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257 Countries populate the Region of Democratic Socialist Assembly

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1: The Loving Couple of -I-Ship It
Pop: 8,080 Mil

2: The Republic of A air spirit
Pop: 4,095 Mil

3: The Nomadic Peoples of Aaborita
Pop: 3,354 Mil

4: The Armed Republic of Aarkhytra
Pop: 8,934 Mil

5: The Grand Duchy of Absovenya
Pop: 4,830 Mil

6: The Republic of Aemria
Pop: 45 Mil

7: The Federal Republic of Aeretzia
Pop: 45 Mil

8: The Dominion of Akach
Pop: 13,662 Mil

9: The Sultanate of Aliberaq
Pop: 5,621 Mil

10: The Commonwealth of Alicadia
Pop: 691 Mil

11: The Republic of Alinn
Pop: 8,846 Mil

12: The Free Nation of Alle Bria
Pop: 9,630 Mil

13: The Republic of Alorien
Pop: 2,678 Mil

14: The Islands of Alyraa
Pop: 5,859 Mil

15: The Federation of Amerikanski Krai
Pop: 943 Mil

16: The People's Republic of Anacomia
Pop: 10,375 Mil

17: The Democratic Socialist Rep of Androlia
Pop: 1,523 Mil

18: The Democratic Republic of Aneres
Pop: 1,201 Mil

19: The Syndicates' Union of Anglo-Denmark
Pop: 6,887 Mil

20: The Federation of Appalesia
Pop: 343 Mil

21: The Grand Duchy of Aranesticples
Pop: 12 Mil

22: The Federal Republic of Aretzia
Pop: 45 Mil

23: The People's Republic of Astralar
Pop: 20 Mil

24: The Imperial Republic of Aureum Paradisum
Pop: 11,394 Mil

25: The Democratic States of Avalondias
Pop: 474 Mil

26: The United Republic of Avinis
Pop: 2,045 Mil

27: The Borderlands of Awean
Pop: 302 Mil

28: The United Socialist States of Axolotlastan
Pop: 115 Mil

29: The People's Republic of Betje
Pop: 711 Mil

30: The Republic of Billylan
Pop: 368 Mil

31: The Commune of Borq
Pop: 29,270 Mil

32: The Allied States of Borqian Defence
Pop: 22,461 Mil

33: The Federal Republic of BRD Inc
Pop: 7,334 Mil

34: The Rogue Nation of BSN47
Pop: 3,435 Mil

35: The United Socialist States of Burgandy
Pop: 322 Mil

36: The Republic of Byzanya
Pop: 6,953 Mil

37: The Community of Cafechasis
Pop: 45 Mil

38: The People's Republic of Chipoalana
Pop: 282 Mil

39: The Kingdom of Chisashima
Pop: 393 Mil

40: The Commonwealth of Civil Wakanda
Pop: 10 Mil

41: The Socialist Union of Crawlaysia
Pop: 14,991 Mil

42: The Federal Socialist Republic of Creeperion
Pop: 3,987 Mil

43: The United Socialist States of Cronyla
Pop: 170 Mil

44: The Free Land of Cybergirl
Pop: 20,149 Mil

45: The Commonwealth of Delltra
Pop: 170 Mil

46: The Cooperative Commonwealth of Dracran Bat
Pop: 15,009 Mil

47: The Football Federation of DSAFF
Pop: 7,213 Mil

48: The Democratic Republic of Dumeria
Pop: 45 Mil

49: The Democratic Republic of Dumona
Pop: 18 Mil

50: The United Socialist States of Dyslia
Pop: 358 Mil

51: The People's Republic of East Shotisdasse
Pop: 552 Mil

52: The Federation of Eastern Asian Union
Pop: 1,271 Mil

53: The Republic of Eau de Cologne
Pop: 20 Mil

54: The Republic of Ebycana
Pop: 6,678 Mil

55: The Community of Einheitlich
Pop: 56 Mil

56: The Federal Republic of Erathurgenortho
Pop: 26 Mil

57: The Community of Eruistan
Pop: 8,637 Mil

58: The Ezker Abertzaleen Federazioa of Euskal Sobietarrak
Pop: 1,444 Mil

59: The Oppressed Peoples of Far Island
Pop: 293 Mil

60: The Matriarchy of Fiapos
Pop: 966 Mil

61: The Democratic Republic of Free Thebritands
Pop: 179 Mil

62: The Skibidi Union of Freedom Horizon
Pop: 1,912 Mil

63: The United States of Gagesplace
Pop: 16 Mil

64: The Socialist Commonwealth of Galega
Pop: 3,054 Mil

65: The United States of GEOGRIA JR
Pop: 29 Mil

66: The Federation of Glaslen
Pop: 2,995 Mil

67: The Queendom of Gobgoofart
Pop: 492 Mil

68: The Kingdom of Gondwani
Pop: 8,747 Mil

69: The Federal Socialist Republic of Grand Caledonia
Pop: 25,028 Mil

70: The Parlamentary Monarchy of Greater German Federation
Pop: 14,702 Mil

71: The Democratic Republic of Greater Kar Gredtistan
Pop: 315 Mil

72: The Republic of Grenadines and Phillips Islands
Pop: 6,731 Mil

73: The United Socialist States of Grilled Cheese Sanwich
Pop: 74 Mil

74: The National Reunion Government of Grossneufundland
Pop: 6,305 Mil

75: The Republic of Growth and Civilization
Pop: 1,577 Mil

76: The People's Republic of Grunyev
Pop: 8,421 Mil

77: The Federal Republic of Hagrodoslavia
Pop: 314 Mil

78: The Kingdom of Haltopia
Pop: 5,574 Mil

79: The Community of Hannover and the Hanse
Pop: 785 Mil

80: The Secular Republic of Haroutito
Pop: 33,399 Mil

81: The Republic of Helvarcaia
Pop: 6,694 Mil

82: The Democratic States of Henkerstromen
Pop: 512 Mil

83: The Kingd' of t' Herrebrugh Isl' of Herrebrugh
Pop: 38,018 Mil

84: The Delegation of Herrebrugh to the World Assembly
Pop: 22,298 Mil

85: The Community of Herwanta
Pop: 1,488 Mil

86: The Commonwealth of Holy Greth Antesonisia
Pop: 110 Mil

87: The Federal Republic of Hortizo
Pop: 6,988 Mil

88: The United States of Iainia
Pop: 18 Mil

89: The United Kingdom of Industhan Bharat
Pop: 827 Mil

90: The Democratic Republic of Inglaland
Pop: 7,048 Mil

91: The Republic of Inner Bears
Pop: 6,555 Mil

92: The Christmas of Integrim
Pop: 6,044 Mil

93: The Grand Duchy of Isabella Saint-De La Rayne Horne
Pop: 2,004 Mil

94: The Democratic States of Jonkehoe
Pop: 9 Mil

95: The Democratic Republic of Jueneidedt Szoevjedtzs
Pop: 62 Mil

96: The Lucky Government-in-exile of Kanoshu
Pop: 7,721 Mil

97: The Kingdom of Kazanaty
Pop: 8,671 Mil

98: The United States of Kazunland
Pop: 445 Mil

99: The Republic of Kerch republic
Pop: 76 Mil

100: The Republic of Kessnia
Pop: 852 Mil

101: The Empire of Kixke
Pop: 4,461 Mil

102: The Second Empire of Kmaujk
Pop: 7,402 Mil

103: The United Socialist States of Kollontaigrad
Pop: 12 Mil

104: The Incorporated States of Kristianstadt
Pop: 8 Mil

105: The Democratic Republic of Krondol
Pop: 779 Mil

106: The Carpet-Weavers of Kujan-Bulak
Pop: 25,700 Mil

107: The United States of Ladders
Pop: 234 Mil

108: The Green Communes of Laevendell
Pop: 30,042 Mil

109: The United Federation of Lasvalre
Pop: 9,596 Mil

110: The United Sneg Republics of Legio Militia
Pop: 10,050 Mil

111: The United Socialist Republics of Leouschburgh
Pop: 11,943 Mil

112: The Matriarchy of Lillitheve
Pop: 1,503 Mil

113: The Unitary Ecumenical Ecclesia of Liossalde
Pop: 25,576 Mil

114: The Holy Empire of Lixer
Pop: 45 Mil

115: The Soviet Republic of Luanmi
Pop: 19,711 Mil

116: The Commonwealth of Macadyake
Pop: 3,171 Mil

117: The Republic of Majianea
Pop: 6,999 Mil

118: The Democratic States of Marse Sectime
Pop: 40 Mil

119: The Socialist Republic of Marxstaat
Pop: 14,647 Mil

120: The People's Republic of Mas Gamed
Pop: 556 Mil

121: The Commonwealth of Masing
Pop: 1,994 Mil

122: The Commonwealth of Massatoosits
Pop: 24,695 Mil

123: The Sovereignty of Mate Uniumburgia
Pop: 10,060 Mil

124: The Socialist Republic of Maupedonia
Pop: 12,636 Mil

125: The Colony of McDonald38
Pop: 9 Mil

126: The Democratic States of Melduva
Pop: 62 Mil

127: The Community of MexiCola Premier League
Pop: 6,173 Mil

128: The Republic of Mexmes
Pop: 226 Mil

129: The Commonwealth of Middle Libern Myalekingpali
Pop: 45 Mil

130: The Rogue Nation of MSN79
Pop: 4,792 Mil

131: The Social Democratic Republic of Mybeeria
Pop: 1,616 Mil

132: The Nomadic Peoples of Mykonis
Pop: 837 Mil

133: The Confederacy of Naqniq
Pop: 354 Mil

134: The Federation of Nea Hispania
Pop: 4,857 Mil

135: The United Socialist States of Nespor
Pop: 1,400 Mil

136: The Principality of Neu Evropa
Pop: 671 Mil

137: The Socialist Republic of New Angus
Pop: 2,020 Mil

138: The People's Republic of New Ordiel Kalibleland
Pop: 6,224 Mil

139: The Allied States of Newborq
Pop: 10,946 Mil

140: The Community of Nixitrix
Pop: 18 Mil

141: The Socialist Republic of Novanu
Pop: 1,353 Mil

142: The Kingdom of Oberon
Pop: 17,144 Mil

143: The People's Republic of Oldynia
Pop: 451 Mil

144: The Socialist Five Peoples Union of Oostland
Pop: 22,320 Mil

145: The Troisi?me R?publique of Opalaland
Pop: 34,006 Mil

146: The Oppressed Peoples of Ortsov
Pop: 916 Mil

147: The Great Forest of Osreton
Pop: 9,637 Mil

148: The Empire of Oyavisogild
Pop: 318 Mil

149: The Commonwealth of Oyster Rock
Pop: 1,289 Mil

150: The People's Republic of Padre
Pop: 845 Mil

151: The Democratic Republic of Paisania
Pop: 910 Mil

152: The Oppressed Peoples of Palestina3
Pop: 9 Mil

153: The Holy Empire of Peopoder
Pop: 169 Mil

154: The Republic of Perseid
Pop: 830 Mil

155: The Community of Pinamia
Pop: 594 Mil

156: The Democratic States of Pookiedookie
Pop: 9 Mil

157: The Queendom of PurpleLandia
Pop: 20 Mil

158: The United Socialist States of Purrium
Pop: 395 Mil

159: The Disputed Territories of Qaza
Pop: 774 Mil

160: The Borderlands of Qessnia
Pop: 625 Mil

161: The Eco-Socialist Republic of Quail Islands
Pop: 2,682 Mil

162: The Democratic Liberal Republic of Ratesbabwe
Pop: 4,260 Mil

163: The Democratic States of Red Liberty
Pop: 56 Mil

164: The Commonwealth of Refaliscorva
Pop: 1,456 Mil

165: The Democratic States of Reistian
Pop: 29 Mil

166: The Federal Republic of Republic of Physandus
Pop: 45 Mil

167: The Green Nation of Republic of Yucatan
Pop: 9,866 Mil

168: The Commonwealth of Requand
Pop: 17,308 Mil

169: The Republic of Richard Thompson
Pop: 1,848 Mil

170: The Federation of Richestolf
Pop: 113 Mil

171: The Confederacy of RistiLand
Pop: 5,645 Mil

172: The R?publique of Rocheaux
Pop: 3,277 Mil

173: The Republic of Ryccizania
Pop: 10 Mil

174: The People's Republic of Saeterna
Pop: 440 Mil

175: The Commonwealth of Safiloa
Pop: 8,231 Mil

176: The Principality of Saint Goerge
Pop: 5,884 Mil

177: The Principality of Saint Nicholas and Paul
Pop: 5,893 Mil

178: The Dominion of Saint Thomas and Andrew Islands
Pop: 6,817 Mil

179: The Federal Republic of Sansterland
Pop: 79 Mil

180: The Republic of Seltonia
Pop: 36 Mil

181: The Anti-Anti-Sessnian Republic of Sessina
Pop: 1,141 Mil

182: The Pro-Sessina Fempire of Sessnia
Pop: 12,138 Mil

183: The Republic of Shayy Undertale
Pop: 759 Mil

184: The Socialist Republic of Sheepstate
Pop: 3,624 Mil

185: The Fair duchy of Shkolalia
Pop: 11,875 Mil

186: The People's Republic of Silverse
Pop: 796 Mil

187: The People's Republic of Social Discordianism
Pop: 292 Mil

188: The Democratic Republic of Socialdeutschland
Pop: 194 Mil

189: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Equilibrium
Pop: 734 Mil

190: The Republic of Solariya
Pop: 87 Mil

191: The Democratic Republic of Sonorak
Pop: 62 Mil

192: The People's Republic of Soviet Russia Federation
Pop: 403 Mil

193: The Free Land of Sports DX
Pop: 509 Mil

194: The Constitutional Monarchy of St Dominique and Alvion
Pop: 6,789 Mil

195: The Kingdom of St Ignatius and Cooke
Pop: 6,735 Mil

196: The Principality of St Marten
Pop: 6,625 Mil

197: The Dominion of St Mary Islands
Pop: 7,032 Mil

198: The Republic of St Vincent and Holloway
Pop: 6,701 Mil

199: The Commonwealth of Stormtide
Pop: 587 Mil

200: The Disputed Territories of Stors Divinkins
Pop: 9 Mil

201: The Isles of Student Loan Debt
Pop: 15,748 Mil

202: The Colony of Sturtgat
Pop: 7,370 Mil

203: The Community of Suana
Pop: 143 Mil

204: The Secular utopia of Sunixia Catinia
Pop: 7,921 Mil

205: The Federation of Sympon
Pop: 40 Mil

206: The Tìrastrāl Commonwealth of Syndic Australia
Pop: 9,713 Mil

207: The Mixed Governed Kingdom of Taliand
Pop: 15,952 Mil

208: The Pink K?tterdom of Tanasski
Pop: 1,551 Mil

209: The United Tribes of Tarakiia
Pop: 2,741 Mil

210: The Confederacy of Telkowi
Pop: 526 Mil

211: The His Majesty's Colony of The Batavian Islands
Pop: 22,567 Mil

212: The Hallowed Paragon of The Finno-Estonian Empire
Pop: 10,595 Mil

213: The Divine Parliomonarchy of The Free Peninsula
Pop: 3,828 Mil

214: The Incorporated States of The Grand Republic Of Pshenyarichka
Pop: 628 Mil

215: The Rogue Nation of The Hades Syndicate
Pop: 3,691 Mil

216: The Kingdom of The Herrebrugh Islands
Pop: 25,086 Mil

217: The Communal Territories of The Huskar Social Union
Pop: 28,158 Mil

218: The Republic of The Lobster Section
Pop: 80 Mil

219: The Republic of The Norwegian Syndicalist Federation
Pop: 7 Mil

220: The Incorporated States of The Peoples revolutionary governent
Pop: 120 Mil

221: The Republic of The republic of Zardonia
Pop: 866 Mil

222: The Kingdom of The Second Prussian Kingdom
Pop: 104 Mil

223: The Republic of The United Socialists of America
Pop: 7 Mil

224: The Republic of Thepinkonesoterrify
Pop: 9 Mil

225: The United Collectivities of Tirama
Pop: 4,472 Mil

226: The United People of Transendia
Pop: 12,476 Mil

227: The Republic of Travaorkin
Pop: 6 Mil

228: The Commonwealth of Tsk Rat
Pop: 2,408 Mil

229: The United Socialist States of Uaeway states
Pop: 62 Mil

230: The Commonwealth of UnderCouch
Pop: 2,742 Mil

231: The Federation of United Auto Workers
Pop: 4,865 Mil

232: The Commonwealth of United Californian Republic
Pop: 69 Mil

233: The Federation of United Federal States of Mexico
Pop: 8,185 Mil

234: The Republic of United Islands of Samongji
Pop: 340 Mil

235: The United Socialist States of United peoples of polonia
Pop: 2,489 Mil

236: The Commonwealth of United Soviet States of Georgia
Pop: 7 Mil

237: The People's Republic of Valassko
Pop: 20 Mil

238: The Federated Isles of Valdra
Pop: 754 Mil

239: The People's Republic of Valerian-Forrest
Pop: 1,397 Mil

240: The Commonwealth of Valmeris
Pop: 903 Mil

241: The People's Republic of Varticia
Pop: 45 Mil

242: The Confederation of Venibarque
Pop: 3,507 Mil

243: The Syndicalist Utopia of Venovica
Pop: 13,725 Mil

244: The United States of Ventera
Pop: 2,911 Mil

245: The Commonwealth of Veyoris
Pop: 10,986 Mil

246: The People's Republic of Vivillo
Pop: 8 Mil

247: The Socialist Republic of Vuilburg
Pop: 18,434 Mil

248: The Republic of Vulcano Island
Pop: 365 Mil

249: The Republic of Waddles Da Pig
Pop: 18 Mil

250: The Kingdom of Washeyye
Pop: 5,706 Mil

251: The Red Revenants of Westgeist
Pop: 15,641 Mil

252: The Democratic States of Wilkopia
Pop: 20 Mil

253: The United Socialist States of Working America
Pop: 568 Mil

254: The United Socialist States of Wormpeople
Pop: 532 Mil

255: The Tropics of Xenopheonixion
Pop: 3,119 Mil

256: The Republic of Xingal
Pop: 24,956 Mil

257: The Democratic People's Republic of Zhang-Bai
Pop: 10,865 Mil

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