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72 Countries populate the Region of DCLXVI

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of DCLXVI.

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1: The District of DCLXVI-0
Pop: 13,824 Mil

2: The State of DCLXVI-00
Pop: 6,264 Mil

3: The State of DCLXVI-01
Pop: 4,179 Mil

4: The State of DCLXVI-02
Pop: 4,199 Mil

5: The State of DCLXVI-03
Pop: 4,211 Mil

6: The State of DCLXVI-04
Pop: 4,183 Mil

7: The State of DCLXVI-05
Pop: 4,390 Mil

8: The State of DCLXVI-06
Pop: 4,207 Mil

9: The State of DCLXVI-07
Pop: 4,201 Mil

10: The State of DCLXVI-08
Pop: 4,212 Mil

11: The State of DCLXVI-09
Pop: 4,165 Mil

12: The State of DCLXVI-0b
Pop: 4,774 Mil

13: The State of DCLXVI-10
Pop: 4,208 Mil

14: The State of DCLXVI-11
Pop: 4,200 Mil

15: The State of DCLXVI-12
Pop: 4,155 Mil

16: The Republic of DCLXVI-13
Pop: 4,217 Mil

17: The State of DCLXVI-14
Pop: 4,169 Mil

18: The State of DCLXVI-15
Pop: 4,183 Mil

19: The District of DCLXVI-16
Pop: 4,173 Mil

20: The State of DCLXVI-17
Pop: 4,171 Mil

21: The State of DCLXVI-18
Pop: 4,145 Mil

22: The State of DCLXVI-19
Pop: 4,149 Mil

23: The State of DCLXVI-2
Pop: 13,151 Mil

24: The State of DCLXVI-20
Pop: 4,180 Mil

25: The Republic of DCLXVI-21
Pop: 3,872 Mil

26: The Republic of DCLXVI-22
Pop: 3,867 Mil

27: The Republic of DCLXVI-23
Pop: 3,851 Mil

28: The Republic of DCLXVI-24
Pop: 3,847 Mil

29: The Republic of DCLXVI-25
Pop: 3,826 Mil

30: The Republic of DCLXVI-26
Pop: 3,827 Mil

31: The Republic of DCLXVI-27
Pop: 3,768 Mil

32: The Republic of DCLXVI-28
Pop: 3,576 Mil

33: The Republic of DCLXVI-29
Pop: 3,554 Mil

34: The Republic of DCLXVI-30
Pop: 3,554 Mil

35: The Republic of DCLXVI-31
Pop: 3,521 Mil

36: The Republic of DCLXVI-32
Pop: 3,534 Mil

37: The Republic of DCLXVI-33
Pop: 3,540 Mil

38: The Republic of DCLXVI-34
Pop: 3,566 Mil

39: The Republic of DCLXVI-35
Pop: 3,556 Mil

40: The Colony of DCLXVI-43
Pop: 3,053 Mil

41: The State of DCLXVI-5
Pop: 13,251 Mil

42: The State of DCLXVI-6
Pop: 13,172 Mil

43: The State of DCLXVI-7
Pop: 12,744 Mil

44: The State of DCLXVI-8
Pop: 13,272 Mil

45: The State of DCLXVI-9
Pop: 13,876 Mil

46: The Queen's State of DCLXVI0
Pop: 13,063 Mil

47: The Queen's State of DCLXVI1
Pop: 12,808 Mil

48: The State of DCLXVI2
Pop: 12,904 Mil

49: The Queen's State of DCLXVI4
Pop: 12,975 Mil

50: The State of DCLXVI5
Pop: 12,835 Mil

51: The State of DCLXVI6
Pop: 12,872 Mil

52: The Queen's State of DCLXVI7
Pop: 12,959 Mil

53: The State of DCLXVI8
Pop: 12,971 Mil

54: The State of DCLXVI9
Pop: 12,894 Mil

55: The Queen's State of DCLXVIa
Pop: 13,761 Mil

56: The Queen's State of DCLXVIb
Pop: 13,845 Mil

57: The State of DCLXVIc
Pop: 16,178 Mil

58: The State of DCLXVId
Pop: 14,905 Mil

59: The State of DCLXVIe
Pop: 13,908 Mil

60: The State of DCLXVIf
Pop: 14,659 Mil

61: The Queen's State of DCLXVIg
Pop: 13,077 Mil

62: The State of DCLXVIh
Pop: 13,427 Mil

63: The State of DCLXVIi
Pop: 14,115 Mil

64: The State of DCLXVIk
Pop: 12,781 Mil

65: The State of DCLXVIl
Pop: 12,696 Mil

66: The State of DCLXVIm
Pop: 12,572 Mil

67: The State of DCLXVIs
Pop: 12,534 Mil

68: The State of DCLXVIt
Pop: 12,480 Mil

69: The State of DCLXVIu
Pop: 12,536 Mil

70: The State of DCLXVIv
Pop: 10,452 Mil

71: The Queen's State of DCLXVIz
Pop: 12,031 Mil

72: The Rogue Nation of LSN24
Pop: 3,447 Mil

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