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54 Countries populate the Region of European Confederation of States

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of European Confederation of States.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The New Order Republic of Andorran State
Pop: 4,318 Mil

2: The New Order Federal Republic of Bulgarian State
Pop: 3,413 Mil

3: The Protectorate of Byelorussian State
Pop: 3,247 Mil

4: The Federal Republic of China Zhonghua Lianbang Gongheguo
Pop: 307 Mil

5: The New Order Federal Republic of Circassian States
Pop: 4,830 Mil

6: The New Order Confederation of Ciscaucasian States
Pop: 6,487 Mil

7: The Protectorate of Cossackian Hetmanates
Pop: 4,285 Mil

8: The New Order Federal Republic of Cypriot State
Pop: 7,171 Mil

9: The New Order Federal State of Greater Germanic Realm
Pop: 3,450 Mil

10: The New Order Federal Republic of Hellenic State Elliniki Politeia
Pop: 4,514 Mil

11: The Federal Republic of Liberian State
Pop: 1,062 Mil

12: The New Order Federal Republic of Magyarorszag Allam
Pop: 3,281 Mil

13: The Protectorate of Malayarus State
Pop: 5,156 Mil

14: The New Order Republic of Maltese State
Pop: 7,138 Mil

15: The New Order Principality of Monegasque State
Pop: 4,872 Mil

16: The Protectorate of Moskovskayarus
Pop: 4,085 Mil

17: The New Order Federal Kingdom of Nordic Reich
Pop: 4,797 Mil

18: The Protectorate of Novayarus
Pop: 5,846 Mil

19: The Protectorate of Petrovskaya
Pop: 3,930 Mil

20: The Protectorate of Povolzhskayarus
Pop: 477 Mil

21: The New Order Federal Kingdom of Realm of Spain
Pop: 4,357 Mil

22: The New Order Republic of Sakartvelos State
Pop: 4,503 Mil

23: The New Order Republic of San Marein
Pop: 7,153 Mil

24: The New Order Realm Territory of Sarmatian State
Pop: 7,539 Mil

25: The Protectorate of Severnayarus
Pop: 6,470 Mil

26: The New Order Federal State of Shqipris Albania
Pop: 3,235 Mil

27: The New Order Republic of Slovensky State
Pop: 5,190 Mil

28: The New Order Republic of State of Anatolia
Pop: 6,871 Mil

29: The Hashemite Federal Kingdom of State of Arabia
Pop: 1,814 Mil

30: The New Order Federal Republic of State of Armenia
Pop: 3,449 Mil

31: The Realm Territory of State of Baltenland
Pop: 4,572 Mil

32: The New Order Federal Republic of State of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pop: 7,196 Mil

33: The New Order Republic of State of Brittany
Pop: 7,090 Mil

34: The New Order Realm Territory of State of Dietsland
Pop: 2,517 Mil

35: The New Order Federal Republic of State of France
Pop: 2,340 Mil

36: The New Order Realm Territory of State of Galizien
Pop: 3,234 Mil

37: The New Order Realm Territory of State of Gotenland
Pop: 6,202 Mil

38: The New Order Federal Republic of State of Hrvatska
Pop: 5,455 Mil

39: The Protectorate of State of Idel-Ural
Pop: 6,368 Mil

40: The New Order Federal Republic of State of Ireland
Pop: 6,991 Mil

41: The New Order Territory of State of Mackenzie
Pop: 2,542 Mil

42: The New Order Republic of State of Normandy
Pop: 7,171 Mil

43: The New Order Realm Territory of State of Odessa
Pop: 3,291 Mil

44: The Republic of State of Portugal
Pop: 307 Mil

45: The New Order Federal Republic of State of Rumania
Pop: 5,066 Mil

46: The New Order Federal Kingdom of State of Savoy
Pop: 4,435 Mil

47: The New Order Realm Territory of State of Schlesien
Pop: 3,367 Mil

48: The Theocratic Monarchy Holy See of State of Vatican City
Pop: 6,000 Mil

49: The New Order Federal Kingdom of States of Great Britain
Pop: 4,751 Mil

50: The New Order Confederacy of States of the Holy Land
Pop: 2,776 Mil

51: The New Order Republic of Ukrainian State
Pop: 2,119 Mil

52: The New Order Federal Republic of United Jugoslav States
Pop: 5,297 Mil

53: The New Order Federal Republic of United States of Italy
Pop: 5,116 Mil

54: The Federal Republic of United States of North Amerika
Pop: 2,603 Mil

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