1: The Loving Couple of -Pride-Month Pop: 5,919 Mil 2: The WTF of American Samoa Pop: 13,966 Mil 3: The Crownlands of Austria Pop: 15,031 Mil 4: The Empire of Austroaustralia Pop: 522 Mil 5: The Ization of Balkans Pop: 14,904 Mil 6: The Holy Empire of Ballsuk Pop: 693 Mil 7: The Ghost of Bobby Fischer Pop: 14,830 Mil 8: The Pivo of Czech Republic Pop: 13,650 Mil 9: The Reich of Deutschland Pop: 13,107 Mil 10: The Rogue Nation of DSN17 Pop: 3,418 Mil 11: The Confederation of Eastern Zokas Pop: 7,187 Mil 12: The Emirate of Ghost of Afghanistan Pop: 9,255 Mil 13: The Holy Empire of Ghost of Allah Pop: 9,285 Mil 14: The Theocracy of Ghost of Arabia Pop: 9,256 Mil 15: The Republic of Ghost of California Pop: 9,314 Mil 16: The Free Land of Ghost of Colorado Pop: 9,299 Mil 17: The Queendom of Ghost of Disney Pop: 9,286 Mil 18: The Democratic States of Ghost of District of Columbia Pop: 9,267 Mil 19: The Allied States of Ghost of European Union Pop: 9,263 Mil 20: The Protectorate of Ghost of Iceland Pop: 9,286 Mil 21: The Federation of Ghost of Indonesia Pop: 9,281 Mil 22: The Empire of Ghost of Israel Pop: 9,318 Mil 23: The United Kingdom of Ghost of Jamaica Pop: 9,306 Mil 24: The Republic of Ghost of Korea Pop: 9,258 Mil 25: The Principality of Ghost of Liechtenstein Pop: 9,238 Mil 26: The Protectorate of Ghost of Michael Jackson Pop: 9,215 Mil 27: The Federation of Ghost of Micronesia Pop: 9,298 Mil 28: The Kingdom of Ghost of Natty Joe Pop: 9,241 Mil 29: The Community of Ghost of Peru Pop: 9,217 Mil | 30: The Theocracy of Ghost of Saint Francis of Assisi Pop: 9,303 Mil 31: The Protectorate of Ghost of Scotland Pop: 9,259 Mil 32: The Community of Ghost of South Park Pop: 9,312 Mil 33: The Unfriendly Apparition of Ghost of Stalina Pop: 10,618 Mil 34: The Federation of Ghost of Switzerland Pop: 9,295 Mil 35: The Republic of Ghost of Texas Pop: 9,231 Mil 36: The Matriarchy of Ghost of Thailand Pop: 9,304 Mil 37: The Disputed Territories of Ghost of The Confederacy Pop: 9,270 Mil 38: The Republic of Ghost of The United States Pop: 9,264 Mil 39: The United Kingdom of Ghost of United Kingdom Pop: 9,253 Mil 40: The Holy Empire of Ghost of Vatican City Pop: 9,303 Mil 41: The Oppressed Peoples of Ghost of Western Europe Pop: 9,277 Mil 42: The Greater Imperial State of Imperial states of Europa Pop: 10,697 Mil 43: The Partition of India Pop: 11,627 Mil 44: The A-rabs of Iran Pop: 10,005 Mil 45: The Holy Empire of Josefland Pop: 525 Mil 46: The Peninsulae of Michigan Pop: 15,033 Mil 47: The Redundancy of North Dakota Pop: 14,975 Mil 48: The Nukes of Pakistan Pop: 14,383 Mil 49: The Reefs of Palau Pop: 10,524 Mil 50: The Colony of Palestine Pop: 21,414 Mil 51: The Reign of Spain Pop: 14,847 Mil 52: The Great Empire of The Pacific Pop: 17,647 Mil 53: The Emirate of Transportation Security Administration Pop: 2,807 Mil 54: The Bolivars of Venezuela Pop: 11,637 Mil |