1: The Loving Couple of -Art Fan- Pop: 6,802 Mil 2: The Island of Thousand Temples of -Bali Pop: 8,321 Mil 3: The Rogue Nation of 2HeChills Pop: 29 Mil 4: The Armed Republic of 4th Keltan Air Defense Battalion Pop: 892 Mil 5: The Republic of 4z21uus3it Pop: 2,273 Mil 6: The Sultanate of 69th Empire Pop: 9 Mil 7: The Nomadic Peoples of Aboutblank8 Pop: 16 Mil 8: The Malikussalite Sultanate of Aceh Darusalam Pop: 3,675 Mil 9: The Republic of Aem-21 Pop: 196 Mil 10: The Fiefdom of Aerospace Group Akane Pop: 416 Mil 11: The Republic of Afeurasia Pop: 337 Mil 12: The Jingoistic States of Akimiski Pop: 2,514 Mil 13: The Sultanate of Al-Muzammil Pop: 18 Mil 14: The Federation of Alabamakazoo Pop: 547 Mil 15: The Commonwealth of Aldeban Pop: 16 Mil 16: The Grand Duchy of Aleat Pop: 650 Mil 17: The Borderlands of Alien Immigration Pop: 2,441 Mil 18: The Oligarchic States of Alpheridies Pop: 2,621 Mil 19: The Community of Alskland Pop: 36 Mil 20: The Commonwealth of Amerrian Pop: 491 Mil 21: The Matriarchy of An Orange Cat Pop: 705 Mil 22: The Kingdom of Ancient Anatolia Pop: 156 Mil 23: The Free Land of Ania Name Bir Pop: 146 Mil 24: The Commons of Anthenuria Pop: 21,994 Mil 25: The Republic of Aperistan Pop: 2,174 Mil 26: The Republic of Arcaxh Pop: 88 Mil 27: The Encyclopedia of Aretepedia Pop: 2,385 Mil 28: The Allied States of Arians pars Pop: 461 Mil 29: The Republic of Arms Testing Pop: 869 Mil 30: The Commonwealth of Arweni Pop: 6 Mil 31: The Republic of Aseptic Pop: 657 Mil 32: The Free Land of Aspenanza Pop: 8,289 Mil 33: The Nomadic Peoples of At envelope under that garbage After spe Pop: 991 Mil 34: The Republic of ATG 130 Pop: 83 Mil 35: The Republic of ATG 282 Pop: 88 Mil 36: The Republic of Athena 14 Pop: 307 Mil 37: The Community of Atlyn Isreai Pop: 8 Mil 38: The Republic of Augell Pop: 14 Mil 39: The Holy Empire of Aukeland Pop: 2,041 Mil 40: The Republic of Aurora Civitas Pop: 500 Mil 41: The Republic of Avalov Pop: 229 Mil 42: The Republic of Avointav Pop: 136 Mil 43: The Allied States of Balkans Territories Pop: 114 Mil 44: The Commonwealth of Baltic and Nordic Kingdoms Pop: 118 Mil 45: The Heavenly Republic of Bannba Pop: 740 Mil 46: The Republic of Belgian Free State Pop: 26 Mil 47: The United States of BellyofAura Pop: 20 Mil 48: The Dictatorship of Berghof Farms Pop: 18 Mil 49: The Demoratic Union of Binan Pop: 3,334 Mil 50: The Most Serene Republic of BlackBlicky5 Pop: 16 Mil 51: The Democratic Republic of Blkonkot Pop: 307 Mil 52: The Republic of Blue-Torra Pop: 50 Mil 53: The Federation of Bolshevik Federation Pop: 95 Mil 54: The Constitutional Monarchy of Brajesdovian Empire Pop: 1,231 Mil 55: The Examplist state of Bribe Pop: 2,871 Mil 56: The Republic of Brocka Pop: 72 Mil 57: The Republic of Brvmuy1aeq Pop: 2,231 Mil 58: The Republic of Buffer2 Pop: 128 Mil 59: The Dictatorship of Bumpynickle Pop: 16 Mil 60: The United Kingdom of Bysantium22 Pop: 69 Mil 61: The Republic of Calen Bullock Pop: 875 Mil 62: The Empire of Callibre Pop: 226 Mil 63: The Social Democratic Republic of Canh lanh Pop: 2,025 Mil 64: The Republic of Card Farmer of TEC No 12 Pop: 317 Mil 65: The Confederacy of Cards64 Pop: 18 Mil 66: The Republic of CARDTESTER33 Pop: 84 Mil 67: The Kingdom of Catolaria Pop: 36 Mil 68: The Holy Empire of Cats meow Pop: 83 Mil 69: The Cornerback of CB Mike Hilton Pop: 2,577 Mil 70: The People's Republic of CE Cambodia Pop: 768 Mil 71: The Kingdom of Cecilian land Pop: 16 Mil 72: The United Socialist States of Centrogermany Pop: 7 Mil 73: The Empire of Chaos Insurgency Inc Pop: 32 Mil 74: The Armed Republic of Chellestai Mercenary Corps Pop: 196 Mil 75: The Free Land of Chesterfort Pop: 40 Mil 76: The Dictatorship of Chic Vend Pop: 489 Mil 77: The Democratic People's Republic of Chigir Pop: 2,165 Mil 78: The Empire of Ching Chang Pop: 50 Mil 79: The People's Republic of Chinxia Pop: 204 Mil 80: The Republic of Christian Rozeboom Pop: 881 Mil 81: The Confederacy of Chrysonthum Pop: 561 Mil 82: The Federation of Cipritine Pop: 1,005 Mil 83: The COA Owned Building of COA Dispatch Office Pop: 2,297 Mil 84: The Republic of COA Jambudweep Pop: 1,866 Mil 85: The Republic of Cochinchina State Pop: 1,759 Mil 86: The Pacific Union of Cold edge Pop: 3,894 Mil 87: The Community of Cold Edge Space Program Pop: 132 Mil 88: The Protectorate of Comigco Junction Pop: 1,505 Mil 89: The Community of Commitment Pop: 607 Mil 90: The Dictatorship of Communist republic of Bosnislavia Pop: 10 Mil 91: The Republic of Concrete slab is jesus 3 Pop: 3,570 Mil 92: The Members of Council of Asia Roleplay Moderator Pop: 2,530 Mil 93: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cournin Pop: 62 Mil 94: The Commonwealth of Cublia Bifiaopia Pop: 249 Mil 95: The Free Land of Cumbres Verdes Pop: 431 Mil 96: The Hall of Fame Running Back of Curtis Martin Pop: 1,844 Mil 97: The Republic of Deargod33 Pop: 299 Mil 98: The Oppressed Peoples of DeathNation Pop: 50 Mil 99: The Democratic Republic of Dellipacher Pop: 18 Mil 100: The Republic of Democratic Oppernopac Rez Pop: 80 Mil 101: The Linebacker of DeVondre Campbell Pop: 1,229 Mil 102: The Republic of Diaphena Pop: 404 Mil 103: The Republic of Digital Civilization Pop: 50 Mil 104: The Republic of Doctor Tzin-Tzin Pop: 2,465 Mil 105: The Republic of Drystead Pop: 104 Mil 106: The Rogue Nation of DSN28 Pop: 3,450 Mil 107: The Dictatorship of Dumbland 1 Pop: 109 Mil 108: The Nomadic Peoples of E all had to go to court We walked in sa Pop: 1,004 Mil 109: The Federation of EastCambodia Pop: 29 Mil 110: The Constitutional Monarchy of Eastern Wo76vt5 Pop: 110 Mil 111: The Federation of EastIndochina Pop: 23 Mil 112: The Empire of Eileithyie Pop: 9 Mil 113: The Kingdom of Eleftherios Pop: 12 Mil 114: The Confederacy of Emdna5 Pop: 551 Mil 115: The Most Serene Republic of Empty Platitudes Pop: 8 Mil 116: The Republic of EMROC Pop: 1,211 Mil 117: The Kingdom of Englanti Pop: 146 Mil 118: The Republic of Er-3 Pop: 165 Mil 119: The Republic of Ervindale Pop: 179 Mil 120: The Confederacy of Estates Chellestai Pop: 241 Mil 121: The Republic of Etaash104 Pop: 236 Mil 122: The United Socialist States of EzoValeaRosie Pop: 119 Mil 123: The Romano Chinese State of Far Eastern Fulin Pop: 1,001 Mil 124: The Republic of FHMA Pop: 6 Mil 125: The Republic of Flanelistal Pop: 62 Mil 126: The Commonwealth of Floptropolis Pop: 10 Mil 127: The Commonwealth of Fluminesedes Pop: 140 Mil 128: The Nomadic Peoples of Fobat The Alkhbi Pop: 483 Mil 129: The United Socialist States of Folks Republic of Japan Pop: 270 Mil 130: The Federation of Fondy federation Pop: 218 Mil 131: The Republic of Foo Farm 78 Pop: 212 Mil 132: The Free Land of Francisians Pop: 175 Mil 133: The People's Republic of Frangly Pop: 1,953 Mil 134: The Republic of Free People of the Far East Pop: 343 Mil 135: The Federal Republic of Fvv151 Pop: 474 Mil 136: The Federal Republic of Fvv189 Pop: 480 Mil 137: The Federal Republic of Fvv218 Pop: 464 Mil 138: The Federal Republic of Fvv286 Pop: 469 Mil 139: The Federal Republic of Fvv336 Pop: 453 Mil 140: The Federal Republic of Fvv345 Pop: 453 Mil 141: The Federal Republic of Fvv424 Pop: 468 Mil 142: The Federal Republic of Fvv440 Pop: 462 Mil 143: The Federal Republic of Fvv488 Pop: 453 Mil 144: The Federal Republic of Fvv56 Pop: 484 Mil 145: The Democratic Republic of Gantrica Pop: 111 Mil 146: The Republic of General Ken obi Pop: 18 Mil 147: The Empire of Goguryeon Pop: 45 Mil 148: The Federal Republic of Govaew Pop: 99 Mil 149: The Dominion of Grand British Oceania Pop: 7 Mil 150: The Sultanate of Grand Turkish Pop: 282 Mil 151: The Sultanate of Grant is better Pop: 23 Mil 152: The Armed Republic of Great New Dystopia Pop: 130 Mil 153: The Empire of Greater Pagaruyung Pop: 474 Mil 154: The Theocracy of Grumman F7F Tigercat Pop: 2,472 Mil 155: The Republic of GU 62nd Fleet Pop: 2,049 Mil 156: The Free Land of Guddeh Pop: 18 Mil 157: The Republic of GuJewistan Pop: 157 Mil 158: The Federal Republic of Gujis Awer Pop: 50 Mil 159: The Federation of Hanitsa Pop: 251 Mil 160: The People's Republic of Haywood Pop: 74 Mil 161: The Rogue Nation of HeadshotLMAO Pop: 36 Mil 162: The Kingdom of Headtappers Pop: 20 Mil 163: The Republic of Hector of Troy Pop: 798 Mil 164: The Free Land of Hellismarth Pop: 40 Mil 165: The Holy Empire of Heskeville Pop: 105 Mil 166: The Holy Empire of Hilans Rand Pop: 6 Mil 167: The Republic of Hindu India Pop: 2,973 Mil 168: The Sultanate of Holiob Pop: 283 Mil 169: The Republic of Hulahula Pop: 6 Mil 170: The Republic of HUR 1887 Pop: 72 Mil 171: The Republic of HUR 1915 Pop: 62 Mil 172: The Republic of HUR 1949 Pop: 62 Mil 173: The Republic of HUR 1953 Pop: 50 Mil 174: The Republic of Huygensia Pop: 266 Mil 175: The United Kingdom of Ikm383 Pop: 196 Mil 176: The United Kingdom of Ikm399 Pop: 199 Mil 177: The United Kingdom of Ikm86 Pop: 207 Mil 178: The Protectorate of Ilhas lacustres e fluviais Ojihakuros Pop: 6 Mil 179: The Empire of Imperial Dutch Pop: 104 Mil 180: The Republic of Independent Transussuri Pop: 907 Mil 181: The Emirate of Intergalatic Corporation Pop: 777 Mil 182: The Federal Republic of Iserian Pop: 98 Mil 183: The Dominion of Isle of Goddess Aqua Pop: 45 Mil 184: The Rogue Nation of Ithlan Pop: 32 Mil 185: The Colony of Jadeite Marsh Pop: 1,031 Mil 186: The Republic of Jamalito5 Pop: 955 Mil 187: The Republic of Jamalito6 Pop: 976 Mil 188: The Republic of Jaqwaviuantariontioaqwious of jaqwayquay Pop: 20 Mil 189: The Republic of JemasaLand Pop: 23 Mil 190: The Theocracy of Jokalipo Pop: 243 Mil 191: The Kingdom of Judah and Canaan Pop: 29 Mil 192: The Republic of Juice Scruggs Pop: 854 Mil 193: The Federal Republic of Jzonim Pop: 2,187 Mil 194: The Kingdom of Kacka Pop: 40 Mil 195: The Armed Republic of Kamiko Pop: 755 Mil 196: The Republic of Kanasupp39 Pop: 457 Mil 197: The Republic of Kanootlandia Pop: 74 Mil 198: The Rogue Nation of Karjovina Pop: 103 Mil 199: The DemSoc Republic of Karpatyvillia Pop: 1,402 Mil 200: The Emirate of Kaskastan Pop: 504 Mil 201: The Federal Republic of Kinalva Pop: 355 Mil 202: The Republic of King Wat Coonland Pop: 256 Mil 203: The Republic of Kivu 66 Pop: 3,048 Mil 204: The Defender of Kivu LXXII Pop: 2,387 Mil 205: The Colony of Kobayashi Maru Pop: 408 Mil 206: The DemocraticSocialist Republic of Kreigsruim Pop: 2,290 Mil 207: The Siberian Republic of Kroniistatzka Pop: 3,580 Mil 208: The Principality of Kukamiki Pop: 873 Mil 209: The Republic of Kune Homet Callocessis Pop: 18 Mil 210: The Republic of Kyra Eur Pop: 90 Mil 211: The Realm of Laibcoms Pop: 22,646 Mil 212: The Defensive Tackle of LaRoi Glover Pop: 1,760 Mil 213: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda684 Pop: 816 Mil 214: The Republic of Len Andece Pop: 5,921 Mil 215: The Kingdom of Liberated Hyrule Pop: 3,043 Mil 216: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar100 Pop: 36 Mil 217: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar92 Pop: 36 Mil 218: The Republic of Lleslie Pop: 56 Mil 219: The Republic of Loropic Heat Pop: 110 Mil 220: The Colony of Marthodkantopia Pop: 461 Mil 221: The Federal Republic of Masapor Pop: 241 Mil 222: The People's Republic of Matslia Pop: 232 Mil 223: The Republic of Mavid Pop: 270 Mil 224: The Fangirl Obsession of Megadere Pop: 6,238 Mil 225: The Disputed Territories of Membrane Pop: 2,397 Mil 226: The Holy Empire of Mezzola Pop: 50 Mil 227: The Holy Empire of MH-XII Pop: 920 Mil 228: The Holy Empire of MH-XIII Pop: 932 Mil 229: The Confederacy of MH-XXVII Pop: 919 Mil | 230: The Federal Republic of Micronessiaa Pop: 414 Mil 231: The Commonwealth of Middle Loglavidom Agressau Pop: 16 Mil 232: The Empire of Moon Fries Pop: 183 Mil 233: The Hybrid Regime of Municipality of Baria and Vungtau Pop: 7,225 Mil 234: The Kingdom of Muqtadiriya Pop: 45 Mil 235: The Grand Duchy of Mytroyska Pop: 462 Mil 236: The Dictatorship of Nacao Integralista Pop: 574 Mil 237: The Federation of Naruto babua Pop: 6 Mil 238: The Revolutionary Republic of Nationalist Yinmen Pop: 3,434 Mil 239: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 116 Pop: 117 Mil 240: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 47 Pop: 108 Mil 241: The Dictatorship of NationWideIsNotOnYourSide Pop: 36 Mil 242: The Republic of Navakkia Pop: 3,614 Mil 243: The Grand Duchy of Nemoc Pop: 107 Mil 244: The Sultanate of Neo Ottosia Pop: 283 Mil 245: The Republic of Neo-Colombia Pop: 102 Mil 246: The Dominion of New Canadian State Pop: 619 Mil 247: The March Monarchy Government of New Holy lands Pop: 3,295 Mil 248: The Dictatorship of New Nobody Lives Pop: 32 Mil 249: The Federation of New Philippine Union Pop: 6,574 Mil 250: The Monarchic Sunda Territories of New Siliwangi Pop: 1,334 Mil 251: The Republic of New Tekian Pop: 1,075 Mil 252: The Republic of New Vincenzonia Pop: 88 Mil 253: The Most Serene Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Pop: 1,195 Mil 254: The Republic of Nichibotsu Reformed Government Pop: 696 Mil 255: The Republic of Nikkea Pop: 84 Mil 256: The Grand Duchy of Nikolai Podgorny Pop: 1,507 Mil 257: The Matriarchy of Noransia Pop: 18 Mil 258: The Duchy of North Frisia Pop: 1,575 Mil 259: The People's Republic of North Tucrbetia Pop: 32 Mil 260: The Kingdom of North valley Pop: 980 Mil 261: The Holy Empire of Nosandormye Pop: 36 Mil 262: The People's Republic of Notisport Pop: 1,131 Mil 263: The Republic of Notredsus Pop: 345 Mil 264: The Commonwealth of Novasca Pop: 168 Mil 265: The United Socialist States of Noveia Pop: 8 Mil 266: The Kingdom of Nube negra Pop: 671 Mil 267: The Republic of Nuke-L 4 Pop: 87 Mil 268: The Inglish Socialists of Oceanians Pop: 3,095 Mil 269: The Republic of Ocnoria Pop: 118 Mil 270: The Rogue Nation of Ogham Pop: 304 Mil 271: The Republic of Oh no he wrecked Pop: 9 Mil 272: The Confederacy of Olemirol Pop: 29 Mil 273: The Democratic Republic of Orzina Pop: 18 Mil 274: The Republic of Outer Beas Harbilberia Pop: 20 Mil 275: The Republic of Outer Neopinkstan Pop: 73 Mil 276: The Disputed Territories of Paahoenenoet Pop: 8,512 Mil 277: The United Kingdom of Papal Saints Pop: 497 Mil 278: The Kingdom of Paped Panaopia Pop: 29 Mil 279: The Federal Autonomous Republic of Paracel Island Pop: 1,120 Mil 280: The Federal Republic of Parikshit Pop: 2,080 Mil 281: The Unholy Orthodoxy Communes of Peocolovistan Pop: 1,608 Mil 282: The Empire of Petantaria Pop: 577 Mil 283: The United Socialist States of Petrarchia Pop: 164 Mil 284: The Republic of Phaictahn Pop: 3,516 Mil 285: The Undiscovered Gobbledygooks of Phyroecia Pop: 1,519 Mil 286: The Borderlands of Pienes Anitta Pop: 657 Mil 287: The Republic of Pigeonia Pop: 951 Mil 288: The Federation of Piralos Pop: 8,581 Mil 289: The Community of Platypus Factory 154 Pop: 931 Mil 290: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs221 Pop: 40 Mil 291: The Republic of Polena Isles Pop: 8 Mil 292: The Kingdom of Pontusland Pop: 72 Mil 293: The Republic of Pulkaveia Pop: 183 Mil 294: The Principality of Purple Umbrella Pop: 111 Mil 295: The People's Republic of Qaliward Pop: 68 Mil 296: The Republic of Qe-52 Pop: 105 Mil 297: The United Socialist States of Qhaysh-Dhar Pop: 193 Mil 298: The Allied States of Quadrumundia Pop: 69 Mil 299: The People's Republic of Quavnakio Pop: 952 Mil 300: The Republic of Queijo109 Pop: 372 Mil 301: The Constitutional Monarchy of Rajputalanese Empire Pop: 131 Mil 302: The Empire of Ranatu Pop: 7 Mil 303: The Armed Republic of Realpolita Pop: 9 Mil 304: The Colony of Red Four Pop: 1,801 Mil 305: The Oppressed Peoples of Reformed Astahoiroostan Pop: 23 Mil 306: The Republic of Reformed Government of China Pop: 728 Mil 307: The Armed Republic of Reimatsu Pop: 809 Mil 308: The Federation of Republic Of Bhudda Pop: 161 Mil 309: The Republic of Republic of Pipes Pop: 830 Mil 310: The Empire of Ricaing Pop: 10 Mil 311: The Imperium Summa of Richmore Pop: 7,653 Mil 312: The United States of RING LAND Pop: 18 Mil 313: The Republic of Rocket Snail 57 Pop: 906 Mil 314: The Republic of Rocket Snail 95 Pop: 949 Mil 315: The Minkoku of Rohkusen Pop: 1,264 Mil 316: The Matriarchy of Roma Tays Pop: 497 Mil 317: The Community of Rosis Pop: 45 Mil 318: The Emirate of Sahghirah Pop: 310 Mil 319: The Republic of Saint Lanx Islands Pop: 92 Mil 320: The Kingdom of Saipon Pop: 50 Mil 321: The Republic of Samelsios Pop: 23 Mil 322: The Republic of San Magnolia Ultima Pop: 20 Mil 323: The Colony of San Paulo city Pop: 102 Mil 324: The Constitutional Monarchy of SanAntonio Pop: 625 Mil 325: The Kingdom of Sassa Sassa Pop: 67 Mil 326: The Confederacy of Scavagatia Pop: 1,342 Mil 327: The Nomadic Peoples of Sector Seven Pop: 1,791 Mil 328: The Colony of Senkaorgai Pop: 3,773 Mil 329: The Armed Republic of Sharikori Pop: 756 Mil 330: The United States of Shinryu Pop: 580 Mil 331: The Free Land of Shinzen High School Pop: 579 Mil 332: The Armed Republic of Shomizaku Pop: 857 Mil 333: The Commonwealth of Shravishtha Pop: 348 Mil 334: The Benevolent Queendom of Shu-Torunn Pop: 2,576 Mil 335: The Republic of Sildama Pop: 9 Mil 336: The Republic of Silver Da Hedgehog Pop: 764 Mil 337: The City of Sinuiju Pop: 3,968 Mil 338: The Empire of Sitsan Pop: 444 Mil 339: The Free Land of Skibodi Pop: 112 Mil 340: The Soviet Union of Socialist Emulation Pop: 2,163 Mil 341: The Republic of Socialist Republic of Domingo Pop: 98 Mil 342: The Republic of Sorayda Pop: 96 Mil 343: The Republic of South Pawryazinis Pop: 68 Mil 344: The Democratic Republic of South Somana Pop: 527 Mil 345: The United Kingdom of Southeast-Asia Pop: 23 Mil 346: The United States of Southern Soil Pop: 18 Mil 347: The Union of Soviet Sovran Republics Pop: 3,356 Mil 348: The Federation of Sovjetunio Pop: 1,041 Mil 349: The Confederacy of Spacelandia McSpacetime Pop: 1,838 Mil 350: The Republic of Starbuck Pop: 1,047 Mil 351: The Kingdom of State of Ai Pop: 1,832 Mil 352: The Republic of State of Manchukuo Pop: 192 Mil 353: The Republic of Stealing Cards 9 Pop: 324 Mil 354: The Republic of Sueddeutschland Pop: 7 Mil 355: The United Socialist States of Sunflower Field Pop: 451 Mil 356: The Grand Duchy of Swazhe Pop: 477 Mil 357: The Revolutionary Republic of Taang State Pop: 1,409 Mil 358: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCI Pop: 3,395 Mil 359: The Republic of Taroy Havinia Pop: 62 Mil 360: The Republic of Te cietv os diaco Pop: 20 Mil 361: The Dominion of Technocratic Republica Finlandskaya Pop: 9 Mil 362: The Theocracy of Tehom El Pop: 231 Mil 363: The Rogue Nation of Templaric Pop: 426 Mil 364: The Republic of Test nation2116 Pop: 6 Mil 365: The Republic of The Blue Straits Pop: 2,366 Mil 366: The United Socialist States of The Chernarussian movement of the Red St Pop: 50 Mil 367: The Empire of The Coalition Union Pop: 792 Mil 368: The Community of The Colony of Fluminesedes Pop: 82 Mil 369: The Republic of The Crimson Mimic Pop: 10,212 Mil 370: The Democratic Republic of The Cyneil Islands Pop: 1,578 Mil 371: The Empire of The Germanic-People Pop: 4,297 Mil 372: The Socialist Federation of The Greater Germanic States Pop: 791 Mil 373: The Kingdom of The Heart of Crylandia Pop: 101 Mil 374: The United Socialist States of The Indochine Pop: 1,417 Mil 375: The Theocracy of The Iranian Islamic Republic Pop: 1,680 Mil 376: The Empire of The Korean Country Pop: 18 Mil 377: The Republic of The Kurfuffle Republic Pop: 7 Mil 378: The Republic of The Land of Cosmia XIV Pop: 23 Mil 379: The Empire of The land of Djungelskog Pop: 104 Mil 380: The Commonwealth of The Luna States Pop: 1,423 Mil 381: The Most Serene Republic of The Mercantile Moluccas Pop: 796 Mil 382: The Empire of The Musk Reich Pop: 172 Mil 383: The United States of The Oceanic Federation Pop: 2,651 Mil 384: The Revolutionary Republic of The Republic of Taihoku Pop: 2,261 Mil 385: The Republic of The Republic of the upper Areactis Pop: 78 Mil 386: The Empire of The Rizzistance Pop: 908 Mil 387: The Glorious Imperial State of The Shining Bulwark Pop: 1,239 Mil 388: The Republic of The Spirit Returns Pop: 575 Mil 389: The Jingoistic States of The storage nation 263 Pop: 240 Mil 390: The Empire of The Tsarist Far East Pop: 2,080 Mil 391: The Democratic States of The United Nations of the Galaxy Pop: 1,182 Mil 392: The Democratic Republic of The United Provinces of East Asia Pop: 3,488 Mil 393: The Queendom of The Yoink Pop: 2,618 Mil 394: The Holy Empire of Ther Shemeria Pop: 76 Mil 395: The United States of Thoca Pop: 282 Mil 396: The Glorious Republic of Tondoluland Pop: 5,796 Mil 397: The Allied States of Treasa Pop: 368 Mil 398: The Kingdom of Tropicus sui Pop: 561 Mil 399: The Federal Republic of Tryniyntia Pop: 6 Mil 400: The Borderlands of TSPMOICL Pop: 50 Mil 401: The Rogue Nation of Tur Gre Pop: 14 Mil 402: The Republic of Turatia Tre Pop: 12 Mil 403: The Republic of Turks-Turkics Pop: 206 Mil 404: The Republic of Twangy51 Pop: 69 Mil 405: The Republic of Two Kingdoms Pop: 7 Mil 406: The Nomadic Peoples of Ty seven eight by ten colour glossy pict Pop: 992 Mil 407: The United Kingdom of Ujn105 Pop: 188 Mil 408: The United Kingdom of Ujn382 Pop: 177 Mil 409: The United Kingdom of Ujn48 Pop: 181 Mil 410: The Allied States of Undertake69 Pop: 239 Mil 411: The Republic of Unicandine Pop: 974 Mil 412: The Republic of Uniopia Pop: 142 Mil 413: The Republic of Unitria27 Pop: 955 Mil 414: The Republic of US MF A Pop: 16 Mil 415: The Republic of Utropalis Pop: 73 Mil 416: The Kingdom of Uzutu Pop: 683 Mil 417: The Community of Valadic Pop: 8 Mil 418: The Armed Republic of Vashotezu Pop: 867 Mil 419: The Republic of Vcc061 Pop: 341 Mil 420: The Republic of Vcc075 Pop: 340 Mil 421: The Dominion of Vemalicovan Pop: 77 Mil 422: The Republic of Vesnikova Pop: 16 Mil 423: The Imperial Republic of Vietnamese Confederacy Pop: 4,479 Mil 424: The Kingdom of Vittaya Pop: 98 Mil 425: The Holy Empire of Viv Firellentopia Pop: 78 Mil 426: The Rogue Nation of Vlapusts Pop: 32 Mil 427: The Dominion of Volcarn Pop: 36 Mil 428: The United Kingdom of Vostrakk Wintar Pop: 166 Mil 429: The Nomadic Peoples of Walk into the shrink wherever you are ju Pop: 972 Mil 430: The Kasunanan of Wana Segara Pop: 3,505 Mil 431: The Nomadic Peoples of Wanna know details of the crime time of Pop: 977 Mil 432: The Republic of WC 139 Pop: 1,005 Mil 433: The Republic of WC 231 Pop: 996 Mil 434: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXIV Pop: 269 Mil 435: The Federation of West Java State Pop: 490 Mil 436: The Empire of West Nichibotsu Pop: 3,725 Mil 437: The Republic of Willow Screams Pop: 2,637 Mil 438: The Colony of Worker Corporation of West Blockiva Pop: 18 Mil 439: The Democratic Republic of Wss191 Pop: 405 Mil 440: The United Kingdom of Wss392 Pop: 245 Mil 441: The United Kingdom of Wss454 Pop: 224 Mil 442: The Sultanate of Yafetistani Caliphate Pop: 10 Mil 443: The Republic of Yarasu Pop: 96 Mil 444: The United Kingdom of Ynn291 Pop: 251 Mil 445: The United Kingdom of Ynn321 Pop: 243 Mil 446: The United Kingdom of Ynn432 Pop: 214 Mil 447: The United Kingdom of Ynn492 Pop: 217 Mil 448: The Protectorate of Yoshilandian Indonesia Pop: 4,997 Mil 449: The Dictatorship of Zandallestan Pop: 23 Mil 450: The Republic of Zero Time Dilemma Pop: 339 Mil 451: The Armed Republic of Zhapiriki Pop: 722 Mil 452: The Most Serene Republic of Zinxiovixia Pop: 7 Mil 453: The Principality of Zman1 Pop: 413 Mil 454: The Kingdom of Zolandiaaa Pop: 45 Mil |