1: The International Council of 12 Animais Pop: 9,685 Mil 2: The Commonwealth of Allona Islands Pop: 14,699 Mil 3: The People's Republic of Andamalna Pop: 8,139 Mil 4: The Republic of Andarahy Pop: 27,939 Mil 5: The Empire of Anubwa Pop: 15,019 Mil 6: The Most Serene Republic of Arglwydia Pop: 8,572 Mil 7: The Allied States of Arla Tonellieden Pop: 5,773 Mil 8: The United Kingdom of Avalar and the Forgotten Lands Pop: 10,203 Mil 9: The Kingdom of Azavarok Pop: 14,414 Mil 10: The Beautiful Republic of Barra e Janeiro Pop: 27,073 Mil 11: The Kingdom of Batillien Pop: 7,249 Mil 12: The Most Serene Republic of Blairwitche Pop: 5,957 Mil 13: The Republic of Bloemstad Pop: 12,813 Mil 14: The Empire of Bruzunda Pop: 11,824 Mil 15: The Sultanate of Buristan and the Volta Pop: 6,100 Mil 16: The Kingdom of Chapsterland Pop: 11,830 Mil 17: The People's Republic of Coolest State of Futurnia Pop: 7,641 Mil 18: The Free People of Dainer Pop: 31,730 Mil 19: The Democratic Republic of Darkness Islands Pop: 7,622 Mil 20: The Republic of Delbaeland Pop: 8,568 Mil 21: The Republic of Deriana Pop: 6,783 Mil 22: The Free Land of Diamantine Pop: 8,681 Mil 23: The United States of Duckota Pop: 27,777 Mil 24: The United States of East Duckota Pop: 8,123 Mil 25: The Borderlands of Eismarsken Pop: 8,557 Mil 26: The Kingdom of Entymion Pop: 12,476 Mil 27: The Kingdom of Eskandor Pop: 13,434 Mil 28: The Matriarchy of Esvorpita Pop: 16,750 Mil 29: The Federation of Futurnian Astroland Pop: 8,419 Mil 30: The Principality of Gelato Neapolitano Pop: 7,168 Mil 31: The Federal Republic of Gitontavron Pop: 8,654 Mil 32: The Rogue Nation of Gran Torche de Saint-Michel Pop: 14,068 Mil 33: The Free Land of Great Cats Village Pop: 920 Mil 34: The Protectorate of Hing-Manjiang Pop: 6,811 Mil 35: The Nomadic Peoples of Honseplain Pop: 5,438 Mil 36: The Kingdom of Huoan Pop: 8,465 Mil 37: The Eldritch Domain of Imec Pop: 11,763 Mil 38: The United Kingdom of Isidrenstadt Pop: 7,557 Mil 39: The Confederacy of Islands of Saint Anne Pop: 13,873 Mil 40: The Democratic Republic of Islas Norandinas Pop: 8,005 Mil 41: The Republic of Isles of Khstana Frina Pop: 7,999 Mil 42: The Grand Duchy of Jarjahia Pop: 7,258 Mil 43: The Colony of Kage-Hinode Pop: 14,719 Mil 44: The Colony of Kage-Kuba Pop: 14,695 Mil 45: The Federation of Kamoana Pop: 12,314 Mil 46: The Colony of Kanadanode Pop: 14,799 Mil 47: The Colony of Karasushima Pop: 14,467 Mil 48: The Colony of Karinode Pop: 14,974 Mil 49: The Colony of Kenaki Pop: 14,967 Mil 50: The Democratic Republic of Kholozarya Pop: 14,553 Mil 51: The Republic of Kirkillia Pop: 12,679 Mil 52: The Most Serene Republic of Kitsunebishima Pop: 8,829 Mil 53: The Republic of Kizilya Pop: 6,187 Mil 54: The Kingdom of Kjelhia Pop: 7,223 Mil 55: The United States of Knuppeltour Pop: 13,264 Mil 56: The Colony of Korobami Pop: 14,672 Mil 57: The Most Serene Republic of Krasnyglazia Pop: 12,244 Mil 58: The Colony of Kubanakan Pop: 13,851 Mil 59: The Commonwealth of La Communion Pop: 5,225 Mil 60: The United States of La OCtanie Pop: 2,273 Mil 61: The Kingdom of Lan-Tsebi Pop: 7,658 Mil 62: The Confederacy of Lenea Manticoria Pop: 7,983 Mil 63: The Republic of Lietna Pop: 10,314 Mil 64: The Republic of Lindjatoke Pop: 8,707 Mil 65: The Theocracy of Lucetania Pop: 8,601 Mil 66: The Most Serene Republic of Madagascaque Pop: 7,831 Mil 67: The Colony of Marikonanta Pop: 14,958 Mil 68: The Republic of Marneababwe Pop: 7,991 Mil 69: The United Kingdom of Matthewsiania Pop: 19,758 Mil 70: The Confederacy of Mayatza Pop: 10,255 Mil 71: The Republic of Metallimaa Pop: 10,265 Mil 72: The Empire of Milia la Grande Pop: 6,219 Mil | 73: The Emirate of Minna Hejaz Pop: 6,626 Mil 74: The Kingdom of Mittelfuturnia Pop: 6,141 Mil 75: The Democratic Republic of Moan-Tsebi Pop: 7,367 Mil 76: The Kingdom of Monmarte Pop: 9,705 Mil 77: The Principality of Montiverdi Pop: 8,695 Mil 78: The United Kingdom of Morrissey Pop: 14,274 Mil 79: The Dominion of Mustachian Empire Pop: 9,575 Mil 80: The Most Serene Republic of Muzikalpaka Pop: 10,169 Mil 81: The Demon Realm of Nefasterra Pop: 14,187 Mil 82: The Principality of New Vaporwave Pop: 14,858 Mil 83: The Republic of Niamanneden Pop: 7,352 Mil 84: The Republic of Noitolia Pop: 12,227 Mil 85: The United States of Non Realiter Pop: 12,961 Mil 86: The United States of North Duckota Pop: 7,983 Mil 87: The Republic of North Wheatley Pop: 15,293 Mil 88: The Forbidden Realm of Northern Sunrise Islands Pop: 25,446 Mil 89: The Federation of Nouvepangenne Pop: 8,126 Mil 90: The Queendom of Nyjorkalloid Pop: 13,458 Mil 91: The Confederacy of Ostlich-Mittelfuturnia Pop: 8,432 Mil 92: The Most Serene Republic of Pagodinho Pop: 8,164 Mil 93: The Universal Kingdom of Pankosmia Pop: 19,678 Mil 94: The Republic of Peaceful Hills Pop: 8,625 Mil 95: The Most Serene Republic of Philosophatas Pop: 11,242 Mil 96: The Dominion of Plurisauri Phuturnia Pop: 11,234 Mil 97: The Colony of Purashine Pop: 14,823 Mil 98: The Fertility Cult of Pyseptop Pop: 17,236 Mil 99: The People's Republic of Quase Todos os Santos Pop: 8,499 Mil 100: The Republic of Quirkee Pop: 12,793 Mil 101: The Kingdom of Rijekacija Pop: 14,155 Mil 102: The Colony of Rimamara Pop: 14,941 Mil 103: The Future Society of Rollerblaydia Pop: 11,800 Mil 104: The Most Serene Republic of Saint Louc Pop: 5,523 Mil 105: The Democratic Republic of Saint Pauli Pop: 26,795 Mil 106: The Republic of Santa Maria Madalena Pop: 15,240 Mil 107: The Armed Republic of Sera-Beristan Pop: 6,191 Mil 108: The United States of Shimajima Pop: 8,537 Mil 109: The Most Serene Republic of Shimmergarde Pop: 8,002 Mil 110: The Most Serene Republic of Sireeninjarvi Pop: 8,559 Mil 111: The Hidden Ninja Nation of Sonitonihuechao Pop: 1,399 Mil 112: The United States of South Duckota Pop: 7,921 Mil 113: The United States of South Wheatley Pop: 15,243 Mil 114: The Federation of Stelladonia Pop: 10,503 Mil 115: The Republic of Sukenenia Pop: 6,850 Mil 116: The Colony of Sunakawama Pop: 14,897 Mil 117: The Matriarchy of Syn Ryona Pop: 10,821 Mil 118: The Ecumene of Tekman Alliance Pop: 11,765 Mil 119: The Holy Empire of Terre Iesutas Pop: 8,498 Mil 120: The Democratic Republic of Terrederia Pop: 7,208 Mil 121: The Republic of The Carolinian Islands Pop: 8,585 Mil 122: The Confederacy of The Valunius Pop: 13,386 Mil 123: The Kingdom of Thunderstadt Pop: 8,488 Mil 124: The Most Serene Republic of Thunisia Pop: 14,348 Mil 125: The Confederacy of Triaflumine Pop: 10,565 Mil 126: The Grand Duchy of Uhrenstadt Pop: 8,753 Mil 127: The Republic of ULTRAFRANCE Pop: 2,266 Mil 128: The Federation of United Futurnian Emirates Pop: 9,869 Mil 129: The Most Serene Republic of Utopic City Pop: 9,017 Mil 130: The Republic of Vera Cruz e Villegagnon Pop: 9,116 Mil 131: The Democratic Republic of Verdatero Pop: 8,557 Mil 132: The Republic of Verraccia Pop: 14,734 Mil 133: The Federal Republic of Vyanur Pop: 11,749 Mil 134: The United States of West Duckota Pop: 8,215 Mil 135: The Republic of Wombleland and Trubbishia Pop: 7,522 Mil 136: The Democratic Republic of Yangier Pop: 14,294 Mil 137: The Allied States of Yautja-qu-Ten Pop: 9,370 Mil 138: The Democratic Republic of Yuelong Islands Pop: 5,941 Mil 139: The Principality of Yuen-Namshan Pop: 6,853 Mil 140: The Most Serene Republic of Yuhasca Pop: 9,263 Mil 141: The Democratic Republic of Zaber Suverdecairn Pop: 7,331 Mil |