1: The Republic of 57 reasons Pop: 1,330 Mil 2: The Republic of Air Equestria Pop: 1,357 Mil 3: The Free Land of Anarchy in Ponyland Pop: 9,592 Mil 4: The Republic of Another Switcher Pop: 14,859 Mil 5: The Federation of Aradician Pop: 365 Mil 6: The Pony Empire of Arancaytar Pop: 42,417 Mil 7: The Council Republic of Arantiga Pop: 9,480 Mil 8: The Federation of Ashthon Pop: 26,219 Mil 9: The Honest Caliphate of Atharellia Pop: 42,418 Mil 10: The Republic of B sides themselves Pop: 3,514 Mil 11: The Holy Empire of Bahssikava Pop: 41,997 Mil 12: The Commonwealth of Beddy Pop: 6,528 Mil 13: The Most Serene Republic of Beekrat Pop: 6,445 Mil 14: The Republic of Blonquand Moald Pop: 6,326 Mil 15: The Republic of Bocchi5 Pop: 3,713 Mil 16: The Republic of Bolexandrande Pop: 6,608 Mil 17: The Deli Isles of Bologna Eaters Pop: 931 Mil 18: The Republic of Cal II Pop: 1,109 Mil 19: The Republic of Centaur Pop: 16,661 Mil 20: The Nomadic Peoples of Chaly Pop: 21,762 Mil 21: The Community of Chimayo Pop: 26,139 Mil 22: The Queendom of Clia Pop: 21,723 Mil 23: The Kingdom of Contia Ant Fretopia Pop: 4,369 Mil 24: The Democratic Republic of Dandsnalotist Pop: 1,871 Mil 25: The Republic of Diamond Dusk Pop: 4,250 Mil 26: The Timey Wimey Adventurer of Dr Hooves Pop: 12,493 Mil 27: The Shenanigans of Dragoria Pop: 20,431 Mil 28: The Free Land of Eating the Blame Pop: 1,950 Mil 29: The Republic of Eeper 10 Pop: 16 Mil 30: The Republic of Equestriadoesntexist Pop: 1,265 Mil 31: The Kingdom of Equestrian Crusader State Pop: 2,099 Mil 32: The Republic of Equity None Pop: 7,555 Mil 33: The Kingdom of Evanye Pop: 26,228 Mil 34: The Rodent Nation of Everfree forest north Pop: 6,900 Mil 35: The Queendom of Faral and eepy3 Pop: 1,000 Mil 36: The Nomadic Peoples of Faunas Pop: 45 Mil 37: The Most Serene Republic of Fireatal Pop: 6,517 Mil 38: The People's Republic of Flodor Pop: 26,314 Mil 39: The Jingoistic States of Flybys Pop: 21,718 Mil 40: The Princessdom of Foaly Matripony Pop: 25,396 Mil 41: The Federation of Free Unia Braxicaia Pop: 2,771 Mil 42: The Constitutional Monarchy of Free United Kingdom Pop: 10,908 Mil 43: The Matriarchy of Gin Rummy Pop: 19,863 Mil 44: The Matriarchy of Gloster Sea Gladiator Pop: 2,463 Mil 45: The Empire of Goblin 228 Pop: 8,950 Mil 46: The Republic of Gondolair Pop: 17,554 Mil 47: The Rogue Nation of GSN41 Pop: 3,452 Mil 48: The Most Serene Republic of Hamiltonian Cycle Pop: 3,144 Mil 49: The Republic of Helspantath Pop: 6,034 Mil 50: The Dorje of Highterimany Pop: 17,319 Mil 51: The Empire of Holy Celestia Empire Pop: 7,673 Mil 52: The Nieeghhghghg of Horse goes Neigh Pop: 7,994 Mil 53: The Queendom of Iluris Pop: 27,446 Mil 54: The Most Serene Republic of Istandal Pop: 26,114 Mil 55: The Peaceful Pony Paradise of Iyilik Pop: 2,078 Mil 56: The Hall of Fame Wide Receiver of Jerry Rice Pop: 2,518 Mil 57: The Colony of Jetson Pop: 21,790 Mil 58: The Hall of Fame Quarterback of Joe Montana Pop: 2,512 Mil 59: The Confederacy of Joran Pop: 26,566 Mil 60: The Queendom of Jument Pop: 1,789 Mil 61: The Republic of Kala Burns Pop: 4,865 Mil 62: The Kingdom of Kordora Pop: 3,861 Mil 63: The Queendom of Lasselindor Pop: 43,803 Mil 64: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner100 Pop: 4,776 Mil 65: The Empire of Lunaire Pop: 12,870 Mil 66: The Wanderers' Confederation of Lysset Pop: 23,912 Mil 67: The Republic of Marmit Pop: 26,402 Mil | 68: The Atlantic Croaker of Micropogonias undulatus Pop: 4,145 Mil 69: The Empire of Mochadia Pop: 25,740 Mil 70: The Protectorate of Moominia Pop: 2,615 Mil 71: The Allied States of Morioh III Pop: 1,309 Mil 72: The Sleeper of Northern Landic Pop: 10,323 Mil 73: The Republic of Not A Hermit Pop: 14,805 Mil 74: The Kingdom of Nothar Pop: 26,333 Mil 75: The Democratic Republic of Oasislo Pop: 2,532 Mil 76: The Confederacy of Othoonopia Pop: 6,831 Mil 77: The Jingoistic States of Outer The Ord Cars Pop: 2,829 Mil 78: The Protectorate of Owltan Pop: 24,310 Mil 79: The Fiefdom of Pan-Lakota Pop: 9,736 Mil 80: The Ocean Queendom of Parth Pop: 44,040 Mil 81: The Dictatorship of Pinkiopia Pop: 6,185 Mil 82: The Free Land of Please Found Me in A Frontier Pop: 2,654 Mil 83: The Free Land of Ponitopia Pop: 116 Mil 84: The Republic of Ponypack Pop: 8,087 Mil 85: The Incorporated States of Pralgrad Pop: 42,503 Mil 86: The Ravanian Dominion of Red Wolf Pop: 26,119 Mil 87: The Republic of Reitarawi VI Pop: 4,468 Mil 88: The Protectorate of Rivertrot Pop: 137 Mil 89: The Allied States of Robillne Pop: 2,140 Mil 90: The Republic of Saattut Pop: 3,600 Mil 91: The Republic of Sahrin Pop: 2,479 Mil 92: The Queendom of Secorlia Pop: 3,762 Mil 93: The Kind Principality of See-land Pop: 42,995 Mil 94: The Dictatorship of Serbian-Hungarian Baranya-Baja Republic Pop: 1,510 Mil 95: The Free Land of Shadow Hungers Pop: 2,610 Mil 96: The People's Republic of She Langparkhe Pop: 3,036 Mil 97: The Republic of Shicyra Pop: 9,102 Mil 98: The Cruel Nightmare of Shtsfckdvlle Pop: 1,194 Mil 99: The Republic of Sparity Pop: 7,219 Mil 100: The Hungry Crabs of Spreath Pop: 4,448 Mil 101: The Federal Republic of Stableside Pop: 91 Mil 102: The Republic of Steller Forge Pop: 4,129 Mil 103: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita XXV Pop: 5,134 Mil 104: The Garrison of The 84th Ecalpan Dragoons Pop: 2,480 Mil 105: The Queendom of The Aurelia Swarm Pop: 587 Mil 106: The Church of The Divine Lucre Pop: 43,142 Mil 107: The Community of The Feast Pop: 2,847 Mil 108: The Great Socialist Jamahiriya of The Great Lake States Pop: 8,084 Mil 109: The Theocracy of The Horse Clergy Pop: 2,819 Mil 110: The Republic of The Military of South Asians 29 Pop: 11,005 Mil 111: The Ancient Order of The Polaris Society Pop: 43,217 Mil 112: The Empire of The Roamans Pop: 2,850 Mil 113: The Republic of The Sleeping Duck 6 Pop: 2,276 Mil 114: The Republic of The Thes Horcilveriateii Pop: 10,417 Mil 115: The Dominion of The Winged Knights Pop: 1,823 Mil 116: The Republic of Thunderbird 5 Pop: 9,664 Mil 117: The Republic of Twail Pop: 26,421 Mil 118: The Nomadic Peoples of Upper Tuntavadahainvan Pop: 3,036 Mil 119: The Pony Diarchy But Not Really of Vindictadia Pop: 8,818 Mil 120: The Many Faces of Voldemor Pop: 26,088 Mil 121: The Empire of Vulpineia Pop: 6,161 Mil 122: The Kingdom of Warrior Angels Pop: 2,720 Mil 123: The Dictatorship of Weltrathia Pop: 26,369 Mil 124: The Republic of Whitetail Wood Pop: 4,640 Mil 125: The Empire of Xertens Pop: 26,157 Mil 126: The Holy Empire of Ygdromar Pop: 26,187 Mil 127: The Matriarchy of Ysobella Pop: 26,094 Mil 128: The United Socialist States of Zafarns Pop: 26,159 Mil 129: The Oppressed Peoples of Zean Pop: 24,239 Mil 130: The Republic of Zenol Pop: 23,484 Mil 131: The Old Wisdom of Zyltsh Pop: 26,408 Mil |