1: The Isle Hawkeye of Allangoria Isles Pop: 5,855 Mil 2: The Democratic Republic of Allangoria of MT Pop: 6,769 Mil 3: The Colony of Anarchist State of Afghanistan Pop: 8 Mil 4: The United Kingdom of Ante Pop: 1,126 Mil 5: The Holy Empire of Antopiat Pop: 10 Mil 6: The Republic of Artic Tundra Pop: 12 Mil 7: The Dictatorship of Ausals Pop: 8 Mil 8: The United Socialist States of Azopanw Pop: 2,748 Mil 9: The Democratic Republic of Biocco Pop: 7 Mil 10: The Democratic States of Bohemian-Sabbathia Pop: 62 Mil 11: The Republic of Captain Starbuck Pop: 9 Mil 12: The Commonwealth of Coldbrewia Pop: 8 Mil 13: The Holy Empire of Deaz Sheverndia Pop: 7 Mil 14: The Republic of DUTY Founder Pop: 798 Mil 15: The Colony of Ebonyscira Pop: 8 Mil 16: The Confederacy of Edies Tayo Pop: 6 Mil 17: The Republic of Egglandus Pop: 12 Mil 18: The Retired Governor of Emmeria Founder Pop: 6,540 Mil 19: The Holy Empire of Emmeria Turb Pop: 87 Mil 20: The Democratic Republic of FBECRDGHT7JYGBVC Pop: 6 Mil 21: The Federation of Federation of Formatae Pop: 10 Mil 22: The Republic of Gilbert Arenas Pop: 8 Mil 23: The Community of Great Valoris Pop: 10 Mil 24: The Community of Holy land of Vellira Pop: 12 Mil 25: The Kingdom of Ilkolidun Pop: 8 Mil 26: The Dictatorship of Illahu Ekbar Pop: 6 Mil 27: The People's Republic of Illysuir Pop: 23,642 Mil 28: The United States of IndiaUSland Pop: 7 Mil 29: The Republic of James Forsyte III Pop: 3,931 Mil 30: The Disputed Territories of Khesed Island Pop: 9 Mil 31: The Free Land of Kroggland Pop: 45 Mil 32: The Principality of Kvisa Pop: 7 Mil 33: The Commonwealth of Liberties Island Pop: 16 Mil 34: The Federal Republic of Lijl Pop: 26 Mil 35: The People's Republic of Marciea Pop: 45 Mil 36: The People's Republic of Mehdiland Pop: 10 Mil 37: The Republic of Merridel Republic Founder Pop: 2,991 Mil 38: The Dictatorship of Military Party of Slavia Pop: 1,226 Mil 39: The Nadhim Zane of Mosia Mosia Pop: 666 Mil 40: The Incorporated States of Neo XXIII Pop: 549 Mil 41: The United Socialist States of New Expac Pop: 45 Mil 42: The Republic of New Teaunia Pop: 62 Mil | 43: The Republic of NorthSomalia Pop: 8 Mil 44: The Federation of Of central europe Pop: 8 Mil 45: The Republic of Of Islamic American States Pop: 7 Mil 46: The Democratic Republic of Of the Keysian Reich of Northern Utah Pop: 6 Mil 47: The Loving Couple of OneTrue Pairing- Pop: 6,560 Mil 48: The People's Republic of Pin Jizapperg Pop: 1,765 Mil 49: The Federation of Pokman Pop: 40 Mil 50: The Nine Day Queendom of Queen Jane Grey I Pop: 37,708 Mil 51: The Republic of Realize Reborn Pop: 96 Mil 52: The Republic of Republic of Islamic American States Pop: 7 Mil 53: The People's Republic of RichNRich Pop: 6 Mil 54: The Colony of Saint Michael The Angels Pop: 45 Mil 55: The Dominion of Saint Xandsa Pop: 40 Mil 56: The Dictatorship of Slavery69 Pop: 6 Mil 57: The Free Land of Slavkian Football Federation Pop: 26 Mil 58: The Republic of Somaliland- Pop: 40 Mil 59: The Commonwealth of South Polish Pop: 90 Mil 60: The United States of Tes Righ Pop: 12 Mil 61: The Confederacy of The Bourgeosie Pop: 6 Mil 62: The Free Land of The CHINESE People libertarian commune Pop: 6 Mil 63: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Gabian Empire Pop: 491 Mil 64: The Holy Empire of The italian repbulic kingdom Pop: 7 Mil 65: The Democratic Republic of The Sadisepharande Pop: 6 Mil 66: The United Kingdom of The Union of Norge and Sverige Pop: 45 Mil 67: The Republic of The United States of Kansas Pop: 813 Mil 68: The Kingdom of Tom and Paul Pop: 7 Mil 69: The Oppressed Peoples of Tudants Pop: 8 Mil 70: The Free Land of Tul osi Pop: 7 Mil 71: The United Kingdom of Ujn20 Pop: 7 Mil 72: The United Kingdom of Ujn349 Pop: 6 Mil 73: The United Kingdom of Ujn360 Pop: 6 Mil 74: The People's Republic of United Commonwealth of Earth Pop: 87 Mil 75: The Queendom of Vipanderrawikifal Pop: 9 Mil 76: The United States of Wolfneizzz Pop: 6 Mil 77: The Republic of Xandersnations Pop: 8 Mil 78: The Sultanate of XDL Pop: 6 Mil 79: The Free Land of XOXism Pop: 636 Mil 80: The Federation of YIGITLILER Pop: 56 Mil |