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82 Countries populate the Region of Esportiva

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1: The Federal Nordic Union of Aboveland
Pop: 24,604 Mil

2: The Neo-Technological State of Aji No Moto
Pop: 11,501 Mil

3: The Clarissa's Extra Territories of Alanis Star
Pop: 19,629 Mil

4: The Caliphate of Allahisgodistan
Pop: 13,612 Mil

5: The Oxymoron of Apox
Pop: 27,565 Mil

6: The Collegiate City-State of Ares-y-Penthesilea
Pop: 12,484 Mil

7: The Kingdom of Audi Arabia
Pop: 14,772 Mil

8: The Scurvy Pirates of Blackbone Bay
Pop: 18,223 Mil

9: The Incorporated States of Bongo Johnson
Pop: 22,544 Mil

10: The Not So Isolated Islands of Boring Paradise
Pop: 32,750 Mil

11: The Natanian Republic of Cheetahs and reptiles Coalison
Pop: 14,135 Mil

12: The Community of Conchord
Pop: 1,723 Mil

13: The Chiefdom of Copper Cuprum
Pop: 22,402 Mil

14: The Aerial Fighters of Cyborg Holland
Pop: 29,665 Mil

15: The United Interplanetary States of Damukuni
Pop: 23,566 Mil

16: The Republic of Dod Rava
Pop: 9,011 Mil

17: The Federal Republic of Doubeia
Pop: 2,865 Mil

18: The Disputed Territories of Eristicea
Pop: 23,324 Mil

19: The Oh S***-a-land of Eshialand
Pop: 11,590 Mil

20: The Overseas Region of Esportivan Darmen
Pop: 10,124 Mil

21: The Commonwealth of Esportivan Union
Pop: 7,732 Mil

22: The Flammable Gas of Ethane
Pop: 18,029 Mil

23: The Armed Republic of Fezziktopia
Pop: 3,273 Mil

24: The Colony of Fhulghamous Peninsula
Pop: 21,270 Mil

25: The People's Republic of Filindostan
Pop: 12,264 Mil

26: The Deutschmagyar-Republik of Gergary
Pop: 8,738 Mil

27: The Sultanate of Gokhanid Empire
Pop: 300 Mil

28: The Principality of Gouvanarch
Pop: 9,228 Mil

29: The Dominion of Hapilopper
Pop: 12,701 Mil

30: The Dominion of Harea Odolgarria
Pop: 23 Mil

31: The Homely Cape of Irithoren
Pop: 13,698 Mil

32: The Crumbling Empire of Kamijiro
Pop: 3,977 Mil

33: The Gracious State of Kanzlia
Pop: 10,331 Mil

34: The Federal Republic of Katzeburg
Pop: 1,644 Mil

35: The Directorial Republic of Kaumann
Pop: 2,942 Mil

36: The Hinodejin Empire of Kita-Hinode
Pop: 16,946 Mil

37: The United Socialist States of Kne Nagnund
Pop: 2,768 Mil

38: The Confederacy of Kotzellach
Pop: 8,337 Mil

39: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN96
Pop: 4,737 Mil

40: The Sixth Republic of Kyrast
Pop: 12,816 Mil

41: The Fiefdom of Limey George
Pop: 7,699 Mil

42: The Queendom of Lozho
Pop: 5,831 Mil

43: The Kingdom of Macbon
Pop: 6,488 Mil

44: The Republic of Mage named Ejpius
Pop: 15,850 Mil

45: The Grand Duchy of Montego-
Pop: 8,429 Mil

46: The Borderlands of Mountweazel
Pop: 108 Mil

47: The Republic of Natanians and Nosts
Pop: 19,652 Mil

48: The Protectorate of Neomaris
Pop: 3,296 Mil

49: The Holy Republic of New Tamarind
Pop: 6,584 Mil

50: The Reborn Empire of Newmanistan
Pop: 31,803 Mil

51: The Algerstonia Cultist of NPU
Pop: 5,613 Mil

52: The Federal Republic of Osterhalten
Pop: 3,319 Mil

53: The Most Serene Republic of Pearistan
Pop: 40 Mil

54: The Allied States of Polkopia
Pop: 29,418 Mil

55: The Grand Duchy of Princess LXXXIV
Pop: 670 Mil

56: The Kingdom of Restresas
Pop: 2,269 Mil

57: The Esportivan Undertakers of Robostania
Pop: 10,736 Mil

58: The United Kingdom of Sagotra
Pop: 525 Mil

59: The Republic of Sangti and the Filindo Isles
Pop: 1,341 Mil

60: The Federal Republic of Scaramangia
Pop: 4,402 Mil

61: The Glaswegian Gaggle of Scottish Socialists
Pop: 13,383 Mil

62: The Footballing Republic of Slembana
Pop: 7,239 Mil

63: The Republic of South Covello
Pop: 15,804 Mil

64: The Elefriends of South Newlandia
Pop: 11,112 Mil

65: The Federation of Spit in the Fan
Pop: 17,032 Mil

66: The Stone of Sylestone
Pop: 14,561 Mil

67: The Republic of Thaeloria
Pop: 352 Mil

68: The Queendom of Thalamascia
Pop: 23,038 Mil

69: The Greater Federation of The 14 Stars
Pop: 12,230 Mil

70: The Esportivan Republic of The Grearish Union
Pop: 8,752 Mil

71: The Region of The Hodori Archipelago
Pop: 21,599 Mil

72: The Helpful Mountain Guides of The Sherpa Empire
Pop: 14,602 Mil

73: The International Community of TJUN-ia
Pop: 11,725 Mil

74: The Loving Couple of Too ManyOptions
Pop: 6,473 Mil

75: The Federal Republic of Tumbra
Pop: 20,408 Mil

76: The Incorporated States of Tumbran World Assembly Mission
Pop: 10,005 Mil

77: The Grand Empire of Tyrrin
Pop: 29,276 Mil

78: The United Socialist States of Vielfaltig
Pop: 3,370 Mil

79: The Republic of Vladimir Darida
Pop: 15,822 Mil

80: The United Provinces of Xanneria
Pop: 14,087 Mil

81: The United States of Yolcan
Pop: 6,749 Mil

82: The Republic of Zalivinia
Pop: 389 Mil

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