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154 Countries populate the Region of Corvinia

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1: The Dominion of Achnadia
Pop: 601 Mil

2: The Most Serene Republic of Agrilazoa
Pop: 1,540 Mil

3: The Republic of Albano Laziale
Pop: 346 Mil

4: The Community of Anarchist Republic of Eastern Portugal
Pop: 564 Mil

5: The Federation of ArchiLeague Basketball
Pop: 1,135 Mil

6: The Federation of Archipelago Beach Hockey Association
Pop: 599 Mil

7: The Federation of Archipelago Football Confederation
Pop: 1,715 Mil

8: The Republic of Archipelago Sports News
Pop: 1,438 Mil

9: The Nomadic Peoples of Armatonisdaristani Card Farmer
Pop: 972 Mil

10: The Federation of Armatonisdaristani Football Federation
Pop: 3,702 Mil

11: The Federation of Armatonisdaristani Overseas Collectives
Pop: 905 Mil

12: The Republic of Armatonisdaristani Sports News
Pop: 1,421 Mil

13: The Grand Duchy of Azores Island States
Pop: 565 Mil

14: The Confederacy of Bahias Gemelas
Pop: 1,111 Mil

15: The Most Serene Republic of Bayou-Cazef
Pop: 1,583 Mil

16: The Fiefdom of Bruh2
Pop: 676 Mil

17: The United States of Calareja
Pop: 1,643 Mil

18: The Federal Republic of Caminar
Pop: 601 Mil

19: The Sultanate of Campera
Pop: 194 Mil

20: The Kingdom of Cheesemouse
Pop: 161 Mil

21: The Republic of Chip-flake
Pop: 56 Mil

22: The Commonwealth of City of Belmore
Pop: 2,108 Mil

23: The Free Land of Composting and Recycling
Pop: 1,417 Mil

24: The Emirate of Corvinian Communist State
Pop: 2,824 Mil

25: The Nomadic Peoples of Corvinian Eurasia
Pop: 818 Mil

26: The Federation of Corvinian Football Federation
Pop: 2,184 Mil

27: The United States of Corvinian Regional Government
Pop: 1,921 Mil

28: The Neo-Stalinist Patriarchy of Corvinian Socialist Republic Reborn
Pop: 2,743 Mil

29: The Democratic States of Crawstatoa
Pop: 127 Mil

30: The Sernetian Governorate of Dameristol
Pop: 799 Mil

31: The Federal Republic of Democratic Lisbon
Pop: 564 Mil

32: The United States of Dotarna
Pop: 577 Mil

33: The Republic of Echtmalian Capitalist Republic
Pop: 6 Mil

34: The Republic of Elistiria
Pop: 1,294 Mil

35: The Rebuild Party State of England under the Rebuild Party
Pop: 2,774 Mil

36: The Community of Evbran
Pop: 1,909 Mil

37: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fahriti
Pop: 611 Mil

38: The Democratic Republic of Faro Democratic Republic
Pop: 571 Mil

39: The Republic of Farthings
Pop: 9 Mil

40: The 2013 Formula 1 Car of Ferrari F138
Pop: 3,619 Mil

41: The Leng Sigmaness of Fingerdom
Pop: 1,046 Mil

42: The Sernetian Governorate of Flestriom
Pop: 760 Mil

43: The Republic of Flowey Undertale
Pop: 8 Mil

44: The Republic of Francoist Croatia
Pop: 2,262 Mil

45: The Green Metrostocracy of Frayston
Pop: 1,363 Mil

46: The Republic of Friendship Tournament Organising Council
Pop: 1,384 Mil

47: The Hellenic Empire of Gethe
Pop: 1,660 Mil

48: The Republic of Global Motorsport Federation
Pop: 1,069 Mil

49: The Republic of Gombak Zone of Anarchy
Pop: 29 Mil

50: The Colony of Goostlisen and West Slesomesedrinia
Pop: 767 Mil

51: The Republic of Hanguardian Representative to Corvinia
Pop: 9 Mil

52: The Rogue Nation of I chose neutral to everything lol
Pop: 643 Mil

53: The Anarchist Global Congress of I chose no to everything lol
Pop: 3,522 Mil

54: The Empire that spies on you of I chose yes to everything lol
Pop: 3,138 Mil

55: The Incorporated States of IC-Penguicorn
Pop: 1,743 Mil

56: The Classification of Insert Text Here
Pop: 3,269 Mil

57: The Commonwealth of Irsalia
Pop: 402 Mil

58: The Disputed Territories of Islamic Republic of Yemen
Pop: 2,829 Mil

59: The Protectorate of Jakular
Pop: 575 Mil

60: The Republic of Joesuu Kapitalistlik Vabariik
Pop: 402 Mil

61: The Commonwealth of Kachuria
Pop: 141 Mil

62: The Republic of Kaifuva
Pop: 574 Mil

63: The Incorporated States of Kashmanya
Pop: 682 Mil

64: The Democratic Republic of Korea-DPR
Pop: 556 Mil

65: The Republic of Korumos-Jamaica
Pop: 14 Mil

66: The Republic of Korys Personal Liker
Pop: 91 Mil

67: The Republic of Krygyz Puppet States
Pop: 12 Mil

68: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN41
Pop: 4,765 Mil

69: The Social Democratic State of Lantau Island
Pop: 3,514 Mil

70: The Principality of Lastaneta
Pop: 677 Mil

71: The Armed Republic of Leader Mao Zedong
Pop: 368 Mil

72: The ''Bad'' Federal Republic of Lotanio
Pop: 4,314 Mil

73: The Federal Dominion of Lotench Eurasie
Pop: 929 Mil

74: The Free Land of Lotench No Mans Islands of Belmore
Pop: 32 Mil

75: The People's Republic of Marivete
Pop: 1,567 Mil

76: The Democratic Republic of Masrail
Pop: 115 Mil

77: The Liberalist Royal Democracy of Maznatowe
Pop: 1,419 Mil

78: The Sultanate of Medisia
Pop: 1,085 Mil

79: The Republic of Mediterranean Riot State
Pop: 29 Mil

80: The Principality of Melyede
Pop: 1,167 Mil

81: The Federation of Metropolitan Union
Pop: 29 Mil

82: The Principality of Mikaea
Pop: 259 Mil

83: The Jingoistic States of Minkovenisnen
Pop: 578 Mil

84: The Federal Republic of Mozarhal
Pop: 888 Mil

85: The Sultanate of Mundiri
Pop: 12 Mil

86: The Principality of Narpenez Island
Pop: 1,944 Mil

87: The Community of National Democrats Party
Pop: 68 Mil

88: The United Territories of Navarre Order
Pop: 2,373 Mil

89: The Queendom of Nengster
Pop: 4,416 Mil

90: The Unholy Dictatorship of Neo-Orwellian Greece
Pop: 2,718 Mil

91: The Republic of Nerds of Korinissia
Pop: 69 Mil

92: The Sernetian Governorate of Nestomesiom
Pop: 754 Mil

93: The Democratic Republic of New Pache
Pop: 571 Mil

94: The Demokratska Republika of Northern Croatian Democratic Republic
Pop: 1,595 Mil

95: The Confederacy of Noyazena
Pop: 813 Mil

96: The Capitol of Nuevo Panem
Pop: 3,533 Mil

97: The Free Socialist Empire of Outer Armatonisdaristan
Pop: 6,973 Mil

98: The Government-in-exile of Pache
Pop: 869 Mil

99: The Republic of Palatagoszcz
Pop: 461 Mil

100: The Capitol of Panem 12 Districtos
Pop: 3,536 Mil

101: The Free States of Papal States of Sicily
Pop: 2,371 Mil

102: The Grand Duchy of Poptartica
Pop: 399 Mil

103: The Protectorate of Portimao Confederacy
Pop: 190 Mil

104: The Federation of Porto Democratic Republic
Pop: 568 Mil

105: The STOLEN POSITION of Psykotika
Pop: 734 Mil

106: The United Kingdom of Qaxlaseq
Pop: 1,908 Mil

107: The Republic of Revolutionary Korinissia
Pop: 85 Mil

108: The Sernetian Governorate of Saldensiland
Pop: 760 Mil

109: The Colony of Samoni
Pop: 2,802 Mil

110: The Absolute Monarchy of Sanievilaland
Pop: 3,475 Mil

111: The Commonwealth of Scozura
Pop: 1,284 Mil

112: The Federated States of Second Corvinian Republic
Pop: 2,402 Mil

113: The Holy Gold Blue Metrostocracy of Sernet
Pop: 3,133 Mil

114: The Colony of Sernet Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1
Pop: 193 Mil

115: The Sultanate of SernetIsSigma
Pop: 399 Mil

116: The Democratic Republic of Sichuan Democratic Republic
Pop: 449 Mil

117: The Royal Democratic State of Slovortia
Pop: 1,199 Mil

118: The Colony of Smoltrendestof
Pop: 821 Mil

119: The Sernetian Governorate of South Palstomedria
Pop: 786 Mil

120: The Sernetian Governorate of Speromelstiniom
Pop: 784 Mil

121: The Sernetian Governorate of Stalliost
Pop: 1,625 Mil

122: The Empire of Stratocratic Korinissia
Pop: 114 Mil

123: The Colony of Strolawia
Pop: 772 Mil

124: The Sernetian Tri-Governorates of Subaltion
Pop: 1,836 Mil

125: The Sernetian Governorate of Sultriost
Pop: 1,786 Mil

126: The Holy Empire of Susie Deltarune
Pop: 18 Mil

127: The Protectorate of Tayuka
Pop: 828 Mil

128: The Anarchist Haven of The Anarchist Global Congress
Pop: 3,066 Mil

129: The Anarchist States of The Anarchy People
Pop: 3,565 Mil

130: The United States of The Blusiitopia
Pop: 40 Mil

131: The Colony of The Corvinian Golden Harp
Pop: 330 Mil

132: The Federation of The Korinissian Empire
Pop: 354 Mil

133: The Commonwealth of The Lotench Commonwealth
Pop: 350 Mil

134: The United Kingdom of The Mussleborough
Pop: 203 Mil

135: The Governorate of New Sernet of The Sernetian colonies
Pop: 2,089 Mil

136: The Democratic Republic of The Slave Revolt
Pop: 212 Mil

137: The Rogue Nation of THESTATETHAT307S08M3S
Pop: 137 Mil

138: The Theocracy of Tomarkhastan
Pop: 804 Mil

139: The People's Republic of Translovevia
Pop: 462 Mil

140: The Protectorate of UAC Eurasian Buffer Zone
Pop: 904 Mil

141: The Federation of UAC Pache Peacekeeping Forces
Pop: 699 Mil

142: The Intercontinental Empire of United Arab Confederacy
Pop: 1,607 Mil

143: The Republic of United Braga
Pop: 559 Mil

144: The Republic of United Corvinian Sports News
Pop: 1,436 Mil

145: The Country of United Socialist Republic of Iran
Pop: 2,447 Mil

146: The Communist Multi-Party State of Upward Peoples
Pop: 3,412 Mil

147: The Kingdom of Veerders
Pop: 280 Mil

148: The Federal Commune of Vororovsk
Pop: 532 Mil

149: The Confederacy of West Azaletra
Pop: 10 Mil

150: The Most Supreme Stalinist State of Western Panem
Pop: 3,372 Mil

151: The Republic of WICSOsphere
Pop: 10 Mil

152: The Republic of WIP Sernetian Dispatch
Pop: 8 Mil

153: The Grand Duchy of Zahlik
Pop: 1,625 Mil

154: The Federal Republic of Zhanglao
Pop: 924 Mil

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