of Logika
Pop: 92 Mil

492: The Republic of Lordy
Pop: 592 Mil

493: The Borderlands of Lorth Swing
Pop: 29 Mil

494: The Holy Empire of Lower Movataxwesera
Pop: 9 Mil

495: The Incorporated States of Luesica
Pop: 56 Mil

496: The Empire of Lupu Vlad Mercenary
Pop: 29 Mil

497: The Confederacy of Luskiytho
Pop: 12 Mil

498: The Queendom of Lvia
Pop: 10,515 Mil

499: The Dominion of Lynaland
Pop: 6 Mil

500: The Empire of Macedonia empier
Pop: 115 Mil

501: The People's Republic of Magadanska
Pop: 100 Mil

502: The Socialist State of Majocco
Pop: 3,239 Mil

503: The Republic of Mal Crod
Pop: 18 Mil

504: The People's Republic of Malenistan
Pop: 150 Mil

505: The Federation of Malkhazia
Pop: 172 Mil

506: The Principality of Maltea
Pop: 26 Mil

507: The Republic of Malvladan union
Pop: 9 Mil

508: The Constitutional Monarchy of Mamu Republic
Pop: 12 Mil

509: The Kingdom of Manarchawa
Pop: 16 Mil

510: The Empire of Manchoukuo
Pop: 117 Mil

511: The Republic of Mantialios
Pop: 113 Mil

512: The Armed Republic of Manturi
Pop: 20 Mil

513: The Kingdom of Manuanu
Pop: 16 Mil

514: The Republic of Manul
Pop: 20 Mil

515: The Democratic States of Marexha
Pop: 40 Mil

516: The Desrtuctive Empire of Masilia
Pop: 2,808 Mil

517: The Federation of Maskataw
Pop: 8 Mil

518: The Rogue Nation of Mathistand
Pop: 545 Mil

519: The Democratic Republic of Mativc
Pop: 3,165 Mil

520: The Federal Republic of Matthewland of moland
Pop: 209 Mil

521: The United Socialist States of Mayanas
Pop: 843 Mil

522: The Liberation from the Dark of Mechanocracy
Pop: 5,901 Mil

523: The Imperial City of Mediternia
Pop: 5,427 Mil

524: The Allied States of Medizin und Gesundheit
Pop: 14 Mil

525: The Republic of Meenik
Pop: 29 Mil

526: The Republic of Meloisha
Pop: 805 Mil

527: The Empire of Melqarton
Pop: 69 Mil

528: The Elven Kingdom of Memorium Land
Pop: 5,819 Mil

529: The Republic of Messs
Pop: 29 Mil

530: The Commonwealth of Michillper
Pop: 109 Mil

531: The Republic of Middle Cypolmsonshan
Pop: 8 Mil

532: The Free Land of Middle Ders Newordia
Pop: 16 Mil

533: The Constitutional Monarchy of Middle Greller Kone
Pop: 370 Mil

534: The Republic of Middle Neuth Domacka
Pop: 74 Mil

535: The Democratic Republic of Millision
Pop: 26 Mil

536: The Democratic Republic of Miloy
Pop: 1,823 Mil

537: The Federal Republic of Miluomeide
Pop: 7 Mil

538: The Borderlands of Minemer
Pop: 12 Mil

539: The Kingdom of Minsken
Pop: 123 Mil

540: The People's Republic of Minumer
Pop: 409 Mil

541: The Dictatorship of Modfuntion
Pop: 9 Mil

542: The Rogue Nation of Momdogyat
Pop: 105 Mil

543: The United States of Moms Grady
Pop: 162 Mil

544: The Jingoistic States of MONEY PLZ
Pop: 20 Mil

545: The Colony of MONEYANIA
Pop: 113 Mil

546: The Republic of Montiocia
Pop: 26 Mil

547: The People's Republic of Moonstone Lake
Pop: 460 Mil

548: The Republic of Mor Odelleseis
Pop: 69 Mil

549: The Commonwealth of Moreau
Pop: 320 Mil

550: The Republic of Mortley
Pop: 14 Mil

551: The Protectorate of Mous Republic
Pop: 792 Mil

552: The Free Land of Mubeakota
Pop: 1,280 Mil

553: The Dictatorship of Much Odium
Pop: 9 Mil

554: The Democratic Republic of Mugoriva
Pop: 29 Mil

555: The Free Land of Mukti Bahini
Pop: 1,140 Mil

556: The Republic of Mullyander
Pop: 279 Mil

557: The Fungal Monarchical Democracy of Mushroom Kimgdom
Pop: 4,056 Mil

558: The Republic of Muzzaffarnagar
Pop: 96 Mil

559: The Republic of My allegiance is to the republic to dem
Pop: 18 Mil

560: The Allied States of Nagaria States
Pop: 10 Mil

561: The Armed Republic of Naman Marov
Pop: 362 Mil

562: The Empire of Narcotia
Pop: 1,197 Mil

563: The Republic of Nat Old
Pop: 16 Mil

564: The Republic of Nathan
Pop: 6,724 Mil

565: The Community of Nation finder
Pop: 12 Mil

566: The Republic of Nation of freedom and democracy
Pop: 36 Mil

567: The Incorporated States of National Arms Companny of Gehriag
Pop: 32 Mil

568: The Collection of National United
Pop: 8,232 Mil

569: The Republic of Naval Special Warfare Command
Pop: 1,381 Mil

570: The People's Republic of Nazaona
Pop: 23 Mil

571: The Kingdom of Neco Arkia
Pop: 693 Mil

572: The Republic of Nelmond
Pop: 7 Mil

573: The Republic of Nemask
Pop: 106 Mil

574: The Empire of Nemat
Pop: 62 Mil

575: The Empire of Neo Brangansa
Pop: 80 Mil

576: The Commonwealth of Neo Paradisio
Pop: 258 Mil

577: The Republic of Nerdherdia
Pop: 23,108 Mil

578: The Dictatorship of Nethanan union
Pop: 9 Mil

579: The Community of New Ahiya
Pop: 653 Mil

580: The Republic of New Ajakanistan
Pop: 4,038 Mil

581: The Constitutional Monarchy of New Albane
Pop: 113 Mil

582: The United Republics of New Albionia
Pop: 2,698 Mil

583: The Federal Republic of New Bithynia
Pop: 257 Mil

584: The Republic of New Dove
Pop: 16 Mil

585: The Republic of New Emilyland
Pop: 12 Mil

586: The Land of New Flantia
Pop: 1,920 Mil

587: The Republic of New Israeli Federation
Pop: 334 Mil

588: The Empire of New Judahistan
Pop: 111 Mil

589: The Republic of New Khazador
Pop: 179 Mil

590: The Republic of New Lovi Baidon
Pop: 7 Mil

591: The Allied States of New Marov
Pop: 18 Mil

592: The Republic of New Norrlandia
Pop: 23 Mil

593: The Free Land of New Parne
Pop: 186 Mil

594: The Colony of New Prumerica
Pop: 12,093 Mil

595: The Federation of New Skepia
Pop: 270 Mil

596: The Kingdom of New Stux
Pop: 106 Mil

597: The Federal Republic of New Thalassia
Pop: 177 Mil

598: The United Kingdom of New Vers
Pop: 2,236 Mil

599: The Federal Republic of New-Batavia
Pop: 12 Mil

600: The Kingdom of Newfounderland
Pop: 177 Mil

601: The Dominion of Newion
Pop: 105 Mil

602: The Emerging Utopia of Nigele
Pop: 3,249 Mil

603: The Republic of Nipotia
Pop: 78 Mil

604: The Republic of Nivania
Pop: 69 Mil

605: The Republic of Nnnnn
Pop: 36 Mil

606: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nomi Ona
Pop: 56 Mil

607: The Empire of Nordic capitalist
Pop: 18 Mil

608: The Nomadic Peoples of Norlandda
Pop: 675 Mil

609: The Republic of Nors respublic
Pop: 16 Mil

610: The Federation of North American Federal Union
Pop: 62 Mil

611: The Kingdom of North Asukist
Pop: 9 Mil

612: The Commonwealth of North Atanua
Pop: 774 Mil

613: The Republic of North Freed-land
Pop: 191 Mil

614: The Kingdom of North hungar
Pop: 29 Mil

615: The Republic of North Malacca
Pop: 81 Mil

616: The Empire of Northern Daggliglapolons
Pop: 10 Mil

617: The Democratic Republic of Northern Steinmark
Pop: 16 Mil

618: The Commonwealth of Notociali
Pop: 67 Mil

619: The Armed Republic of Nova Adler
Pop: 56 Mil

620: The Republic of Nova Auroria
Pop: 107 Mil

621: The Democratic Republic of NovaterraOmnivera
Pop: 26 Mil

622: The United Socialist States of Novorossiyaa
Pop: 56 Mil

623: The Commonwealth of Novoye Zvyezdorovsk
Pop: 161 Mil

624: The Kingdom of NS Dutch Caribbean Islands
Pop: 105 Mil

625: The Kingdom of Nshika
Pop: 119 Mil

626: The Republic of Numbcreek
Pop: 173 Mil

627: The Protectorate of Nunesilean Union
Pop: 2,904 Mil

628: The Republic of Nutsville
Pop: 16 Mil

629: The Dictatorship of Nuunpa
Pop: 16 Mil

630: The Empire of Of the crusaders of justice
Pop: 83 Mil

631: The Confederacy of Ofesburg
Pop: 29 Mil

632: The Republic of OHENELAND
Pop: 62 Mil

633: The Commonwealth of Old Conser
Pop: 262 Mil

634: The Democratic States of Old Mary
Pop: 62 Mil

635: The Union of Soviets of Oldemburgos
Pop: 1,301 Mil

636: The Borderlands of Oldtower
Pop: 424 Mil

637: The Kingdom of Olythera
Pop: 16 Mil

638: The Republic of Ombiya
Pop: 6 Mil

639: The Theocracy of One Nation Under Pizza
Pop: 662 Mil

640: The Republic of One-Land
Pop: 74 Mil

641: The Incorporated States of Oneyaniamay
Pop: 20 Mil

642: The Kingdom of Opes et aurum
Pop: 20 Mil

643: The Republic of Opuntia
Pop: 653 Mil

644: The Republic of Orack Wearicackion
Pop: 16 Mil

645: The Principality of Orangustania
Pop: 94 Mil

646: The Democratic States of OrionUtopia
Pop: 131 Mil

647: The United States of Orthodox nation of russia
Pop: 12 Mil

648: The Lumeri Outpost of Oswanic
Pop: 910 Mil

649: The Empire of Outlander Democrats
Pop: 86 Mil

650: The Federal Republic of Pacific Ocean Atlantis
Pop: 984 Mil

651: The Constitutional Monarchy of Packett LAND
Pop: 36 Mil

652: The Kingdom of Paraibalia
Pop: 121 Mil

653: The Armed Republic of Paralestam
Pop: 7 Mil

654: The Republic of Parhian
Pop: 252 Mil

655: The Armed Republic of Passa
Pop: 26 Mil

656: The Republic of Paternialt
Pop: 624 Mil

657: The Republic of Pecshe
Pop: 16 Mil

658: The Kingdom of Peepaw II
Pop: 494 Mil

659: The Dominion of Pejora
Pop: 109 Mil

660: The Community of Penguinz
Pop: 100 Mil

661: The United Kingdom of People of Britannia
Pop: 16 Mil

662: The Republic of Peoples history
Pop: 129 Mil

663: The Oppressed Peoples of Phacki Ken
Pop: 14 Mil

664: The Kingdom of Phillana Loveek
Pop: 29 Mil

665: The United States of Piedria
Pop: 16 Mil

666: The Federation of PierGunt
Pop: 16 Mil

667: The Holy Empire of Pilot G2 Pen
Pop: 113 Mil

668: The Sultanate of Piousness
Pop: 112 Mil

669: The Massive Military Powerhouse of Platypustopia
Pop: 2,911 Mil

670: The People's Republic of Plirya
Pop: 7 Mil

671: The Dictatorship of PMY
Pop: 40 Mil

672: The Federal Republic of Po1aris
Pop: 62 Mil

673: The Republic of Pogiumm
Pop: 69 Mil

674: The Empire of Police brutalitie
Pop: 112 Mil

675: The Nomadic Peoples of Polon Inderny
Pop: 8 Mil

676: The Empire of Popular da Cidadania
Pop: 104 Mil

677: The United Socialist States of Porko
Pop: 20 Mil

678: The Queendom of Pow Wow
Pop: 705 Mil

679: The Democratic Republic of Praella
Pop: 461 Mil

680: The Incorporated States of Prime Komberskastan
Pop: 1,344 Mil

681: The Haven State of Profreevania
Pop: 914 Mil

682: The Commonwealth of Proloana
Pop: 93 Mil

683: The Borderlands of Prythiania
Pop: 8 Mil

684: The Free Land of PSDFOP
Pop: 16 Mil

685: The Free Land of Pulcero
Pop: 20 Mil

686: The Armed Republic of Purvattonia
Pop: 50 Mil

687: The Republic of Qikiqtaaluk Region
Pop: 9 Mil

688: The Dominion of Quhanim
Pop: 12 Mil

689: The Colony of Quidgingolia
Pop: 12 Mil

690: The Disputed Territories of Rajithah
Pop: 3,698 Mil

691: The Empire of Rakhman
Pop: 3,060 Mil

692: The Armed Republic of Rapaganda
Pop: 370 Mil

693: The Republic of Raphaello
Pop: 56 Mil

694: The Republic of RaR French State
Pop: 18 Mil

695: The Commonwealth of Ras Kitadomirock
Pop: 20 Mil

696: The Republic of Ratatouilly
Pop: 16 Mil

697: The Eternal Defender of Ravania
Pop: 5,580 Mil

698: The Republic of Raveopolis
Pop: 202 Mil

699: The Empire of Razika
Pop: 167 Mil

700: The Confederacy of Reddish state
Pop: 204 Mil

701: The Redundancy of Redundancy
Pop: 15,506 Mil

702: The Democratic States of Reija
Pop: 85 Mil

703: The Dictatorship of Reino Tamal
Pop: 109 Mil

704: The Republic of Rem Quir
Pop: 10 Mil

705: The Sultanate of Rep Cos Land
Pop: 45 Mil

706: The Dominion of Rephooddeat
Pop: 885 Mil

707: The Republic of Republic of Katyuri
Pop: 23 Mil

708: The United Islands of Republic of Perlas Oriente
Pop: 2,959 Mil

709: The Republic of Republic rom
Pop: 23 Mil

710: The Sultanate of REPUBLIC TTC
Pop: 20 Mil

711: The Republic of Republica de vryskova
Pop: 77 Mil

712: The Republic of RepublicofAdrian
Pop: 9 Mil

713: The Matriarchy of Revrita
Pop: 72 Mil

714: The Kingdom of Riano
Pop: 1,928 Mil

715: The Colony of Ricksworld
Pop: 56 Mil

716: The Republic of Rindagr
Pop: 12 Mil

717: The People's Republic of Riscovich
Pop: 98 Mil

718: The Empire of Rise OF Rome
Pop: 121 Mil

719: The United Socialist States of RishaanLand
Pop: 364 Mil

720: The Holy Empire of Rizzmas
Pop: 177 Mil

721: The Community of Roaming Fortunes
Pop: 2,899 Mil

722: The United States of Robloxinium
Pop: 36 Mil

723: The Free Land of Rock chipped
Pop: 80 Mil

724: The Most Serene Republic of Roczenszwog
Pop: 14 Mil

725: The Nomadic Peoples of Rogue Barbarians
Pop: 12 Mil

726: The Empire of Roma Latina
Pop: 18 Mil

727: The People's Republic of Rorroland
Pop: 56 Mil

728: The Republic of Roseavila
Pop: 69 Mil

729: The Commonwealth of Roto Nui
Pop: 163 Mil

730: The United Kingdom of Royal Shires
Pop: 9 Mil

731: The Commonwealth of Ruble Sireanapprongland
Pop: 68 Mil

732: The People's Republic of Rufezer
Pop: 32 Mil

733: The Borderlands of Runawayland
Pop: 75 Mil

734: The Republic of Runraya
Pop: 1,552 Mil

735: The Rogue Nation of Rural Florida
Pop: 62 Mil

736: The Empire of Ruso-Zarista
Pop: 16 Mil

737: The Dictatorship of S0cialist America
Pop: 16 Mil

738: The Rogue Nation of Sadge Ans
Pop: 9 Mil

739: The Republic of Saexenia
Pop: 3,899 Mil

740: The Confederacy of Sagnown
Pop: 40 Mil

741: The Holy Empire of Saint Anon
Pop: 62 Mil

742: The Dictatorship of Saint iguana islands
Pop: 169 Mil

743: The Kingdom of Santabria
Pop: 108 Mil

744: The Republic of Saraka
Pop: 455 Mil

745: The Kingdom of Sariano Salvodas
Pop: 14 Mil

746: The People's Republic of Sastaras
Pop: 103 Mil

747: The Federal Republic of Saturas
Pop: 7 Mil

748: The Democratic Republic of Savolis
Pop: 9 Mil

749: The Colony of Scearia
Pop: 282 Mil

750: The Islamic State of Sconia Republic
Pop: 4,242 Mil

751: The Incorporated States of Seagotto Morfos
Pop: 246 Mil

752: The United Socialist States of Seclandia
Pop: 8 Mil

753: The United States of Semetica
Pop: 8 Mil

754: The Armed Republic of Senfinatio
Pop: 5,434 Mil

755: The Republic of Serbent Greordia
Pop: 111 Mil

756: The Most Serene Republic of Seri Keya
Pop: 425 Mil

757: The Democratic Republic of Serranykiandson
Pop: 32 Mil

758: The Republic of Sers Woloweneistan
Pop: 79 Mil

759: The Republic of Serulo
Pop: 72 Mil

760: The Empire of Servik Breskavia
Pop: 940 Mil

761: The Democratic Republic of Shelmechabra
Pop: 79 Mil

762: The Empire of Sherizia
Pop: 1,857 Mil

763: The Empire of Shikc
Pop: 20 Mil

764: The Republic of Shilovograd
Pop: 87 Mil

765: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sho Tul Shelf
Pop: 1,517 Mil

766: The Republic of Shokorando
Pop: 6 Mil

767: The Republic of Shrewdnesshorde
Pop: 16 Mil

768: The Republic of Sigma girl
Pop: 231 Mil

769: The Republic of Silysia
Pop: 599 Mil

770: The Republic of Simeril
Pop: 67 Mil

771: The Republic of Sine Qua Non
Pop: 8 Mil

772: The Commonwealth of Siroc Nihy
Pop: 104 Mil

773: The Loving Couple of Sk8erGirl
Pop: 5,217 Mil

774: The Republic of Skanosvoid
Pop: 81 Mil

775: The People's Republic of Skija
Pop: 3,869 Mil

776: The Commonwealth of Skioso
Pop: 644 Mil

777: The United Imperium of Slient Empire
Pop: 3,427 Mil

778: The Dictatorship of Slovaco
Pop: 445 Mil

779: The United Kingdom of Slungussy
Pop: 18 Mil

780: The Federation of Small chaoshan
Pop: 36 Mil

781: The Federation of Smasche
Pop: 8 Mil

782: The DeepSnow Democratic Republic of SnowTon
Pop: 3,784 Mil

783: The Protectorate of Snyde
Pop: 8 Mil

784: The Empire of Sobinica
Pop: 180 Mil

785: The Republic of Socialist republic Canada
Pop: 96 Mil

786: The Republic of Socialist States of Novaria
Pop: 526 Mil

787: The Republic of Socialistic Manchester
Pop: 527 Mil

788: The Republic of Sockdologizn
Pop: 165 Mil

789: The Colony of Sodesan East Indies
Pop: 4,644 Mil

790: The Republic of Sodonland
Pop: 219 Mil

791: The Republic of Soldamanha
Pop: 56 Mil

792: The Federal Republic of Sollolanes
Pop: 2,086 Mil

793: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sophiant
Pop: 36 Mil

794: The Sultanate of South Odem Stalltoseado
Pop: 45 Mil

795: The Kingdom of Southern City-State
Pop: 294 Mil

796: The United States of Southern Norcion
Pop: 50 Mil

797: The Democratic Republic of Southern Wellingh
Pop: 16 Mil

798: The Territory of Southwest Africa
Pop: 1,451 Mil

799: The State of Southwestern Federal Republic
Pop: 5,683 Mil

800: The People's Republic of Soviet Internationalist
Pop: 16 Mil

801: The Empire of Spas
Pop: 94 Mil

802: The Federation of Spogium
Pop: 45 Mil

803: The Republic of Srbija federatsija
Pop: 16 Mil

804: The Principality of Sremska sarma
Pop: 7 Mil

805: The United States of Staesia
Pop: 14 Mil

806: The Dictatorship of Stellenroos
Pop: 29 Mil

807: The Republic of Stratburg
Pop: 210 Mil

808: The Colony of Strawbery Banke
Pop: 3,689 Mil

809: The Divine Mandated Empire of Strechia
Pop: 4,349 Mil

810: The Dictatorship of Stroketania
Pop: 14 Mil

811: The Community of Stuant
Pop: 26 Mil

812: The Federal Republic of Styx City
Pop: 23 Mil

813: The United Kingdom of SUKADIK
Pop: 85 Mil

814: The Colony of Sul Brasini
Pop: 20 Mil

815: The Sultanate of Sulaimaniyyah
Pop: 209 Mil

816: The Federation of Super League
Pop: 2,011 Mil

817: The Republic of SuranianRepublic
Pop: 56 Mil

818: The Kingdom of Swedish staates
Pop: 40 Mil

819: The Republic of Swis alps
Pop: 318 Mil

820: The Sultanate of Sycustavan
Pop: 56 Mil

821: The Dictatorship of Taiga Tegu
Pop: 1,177 Mil

822: The Dictatorship of Takzland
Pop: 26 Mil

823: The Kingdom of Tallonism
Pop: 36 Mil

824: The Sunrise Empire of Talm
Pop: 1,275 Mil

825: The Republic of Tamirvir
Pop: 9 Mil

826: The Free Land of TankiFalls
Pop: 118 Mil

827: The Rogue Nation of Tarez
Pop: 414 Mil

828: The United States of Tariqistan
Pop: 45 Mil

829: The Colony of Tarmanda
Pop: 90 Mil

830: The Colony of Tarph Awalgar
Pop: 40 Mil

831: The Borderlands of Tatinia
Pop: 74 Mil

832: The Borderlands of Taxtaxc
Pop: 108 Mil

833: The Republic of Tears Of Niniel
Pop: 577 Mil

834: The Empire of Technology speculum
Pop: 445 Mil

835: The Holy Empire of Templur
Pop: 112 Mil

836: The Holy Empire of Tengrakhania
Pop: 50 Mil

837: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tercer Imperio Mexicano
Pop: 67 Mil

838: The Holy Empire of Terdignion
Pop: 6 Mil

839: The Republic of Teregambia
Pop: 151 Mil

840: The Republic of Terpusat
Pop: 386 Mil

841: The People's Republic of TERRORNOD
Pop: 177 Mil

842: The Democratic States of Tetepareisland
Pop: 74 Mil

843: The Republic of Thaieolandeu
Pop: 107 Mil

844: The Right-Wing Democracy of Thaurbog Daestlectia
Pop: 1,421 Mil

845: The Scattered Republic of The 50 Islands
Pop: 4,430 Mil

846: The Colony of The Arce
Pop: 12 Mil

847: The Federation of The Armed Forces of the Archipelago
Pop: 1,601 Mil

848: The Queendom of The best country you are ever gon go to
Pop: 113 Mil

849: The Community of The Borg Community
Pop: 1,193 Mil

850: The Federation of The Chamber Islands
Pop: 2,202 Mil

851: The Republic of The Cob Bak
Pop: 68 Mil

852: The Community of The community of the lagoan isles
Pop: 75 Mil

853: The Dominion of The Eashavpon Inds
Pop: 8 Mil

854: The Expeditionary Force of The Ecalpan Kangun
Pop: 4,252 Mil

855: The Imperial State of The Empire of Alerba
Pop: 3,889 Mil

856: The Holy Empire of The Eternal Regency
Pop: 102 Mil

857: The Empire of The Great State of Iran
Pop: 102 Mil

858: The Armed Republic of The Holy Slayer
Pop: 56 Mil

859: The Oppressed Peoples of THE IMPERIAL AUTHORITY of SIVEA
Pop: 9 Mil

860: The Sultanate of The Indurone
Pop: 2,974 Mil

861: The Republic of The internally
Pop: 10 Mil

862: The Kingdom of The Isle of Buchanan
Pop: 110 Mil

863: The Republic of The Jefac Outho
Pop: 95 Mil

864: The Rogue Nation of The Jestis Imperium
Pop: 23 Mil

865: The Kingdom of The kingdom of m
Pop: 45 Mil

866: The Empire of The kingsmans
Pop: 20 Mil

867: The Empire of The land of the gingers
Pop: 16 Mil

868: The City of The Niagara
Pop: 2,879 Mil

869: The Federation of The Northern United Provinces
Pop: 83 Mil

870: The Former Glory of The Old Man of the Mountain
Pop: 5,866 Mil

871: The Republic of The Poe Karcush
Pop: 93 Mil

872: The Empire of The Potato Farmer Technoblade
Pop: 74 Mil

873: The Republic of The Republic of Parker
Pop: 8 Mil

874: The Oppressed Peoples of The Revived Trans Council
Pop: 12 Mil

875: The Commonwealth of The revolutionary Kentucky syndicalists
Pop: 144 Mil

876: The Federal Republic of The Russo-American Communist States
Pop: 50 Mil

877: The Federal Republic of The Russo-Slovakian United States
Pop: 56 Mil

878: The Republic of The Ryukyus
Pop: 8 Mil

879: The United Kingdom of The Slavic Republics
Pop: 85 Mil

880: The Federation of The Socialist Republics Of Russia
Pop: 77 Mil

881: The Kingdom of The Swedes Realm
Pop: 32 Mil

882: The Binding radiance of The Swords of Revealing Light
Pop: 5,587 Mil

883: The Kingdom of The two sicilies
Pop: 5,653 Mil

884: The Republic of The Unified Islands
Pop: 50 Mil

885: The Republic of The Union of Burma
Pop: 1,159 Mil

886: The Federal Republic of The United Commonwealths of Columbia
Pop: 45 Mil

887: The Democratic Republic of The United Limburgs
Pop: 1,761 Mil

888: The Matriarchy of The United Republic of Sasha
Pop: 32 Mil

889: The Holy Empire of The Wolfen-states
Pop: 29 Mil

890: The Borderlands of The Wuhan Republic of China
Pop: 523 Mil

891: The Republic of ThedizzieStarles
Pop: 14 Mil

892: The Free Land of Thefatratgodd
Pop: 32 Mil

893: The Republic of Theologic
Pop: 8 Mil

894: The Republic of Theoshinkand
Pop: 40 Mil

895: The People's Republic of Ther Teapho
Pop: 36 Mil

896: The Blue AI-Ocracy of Therimenjas
Pop: 7,990 Mil

897: The Empire of This is Spinal Tap
Pop: 1,802 Mil

898: The Empire of Thonzen
Pop: 20 Mil

899: The Democratic Republic of Thunderlandia
Pop: 10 Mil

900: The Republic of Tiaden
Pop: 14 Mil

901: The Kingdom of Tianhua
Pop: 86 Mil

902: The Kingdom of Tierra
Pop: 169 Mil

903: The United Socialist States of Tieu bang Khmer
Pop: 118 Mil

904: The Empire of Tikani
Pop: 23 Mil

905: The Protectorate of Tilberi
Pop: 217 Mil

906: The Blue Light of Time in Joy
Pop: 2,657 Mil

907: The Republic of Tirektasya
Pop: 93 Mil

908: The Republic of Toita
Pop: 75 Mil

909: The Federal Republic of Tolo
Pop: 242 Mil

910: The Republic of Tongking
Pop: 1,729 Mil

911: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tovia Kathame
Pop: 67 Mil

912: The Dominion of Tox Gera
Pop: 26 Mil

913: The Republic of Trapezoin
Pop: 110 Mil

914: The Dominion of Tritamnian Empire
Pop: 176 Mil

915: The Republic of Troilandia
Pop: 585 Mil

916: The Republic of Tunk Kunambil
Pop: 6 Mil

917: The Dictatorship of Tupistan
Pop: 18 Mil

918: The Republic of Turkish Forces
Pop: 26 Mil

919: The Republic of Tuuah
Pop: 26 Mil

920: The United Socialist States of Tyrannald
Pop: 309 Mil

921: The Empire of Ucerya
Pop: 76 Mil

922: The Kingdom of Ugandaknucklesrepublic
Pop: 12 Mil

923: The Queendom of Ultima Island
Pop: 146 Mil

924: The Dominion of Ultranor
Pop: 16 Mil

925: The United Socialist States of Uniao das Republicas sociais Socialistas
Pop: 56 Mil

926: The Unified Peoples of Unified Peoples
Pop: 2,841 Mil

927: The Federal Republic of United Albaria
Pop: 18 Mil

928: The Commonwealth of United Alpine Republics
Pop: 455 Mil

929: The Constitutional Monarchy of United danzig territories
Pop: 36 Mil

930: The Federation of United Eurafrasia
Pop: 4,794 Mil

931: The Federation of United Federation of the Sea
Pop: 9 Mil

932: The United States of United Malayali Districts Of India
Pop: 8 Mil

933: The Kingdom of United Nee Amernomeekinated
Pop: 50 Mil

934: The Republic of United Of Bob
Pop: 6 Mil

935: The Republic of United People of Theohold
Pop: 62 Mil

936: The United Socialist States of United Socialist States of Banks
Pop: 32 Mil

937: The Democratic Republic of United Spart
Pop: 23 Mil

938: The Allied States of United sstates
Pop: 18 Mil

939: The Republic of United States of Confederet
Pop: 193 Mil

940: The Empire of United States Of Conummist
Pop: 73 Mil

941: The Federation of United Tanks
Pop: 11,688 Mil

942: The Republic of UnitedStatesEurope
Pop: 14 Mil

943: The Republic of Unitria68
Pop: 166 Mil

944: The Free Land of Upper Moondin
Pop: 1,218 Mil

945: The Colony of Users name bruh
Pop: 32 Mil

946: The United Kingdom of Uulgadzar
Pop: 5,352 Mil

947: The Republic of Uvik
Pop: 2,489 Mil

948: The Republic of Uzawa Reisa and Morizuki Suzumi
Pop: 284 Mil

949: The New Republic of Vaishnavaria
Pop: 1,632 Mil

950: The Empire of Valeoux
Pop: 14 Mil

951: The Republic of Valoraen
Pop: 6 Mil

952: The Empire of Valtar
Pop: 80 Mil

953: The United States of Vandom
Pop: 7 Mil

954: The United Kingdom of Vanillan Kingdom
Pop: 294 Mil

955: The Most Serene Republic of Vanostav
Pop: 2,109 Mil

956: The Empire of Vasililand
Pop: 68 Mil

957: The Republic of VCC047
Pop: 332 Mil

958: The Republic of Velariaq
Pop: 32 Mil

959: The Constitutional Monarchy of Velichiye
Pop: 5,552 Mil

960: The Federal Republic of Veliciana
Pop: 3,574 Mil

961: The Incorporated States of Velisila Ljudstva
Pop: 173 Mil

962: The Republic of Velkanistila
Pop: 76 Mil

963: The Principality of Venellaria
Pop: 12 Mil

964: The Confederacy of Verdoch
Pop: 26 Mil

965: The Holy Empire of Veriditas
Pop: 292 Mil

966: The Republic of Vespertinnia
Pop: 146 Mil

967: The Kingdom of Vicernas Demace
Pop: 1,506 Mil

968: The Republic of Vigeneau
Pop: 106 Mil

969: The Federation of Viltrumitia
Pop: 14 Mil

970: The Commonwealth of Vinnesha
Pop: 2,291 Mil

971: The Commonwealth of Violation
Pop: 74 Mil

972: The Kingdom of Vispatia
Pop: 23 Mil

973: The Republic of Vodaltia
Pop: 82 Mil

974: The Empire of Volintow
Pop: 16 Mil

975: The Empire of Volkshelm Reich
Pop: 36 Mil

976: The People's Republic of Volkstadtia
Pop: 20 Mil

977: The Republic of Volshka Bulgaria
Pop: 865 Mil

978: The Federal Republic of Vondasia
Pop: 4,181 Mil

979: The Democratic Republic of Voraty
Pop: 56 Mil

980: The Republic of Vryestaat
Pop: 23 Mil

981: The Republic of Vucuiga
Pop: 3,135 Mil

982: The Oppressed Peoples of Waandag
Pop: 398 Mil

983: The Dominion of Wakandalandia
Pop: 8 Mil

984: The Democratic Republic of Waldlandia
Pop: 353 Mil

985: The United States of Warpart
Pop: 2,411 Mil

986: The Free Land of Wastes
Pop: 197 Mil

987: The United States of Watersfine
Pop: 299 Mil

988: The United Socialist States of Wertance
Pop: 20 Mil

989: The Republic of West Aclar
Pop: 3,426 Mil

990: The Federal Republic of West Coporica
Pop: 14 Mil

991: The Mostly Serene State of West Ferris
Pop: 1,664 Mil

992: The Federal Republic of West Meafsky
Pop: 1,402 Mil

993: The Republic of West Ossa
Pop: 62 Mil

994: The Principality of Westbot
Pop: 3,202 Mil

995: The United Kingdom of Westelijke nederlanden
Pop: 255 Mil

996: The Republic of Widdi
Pop: 74 Mil

997: The Principality of Wiesenburg
Pop: 45 Mil

998: The Commonwealth of Wiggley Baby
Pop: 88 Mil

999: The Republic of Wilre
Pop: 8,932 Mil

1000: The Federation of Winniebear Poohtin
Pop: 7 Mil

1001: The Nomadic Peoples of Wise Beanie Boo
Pop: 155 Mil

1002: The Community of Witzer
Pop: 16 Mil

1003: The Free Land of WLWCCS II
Pop: 20 Mil

1004: The Colony of Wocturne
Pop: 45 Mil

1005: The Empire of Wodele
Pop: 14 Mil

1006: The Federation of Wolfnothuman
Pop: 93 Mil

1007: The Allied States of Woozycubtopia
Pop: 204 Mil

1008: The United Kingdom of Wss322
Pop: 258 Mil

1009: The United Kingdom of Wss385
Pop: 248 Mil

1010: The Republic of Wuvai
Pop: 29 Mil

1011: The Federal Republic of Xicoze
Pop: 109 Mil

1012: The Federal Republic of Xikistates
Pop: 191 Mil

1013: The Commonwealth of Xoawu
Pop: 32 Mil

1014: The Republic of Yadablow
Pop: 350 Mil

1015: The Empire of Yaozia
Pop: 20 Mil

1016: The Federation of Yapapan
Pop: 198 Mil

1017: The Republic of Yertolii
Pop: 380 Mil

1018: The Armed Republic of Yigali
Pop: 106 Mil

1019: The Republic of Yimland
Pop: 50 Mil

1020: The United Kingdom of Ynn229
Pop: 262 Mil

1021: The Theocracy of Yont
Pop: 492 Mil

1022: The Dictatorship of Yontos saliate
Pop: 98 Mil

1023: The People's Republic of Yordl
Pop: 2,494 Mil

1024: The Republic of Yountew Rome
Pop: 8 Mil

1025: The United Socialist States of Yugilavia
Pop: 20 Mil

1026: The Federal Republic of Yugoslaviana
Pop: 16 Mil

1027: The Holy Empire of Yuguo
Pop: 18 Mil

1028: The Federal Republic of Yulayr
Pop: 2,120 Mil

1029: The Republic of Yuspuize
Pop: 6,994 Mil

1030: The Kingdom of Yutara
Pop: 91 Mil

1031: The Holy Empire of Yuugria
Pop: 801 Mil

1032: The Democratic Republic of Zafrique
Pop: 306 Mil

1033: The Sultanate of Zahlee
Pop: 930 Mil

1034: The Democratic Republic of Zamiah Orpet
Pop: 169 Mil

1035: The Incorporated States of Zangreba
Pop: 1,377 Mil

1036: The Principality of Zarautz
Pop: 206 Mil

1037: The Confederacy of Zebastan
Pop: 40 Mil

1038: The Commonwealth of Zennica
Pop: 45 Mil

1039: The People's Republic of Zephyrellia
Pop: 125 Mil

1040: The Dictatorship of Zepulandia
Pop: 56 Mil

1041: The Democratic Republic of Zernebognya
Pop: 1,350 Mil

1042: The Free Land of Zexiland
Pop: 62 Mil

1043: The Republic of Zheavia
Pop: 365 Mil

1044: The Most Serene Republic of Zheleobraznya
Pop: 120 Mil

1045: The Republic of Zleandaeads
Pop: 29 Mil

1046: The Empire of Znalisa
Pop: 174 Mil

1047: The Republic of Zomot Vantermarin
Pop: 97 Mil

1048: The Dictatorship of Zori Zep Zi
Pop: 69 Mil

1049: The Kingdom of Zorica
Pop: 238 Mil

1050: The Republic of Zypheris
Pop: 174 Mil

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