1: The Commonwealth of 2803 Pop: 307 Mil 2: The Holy Blue Republic of Ana Kasparian Pop: 6,148 Mil 3: The Dark Truth of Ballicks Pop: 13,388 Mil 4: The Holy Republic of Barber Wire Pop: 14,539 Mil 5: The Zombie of Basses Pop: 13,780 Mil 6: The Holy Blue Republic of Ben Mankiewicz Pop: 8,377 Mil 7: The Holy Blue Republic of Ben Shapiro Pop: 8,289 Mil 8: The Holy Blue Principality of Call Me Big Papa Pop: 9,634 Mil 9: The Republic of Charlie bit my Finger Pop: 3,508 Mil 10: The Queendom of Cinderella Pop: 8,546 Mil 11: The Holy Blue Republic of Crippled Pop: 6,170 Mil 12: The Rogue Nation of DSN11 Pop: 3,465 Mil 13: The Rogue Nation of DSN12 Pop: 3,491 Mil 14: The Blue Holy Christmas Tree of Easing Pop: 16,568 Mil 15: The Magical Kingdom of Eternal Purgatory Pop: 19,610 Mil 16: The Holy Blue Republic of Fixation Pop: 1,938 Mil 17: The Zombie of Heliocentrism Pop: 12,883 Mil 18: The Republic of Jayar Jackson Pop: 8,315 Mil 19: The Holy Blue Republic of John Iadarola Pop: 8,230 Mil 20: The Holy Black Sky of Lord Windhelm Pop: 13,051 Mil 21: The Grand Duchy of Mittelalterburg Pop: 6,465 Mil 22: The Holy Blue Daddy of My Daddy Issues Pop: 12,856 Mil 23: The People's Republic of New New New New New United Common-lands Pop: 5,095 Mil 24: The People's Republic of New New New New United Common-lands Pop: 5,101 Mil 25: The Constitutional Monarchy of New New United Common-lands Pop: 7,924 Mil 26: The Desert Sun of New Timor-Leste Pop: 12,493 Mil 27: The Holy Blue Republic of No Big Banks Pop: 16,296 Mil 28: The Community of Nucl Pop: 2,237 Mil 29: The Holy Blue Mother of Oh Mommy Pop: 13,347 Mil 30: The Card Farming Attack Platform of Orbital Cannon 2 Pop: 4,149 Mil 31: The Republic of Pompey People Pop: 5,654 Mil 32: The Republic of Puttt 1 Pop: 26 Mil 33: The Republic of Puttt 2 Pop: 26 Mil 34: The Republic of Puttt 3 Pop: 26 Mil 35: The Republic of Puttt 4 Pop: 26 Mil 36: The Republic of Puttt 5 Pop: 26 Mil 37: The Republic of Puttt 6 Pop: 26 Mil 38: The Republic of Puttt 7 Pop: 26 Mil 39: The Republic of Puttt 9 Pop: 23 Mil 40: The Republic of Socialistic Gibraltar Pop: 26 Mil 41: The Republic of Socistic Bretin Pop: 8 Mil | 42: The Holy Blue Zombie of Stew Pop: 1,365 Mil 43: The Blue Holy Republic of Thalidomide Pop: 10,285 Mil 44: The Irish Banter of The Emotionally Distressed Panda Pop: 18,737 Mil 45: The United States of The Fedington Washeration Pop: 1,313 Mil 46: The Galactic Empire of The Goiky Pop: 1,619 Mil 47: The Community of The Washington Consultation Pop: 2,055 Mil 48: The United States of The Washington Federation 2 Pop: 2,307 Mil 49: The Community of The WF Art Committee Pop: 4,478 Mil 50: The Borderlands of The Yankeedom Militia Pop: 6,194 Mil 51: The Loving Couple of Too Many-Options Pop: 6,557 Mil 52: The Most Serene Republic of Unyielding and Lingering Intestinal Pain Pop: 36 Mil 53: The Holy Blue Republic of Violent Uprising Pop: 12,884 Mil 54: The United States of WashFed Pop: 451 Mil 55: The Armed Republic of WFAF 1st Battalion Pop: 733 Mil 56: The Armed Republic of WFAF 1st Fleet Pop: 714 Mil 57: The Armed Republic of WFAF 2nd Battalion Pop: 740 Mil 58: The Armed Republic of WFAF 2nd Fleet Pop: 628 Mil 59: The Armed Republic of WFAF 3rd Battalion Pop: 733 Mil 60: The Holy Blue Allied States of Wuff 2 Pop: 6,334 Mil 61: The Holy Blue Republic of Ya-Matha Pop: 8,038 Mil 62: The Zombie of Yodle 1 Pop: 9,736 Mil 63: The Zombie of Yodle 10 Pop: 7,750 Mil 64: The Holy Blue People's Republic of Yodle 11 Pop: 7,653 Mil 65: The Holy Zombie of Yodle 13 Pop: 7,575 Mil 66: The Holy Empire of Yodle 14 Pop: 7,586 Mil 67: The Blue Zombie Republic of Yodle 15 Pop: 7,558 Mil 68: The Holy Borderlands of Yodle 16 Pop: 7,592 Mil 69: The Holy Blue Protectorate of Yodle 17 Pop: 7,546 Mil 70: The Holy Blue Dictatorship of Yodle 18 Pop: 7,638 Mil 71: The Blue Republic of Yodle 19 Pop: 7,613 Mil 72: The Holy Empire of Yodle 2 Pop: 7,683 Mil 73: The Commonwealth of Yodle 20 Pop: 7,993 Mil 74: The Holy Red Borderlands of Yodle 3 Pop: 7,749 Mil 75: The Holy Blue Republic of Yodle 36 Pop: 3,185 Mil 76: The Zombie of Yodle 4 Pop: 7,646 Mil 77: The Zombie of Yodle 5 Pop: 7,624 Mil 78: The Holy Matriarchy of Yodle 6 Pop: 7,637 Mil 79: The Zombie Puppet of Yodle 8 Pop: 7,643 Mil |