1: The Kingdom of Aestlonia Pop: 1,171 Mil 2: The Dominion of Angriver I Pop: 259 Mil 3: The Republic of Baltimare Pop: 277 Mil 4: The Kingdom of Barasingha Pop: 1,174 Mil 5: The Dominion of Bronzehill I Pop: 264 Mil 6: The Empire of Buffalo Chiefdom I Pop: 1,162 Mil 7: The Federation of Celestial State I Pop: 280 Mil 8: The Great Empire of Changeling-Lands Pop: 1,164 Mil 9: The Empire of Crystal I Pop: 1,268 Mil 10: The Theocracy of Disciples of the Night I Pop: 265 Mil 11: The Socialist Republic of of Equestria 1 Pop: 1,316 Mil 12: The Grand Duchy of Feathisia Pop: 238 Mil 13: The Kingdom of Greneclyf I Pop: 1,162 Mil 14: The United Socialist States of Griffon Frontier II Pop: 534 Mil 15: The Empire of Griffonian I Pop: 256 Mil 16: The Protectorate of Jaki Clan Pop: 481 Mil 17: The Principality of Katerin I Pop: 257 Mil 18: The Republic of Las Pegasus I Pop: 265 Mil 19: The Protectorate of Les Meridiennes I Pop: 1,136 Mil 20: The Socialist State of Lunar I Pop: 1,141 Mil | 21: The Protectorate of Manehattan I Pop: 140 Mil 22: The Republic of Nova Griffonia I Pop: 314 Mil 23: The Kingdom of Olenia I Pop: 1,177 Mil 24: The Great republic of equality of Our Town I Pop: 1,134 Mil 25: The Kingdom of Pingland II Pop: 283 Mil 26: The Federation of Polar Bear Communities Pop: 294 Mil 27: The Republic of Puerto Caballo I Pop: 1,145 Mil 28: The Free Land of Romau I Pop: 264 Mil 29: The Empire of Solar I Pop: 1,161 Mil 30: The Commonwealth of Southern States I Pop: 123 Mil 31: The People's Republic of Stalliongrad I Pop: 1,066 Mil 32: The Grand Duchy of Strawberry I Pop: 244 Mil 33: The Great empire of United Dragon Lands Pop: 1,099 Mil 34: The People's Republic of Vanhoover I Pop: 259 Mil 35: The Kingdom of Yakyakistan I Pop: 475 Mil 36: The Republic of Yale I Pop: 6 Mil |