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127 Countries populate the Region of Equilism

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1: The Demonic Titan of -Tr1bute-Art-
Pop: 6,648 Mil

2: The Republic of 05 mm Graphite
Pop: 21,302 Mil

3: The Most Serene Republic of A tribble
Pop: 16,871 Mil

4: The Story of Adam
Pop: 25,930 Mil

5: The Bibliotheka of Alethean
Pop: 31,982 Mil

6: The Federal Republic of Alexanderian Macedonia
Pop: 36,711 Mil

7: The League of Allied Nations
Pop: 26,005 Mil

8: The Fortunes of Ambassador Sarek
Pop: 16,938 Mil

9: The Republic of Arkady Darell
Pop: 19,749 Mil

10: The Reasonable People of Badasstasticalia
Pop: 16,087 Mil

11: The Republic of Banner High
Pop: 22,063 Mil

12: The Implosion of Banners
Pop: 17,725 Mil

13: The Mercurial Borderlands of Barometers
Pop: 27,952 Mil

14: The Neamhchinnteacht of Bothain Beag
Pop: 19,923 Mil

15: The United Provinces of British Tou Wegilandoristerl
Pop: 2,455 Mil

16: The Nomadic Peoples of Cadet Tilly
Pop: 16,924 Mil

17: The Massacre of Camp Khitomer
Pop: 16,934 Mil

18: The United Combines of Chaucerin
Pop: 32,153 Mil

19: The Amazonian Matriarchy of Chilapa
Pop: 17,834 Mil

20: The Republic of Colored Pencils
Pop: 16,809 Mil

21: The People's Republic of Cornflakia
Pop: 17,968 Mil

22: The Unexplained Absence of Crewman Cutler
Pop: 16,542 Mil

23: The Temporal Paradox of Crewman Daniels
Pop: 16,764 Mil

24: The Allied States of Crimsonai
Pop: 24,748 Mil

25: The Naivetrian Protected Society of Defero Emprie
Pop: 33,268 Mil

26: The Republic of Denaiel
Pop: 21,131 Mil

27: The Interspecies Fascination of Doctor Phlox
Pop: 16,842 Mil

28: The Dominion of DoctorHorrible
Pop: 16,363 Mil

29: The Rogue Nation of DSN100
Pop: 3,479 Mil

30: The Free State of Eli
Pop: 48,517 Mil

31: The Equilism Founder of Equility
Pop: 46,170 Mil

32: The Ziurgabetasuna of Etxetxoak
Pop: 19,798 Mil

33: The Federal Republic of Evanisia
Pop: 18,256 Mil

34: The Republic of Fay Delaro
Pop: 1,836 Mil

35: The Kingdom of Felasia
Pop: 31,168 Mil

36: The Fiefdom of Fiddlers Green
Pop: 17,258 Mil

37: The Republic of Folderol Fiddledeedee
Pop: 19,829 Mil

38: The Free Speaking Land of Garrulity
Pop: 29,315 Mil

39: The Dictatorship of Gronicia
Pop: 226 Mil

40: The Rogue Nation of GSN26
Pop: 3,455 Mil

41: The Disputed Territories of Hari Seldon
Pop: 19,802 Mil

42: The Republic of Hidden grove
Pop: 4,135 Mil

43: The Plan of Hober Mallow
Pop: 19,785 Mil

44: The People's Republic of Hommeres
Pop: 10,588 Mil

45: The Democratic States of Horga hn
Pop: 16,992 Mil

46: The Empire of Imperia Aura
Pop: 17,952 Mil

47: The Armed Republic of Inigo _ Montoya
Pop: 24,387 Mil

48: The Interstellar Republic of Isaris
Pop: 31,564 Mil

49: The Allied States of Isobars
Pop: 22,550 Mil

50: The Five Fingered Discount of Ivetnia
Pop: 17,566 Mil

51: The Oppressed Peoples of Jazz Reservation
Pop: 26,186 Mil

52: The Most Serene Republic of Jenalia
Pop: 24,399 Mil

53: The Fiefdom of John Little
Pop: 20,975 Mil

54: The Federation of Jupiter Station
Pop: 17,042 Mil

55: The Valiant Union of Karkados
Pop: 21,458 Mil

56: The Republic of Khuruuf
Pop: 24,577 Mil

57: The Republic of Kinetic Republic
Pop: 19,649 Mil

58: The Kingdom of Kyle Findlay
Pop: 343 Mil

59: The Jingoistic States of Lactose Intolerant
Pop: 20,753 Mil

60: The Matriarchy of Lahmere
Pop: 24,269 Mil

61: The Republic of Legality Check
Pop: 13,336 Mil

62: The Federation of Lieutenant Commander Burnham
Pop: 16,741 Mil

63: The Republic of M Tullius Cicero
Pop: 5,389 Mil

64: The Meritocratic Technocrasy of Maverique
Pop: 15,244 Mil

65: The Republic of Mein Kampfy Couch
Pop: 14,325 Mil

66: The Sultanate of Mininai I
Pop: 5,528 Mil

67: The Queendom of Mininai II
Pop: 1,488 Mil

68: The Republic of Mr Flibble
Pop: 12,178 Mil

69: The Lady of Nai
Pop: 23,022 Mil

70: The Community of Nailand III
Pop: 14,706 Mil

71: The Disputed Territories of Nailand IV
Pop: 26,643 Mil

72: The People's Equanimous Republic of Naivetry
Pop: 38,988 Mil

73: The Republic of Naivetry_CSA
Pop: 26,970 Mil

74: The Republic of Naivetry_LoP
Pop: 26,096 Mil

75: The Republic of Naiviation
Pop: 21,371 Mil

76: The Holy Empire of New Ben Vil
Pop: 1,136 Mil

77: The Republic of New Ruidoso
Pop: 6,754 Mil

78: The Elusive Haven of Nornheim
Pop: 26,968 Mil

79: The Kingdom of Northernham
Pop: 1,646 Mil

80: The Republic of NRA Trackers
Pop: 14,496 Mil

81: The First Choice of OptionOners
Pop: 14,133 Mil

82: The Grand Unified Federation of Perimeter Defense
Pop: 41,706 Mil

83: The Republic of Pink Erasers
Pop: 21,039 Mil

84: The Most Serene Republic of Pirouettes
Pop: 28,435 Mil

85: The Principality of Quicumque
Pop: 25,742 Mil

86: The Community of QuietDad of Equilism
Pop: 17,247 Mil

87: The Freedom Jesus Complex of Republicania
Pop: 17,784 Mil

88: The Commonwealth of Rhetorical Devices
Pop: 23,673 Mil

89: The Fiefdom of Robin of Locksley
Pop: 30,415 Mil

90: The Republic of Rursus
Pop: 25,209 Mil

91: The Holy Empire of Salvation Cost
Pop: 24,367 Mil

92: The Insights of Salvor Hardin
Pop: 19,598 Mil

93: The Dominion of Seals
Pop: 24,345 Mil

94: The Protectorate of Section Thirty-One
Pop: 16,924 Mil

95: The Matriarchy of She Cront
Pop: 17,701 Mil

96: The Practice of Skepticism
Pop: 22,771 Mil

97: The Incorporated States of Skyscrapers
Pop: 4,737 Mil

98: The Empire of Slithen
Pop: 24,828 Mil

99: The Uncertainty of Small Huts
Pop: 28,755 Mil

100: The Republic of Spell-check
Pop: 13,526 Mil

101: The Incorporated States of Spelunkers
Pop: 3,885 Mil

102: The Dominion of Sthid
Pop: 15,578 Mil

103: The Rogue Nation of Sydney Carton
Pop: 5,475 Mil

104: The Grand Duchy of Tarlisea
Pop: 28,514 Mil

105: The Disputed Territories of Temporal Investigations
Pop: 16,677 Mil

106: The Republic of That Bastard
Pop: 15,427 Mil

107: The Fiefdom of The Earl of Huntingdon
Pop: 23,704 Mil

108: The Dominion of The Naivetrian Navy
Pop: 22,097 Mil

109: The Borderlands of The Negative Zone
Pop: 13,635 Mil

110: The Grand Duchy of The Plaxemat
Pop: 4,271 Mil

111: The Empire of The Riemstagrad
Pop: 21,885 Mil

112: The Toppled Regime of The True Czar
Pop: 20,489 Mil

113: The Holy Empire of The USS Discovery
Pop: 16,841 Mil

114: The Dominion of The Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Pop: 16,106 Mil

115: The Dominion of Trumpetoria
Pop: 25,471 Mil

116: The Collective of Uiiop
Pop: 27,828 Mil

117: The Republic of Untruths
Pop: 25,256 Mil

118: The Theocracy of Vanquishing
Pop: 24,417 Mil

119: The Most Serene Republic of Watercolors
Pop: 16,725 Mil

120: The Crimson King of Westwind
Pop: 43,998 Mil

121: The Endless Enigma of Westwind Embassy
Pop: 9,651 Mil

122: The Equilitic Province of Whitewolfe
Pop: 29,895 Mil

123: The Grand Duchy of Wiggleworm
Pop: 27,971 Mil

124: The Kingdom of Xristos Anesti
Pop: 20,906 Mil

125: The Protectorate of Ysal Cape
Pop: 1,456 Mil

126: The Republic of Zawikhiztan
Pop: 18,493 Mil

127: The Jingoistic States of Zippideedoodah
Pop: 24,659 Mil

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