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1699 Countries populate the Region of Europeia

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Europeia.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Empire of -Zerax-
Pop: 8 Mil

2: The Electricity Guzzler of 12 AAA Batteries
Pop: 2,621 Mil

3: The Armed Republic of 2nd Keltan Signal Corps
Pop: 898 Mil

4: The Holy Empire of 4th French Empire
Pop: 10 Mil

5: The Empire of 888888888888888888
Pop: 91 Mil

6: The Federal Republic of A Moral Dictatorship
Pop: 98 Mil

7: The Nomadic Peoples of A Spy Balloon
Pop: 4,342 Mil

8: The Fiefdom of Aastelle
Pop: 113 Mil

9: The Galactic Empire of Abaloniz
Pop: 1,681 Mil

10: The Confederacy of Abardis
Pop: 3,702 Mil

11: The Republic of Acadia Maine
Pop: 50 Mil

12: The Peaceful Republic of Acapais
Pop: 30,775 Mil

13: The People's Republic of Adrigima
Pop: 247 Mil

14: The Armed Republic of Aegis Concordia
Pop: 16 Mil

15: The Democratic States of Aegoran
Pop: 32 Mil

16: The Republic of Aek-3
Pop: 68 Mil

17: The Republic of Aem-17
Pop: 198 Mil

18: The Golden Expanse of Aevana
Pop: 16,268 Mil

19: The Empire of Aghat
Pop: 2,311 Mil

20: The Republic of Agragarg
Pop: 361 Mil

21: The Rogue Nation of AHHHHHHHHH
Pop: 23 Mil

22: The People's Republic of Aigis
Pop: 10 Mil

23: The Federation of Aimilia and Albina
Pop: 9 Mil

24: The Empire of AIonosia
Pop: 68 Mil

25: The Most Serene Republic of Aizenev
Pop: 264 Mil

26: The Free Land of Akeland
Pop: 20,509 Mil

27: The Free Land of Akheniun
Pop: 9 Mil

28: The Disputed Territories of Al-Faqidah
Pop: 108 Mil

29: The Kingdom of Alabein
Pop: 18 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Alcacrya
Pop: 10 Mil

31: The Republic of Aldisburg
Pop: 929 Mil

32: The Northern Star Republic of Aleutria
Pop: 2,251 Mil

33: The Republic of Alexies
Pop: 81 Mil

34: The Republic of Alfjord
Pop: 29 Mil

35: The United States of Alibandia
Pop: 2,076 Mil

36: The Republic of Alitheius
Pop: 7,401 Mil

37: The Democratic Republic of Almendron
Pop: 23,187 Mil

38: The Republic of Alpetic
Pop: 16 Mil

39: The Rogue Nation of Alpha Pavonis
Pop: 230 Mil

40: The People's Republic of Alstroemelia
Pop: 1,231 Mil

41: The Republic of Althys
Pop: 8,689 Mil

42: The Republic of Altys184
Pop: 91 Mil

43: The Holy Lucky Mirth of Amalteia
Pop: 775 Mil

44: The Republic of Ambalakudam Imithra
Pop: 74 Mil

45: The Discount Sopomarket of Ambrella
Pop: 36,951 Mil

46: The United States of America and Carribea
Pop: 189 Mil

47: The Democratic Republic of Amort Kanopia
Pop: 92 Mil

48: The Borderlands of Ana Tzecturtion
Pop: 9 Mil

49: The United Federation of Anarborous
Pop: 14,289 Mil

50: The Free Land of Anarchist Isle
Pop: 375 Mil

51: The Community of Anarchy anarchy anarchyyyyyy
Pop: 92 Mil

52: The Rogue Nation of Anarki Sverige
Pop: 40 Mil

53: The People's Republic of Anarxpsyche
Pop: 181 Mil

54: The Sultanate of Anastopoulistan
Pop: 1,068 Mil

55: The Kingdom of Anatria in Exile
Pop: 1,102 Mil

56: The Republic of Ancapistan where every man can be a king
Pop: 2,977 Mil

57: The Empire of Anchor empire
Pop: 6 Mil

58: The Republic of Ancient Overseers
Pop: 40 Mil

59: The Dictatorship of Andrii
Pop: 181 Mil

60: The Red Dragon Republic of Andy
Pop: 2,175 Mil

61: The Free Land of Angakluk
Pop: 42,490 Mil

62: The Kingdom of Angkyria
Pop: 23 Mil

63: The Dominion of Aniadon
Pop: 16 Mil

64: The Republic of Anime Landia 16
Pop: 79 Mil

65: The Holy Empire of Ankaisten
Pop: 297 Mil

66: The Republic of Annestah
Pop: 2,415 Mil

67: The Federation of Ant Damatuca
Pop: 892 Mil

68: The Nomadic Peoples of Ant Stas Liz
Pop: 207 Mil

69: The Kingdom of Ant Superhero
Pop: 14,403 Mil

70: The Allied States of AnteUns
Pop: 94 Mil

71: The Holy Empire of Anthony Plantels
Pop: 9 Mil

72: The Democratic States of Anthropoi
Pop: 1,531 Mil

73: The United States of Anti Brainrot Levi Action
Pop: 7 Mil

74: The Republic of Antimatter Catalonia
Pop: 1,020 Mil

75: The Constitutional Monarchy of Aquilan States
Pop: 203 Mil

76: The Republic of Arab Mitasingopia
Pop: 85 Mil

77: The United States of Arampse Pro Inniaion
Pop: 105 Mil

78: The Republic of Arbreville
Pop: 601 Mil

79: The Military Dictatorship of Arcasian Sordland
Pop: 1,503 Mil

80: The Republic of Ardirium
Pop: 181 Mil

81: The People's Republic of Argemiones
Pop: 80 Mil

82: The Free Land of Argus AG
Pop: 9 Mil

83: The United Kingdom of ARI GAMER
Pop: 29 Mil

84: The Constitutional Monarchy of Aristeis
Pop: 23 Mil

85: The People's Republic of Arkendria
Pop: 297 Mil

86: The Syndicated Supercluster of Arma Empitester
Pop: 17,738 Mil

87: The Empire of Artrauzen
Pop: 6 Mil

88: The Democratic Republic of Artzaka
Pop: 1,403 Mil

89: The Federal Republic of Arunnia
Pop: 69 Mil

90: The Colony of Arvaina
Pop: 45 Mil

91: The Community of Arvigiel
Pop: 13,079 Mil

92: The Republic of Arvintis
Pop: 16 Mil

93: The Federation of Aryoti
Pop: 188 Mil

94: The Empire of Ascendaria
Pop: 50 Mil

95: The Protectorate of Ash Trivino
Pop: 36 Mil

96: The Neko Sloventain test state of Asia and Oceania
Pop: 2,531 Mil

97: The United States of Astarianas
Pop: 1,406 Mil

98: The Commonwealth of Asturians-Goths
Pop: 9 Mil

99: The Republic of Asverica
Pop: 91 Mil

100: The Republic of Atarikan
Pop: 324 Mil

101: The Republic of ATG 106
Pop: 85 Mil

102: The Republic of ATG 222
Pop: 86 Mil

103: The Republic of ATG 230
Pop: 87 Mil

104: The Republic of ATG 232
Pop: 85 Mil

105: The Republic of ATG 295
Pop: 86 Mil

106: The Confederation of Atlantic-Iberian union
Pop: 3,332 Mil

107: The People's Republic of Atlanticahi
Pop: 10 Mil

108: The Kaiserreich of Atlas-Preussen
Pop: 5,773 Mil

109: The Free Land of Atonikonau
Pop: 1,202 Mil

110: The Constitutional Monarchy of Atrosas
Pop: 18 Mil

111: The Holy Empire of Atrun
Pop: 23 Mil

112: The United Socialist States of Attedia
Pop: 261 Mil

113: The United States of Augnastan
Pop: 73 Mil

114: The Republic of Aulderan
Pop: 97 Mil

115: The Federal Republic of Aurelianne
Pop: 96 Mil

116: The Commonwealth of Auzealand
Pop: 23 Mil

117: The Most Serene Republic of Awes Diss
Pop: 613 Mil

118: The Intellectual Empire of Awesomepotomia
Pop: 27,875 Mil

119: The Republic of Awrencia
Pop: 10 Mil

120: The United Zones of Az Merchaz
Pop: 2,685 Mil

121: The Incorporated States of Azell
Pop: 9,014 Mil

122: The Colony of Azores La Portugal
Pop: 98 Mil

123: The Kingdom of Azule islands
Pop: 1,469 Mil

124: The Empire of Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Pop: 160 Mil

125: The Democratic Republic of Bacalorea
Pop: 23 Mil

126: The Democratic States of Bad Country II
Pop: 12 Mil

127: The Republic of Badenfeld
Pop: 11,371 Mil

128: The Community of Bageltropolis
Pop: 310 Mil

129: The Matriarchy of Balaise
Pop: 80 Mil

130: The People's Republic of Balivorne
Pop: 583 Mil

131: The Democratic Republic of Balleinia
Pop: 122 Mil

132: The Grand Duchy of Barfort
Pop: 10 Mil

133: The Republic of Barkent
Pop: 101 Mil

134: The Commonwealth of Basardan
Pop: 90 Mil

135: The Greatest Democratic Republic of Basilstan
Pop: 909 Mil

136: The Federation of Bask weavers
Pop: 7 Mil

137: The Empire of Beatist Bleoplemoast
Pop: 36 Mil

138: The Grand Duchy of Because Capitalism
Pop: 6,105 Mil

139: The Holy Empire of Bedica
Pop: 32 Mil

140: The Republic of Bem Comotto
Pop: 106 Mil

141: The Kingdom of Beneluks
Pop: 8,657 Mil

142: The Republic of Bereona
Pop: 78 Mil

143: The Federal Republic of Bervia
Pop: 524 Mil

144: The Federal Republic of Bestenfalls
Pop: 3,747 Mil

145: The Pretty anarchist republic of Betchioviche
Pop: 878 Mil

146: The People's Republic of Betisburg
Pop: 45 Mil

147: The Republic of Bg gbgcihnh
Pop: 20 Mil

148: The People's Republic of Bielorussija
Pop: 29 Mil

149: The Oppressed Peoples of Big Funnyland
Pop: 23 Mil

150: The Confederacy of Big redss
Pop: 86 Mil

151: The Free Land of Big Seis
Pop: 32 Mil

152: The Republic of Bigbackss
Pop: 136 Mil

153: The Republic of BigBlackPawan
Pop: 50 Mil

154: The Kingdom of Bigeese
Pop: 1,099 Mil

155: The Rogue Nation of Bignutts
Pop: 12 Mil

156: The Federal Republic of Birand
Pop: 376 Mil

157: The Capital City of Bishkek
Pop: 23,686 Mil

158: The United Socialist States of Bitan Baanamnia
Pop: 99 Mil

159: The Empire of Bizanzium-Giratina
Pop: 192 Mil

160: The Republic of Bjirr
Pop: 98 Mil

161: The Dominion of Blightlands
Pop: 1,438 Mil

162: The Grand Duchy of Bluckovia
Pop: 50 Mil

163: The Vidus Republic of Bodrog
Pop: 15,604 Mil

164: The Democratic Republic of Boeing 747-400
Pop: 23 Mil

165: The Totally Tubular Empire of BOGRONOG
Pop: 3,086 Mil

166: The People's Republic of Bolshewik Union
Pop: 18 Mil

167: The Empire of Bombeclad
Pop: 18 Mil

168: The Republic of Bontera
Pop: 6 Mil

169: The Dictatorship of Boratland
Pop: 287 Mil

170: The Kingdom of Boule
Pop: 95 Mil

171: The People's Republic of Branclaster
Pop: 841 Mil

172: The Queendom of Brasilian Girl
Pop: 976 Mil

173: The Illegal Settlements of Brasilistani Migrants
Pop: 9,660 Mil

174: The Vitorlandic Republic of Brayanters
Pop: 3,057 Mil

175: The Kingdom of Brearyanland
Pop: 20 Mil

176: The Republic of Brismunl
Pop: 23 Mil

177: The Commonwealth of British America
Pop: 3,737 Mil

178: The Constitutional Monarchy of British Virgin ISLANDSS
Pop: 1,092 Mil

179: The Commonwealth of Brizz
Pop: 40 Mil

180: The People's Republic of Brokin
Pop: 45 Mil

181: The Free Land of Brombus
Pop: 20 Mil

182: The Kingdom of Brown Mamba
Pop: 45 Mil

183: The Republic of Bsihbsbisubsiubiusbhbs
Pop: 50 Mil

184: The Kingdom of BULGARIAN M0NARCHY
Pop: 561 Mil

185: The Free Land of Bursa Region
Pop: 9 Mil

186: The Restored Solaric Hegemony of Bursken
Pop: 9,752 Mil

187: The United States of Burultanarinn Islands
Pop: 8 Mil

188: The Republic of Busvin Vul
Pop: 16 Mil

189: The Kingdom of Butuni
Pop: 1,812 Mil

190: The Holy Empire of CACALANDEEDEDEDE
Pop: 78 Mil

191: The Republic of Cacari
Pop: 29 Mil

192: The Republic of Cacoria
Pop: 1,187 Mil

193: The Principality of Cad
Pop: 29 Mil

194: The People's Republic of Cadarath
Pop: 32 Mil

195: The Empire of Caesarian Rome
Pop: 68 Mil

196: The Stimulated Nation of Caffeinated
Pop: 10,484 Mil

197: The Empire of Cahoo
Pop: 9 Mil

198: The Benevolent Dictatorship of Caleban
Pop: 14,882 Mil

199: The Space Fairing Goofballs of Callistos
Pop: 797 Mil

200: The Republic of CAllMeCallme
Pop: 552 Mil

201: The Coolidge State of Calvin Coolidge
Pop: 24,925 Mil

202: The Federal Republic of Camtropia
Pop: 2,317 Mil

203: The Republic of Camuee Loyozelowelliis
Pop: 20 Mil

204: The Holy Empire of Can you be sigma
Pop: 8 Mil

205: The Democratic States of Cantinada
Pop: 14 Mil

206: The Principality of Cape Insulinde
Pop: 2,374 Mil

207: The United Kingdom of Capene Vuus
Pop: 29 Mil

208: The Incorporated States of Capitalilism
Pop: 2,081 Mil

209: The Empire of Capitalism is cool
Pop: 26 Mil

210: The Principality of Caratano
Pop: 36 Mil

211: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cardarath
Pop: 32 Mil

212: The Dictatorship of Cardissia
Pop: 10 Mil

213: The Federation of Casavalle
Pop: 50 Mil

214: The Federation of Cascadian Kingdoms
Pop: 275 Mil

215: The Kingdom of CasselKing
Pop: 14 Mil

216: The Empire of Cataclysmor
Pop: 268 Mil

217: The Republic of Catlll
Pop: 18 Mil

218: The Catochristoferson WA Puppet of Cato2
Pop: 9,956 Mil

219: The Ⓐnarchy of Catochristoferson
Pop: 20,778 Mil

220: The Second Empire of Catodiles
Pop: 991 Mil

221: The Socialist Federation of Cauchistan
Pop: 2,984 Mil

222: The People's Commonwealth of Caudawn
Pop: 957 Mil

223: The Republic of Central Paynistan
Pop: 16 Mil

224: The Empire of Centrla African Empire
Pop: 32 Mil

225: The Republic of Chandermeek
Pop: 12 Mil

226: The Republic of Chardanay
Pop: 50 Mil

227: The Monarchical State of Charoskania
Pop: 9,246 Mil

228: The People's Republic of Chatset-Pudode
Pop: 18 Mil

229: The Allied States of Chciaoci034
Pop: 157 Mil

230: The Allied States of Chciaoci048
Pop: 156 Mil

231: The Allied States of Chciaoci116
Pop: 155 Mil

232: The Constitutional Monarchy of Chemish union
Pop: 1,119 Mil

233: The Confederacy of Cherfully Candid People
Pop: 3,591 Mil

234: The Free Land of Chervona Kalyna
Pop: 120 Mil

235: The People's Republic of Chillfest
Pop: 32 Mil

236: The Republic of Chivilrious
Pop: 116 Mil

237: The Commonwealth of Chobotan
Pop: 449 Mil

238: The Republic of Chrieyau
Pop: 7 Mil

239: The Kingdom of Christianianstan
Pop: 206 Mil

240: The United States of Christine Acradialand
Pop: 18 Mil

241: The Kingdom of Cianos456
Pop: 9 Mil

242: The Republic of Cimancia
Pop: 67 Mil

243: The Constitutional Monarchy of Citiontari
Pop: 9 Mil

244: The Community of Clown School
Pop: 910 Mil

245: The Federation of Cluster
Pop: 3,919 Mil

246: The Kingdom of Cobia
Pop: 393 Mil

247: The Republic of Coconut Pineapple Sparkling Ice
Pop: 18 Mil

248: The Dictatorship of Cocu-bel
Pop: 127 Mil

249: The Republic of Cofesh
Pop: 99 Mil

250: The Republic of Cold Winterberry
Pop: 10,249 Mil

251: The Democratic Republic of Cologna
Pop: 7 Mil

252: The Confederated X-Nation of Comfed Atlas
Pop: 5,516 Mil

253: The Great Europeian Republic of Common-Sense Politics
Pop: 29,878 Mil

254: The Commonwealth of Commonwealth Republic of Belgium
Pop: 8 Mil

255: The People's Republic of Communapolis
Pop: 255 Mil

256: The Republic of Concecenet
Pop: 1,568 Mil

257: The Vault of Cool Card Bank
Pop: 7,237 Mil

258: The Republic of Cool Card Bank S2
Pop: 3,415 Mil

259: The Allied States of Copper Valley
Pop: 9 Mil

260: The Federation of Cordium
Pop: 56 Mil

261: The Celestial Empire of Cordova I
Pop: 14,171 Mil

262: The Federal Republic of Corporate Cantons
Pop: 18 Mil

263: The Democratic Republic of Cortlandt Manor
Pop: 21,227 Mil

264: The Empire of Corvinious
Pop: 208 Mil

265: The Rogue Nation of Cosmoistan
Pop: 62 Mil

266: The Crowned Republic of Costa de Piedra
Pop: 1,183 Mil

267: The Republic of Coters
Pop: 50 Mil

268: The Republic of Cothe Marka
Pop: 126 Mil

269: The Republic of Counter Strike
Pop: 29 Mil

270: The Commonwealth of Crabis Landis
Pop: 20 Mil

271: The Dominion of Crastianderibelklantland
Pop: 198 Mil

272: The Armed Republic of Craxia
Pop: 358 Mil

273: The Republic of CreepieMezzo
Pop: 1,428 Mil

274: The Borderlands of Crets
Pop: 20 Mil

275: The Sultanate of Crios Mixonia
Pop: 6 Mil

276: The Empire of Cristiano Austina
Pop: 84 Mil

277: The Theocracy of Crochether
Pop: 79 Mil

278: The Theocracy of Cropluelle
Pop: 32 Mil

279: The Dominion of Cross guild
Pop: 80 Mil

280: The Democratic Republic of Crystaly
Pop: 16 Mil

281: The United Socialist States of Cundayana
Pop: 97 Mil

282: The Autonomous City State of Cutias
Pop: 6,794 Mil

283: The Federal Republic of Cyberlatvia
Pop: 16 Mil

284: The Free Land of Cyberpunk Megalopolis
Pop: 1,708 Mil

285: The Free Land of Cyberpunk Nation
Pop: 1,630 Mil

286: The Imperial State of Da Xia
Pop: 2,306 Mil

287: The Armed Republic of Daganwaash
Pop: 452 Mil

288: The Republic of Daizer
Pop: 50 Mil

289: The Republic of Dalariaria
Pop: 56 Mil

290: The Republic of Dalia
Pop: 1,548 Mil

291: The Republic of Dalmaziaa
Pop: 45 Mil

292: The Kingdom of Dalonian
Pop: 56 Mil

293: The United Socialist States of Damincia
Pop: 74 Mil

294: The Republic of Dannasin
Pop: 201 Mil

295: The Holy Empire of Dannastralia
Pop: 50 Mil

296: The Constitutional Monarchy of Danubia Pannonia
Pop: 3,635 Mil

297: The Republic of Daphomir1
Pop: 29 Mil

298: The Federal Republic of Darcness
Pop: 18,554 Mil

299: The Republic of Darenraman Nasan
Pop: 3,641 Mil

300: The United Kingdom of Daril Provinces and Principalities
Pop: 371 Mil

301: The People's Republic of DARKENING EMPIRE
Pop: 113 Mil

302: The Colony of Dashica
Pop: 6 Mil

303: The Militarized State of Dat Countreh
Pop: 22,241 Mil

304: The Kingdom of Dav1d
Pop: 110 Mil

305: The Kingdom of Davenntry
Pop: 23 Mil

306: The Republic of Dawkins
Pop: 87 Mil

307: The Republic of Deathstaropia
Pop: 642 Mil

308: The Nuts and Bolts of Decacon
Pop: 19,847 Mil

309: The Amazing Flag of Default Flag
Pop: 7,240 Mil

310: The Legitimate Sovereign Nation of Definitely Not A Money Laundering Puppet
Pop: 7,696 Mil

311: The Republic of Degs Land
Pop: 81 Mil

312: The Alt Nation of Deladara
Pop: 16,290 Mil

313: The Republic of Demacinia
Pop: 56 Mil

314: The Kingdom of Democratic Crn Cre Orooidii
Pop: 74 Mil

315: The Democratic Republic of Democratic of Africa
Pop: 68 Mil

316: The Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic of Cheylokinksu
Pop: 429 Mil

Pop: 26 Mil

318: The Federal Republic of Den Nederlanden
Pop: 26 Mil

319: The Republic of Despairistan
Pop: 50 Mil

320: The Rogue Nation of Deutsches Volksrepublic
Pop: 97 Mil

321: The Republic of Devilishly Handsome
Pop: 1,682 Mil

322: The Empire of Dictatorstanistan
Pop: 32 Mil

323: The Republic of Diester
Pop: 369 Mil

324: The Rogue Nation of Digital Anarchists
Pop: 14 Mil

325: The Democratic Republic of Dilif
Pop: 14 Mil

326: The Kingdom of Dingleus
Pop: 6 Mil

327: The Jingoistic States of Dinstera
Pop: 12 Mil

328: The People's Kingdom of Dirauti
Pop: 5,713 Mil

329: The Republic of Disarono
Pop: 6 Mil

330: The Republic of Doge Flower Puppet State
Pop: 191 Mil

331: The Republic of DolomitesxAndes
Pop: 206 Mil

332: The Republic of Dolyz
Pop: 74 Mil

333: The Empire of Dos Mautinos
Pop: 101 Mil

334: The Empire of Drahk
Pop: 23 Mil

335: The Holy Empire of DrBexronia
Pop: 6 Mil

336: The Democratic Republic of Dreamericana
Pop: 11,962 Mil

337: The Lethadone Clinic of Drecq
Pop: 31,933 Mil

338: The Rogue Nation of DSN4
Pop: 3,470 Mil

339: The Republic of Ducklandii
Pop: 7 Mil

340: The Grand Ducky of Ducklingville
Pop: 7,518 Mil

341: The Federation of Dukonea
Pop: 23 Mil

342: The Dictatorship of Duolingolandia
Pop: 87 Mil

343: The Holy Empire of Durstia
Pop: 86 Mil

344: The Thundering Nerds of Dutch Tonnerre
Pop: 997 Mil

345: The Kingdom of Dwayne Johnson 12
Pop: 190 Mil

346: The Automated Nexus of Dystanton
Pop: 2,430 Mil

347: The Nomadic Peoples of E do it three can you imagine three peop
Pop: 973 Mil

348: The People's Republic of Eache
Pop: 136 Mil

349: The Democratic States of Earthhh
Pop: 50 Mil

350: The Dictatorship of Eascall Rund
Pop: 56 Mil

351: The Federation of East Frockdolhe
Pop: 18 Mil

352: The Empire of East Hiniqueenopia
Pop: 79 Mil

353: The Federation of East Praffertg
Pop: 311 Mil

354: The Sultanate of East Thrace
Pop: 188 Mil

355: The Kingdom of East Zamarden
Pop: 9 Mil

356: The Community of Easter Hope Island
Pop: 45 Mil

357: The United Socialist States of Eastern Kre Evoranitarratner
Pop: 10 Mil

358: The Democratic Republic of Eastern Leidenter
Pop: 426 Mil

359: The Republic of Eastern Riders III
Pop: 29 Mil

360: The Republic of Eastern Riders IX
Pop: 29 Mil

361: The Republic of Ecacia
Pop: 1,502 Mil

362: The Republic of Eclipse-
Pop: 502 Mil

363: The Borderlands of Econoland
Pop: 56 Mil

364: The Principality of Economant
Pop: 36 Mil

365: The Free Land of Edelvo Islands
Pop: 114 Mil

366: The Eye Examination Exercise of EEE
Pop: 15,108 Mil

367: The Queendom of Eels Emphorklonopia
Pop: 8 Mil

368: The Republic of Ehan Abrad
Pop: 12 Mil

369: The Federation of Eintratch
Pop: 18 Mil

370: The Republic of Ekkeland
Pop: 387 Mil

371: The United Socialist States of Ekreli
Pop: 18 Mil

372: The United Democratic Federation of Ekronia
Pop: 5,448 Mil

373: The Constitutional Monarchy of Elaeria
Pop: 24,887 Mil

374: The United Socialist States of Elarath
Pop: 9 Mil

375: The Confederacy of Eldoridge
Pop: 207 Mil

376: The Commonwealth of Eldorin
Pop: 3,246 Mil

377: The United States of Elephantasia
Pop: 18 Mil

378: The United Socialist States of Eleventh empire
Pop: 32 Mil

379: The Queendom of Elkta
Pop: 93 Mil

380: The Federation of Elliptical Galactical
Pop: 12 Mil

381: The Principality of Ellrose
Pop: 27,354 Mil

382: The Empire of Eloscape
Pop: 23,901 Mil

383: The Constitutional Monarchy of Elroy and Perla
Pop: 204 Mil

384: The Kingdom of Emalania
Pop: 16,790 Mil

385: The Democratic States of Emenwisis
Pop: 10 Mil

386: The Federation of Emilia and Albina
Pop: 9 Mil

387: The Republic of Emmanora
Pop: 18 Mil

388: The Lucky Card Collector of Empire of Caldrasa
Pop: 2,060 Mil

389: The Constitutional Monarchy of Empire of Greater Spain
Pop: 87 Mil

390: The Dictatorship of Enemorknoia
Pop: 384 Mil

391: The Principality of Enfeoffed Lands
Pop: 984 Mil

392: The Republic of Engwrybia
Pop: 17,124 Mil

393: The Republic of Epigenetic Knowledge
Pop: 3,248 Mil

394: The Republic of Epistolia
Pop: 203 Mil

395: The Lyrical Europeian Mission of Epsilon Lyricalia
Pop: 18,187 Mil

396: The Republic of Erdea
Pop: 16 Mil

397: The Republic of ERN Arnhelm
Pop: 24,049 Mil

398: The Republic of ERN Europeia
Pop: 27,345 Mil

399: The Federal Republic of Eros x
Pop: 357 Mil

400: The Demokr?tik Rep?blek of Eskaai
Pop: 13,635 Mil

401: The United States of Estados Unidos De Antioquia
Pop: 29 Mil

402: The Kingdom of Estingberg
Pop: 15,482 Mil

403: The Confederacy of Estrebvia
Pop: 36 Mil

404: The Republic of Estrogenated
Pop: 18 Mil

405: The Kingdom of Esynthia
Pop: 36 Mil

406: The Empire of Etherimia
Pop: 12 Mil

407: The Grand Duchy of Eurelian
Pop: 839 Mil

408: The Sultanate of Euro-utopia
Pop: 367 Mil

409: The United States of European Yankedoom
Pop: 151 Mil

410: The Panda's Federal Republic of Europeia Dispatch Office
Pop: 23,284 Mil

411: The Goldenblock Emissary of Europeian Embassy
Pop: 17,682 Mil

412: The NASPAQ Subsidiary of Europeian Regional Card Bank
Pop: 8,681 Mil

413: The Republic of Europeian WA Headquarters
Pop: 23,734 Mil

414: The Community of Europeian Welcoming Agency
Pop: 18,396 Mil

415: The Office of Europeian World Assembly Affairs
Pop: 630 Mil

416: The Republic of Europium-1
Pop: 2,468 Mil

417: The Republic of EuroPride
Pop: 1,605 Mil

418: The Federation of Euvropa
Pop: 733 Mil

419: The Democratic Republic of Evangelotopia
Pop: 143 Mil

420: The Utopian Past of Evil Leitopia
Pop: 685 Mil

421: The Dictatorship of Evilests
Pop: 23 Mil

422: The Empire of Evin Fare
Pop: 29 Mil

423: The Free Land of Extreme Anarchy and Chaos
Pop: 36 Mil

424: The People's Republic of Facist old france
Pop: 6 Mil

425: The Principality of Fale Wegern
Pop: 182 Mil

426: The Community of Falshar Dionis
Pop: 20,200 Mil

427: The People's Republic of Fasuba
Pop: 903 Mil

428: The Dictatorship of Faulurgata
Pop: 45 Mil

429: The Federation of Federation of Genderstok
Pop: 62 Mil

430: The People's Republic of Feklunder
Pop: 1,197 Mil

431: The Incorporated States of Fellar Reformationists
Pop: 16 Mil

432: The Armed Republic of Fenixias
Pop: 18 Mil

433: The Matriarchy of Fernlanda
Pop: 1,557 Mil

434: The Republic of Ferretland trough
Pop: 4,416 Mil

435: The Protectorate of Fersince
Pop: 308 Mil

436: The Dominion of Fician
Pop: 36 Mil

437: The Republic of Fifth Republic of Philippines
Pop: 20 Mil

438: The Rogue Nation of Fintose
Pop: 564 Mil

439: The Republic of Firey Republic
Pop: 18 Mil

440: The Republic of Flames Upon a Bridge
Pop: 577 Mil

441: The Federation of Fleefer
Pop: 154 Mil

442: The Holy Empire of Flerkaferia
Pop: 139 Mil

443: The Kingdom of Flescand
Pop: 45 Mil

444: The Theoden's Europeian lands of of Florence Spear
Pop: 21,886 Mil

445: The Republic of Floterage Caricis
Pop: 85 Mil

446: The Confederacy of Fockstan
Pop: 10 Mil

447: The Kingdom of Folkmark
Pop: 18 Mil

448: The Freeholder Monarchy of Fololavakia
Pop: 2,822 Mil

449: The Democratic Republic of Foradini
Pop: 1,955 Mil

450: The Empire of Forged Great Amphibiland
Pop: 7,183 Mil

451: The Europeian Empire of Foril
Pop: 10,600 Mil

452: The United Kingdom of Forme Liberia
Pop: 256 Mil

453: The Absolute Monarchy of Formendia
Pop: 4,008 Mil

454: The Federal Republic of Formossai
Pop: 6 Mil

455: The Rogue Nation of Fort Senneville
Pop: 99 Mil

456: The Republic of Fortisium
Pop: 985 Mil

457: The Republic of Fraoze
Pop: 10 Mil

458: The Fiefdom of Fre Sal Namepubalia
Pop: 14 Mil

459: The Democratic States of Frecaral
Pop: 18 Mil

460: The Republic of Free People Union
Pop: 9,862 Mil

461: The Republic of Freed Palestine
Pop: 8 Mil

462: The United Socialist States of Freikstag
Pop: 16 Mil

463: The Theocracy of Frikandelord
Pop: 36 Mil

464: The United States of Fringpie
Pop: 14 Mil

465: The Republic of Fuedal Japan
Pop: 16 Mil

466: The Mitskocracy of Furination
Pop: 2,341 Mil

467: The Federal Republic of Fvv136
Pop: 471 Mil

468: The Federal Republic of Fvv153
Pop: 483 Mil

469: The Federal Republic of Fvv167
Pop: 483 Mil

470: The Federal Republic of Fvv175
Pop: 471 Mil

471: The Federal Republic of Fvv291
Pop: 465 Mil

472: The Federal Republic of Fvv365
Pop: 462 Mil

473: The Federal Republic of Fvv473
Pop: 452 Mil

474: The Federal Republic of Fvv494
Pop: 448 Mil

475: The Federal Republic of Fvv497
Pop: 454 Mil

476: The Federal Republic of Fvv94
Pop: 467 Mil

477: The Cheese Loving Monarchy of Gabingston
Pop: 10,558 Mil

478: The Dictatorship of Gabirah
Pop: 92 Mil

479: The People's Republic of Gaeltz
Pop: 352 Mil

480: The Holy Empire of Gainikas
Pop: 23 Mil

481: The United States of Gallchobhar
Pop: 1,435 Mil

482: The Republic of Galliyaa
Pop: 98 Mil

483: The Federation of Gambic
Pop: 23 Mil

484: The United Kingdom of Gambling again
Pop: 739 Mil

485: The Kingdom of Ganduke
Pop: 95 Mil

486: The Weird face of Gantaro
Pop: 2,630 Mil

487: The Republic of Garenial
Pop: 18 Mil

488: The People's Republic of Garsovia
Pop: 439 Mil

489: The Commonwealth of Gastropexy
Pop: 20 Mil

490: The Republic of Gaton
Pop: 14 Mil

491: The Free Land of Gay Pridetopia
Pop: 40 Mil

492: The Protectorate of Geaorge Foreman
Pop: 32 Mil

493: The Awkward Adages of Geektopia
Pop: 13,544 Mil

494: The Rogue Nation of Geh Satsordia
Pop: 8 Mil

495: The Republic of Gehromia
Pop: 62 Mil

496: The Republic of Geiosue Carducci
Pop: 56 Mil

497: The Ostensible Otterville of Gem
Pop: 1,458 Mil

498: The United Tribes of Gemeinschaftsland
Pop: 6,360 Mil

499: The Holy Empire of Genatra
Pop: 155 Mil

500: The Commonwealth of Gengarlia
Pop: 16 Mil

501: The Federation of GentooLand
Pop: 50 Mil

502: The Republic of GeorgeWBush
Pop: 73 Mil

503: The Dominion of Georoma
Pop: 196 Mil

504: The Republic of Germaine Athena Mercy Sylvi Rx Ziegler
Pop: 12,889 Mil

505: The Republic of German United People
Pop: 79 Mil

506: The Ceremonial Kaiserreich of Germanium Imperial Empire
Pop: 2,619 Mil

507: The Free Land of Getscrewedistan
Pop: 233 Mil

508: The Republic of Ghavinkpheria
Pop: 8 Mil

509: The Republic of Ghur
Pop: 3,698 Mil

510: The Emirate of Gina Hahland
Pop: 14 Mil

511: The Commonwealth of Glory and Empire
Pop: 528 Mil

512: The Free Land of Glyria
Pop: 335 Mil

513: The Queendom of Gobbleballs
Pop: 16 Mil

514: The Holy Empire of God Meti
Pop: 7 Mil

515: The Nomadic Peoples of God searching souls
Pop: 391 Mil

516: The Matriarchy of God Spaakistan
Pop: 6 Mil

517: The Republic of Gods Eepiest Soldier
Pop: 357 Mil

518: The Dictatorship of Goining
Pop: 36 Mil

519: The Allied States of Goird
Pop: 958 Mil

520: The Inestimably Holy Empire of Gooblaria
Pop: 22,397 Mil

521: The Kingdom of Gorldorme
Pop: 103 Mil

522: The Republic of Gornidia
Pop: 294 Mil

523: The Democratic Republic of Gra Lor Sipenmilbarx
Pop: 488 Mil

524: The Commonwealth of Grand Kentucky
Pop: 294 Mil

525: The Pirate Republic of Grand Marlinia
Pop: 1,541 Mil

526: The Federative Republic of Grande pudimland
Pop: 4,480 Mil

527: The Love you all ???? of Grandfather Clock
Pop: 10,798 Mil

528: The Grand Duchy of Granvardia
Pop: 117 Mil

529: The Part Time Troll Nation of GraVandius
Pop: 20,342 Mil

530: The Republic of GraVandius II
Pop: 4,838 Mil

531: The Republic of GraVandius III
Pop: 3,259 Mil

532: The Republic of GraVandius IV
Pop: 2,444 Mil

533: The Republic of GraVandius IX
Pop: 2,250 Mil

534: The Republic of GraVandius V
Pop: 2,618 Mil

535: The Republic of GraVandius VI
Pop: 2,484 Mil

536: The Republic of GraVandius VII
Pop: 2,363 Mil

537: The Republic of GraVandius VIII
Pop: 2,266 Mil

538: The Republic of GraVandius X
Pop: 2,443 Mil

539: The Republic of GraVandius XI
Pop: 1,970 Mil

540: The Republic of GraVandius XII
Pop: 2,177 Mil

541: The Confederacy of GraVandius XIII
Pop: 1,661 Mil

542: The Borderlands of GraVandius XIV
Pop: 2,174 Mil

543: The Republic of GraVandius XV
Pop: 2,203 Mil

544: The Punky Defender of Grea Kriopia
Pop: 11,109 Mil

545: The United States of Great Necronia
Pop: 56 Mil

546: The Super Scary Dictatorship of Great Order
Pop: 10,394 Mil

547: The Empire of Great Thandoria
Pop: 498 Mil

548: The Absolute Theocratic Monarchy of Great-Desolates
Pop: 6,043 Mil

549: The Commonwealth of Greater Agnolia
Pop: 793 Mil

550: The Republic of Greater Brittanic States
Pop: 26 Mil

551: The Enlightened Technocracy of Greater Eesti
Pop: 3,468 Mil

552: The Federal Republic of Greater mulchberg
Pop: 26 Mil

553: The People's Republic of Greater Turkish Nation
Pop: 98 Mil

554: The United Commonwealth Nations of Greatnessity City
Pop: 14,478 Mil

555: The Protectorate of Greengard
Pop: 12 Mil

556: The Very Sleepy of Grinopiths
Pop: 2,112 Mil

557: The People's Republic of Grizmat
Pop: 16 Mil

558: The Pomerenan Colony of Groanislan
Pop: 2,026 Mil

559: The Democratic States of Gronozopian
Pop: 62 Mil

560: The Bayfront alt of Gulf
Pop: 3,828 Mil

561: The Republic of Gunthram
Pop: 10 Mil

562: The Empire of Gyrafern
Pop: 7 Mil

563: The Principality of Hadenbracht
Pop: 15,689 Mil

564: The Holy Empire of Haimatsu
Pop: 69 Mil

565: The Federal Republic of Hakwan
Pop: 5,314 Mil

566: The Kingdom of Hallstaat
Pop: 329 Mil

567: The Republic of Hansennorveg
Pop: 108 Mil

568: The Republic of Hapokhstan
Pop: 425 Mil

569: The Kingdom of Hasburg Portugal
Pop: 473 Mil

570: The Republic of Hasdenia
Pop: 9 Mil

571: The Most Serene Republic of Haule Onmershi
Pop: 9 Mil

572: The Imperial Kingdom of Haunover
Pop: 1,868 Mil

573: The Constitutional Monarchy of Hausky Islands
Pop: 1,288 Mil

574: The Moderated Nation of Heck Land
Pop: 34,308 Mil

575: The Free Land of Hedonist land
Pop: 236 Mil

576: The Free Land of Helenic patriarcate
Pop: 352 Mil

577: The Kingdom of Hellioa
Pop: 3,305 Mil

578: The Armed Republic of Herois Empire
Pop: 788 Mil

579: The Commonwealth of Hestanoli
Pop: 16 Mil

580: The Empire of Hestwak
Pop: 69 Mil

581: The Grand Duchy of Heute-Astriechesz
Pop: 75 Mil

582: The Empire of Hikadolvestions
Pop: 78 Mil

583: The Republic of Hinddostan
Pop: 20 Mil

584: The Empire of Historical Spain
Pop: 379 Mil

585: The Republic of Hitchin
Pop: 81 Mil

586: The Allied States of Hity Tana Gre
Pop: 8 Mil

587: The Empire of HMS SOCCER
Pop: 20 Mil

588: The Republic of Hoaxia
Pop: 201 Mil

589: The Dictatorship of Hobberland
Pop: 97 Mil

590: The Free Land of Hochelaga-Superior
Pop: 36 Mil

591: The Empire of HoIy Russian Empire
Pop: 69 Mil

592: The Republic of Holifon Pryce
Pop: 2,024 Mil

593: The Republic of Holy Corky East
Pop: 108 Mil

594: The Former Kings of Holy Ekaj Monarchy
Pop: 8,954 Mil

595: The Kingdom of Holy Non-Roman Empire
Pop: 127 Mil

596: The Democratic Republic of Holy The Pupolackstanchla
Pop: 82 Mil

597: The Empire of Holyromanempire5
Pop: 26 Mil

598: The Armed Republic of Honbasan
Pop: 12 Mil

599: The United Socialist States of Honstan
Pop: 40 Mil

600: The Republic of Hoo Dog
Pop: 50 Mil

601: The Dominion of Hopialinarth
Pop: 104 Mil

602: The Kingdom of Horsweden
Pop: 28,683 Mil

603: The Empire of Hot Teenagers
Pop: 12 Mil

604: The Republic of Houblingemai
Pop: 62 Mil

605: The Most Serene Republic of House of Leaves
Pop: 1,303 Mil

606: The Empire of Hresvelg
Pop: 181 Mil

607: The United Republic of Huffon
Pop: 4,893 Mil

608: The Principality of Huigu
Pop: 68 Mil

609: The Republic of Hujen
Pop: 12,049 Mil

610: The Democratic Republic of Humanita2001
Pop: 8 Mil

611: The United Socialist States of Huqua
Pop: 29 Mil

612: The Republic of HUR 1753
Pop: 107 Mil

613: The Republic of HUR 1760
Pop: 103 Mil

614: The Republic of HUR 1763
Pop: 106 Mil

615: The Republic of HUR 1801
Pop: 108 Mil

616: The Republic of HUR 1812
Pop: 100 Mil

617: The Republic of HUR 1813
Pop: 99 Mil

618: The Republic of HUR 1883
Pop: 75 Mil

619: The Republic of HUR 1890
Pop: 73 Mil

620: The Republic of HUR 1938
Pop: 62 Mil

621: The Republic of HUR 1956
Pop: 50 Mil

622: The Republic of HUR 2008
Pop: 23 Mil

623: The Republic of HUR 2033
Pop: 23 Mil

624: The Republic of HUR 2039
Pop: 18 Mil

625: The Republic of HUR 2054
Pop: 18 Mil

626: The Republic of Huriland
Pop: 1,807 Mil

627: The Most Serene Republic of Hush
Pop: 1,480 Mil

628: The Citizen of Hyanygo
Pop: 16,667 Mil

629: The Constitutional Monarchy of Hyerlaserazaderlrarzlsionr
Pop: 269 Mil

630: The Democratic Republic of Hykonica
Pop: 1,725 Mil

631: The Kingdom of Hypnocobra Empire
Pop: 62 Mil

632: The Republic of Iberitia
Pop: 574 Mil

633: The Republic of Igc
Pop: 98 Mil

634: The Holy Empire of Iglo
Pop: 12 Mil

635: The Empire of Ikazuki
Pop: 14 Mil

636: The United Kingdom of Ikm121
Pop: 209 Mil

637: The United Kingdom of Ikm274
Pop: 199 Mil

638: The United Kingdom of Ikm427
Pop: 188 Mil

639: The Disputed Territories of Ilepreld
Pop: 111 Mil

640: The Kingdom of Illomu
Pop: 9 Mil

641: The Dominion of Immature Dragons
Pop: 377 Mil

642: The Republic of Immigraten
Pop: 81 Mil

643: The Greater Federation of Imperial Alfanian States
Pop: 3,433 Mil

644: The Confederacy of Imperial Dire Nurmystan
Pop: 20 Mil

645: The Commonwealth of Imperial Keats Kite Atlan
Pop: 18 Mil

646: The Republic of Imperium of Potentia
Pop: 151 Mil

647: The People's Republic of Incredibly horrible terrible country
Pop: 252 Mil

648: The Kingdom of Indepdent South italy
Pop: 170 Mil

649: The Federal Republic of Industhan
Pop: 2,332 Mil

650: The Republic of Inferniz
Pop: 56 Mil

651: The Democratic States of Inner Darit Blackaulland
Pop: 32 Mil

652: The Republic of Inner Eistalicis
Pop: 113 Mil

653: The Democratic Republic of Inner Roc Island
Pop: 12 Mil

654: The Empire of Inpi
Pop: 95 Mil

655: The Incorporated States of InterWorld Co
Pop: 29 Mil

656: The Holy Empire of Invicti Viri
Pop: 45 Mil

657: The Republic of Iritopian Empire
Pop: 14 Mil

658: The Dictatorship of Iron Chain
Pop: 356 Mil

659: The Republic of Ironiam
Pop: 3,933 Mil

660: The Republic of Isaaklandia
Pop: 56 Mil

661: The Federal Republic of Isbelland
Pop: 196 Mil

662: The Republic of Iserland
Pop: 81 Mil

663: The Grand Duchy of Isla Unies
Pop: 20 Mil

664: The Armed Republic of Islands of Asana
Pop: 218 Mil

665: The Grimms Hollow of Isle Alexandra
Pop: 16,426 Mil

666: The Most Serene Republic of Isle of Drake
Pop: 230 Mil

667: The Empire of Isle of Jack
Pop: 10,515 Mil

668: The Federal Republic of Israefel
Pop: 137 Mil

669: The Disputed Territories of Istaline Firion
Pop: 67 Mil

670: The Lovable Larrikin of Istillian
Pop: 18,035 Mil

671: The Republic of Itia Freenstan
Pop: 40 Mil

672: The Most Serene Republic of IzanSUPER
Pop: 6 Mil

673: The Queendom of J0e Biden
Pop: 9,318 Mil

674: The Free Land of Jachams
Pop: 1,958 Mil

675: The Republic of Jacktown
Pop: 23 Mil

676: The Kingdom of Jacobite Reich
Pop: 1,201 Mil

677: The Republic of Jadrica
Pop: 112 Mil

678: The Theocracy of Jam mayen
Pop: 29 Mil

679: The Free Land of Jamesland Republic
Pop: 155 Mil

680: The Constitutional Monarchy of Jamte
Pop: 460 Mil

681: The Matriarchy of Japper Sherazi
Pop: 14 Mil

682: The Republic of Jaqen Hghar
Pop: 27,972 Mil

683: The Empire of Jaquari
Pop: 26 Mil

684: The Protectorate of Jarred90
Pop: 32 Mil

685: The Decromatic Federation of Javait
Pop: 642 Mil

686: The Warmongering Tyrant of JayDee II
Pop: 15,257 Mil

687: The Republic of Jayden Daniels is the GOAT of Football
Pop: 18 Mil

688: The Republic of Jelekova
Pop: 31,590 Mil

689: The Constitutional Monarchy of Jelize
Pop: 18 Mil

690: The Kingdom of Jeremian Heights
Pop: 793 Mil

691: The Taylor Swift Fan of Jermeny
Pop: 13,125 Mil

692: The Kingdom of Jihadia
Pop: 96 Mil

693: The Free Land of Jkb
Pop: 26 Mil

694: The United Kingdom of Jklavier
Pop: 10 Mil

695: The Republic of Jkoei
Pop: 18 Mil

696: The Republic of Joabistao
Pop: 143 Mil

697: The Democratic African Power of Jobenheim
Pop: 5,744 Mil

698: The Theocracy of Joerion Des
Pop: 88 Mil

699: The Republic of JohnLebulas
Pop: 67 Mil

700: The United States of Johnzin
Pop: 68 Mil

701: The Sultanate of Johore
Pop: 1,089 Mil

702: The People's Republic of Joventuria
Pop: 366 Mil

703: The Queendom of Juilatha
Pop: 760 Mil

704: The Constitutional Monarchy of Juliana 2
Pop: 1,105 Mil

705: The Kingdom of Julianische
Pop: 56 Mil

706: The Commonwealth of Junoi
Pop: 80 Mil

707: The Republic of JustKeepFarming10
Pop: 161 Mil

708: The Dominion of K-k-o
Pop: 29 Mil

709: The Fiefdom of Kaaachowww
Pop: 18 Mil

710: The Republic of Kabama
Pop: 230 Mil

711: The Sacred Empire of Kackzynski
Pop: 1,943 Mil

712: The Federation of Kaduriah
Pop: 29 Mil

713: The Republic of Kaggnia
Pop: 539 Mil

714: The Armed Republic of Kahooner
Pop: 2,513 Mil

715: The Golden Kingdom of Kajapa
Pop: 8,408 Mil

716: The Democratic Republic of Kalducania
Pop: 26 Mil

717: The Republic of Kalkiney Islana
Pop: 26 Mil

718: The Dictatorship of Kalvashian State
Pop: 910 Mil

719: The Corporatist Federation of Kamdakkor
Pop: 1,857 Mil

720: The Republic of Kanasupp11
Pop: 514 Mil

721: The Republic of Kanasupp58
Pop: 243 Mil

722: The Free Land of Kapitalya
Pop: 26 Mil

723: The Democratic Republic of Kardland
Pop: 1,558 Mil

724: The Kingdom of Karsmin
Pop: 36 Mil

725: The United Socialist States of Karstya
Pop: 9 Mil

726: The Republic of Kasionis
Pop: 159 Mil

727: The Dominion of Katolando
Pop: 86 Mil

728: The Federal Republic of Kauflandia
Pop: 2,972 Mil

729: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kaurus
Pop: 234 Mil

730: The Parliamentary Republic of Kaverdland
Pop: 1,727 Mil

731: The Free Land of Kaylyn Slevin
Pop: 8,139 Mil

732: The Lonk of KazamanicEuropeia
Pop: 34,638 Mil

733: The Theocracy of Kazodo
Pop: 5,184 Mil

734: The Republic of Keegani
Pop: 115 Mil

735: The Federal Republic of Keening
Pop: 338 Mil

736: The Dictatorship of Kekestania
Pop: 8 Mil

737: The Empire of Kezzys
Pop: 9,829 Mil

738: The Sultanate of Khanates of Kalat
Pop: 98 Mil

739: The Eternal Imperium of Kharnus
Pop: 2,277 Mil

740: The Dictatorship of Khlynov
Pop: 2,390 Mil

741: The Republic of Khourema
Pop: 109 Mil

742: The Empire of Khreko
Pop: 656 Mil

743: The Republic of Kijarda
Pop: 101 Mil

744: The Democratic Socialist State of Kilkelly
Pop: 13,916 Mil

745: The Republic of Kimcom
Pop: 75 Mil

746: The Former 14 Day Governor State of King HEM
Pop: 38,892 Mil

747: The Republic of King Josh
Pop: 272 Mil

748: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Nolisia
Pop: 231 Mil

749: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Steve
Pop: 397 Mil

750: The Kingdom of Kingerlys
Pop: 9 Mil

751: The United States of Kiratwo
Pop: 6 Mil

752: The Republic of Kishimoto
Pop: 6 Mil

753: The Empire of Kitsaa
Pop: 164 Mil

754: The Defender of Kivu XXXXIV
Pop: 2,517 Mil

755: The Most Serene Republic of Kiwi Momo
Pop: 81 Mil

756: The ????????Dancer ????????????? of Kkorea-
Pop: 2,778 Mil

757: The Republic of KKoReas card storage high value cards
Pop: 82 Mil

758: The Radical Federation of Klatonia
Pop: 14,206 Mil

759: The Empire of Klingond
Pop: 216 Mil

760: The Holy Empire of Klython
Pop: 794 Mil

761: The Republic of KNARKIV
Pop: 62 Mil

762: The Federal Republic of Knoric
Pop: 338 Mil

763: The Kingdom of Kom Kinopia
Pop: 694 Mil

764: The Free Land of Korinthosi
Pop: 110 Mil

765: The Republic of Korumos card farmer number 4685938475932
Pop: 16 Mil

766: The Federal Republic of Koryieon
Pop: 85 Mil

767: The Pink Kingdom of Kotat
Pop: 30,290 Mil

768: The Kingdom of Koulhour
Pop: 79 Mil

769: The Empire of Koyka
Pop: 56 Mil

770: The Democratic Republic of Krasian Rep
Pop: 103 Mil

771: The Republic of Krasivoye
Pop: 548 Mil

772: The Republic of KraVandius
Pop: 7,481 Mil

773: The Commonwealth of Krohnburg
Pop: 119 Mil

774: The Republic of Kronostasis
Pop: 96 Mil

775: The Worthless Pawn of Kuramia
Pop: 21,472 Mil

776: The Colony of La Guestii
Pop: 107 Mil

777: The Lite Ladyfingers of Lady de Souza
Pop: 31,841 Mil

778: The Republic of Laina
Pop: 73 Mil

779: The Empire of Laloz
Pop: 107 Mil

780: The Empire of Land of Drakaria
Pop: 62 Mil

781: The Republic of Landoftheworst
Pop: 446 Mil

782: The Dominion of Landpam
Pop: 6 Mil

783: The Federal Republic of Landualac
Pop: 72 Mil

784: The Kingdom of Las Landas
Pop: 7 Mil

785: The Free Land of Latakia Marches
Pop: 12 Mil

786: The Democratic Republic of Latha
Pop: 16 Mil

787: The Republic of Latovy
Pop: 300 Mil

788: The Kingdom of Latrycia
Pop: 256 Mil

789: The Armed Republic of Lazhevani
Pop: 795 Mil

790: The Republic of LB-Europeia
Pop: 50 Mil

791: The Lovely Land of Le Libertia
Pop: 19,894 Mil

792: The Republic of LebronIsTheGoat
Pop: 74 Mil

793: The Republic of Lee-villa
Pop: 960 Mil

794: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda655
Pop: 801 Mil

795: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda659
Pop: 806 Mil

796: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda678
Pop: 820 Mil

797: The Empire of Len Zaragutheia
Pop: 81 Mil

798: The Federation of Lencore
Pop: 362 Mil

799: The Federal Republic of Lenskovka
Pop: 97 Mil

800: The Empire of Lerau
Pop: 23 Mil

801: The Grand Duchy of Lesbain
Pop: 93 Mil

802: The Crystal leth dealing cabal of Lethen
Pop: 40,631 Mil

803: The Republic of Liberatum
Pop: 69 Mil

804: The Free Land of Libertatem Sine Calumnia
Pop: 20 Mil

805: The Republic of Libya I
Pop: 16 Mil

806: The Republic of Lichtat
Pop: 7 Mil

807: The Kingdom of Lievenland
Pop: 1,991 Mil

808: The United Kingdom of Lime82
Pop: 17,129 Mil

809: The Allied States of Lingordiad
Pop: 62 Mil

810: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar12
Pop: 36 Mil

811: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar18
Pop: 36 Mil

812: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar49
Pop: 36 Mil

813: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar61
Pop: 36 Mil

814: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar8
Pop: 36 Mil

815: The Constitutional Monarchy of Listaboticolorurbanickjock
Pop: 36 Mil

816: The United Socialist States of Listoria
Pop: 456 Mil

817: The Island of Little Guernsey
Pop: 15,079 Mil

818: The Democratic Republic of Lle Kram
Pop: 160 Mil

819: The Most Serene Republic of Lloenflys
Pop: 13,503 Mil

820: The Theocracy of Lochaya
Pop: 599 Mil

821: The United States of LOCK IN CHAT
Pop: 109 Mil

822: The Empire of Lohamadian
Pop: 29 Mil

823: The Empire of LoLand888
Pop: 26 Mil

824: The Rogue Nation of Lomsindoortad
Pop: 36 Mil

825: The Community of Looderasoku
Pop: 221 Mil

826: The Empire of LorkenDon
Pop: 14 Mil

827: The Democratic Republic of Louck Volligemonarytopia
Pop: 4,904 Mil

828: The Queendom of Lucilia sericata
Pop: 62 Mil

829: The Free Land of Luckae
Pop: 461 Mil

830: The New Republic of Lunar Remnants
Pop: 3,279 Mil

831: The Republic of Lusthemia
Pop: 12 Mil

832: The Federation of Lutvian
Pop: 23 Mil

833: The Republic of Luvirami
Pop: 9 Mil

834: The Allied States of Luxcrest
Pop: 4,169 Mil

835: The Protectorate of Luzemzireth
Pop: 69 Mil

836: The Borderlands of LXSMB1
Pop: 26 Mil

837: The Queendom of Lyraneia
Pop: 26 Mil

838: The Principality of Lythmeinistan
Pop: 40 Mil

839: The Kingdom of Maat shyster
Pop: 7 Mil

840: The United Regions of Mableland
Pop: 2,795 Mil

841: The Victorian Silurian World of Madame Vastra
Pop: 29,379 Mil

842: The Free Land of Magento
Pop: 695 Mil

843: The Serene Republic of Magic De
Pop: 2,609 Mil

844: The Republic of Magneficiencialista de miao ling
Pop: 88 Mil

845: The Kingdom of Maignalis
Pop: 18 Mil

846: The Republic of Makaronesia
Pop: 9,594 Mil

847: The Badger Enclave of Malashaan Colony
Pop: 28,129 Mil

848: The Painfully Introverted State of Malaxa
Pop: 873 Mil

849: The People's Republic of Mama old chair
Pop: 23 Mil

850: The Kingdom of Mame Euch
Pop: 18 Mil

851: The Sultanate of Mamlakat al-Islam
Pop: 100 Mil

852: The Best Football Club of Mancheseva City
Pop: 11,742 Mil

853: The Republic of Mandayyyche
Pop: 74 Mil

854: The Kingdom of Mandoelia
Pop: 68 Mil

855: The People's Republic of Manissa
Pop: 36 Mil

856: The Republic of Manya sziget
Pop: 68 Mil

857: The Supine Socialist Slothland of Maowi
Pop: 12,726 Mil

858: The Allied States of MAR0
Pop: 69 Mil

859: The Maritime Republic of Maritonio
Pop: 1,893 Mil

860: The Republic of Markunia
Pop: 62 Mil

861: The Community of Marxist Americans
Pop: 6 Mil

862: The Republic of Masertyn
Pop: 97 Mil

863: The United Socialist States of Maxxikka
Pop: 45 Mil

864: The People's Republic of Mayakhstan
Pop: 29 Mil

865: The Federal Republic of MCN
Pop: 40 Mil

866: The Nomadic Peoples of Mechanical Horde
Pop: 126 Mil

867: The Meh of Mediocrea
Pop: 17,251 Mil

868: The Jamahiriyah of Medma
Pop: 24,326 Mil

869: The Commonwealth of Melbin
Pop: 40 Mil

870: The United Socialist States of Mennis
Pop: 576 Mil

871: The Principality of Merdian
Pop: 26 Mil

872: The Incorporated States of MH-XLVIII
Pop: 913 Mil

873: The Holy Empire of Michael McCollar
Pop: 14 Mil

874: The Dominion of Microwave Windows
Pop: 406 Mil

875: The Most Serene Republic of Middle Wales
Pop: 432 Mil

876: The Republic of Midsommar
Pop: 119 Mil

877: The Queendom of Miekaana
Pop: 174 Mil

878: The Dictatorship of Mikennsteria
Pop: 3,839 Mil

879: The Republic of Milanestada
Pop: 6 Mil

880: The People's Republic of Minbordan Guante
Pop: 154 Mil

881: The United States of Mine1234
Pop: 99 Mil

882: The Free Land of Mineiake
Pop: 156 Mil

883: The Republic of Mintoria
Pop: 5,305 Mil

884: The Republic of Mirantha
Pop: 92 Mil

885: The Democratic Republic of Mistkeep
Pop: 74 Mil

886: The Republic of Mitsune Kanton
Pop: 75 Mil

887: The Federal Republic of Miuka
Pop: 1,773 Mil

888: The Scholar's City of Mizrham
Pop: 2,917 Mil

889: The Community of MMU
Pop: 437 Mil

890: The Free Land of Mnopqrstuvwxyz
Pop: 3,469 Mil

891: The Republic of Mochi25
Pop: 50 Mil

892: The Sultanate of Modulus functions
Pop: 9 Mil

893: The Colony of Molongalo
Pop: 79 Mil

894: The Kingdom of Monfingolia
Pop: 32 Mil

895: The Free Land of Monkee
Pop: 29 Mil

896: The Community of Monolopolis
Pop: 143 Mil

897: The Theocracy of Monotheists
Pop: 383 Mil

898: The Emirate of Monroy
Pop: 93 Mil

899: The Republic of Montoly
Pop: 18 Mil

900: The Empire of Monty Python Knights
Pop: 304 Mil

901: The Colony of Morikawa
Pop: 265 Mil

902: The Free Land of Moristo
Pop: 125 Mil

903: The World of MOROGOJOB
Pop: 3,374 Mil

904: The United Socialist States of Morsom1
Pop: 7 Mil

905: The Greater Republic of Moryazvia
Pop: 10,932 Mil

906: The Republic of Moulnard
Pop: 109 Mil

907: The Moderator Mouse Mommy of Mousebumples
Pop: 46,974 Mil

908: The United Socialist States of Movarth
Pop: 8 Mil

909: The Kingdom of MRN
Pop: 901 Mil

910: The Federation of MSIS
Pop: 95 Mil

911: The Rogue Nation of MSN87
Pop: 4,781 Mil

912: The Kingdom of MTJKingdom
Pop: 10 Mil

913: The Dauphinate of Murden
Pop: 18,678 Mil

914: The Rogue Nation of Muskosso
Pop: 29 Mil

915: The Confederacy of Mutualist American Republics
Pop: 10,947 Mil

916: The Empire of Mycor
Pop: 115 Mil

917: The Republic of N a t h a n
Pop: 106 Mil

918: The Dictatorship of N-DAYRickrolla12
Pop: 40 Mil

919: The Colony of Nagama
Pop: 293 Mil

920: The Armed Republic of Naliward
Pop: 402 Mil

921: The Most Serene Republic of Nanay Tatay
Pop: 20 Mil

922: The Sultanate of Nar Zhargah Solongo
Pop: 135 Mil

923: The Kingdom of Nariche
Pop: 14 Mil

924: The Commonwealth of Nation20
Pop: 179 Mil

925: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 109
Pop: 114 Mil

926: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 129
Pop: 116 Mil

927: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 133
Pop: 116 Mil

928: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 166
Pop: 117 Mil

929: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 171
Pop: 113 Mil

930: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 174
Pop: 115 Mil

931: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 91
Pop: 108 Mil

932: The Republic of Natunkal
Pop: 130 Mil

933: The Misdemeaning Delinquents of Naughty Catboys
Pop: 8,326 Mil

934: The Holy Empire of Nautae Dei
Pop: 136 Mil

935: The Federal Republic of Neaterion
Pop: 23 Mil

936: The Dictatorship of Necrostan
Pop: 23 Mil

937: The Incorporated States of Neo-Eastlands
Pop: 23 Mil

938: The Free Land of Nepeon
Pop: 50 Mil

939: The Empire of Nether-Germas
Pop: 18 Mil

940: The Democratic States of Neustadt an der Haardt
Pop: 2,586 Mil

941: The Armed Republic of New Asterius
Pop: 726 Mil

942: The Republic of New Ceo
Pop: 1,143 Mil

943: The Kingdom of New Enistron Shy
Pop: 6 Mil

944: The Republic of New Europeia
Pop: 2,048 Mil

945: The Republic of New Finaland
Pop: 484 Mil

946: The Republic of New Gorde
Pop: 98 Mil

947: The Republic of New Guoma
Pop: 8 Mil

948: The Republic of New Halo II
Pop: 640 Mil

949: The Dictatorship of New Hellenic Empire
Pop: 640 Mil

950: The Citizen's Republic of New Islington
Pop: 5,533 Mil

951: The 25 Districts of New Libraria
Pop: 2,569 Mil

952: The Nomadic Peoples of New Moga
Pop: 835 Mil

953: The Kingdom of New Rhodesiaa
Pop: 8 Mil

954: The Community of New Tonian
Pop: 45 Mil

955: The Republic of New Trityle
Pop: 90 Mil

956: The Community of New VDNKh
Pop: 74 Mil

957: The Dominion of New Wimbledon
Pop: 1,368 Mil

958: The United Technocratic States of Nexxus Chroma
Pop: 2,185 Mil

959: The People's Republic of Neyun
Pop: 29 Mil

960: The Republic of Nidhiland
Pop: 50 Mil

961: The Kingdom of Night Mare
Pop: 40 Mil

962: The Federal Republic of Nikomari
Pop: 26 Mil

963: The Federation of Nile sultanate
Pop: 80 Mil

964: The Republic of Ningunner
Pop: 166 Mil

965: The United Socialist States of Nivgrad
Pop: 18,850 Mil

966: The Star Trek Online of Nlhp
Pop: 16,546 Mil

967: The Free Land of Noflyzone
Pop: 26 Mil

968: The Republic of Nomina
Pop: 9 Mil

969: The Republic of Nookie Pookie
Pop: 89 Mil

970: The Republic of Nookie Pookie 9
Pop: 83 Mil

971: The Democratic Republic of Nord Crown
Pop: 18 Mil

972: The Seventh Reich of Nordegard
Pop: 17,940 Mil

973: The Commonwealth of Nordisk States
Pop: 5,856 Mil

974: The Spiritual Community of NormanJackson
Pop: 29,203 Mil

975: The Kingdom of Normcia
Pop: 2,199 Mil

976: The Democratic Republic of Norraenland
Pop: 90 Mil

977: The Federal Republic of Nortgerman
Pop: 1,174 Mil

978: The United States of North Americaaa
Pop: 36 Mil

979: The Empire of North Charn
Pop: 89 Mil

980: The Borderlands of North Larkia
Pop: 235 Mil

981: The People's Republic of North Moskola
Pop: 2,238 Mil

982: The Democratic States of North New Andromeda
Pop: 190 Mil

983: The Democratic Republic of North Yemmerland
Pop: 111 Mil

984: The Disputed Territories of Northeastern Ukraine
Pop: 875 Mil

985: The Republic of Northern Polipen Sen
Pop: 45 Mil

986: The People's Republic of Not Israel
Pop: 8 Mil

987: The Everything's Shiny Cap'n of Not to Fret
Pop: 10,403 Mil

988: The Kingdom of Nothern lands
Pop: 6 Mil

989: The Democratic Republic of Nothinghappend1989
Pop: 32 Mil

990: The Federation of Nouvelle Caledonie Libre
Pop: 40 Mil

991: The Tripartite Kingdom of Nova Angelus
Pop: 6,332 Mil

992: The Republic of Nova Freehold
Pop: 88 Mil

993: The Republic of Nova Leslia
Pop: 74 Mil

994: The Republic of Novana
Pop: 26 Mil

995: The Dictatorship of Noxeon
Pop: 32 Mil

996: The Kingdom of NS Saba
Pop: 103 Mil

997: The Protectorate of Nubbin
Pop: 730 Mil

998: The Federal Republic of Nueva Libertara
Pop: 74 Mil

999: The Empire of Nukerida
Pop: 79 Mil

1000: The United Socialist States of Nusantariaa
Pop: 40 Mil

1001: The Holy Empire of Nythralia
Pop: 80 Mil

1002: The Kingdom of Obdristania
Pop: 95 Mil

1003: The Democratic Republic of Ocasio
Pop: 405 Mil

1004: The Federal Republic of Occiddentia
Pop: 353 Mil

1005: The Constitutional Monarchy of Occidens-Oram
Pop: 98 Mil

1006: The Colony of Ocheao
Pop: 36 Mil

1007: The Republic of Oconee National Forest
Pop: 2,864 Mil

1008: The Democratic Republic of Oestara
Pop: 26 Mil

1009: The Confederacy of Of Independent Systems
Pop: 67 Mil

1010: The Rogue Nation of OhNoOhGodOhJeez
Pop: 50 Mil

1011: The Republic of Oinker Poinkers
Pop: 36 Mil

1012: The Nomadic Peoples of Olde Delaware Jr
Pop: 16,098 Mil

1013: The United States of Olivajones
Pop: 16 Mil

1014: The Sultanate of Oman II
Pop: 20 Mil

1015: The Republic of Omniswarm 4
Pop: 32 Mil

1016: The Pragmatists of Omrudia
Pop: 7,139 Mil

1017: The Fiefdom of Omski
Pop: 1,229 Mil

1018: The Republic of Oof Unity
Pop: 23 Mil

1019: The Republic of Operation Mechstorm 20
Pop: 62 Mil

1020: The Democratic Republic of OpkaskOz
Pop: 36 Mil

1021: The Holy Republic of Orca and Narwhal
Pop: 16,692 Mil

1022: The Republic of Orcinusephant
Pop: 195 Mil

1023: The Federal Republic of Orderast
Pop: 75 Mil

1024: The Colony of Ordo Burgensium
Pop: 14 Mil

1025: The Most Serene Republic of Osick
Pop: 19,646 Mil

1026: The Federation of Oskorasa
Pop: 115 Mil

1027: The Democratic Republic of OstOESTERREICH
Pop: 7 Mil

1028: The Principality of Othinia
Pop: 2,526 Mil

1029: The Allied States of Outer Ceres
Pop: 67 Mil

1030: The Protectorate of Outer Louland
Pop: 16 Mil

1031: The Protectorate of Owl Pellets
Pop: 34,305 Mil

1032: The Queendom of Owsana
Pop: 2,714 Mil

1033: The Federal Republic of Ozturkinya
Pop: 62 Mil

1034: The Republic of Pakistan 55
Pop: 7,931 Mil

1035: The Republic of Palissade
Pop: 371 Mil

1036: The Kingdom of Palle
Pop: 3,997 Mil

1037: The Federal Republic of Pamburg
Pop: 13,620 Mil

1038: The Federation of Pannonia and Dalmatia
Pop: 21,602 Mil

1039: The Empire of Papas pizzialandia
Pop: 6 Mil

1040: The Dominion of Paratian
Pop: 40 Mil

1041: The United States of Park0ur Civilization
Pop: 461 Mil

1042: The Theocracy of Patric Star
Pop: 112 Mil

1043: The Empire of Paulistia
Pop: 173 Mil

1044: The Empire of Pausgordos
Pop: 23 Mil

1045: The Kingdom of Pavehi
Pop: 2,823 Mil

1046: The People's Republic of Pavlov Dogs
Pop: 3,915 Mil

1047: The Federation of Pazhakia
Pop: 2,090 Mil

1048: The Empire of PE-speederestan
Pop: 86 Mil

1049: The Europeian Republic of Penguin Territory
Pop: 20,310 Mil

1050: The High Tech Society of Penlopa
Pop: 5,591 Mil

1051: The Republic of Penyalmar
Pop: 695 Mil

1052: The Federation of Peofeer
Pop: 36 Mil

1053: The Empire of Peoplei
Pop: 10,819 Mil

1054: The Democratic Republic of Percy Potter
Pop: 14 Mil

1055: The Empire of Persono
Pop: 16 Mil

1056: The Confederacy of Petadoxia
Pop: 4,306 Mil

1057: The Commonwealth of Petah the horse is here
Pop: 73 Mil

1058: The Fmr One Update Delegate City of PhDre
Pop: 20,131 Mil

1059: The Fantabulousness of Pichtonia
Pop: 19,336 Mil

1060: The Commonwealth of Pichvi
Pop: 642 Mil

1061: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pilisjaszfalu-Hungary
Pop: 335 Mil

1062: The Democratic States of Piltoversm
Pop: 14 Mil

1063: The United Kingdom of Pioneer Republic
Pop: 29 Mil

1064: The Kingdom of Pipiteeland
Pop: 40 Mil

1065: The Grand Duchy of Pirataria
Pop: 17,190 Mil

1066: The United States of Plan Ris
Pop: 36 Mil

1067: The Glorious Republic of Pland Adanna
Pop: 8,923 Mil

1068: The Republic of Planet Westerland
Pop: 576 Mil

1069: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs115
Pop: 40 Mil

1070: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs169
Pop: 40 Mil

1071: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs171
Pop: 40 Mil

1072: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs178
Pop: 40 Mil

1073: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs195
Pop: 40 Mil

1074: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs223
Pop: 40 Mil

1075: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs232
Pop: 40 Mil

1076: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs236
Pop: 40 Mil

1077: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs270
Pop: 40 Mil

1078: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs276
Pop: 40 Mil

1079: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs283
Pop: 40 Mil

1080: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs305
Pop: 40 Mil

1081: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs308
Pop: 40 Mil

1082: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs309
Pop: 40 Mil

1083: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs32
Pop: 40 Mil

1084: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs335
Pop: 40 Mil

1085: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs6
Pop: 40 Mil

1086: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs67
Pop: 40 Mil

1087: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs99
Pop: 40 Mil

1088: The Republic of Poera Craninasmstand
Pop: 6 Mil

1089: The Republic of Polandrus
Pop: 7 Mil

1090: The Confederacy of Polgantshireeropia
Pop: 80 Mil

1091: The Holy Empire of POLISH EMPIRE IS NOT SIGMA
Pop: 14 Mil

1092: The Republic of Polish-America
Pop: 491 Mil

1093: The Harry friggin Styles of Polite Penguin
Pop: 9,649 Mil

1094: The Democratic Republic of Polkia
Pop: 244 Mil

1095: The Federation of Polling Booths
Pop: 20,770 Mil

1096: The Democratic Republic of Poloki
Pop: 1,568 Mil

1097: The Protectorate of Polyamma
Pop: 109 Mil

1098: The Europeian Cliccyist Kingdom of Pomerena
Pop: 4,793 Mil

1099: The Commonwealth of Poox4
Pop: 20 Mil

1100: The United Kingdom of Popadopalus
Pop: 40 Mil

1101: The Kingdom of Portucale-
Pop: 29 Mil

1102: The Republic of Pragmatot
Pop: 62 Mil

1103: The People's Republic of Pragnosia
Pop: 3,433 Mil

1104: The Void of Precisely Nothing
Pop: 28,209 Mil

1105: The Republic of Prekosjuva
Pop: 14 Mil

1106: The People's Republic of Pridusoman
Pop: 93 Mil

1107: The Seaside Republic of Primorye Oblast
Pop: 15,641 Mil

1108: The Sultanate of Prince Ahmed Bin Ladin III
Pop: 173 Mil

1109: The United States of Propitze
Pop: 6 Mil

1110: The D?mocratique Socialiste of Prov
Pop: 8,347 Mil

1111: The Commonwealth of PRPistan
Pop: 217 Mil

1112: The Democratic Republic of Ptakria
Pop: 4,883 Mil

1113: The Dictatorship of Puddles Badaboom
Pop: 8,942 Mil

1114: The Republic of Pulling Legs
Pop: 7,157 Mil

1115: The Commonwealth of Pulopulo
Pop: 478 Mil

1116: The Colony of Puppet de Lucas
Pop: 13,142 Mil

1117: The Rogue Nation of Puppets are complicated CIV
Pop: 333 Mil

1118: The Federal Republic of Puppets are complicated LXXVII
Pop: 347 Mil

1119: The Sultanate of Puppets are complicated XCIX
Pop: 346 Mil

1120: The Dictatorship of Purple orutj
Pop: 14 Mil

1121: The Free Republic of Pushistia
Pop: 2,067 Mil

1122: The Principality of Pychto
Pop: 13,970 Mil

1123: The Rogue Nation of Qa1
Pop: 6 Mil

1124: The Armed Republic of Qafianitehariord
Pop: 18 Mil

1125: The Federal Republic of Qali
Pop: 864 Mil

1126: The Republic of Qatar I
Pop: 20 Mil

1127: The Empire of Qawsedcrfghbjn
Pop: 6 Mil

1128: The Republic of Qe-33
Pop: 172 Mil

1129: The Republic of Qe-4
Pop: 171 Mil

1130: The Republic of Qe-56
Pop: 111 Mil

1131: The Republic of Qe-98
Pop: 113 Mil

1132: The Empire of Qerzena
Pop: 26 Mil

1133: The Queendom of Quendingle
Pop: 95 Mil

1134: The People's Republic of Questcan
Pop: 105 Mil

1135: The Colony of QuietDad of Europeia
Pop: 14,781 Mil

1136: The Incorporated States of QuietNation2
Pop: 19,060 Mil

1137: The Principality of Qultan
Pop: 266 Mil

1138: The United States of RAAAAAHHHHHH
Pop: 14 Mil

1139: The Leporid Utopia of Rabiit
Pop: 942 Mil

1140: The Holy Empire of Radagons Golden Order
Pop: 78 Mil

1141: The Republic of Rafael Antonio Barreto
Pop: 81 Mil

1142: The Kingdom of Ramvash
Pop: 50 Mil

1143: The Empire of Rapholberland
Pop: 32 Mil

1144: The Lutheran State of Rasamanaka
Pop: 3,479 Mil

1145: The GREATEST LGBTQIA SWIFTIE ??? of Raustria
Pop: 5,505 Mil

1146: The Confederacy of Raustria and Kyivslavia
Pop: 925 Mil

1147: The Federation of Raustria Card Farming
Pop: 283 Mil

1148: The Constitutional Monarchy of Raustrian Alt
Pop: 540 Mil

1149: The Bronze Kingdom of Ravenna Realm
Pop: 3,343 Mil

1150: The Holy Empire of Rawar Fre
Pop: 7 Mil

1151: The Constitutional Monarchy of Really long name hahahaha afahdudjfififi
Pop: 62 Mil

1152: The Community of Rearg
Pop: 36 Mil

1153: The Federation of Reborn Aliward
Pop: 160 Mil

1154: The Monopoly of Recep T Erdogan
Pop: 3,514 Mil

1155: The Republic of Recongoria
Pop: 80 Mil

1156: The Kingdom of Rectitudia
Pop: 184 Mil

1157: The Union of Reddacilee
Pop: 5,565 Mil

1158: The United Republic of Reformed Just Shapes and Beats
Pop: 11,417 Mil

1159: The Empire of Reformed Lowns Stipte
Pop: 23 Mil

1160: The Community of Reformed Sonania
Pop: 160 Mil

1161: The Republic of Registe
Pop: 109 Mil

1162: The Dictatorship of Register nation
Pop: 6 Mil

1163: The Constitutional Monarchy of Relidge
Pop: 7 Mil

1164: The Holy Empire of Remac Insen Ian
Pop: 16 Mil

1165: The Democratic Republic of Remeandia
Pop: 80 Mil

1166: The Republic of Remembria
Pop: 11,148 Mil

1167: The Confederacy of Renegade Duchies
Pop: 270 Mil

1168: The Empire of Rensias
Pop: 23 Mil

1169: The Republic of Republic Of Bruhlandis
Pop: 10,330 Mil

1170: The Community of Republic of Crylandia
Pop: 45 Mil

1171: The Republic of Republic Of Khafristan
Pop: 303 Mil

1172: The Republic of Republic of New Hunchween
Pop: 32 Mil

1173: The Community of Republic of Turkiye
Pop: 498 Mil

1174: The Republic of Republica de la Costa Soleada
Pop: 4,417 Mil

1175: The Republic of Republican Greenland
Pop: 12 Mil

1176: The Theocracy of Respectener
Pop: 35,117 Mil

1177: The Imperial Ambassador of Reyaka
Pop: 2,122 Mil

1178: The Queendom of Reynnakia
Pop: 14 Mil

1179: The Republic of Rink
Pop: 12 Mil

1180: The Republic of RiStark
Pop: 40 Mil

1181: The Dictatorship of Rizhigan
Pop: 358 Mil

1182: The Fiefdom of Rocre Galt
Pop: 3,242 Mil

1183: The Republic of Roesquai
Pop: 125 Mil

1184: The Empire of Rolopolis
Pop: 7 Mil

Pop: 24,981 Mil

1186: The Kingdom of Roman SPQR
Pop: 526 Mil

1187: The Commonwealth of Roscomas
Pop: 98 Mil

1188: The Empire of Roseach
Pop: 5,001 Mil

1189: The Free Land of Rosleergungenthevia
Pop: 6 Mil

1190: The Holy Empire of Rostoviant
Pop: 62 Mil

1191: The Loving State of Rotasu
Pop: 7,259 Mil

1192: The Player behind Rotenaplistan of Rotenaple
Pop: 1,139 Mil

1193: The Empire of Roti land
Pop: 32 Mil

1194: The Republic of Roundout
Pop: 32 Mil

1195: The Kingdom of Royal Walland
Pop: 56 Mil

1196: The Empire of Rubezahlland
Pop: 6 Mil

1197: The Emirate of Rubidianos
Pop: 45 Mil

1198: The Federal Republic of Rugiony
Pop: 199 Mil

1199: The Federal Republic of Ruhrinia
Pop: 1,339 Mil

1200: The Emirate of Rukuthal
Pop: 92 Mil

1201: The Federation of Ruznavia
Pop: 20 Mil

1202: The Constitutional Monarchy of Rzeczpospolita Polsko-litewska
Pop: 10 Mil

1203: The National People's Republic of S state
Pop: 1,712 Mil

1204: The Queendom of Sabrina Morningstar
Pop: 491 Mil

1205: The Republic of Sacui
Pop: 191 Mil

1206: The Cymdōm of Saexeland and Gymbria
Pop: 2,043 Mil

1207: The Republic of Sagittarius A Star
Pop: 4,229 Mil

1208: The People's Republic of Saint Acy Fellania
Pop: 99 Mil

1209: The Fiefdom of Saint Buckphree
Pop: 23 Mil

1210: The Republic of Saint Dan Rayommyia
Pop: 23 Mil

1211: The Republic of Saint Hah Gorianiatopia
Pop: 45 Mil

1212: The Colony of Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
Pop: 1,420 Mil

1213: The Federation of Saint Yeiphata
Pop: 36 Mil

1214: The Federation of Salem Central
Pop: 6 Mil

1215: The Republic of Samaritan Empire
Pop: 112 Mil

1216: The Republic of Sami State I
Pop: 20 Mil

1217: The Mercantile Coalition League of Samuelstani
Pop: 21,248 Mil

1218: The Republic of SAn Avelino
Pop: 107 Mil

1219: The Federation of Sanctae Americae
Pop: 525 Mil

1220: The Blossom of Sanjurika
Pop: 18,159 Mil

1221: The Republic of Sanupperin
Pop: 100 Mil

1222: The Republic of Sanzik
Pop: 1,451 Mil

1223: The Most Serene Republic of Sarrali
Pop: 82 Mil

1224: The Most Serene Republic of Sartaria
Pop: 18,602 Mil

1225: The Grand Duchy of Saruha
Pop: 23 Mil

1226: The Kingdom of Savakonland
Pop: 8 Mil

1227: The United Socialist States of Sayabrask
Pop: 86 Mil

1228: The Empire of Scaletta
Pop: 12,952 Mil

1229: The Empire of Scarbaren
Pop: 18 Mil

1230: The Most Serene Republic of Scarefield
Pop: 951 Mil

1231: The Republic of Scher All
Pop: 26 Mil

1232: The United States of Scorigami
Pop: 453 Mil

1233: The People's Republic of Sealae
Pop: 7 Mil

1234: The Federal Republic of Sebaa
Pop: 7,127 Mil

1235: The Constitutional Monarchy of Seetonia
Pop: 8 Mil

1236: The Empire of Segenipe
Pop: 3,188 Mil

1237: The Kingdom of Selorvania
Pop: 387 Mil

1238: The Republic of Seluk
Pop: 85 Mil

1239: The Commonwealth of Semperse
Pop: 23 Mil

1240: The Republic of Senyanm
Pop: 8 Mil

1241: The Republic of Sepandal
Pop: 179 Mil

1242: The Borderlands of Serbian Carstvo
Pop: 165 Mil

1243: The Sultanate of Serendib Efreet
Pop: 12,168 Mil

1244: The Community of Serpents Collective
Pop: 112 Mil

1245: The Holy golden Imperium of Serturasi
Pop: 1,016 Mil

1246: The Republic of Setisan
Pop: 29 Mil

1247: The United States of Setopia
Pop: 129 Mil

1248: The Incorporated States of Shanerzczcyk
Pop: 12 Mil

1249: The Republic of Sharktopiaa
Pop: 18 Mil

1250: The Community of Sharkville
Pop: 3,668 Mil

1251: The Rogue Nation of Shein Workshops
Pop: 290 Mil

1252: The Confederacy of Shelinia
Pop: 26 Mil

1253: The Federal Republic of Sheydan
Pop: 6,090 Mil

1254: The Empire of Shialtra
Pop: 50 Mil

1255: The Armed Republic of Shigurai
Pop: 793 Mil

1256: The Federal Republic of Shiondis
Pop: 14 Mil

1257: The Republic of Ship51
Pop: 169 Mil

1258: The Loving Couple of Shipping-Fan-
Pop: 8,477 Mil

1259: The United States of Shivani P
Pop: 16 Mil

1260: The Republic of Shlen
Pop: 90 Mil

1261: The Armed Republic of Shokavuti
Pop: 903 Mil

1262: The Republic of Siciaples
Pop: 16 Mil

1263: The Theocracy of Simp leo
Pop: 69 Mil

1264: The Record-Scratchin' Robot of Sincluda
Pop: 7,087 Mil

1265: The Republic of Siskiyou National Forest
Pop: 2,846 Mil

1266: The Imperiums Legion of Skall
Pop: 697 Mil

1267: The Borderlands of Skouq swurg
Pop: 91 Mil

1268: The Emerald Emperor of SkyGreen
Pop: 1,154 Mil

1269: The Republic of Slir
Pop: 45 Mil

1270: The People's Republic of Sludged
Pop: 45 Mil

1271: The United States of Smarty Island
Pop: 40 Mil

1272: The Kingdom of SMI71029
Pop: 56 Mil

1273: The Rogue Nation of SnorkSnork
Pop: 69 Mil

1274: The Allied States of Soarnalia
Pop: 14 Mil

1275: The Republic of Socialdemocratish Prompt
Pop: 220 Mil

1276: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Eurpan
Pop: 93 Mil

1277: The Republic of Solarex
Pop: 10 Mil

1278: The Republic of Solcarra
Pop: 12 Mil

1279: The Republic of Solveig
Pop: 1,670 Mil

1280: The Republic of Somalia Jr
Pop: 16 Mil

1281: The Free Dominion of Somersetshire
Pop: 36,270 Mil

1282: The Dictatorship of Soniff Crosistan
Pop: 90 Mil

1283: The Federal Republic of SoulthPort
Pop: 621 Mil

1284: The Protectorate of South Islangarade
Pop: 2,033 Mil

1285: The Principality of South Saba
Pop: 29 Mil

1286: The Free Land of South Wichita
Pop: 14 Mil

1287: The Goldblumian State of Southwestern Germany
Pop: 20,987 Mil

1288: The United Socialist States of Sovern Socialist Republics
Pop: 29 Mil

1289: The Oppressed Peoples of Sovia Tiranna
Pop: 62 Mil

1290: The Empire of Soviet Onionaters
Pop: 174 Mil

1291: The United Socialist States of Sovietites
Pop: 735 Mil

1292: The Dictatorship of Sozialistische Angmar
Pop: 36 Mil

1293: The Democratic States of Spanesien
Pop: 56 Mil

1294: The Free Land of Spikea
Pop: 9 Mil

1295: The Kingdom of Spleden
Pop: 69 Mil

1296: The Empire of Spuzz City
Pop: 1,170 Mil

1297: The Republic of Sroveritais
Pop: 9 Mil

1298: The Republic of Sta Dela Canumpickan
Pop: 103 Mil

1299: The LordNwahs Alt of Staggered Treatments
Pop: 860 Mil

1300: The Republic of Star Gate
Pop: 5,265 Mil

1301: The Kingdom of Star Haia Kenjity
Pop: 10 Mil

1302: The United Socialist States of State Committee for Emergency Situations
Pop: 14 Mil

1303: The Sultanate of Statelmistan
Pop: 386 Mil

1304: The Former Land of Cartographers of Stefoland
Pop: 7,304 Mil

1305: The Constitutional Monarchy of Steinmark
Pop: 16 Mil

1306: The Imperial Federation of Steium
Pop: 11,216 Mil

1307: The Republic of Stellaria Pietropole
Pop: 8 Mil

1308: The Empire of Steveland jack black
Pop: 7 Mil

1309: The People's Republic of Storma
Pop: 12 Mil

1310: The Republic of Straband
Pop: 187 Mil

1311: The Symphonic Republic of Stradivarius
Pop: 1,161 Mil

1312: The Empire of Strongdefense
Pop: 20 Mil

1313: The United States of Studenteachia
Pop: 7 Mil

1314: The United Kingdom of Stuvan-Kayirama
Pop: 12 Mil

1315: The Democratic Republic of Sudicomate
Pop: 18 Mil

1316: The Allied States of Sudmaria
Pop: 74 Mil

1317: The Holy Empire of Suloman
Pop: 110 Mil

1318: The Protectorate of Supramassa
Pop: 6 Mil

1319: The Empire of Surbiaa
Pop: 78 Mil

1320: The Republic of Sus OwO maka in Euro Nya
Pop: 4,708 Mil

1321: The Republic of SusanneMariaPula
Pop: 9,380 Mil

1322: The Free Land of Sustainabilia
Pop: 273 Mil

1323: The Principality of Suthena
Pop: 4,128 Mil

1324: The Chivalric Order of Svelande
Pop: 3,026 Mil

1325: The Kingdom of Svendenborg
Pop: 228 Mil

1326: The Very Pleasant Land of Sweet Cakes and Milkshakes
Pop: 2,994 Mil

1327: The Empire of Swivelania
Pop: 32 Mil

1328: The Republic of Sybaril
Pop: 27,891 Mil

1329: The Alvvays Obsessed Nation of Sydialis
Pop: 9,451 Mil

1330: The Commonwealth of Symuros
Pop: 103 Mil

1331: The Queendom of Syrian Amiralia
Pop: 8 Mil

1332: The Commonwealth of Syrienx
Pop: 18 Mil

1333: The Polska Kolonia of Szczawnica
Pop: 1,863 Mil

1334: The Republic of Tacania
Pop: 114 Mil

1335: The Democratic Republic of Tacoton
Pop: 372 Mil

1336: The Kingdom of Tai Ahom
Pop: 50 Mil

1337: The Shien of Takamasa
Pop: 1,822 Mil

1338: The Federation of Takine
Pop: 26 Mil

1339: The Holy Empire of Taneshtopia
Pop: 12 Mil

1340: The Democratic States of Tantrania
Pop: 145 Mil

1341: The Theocracy of Taojing
Pop: 6 Mil

1342: The Kingdom of Tarbar
Pop: 56 Mil

1343: The Free Land of Tarichania
Pop: 17,431 Mil

1344: The Republic of Tarradicia
Pop: 2,128 Mil

1345: The Empire of Taurien
Pop: 8 Mil

1346: The Dictatorship of Taxation for communisum
Pop: 453 Mil

1347: The People's Republic of Taykalla
Pop: 105 Mil

1348: The Democratic Republic of TBA
Pop: 26,276 Mil

1349: The Republic of Tchicago
Pop: 62 Mil

1350: The Empire of Tecnocracy Brazil
Pop: 100 Mil

1351: The Republic of Teddybear69
Pop: 40 Mil

1352: The Holy Empire of Tefedern
Pop: 62 Mil

1353: The Dictatorship of Temporium Tempo
Pop: 813 Mil

1354: The Republic of Teodorea
Pop: 112 Mil

1355: The Federal Republic of Terasia
Pop: 1,135 Mil

1356: The Federation of Terosi
Pop: 783 Mil

1357: The Dominion of Ters Khus
Pop: 3,400 Mil

1358: The Republic of Tethys
Pop: 2,045 Mil

1359: The Theocracy of Texaskan Colonies 15
Pop: 1,348 Mil

1360: The Grand Duchy of Texel and Vlieland
Pop: 646 Mil

1361: The United Kingdom of Tgv124
Pop: 94 Mil

1362: The United Kingdom of Tgv135
Pop: 93 Mil

1363: The United Kingdom of Tgv147
Pop: 94 Mil

1364: The United Kingdom of Tgv195
Pop: 90 Mil

1365: The United Kingdom of Tgv216
Pop: 92 Mil

1366: The United Kingdom of Tgv24
Pop: 92 Mil

1367: The United Kingdom of Tgv283
Pop: 90 Mil

1368: The United Kingdom of Tgv320
Pop: 91 Mil

1369: The United Kingdom of Tgv367
Pop: 93 Mil

1370: The United Kingdom of Tgv376
Pop: 93 Mil

1371: The United Kingdom of Tgv388
Pop: 92 Mil

1372: The United Kingdom of Tgv398
Pop: 93 Mil

1373: The United Kingdom of Tgv4
Pop: 92 Mil

1374: The United Kingdom of Tgv453
Pop: 93 Mil

1375: The United Kingdom of Tgv460
Pop: 93 Mil

1376: The United Kingdom of Tgv466
Pop: 94 Mil

1377: The United Kingdom of Tgv472
Pop: 86 Mil

1378: The United Kingdom of Tgv71
Pop: 90 Mil

1379: The United Kingdom of Tgv8
Pop: 92 Mil

1380: The United Kingdom of Tgv84
Pop: 93 Mil

1381: The United Kingdom of Tgv88
Pop: 93 Mil

1382: The United Kingdom of Tgv89
Pop: 92 Mil

1383: The United Kingdom of Thalophanos
Pop: 193 Mil

1384: The Democratic States of Thaumania
Pop: 7,237 Mil

1385: The Rogue Nation of The Allied Master Computer
Pop: 29 Mil

1386: The Protectorate of The Aurtarian Regency
Pop: 248 Mil

1387: The People's Republic of The bracklands
Pop: 18 Mil

1388: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Caer Sterlavaevia
Pop: 103 Mil

1389: The United Confederacy of The Caspian States
Pop: 1,873 Mil

1390: The Armed Republic of The Centrist Nation of Taxation
Pop: 7 Mil

1391: The Republic of The Chancellery
Pop: 36 Mil

1392: The People's Republic of The Chizan
Pop: 477 Mil

1393: The Republic of The commonwealth of four nations
Pop: 14 Mil

1394: The Community of The Coo
Pop: 92 Mil

1395: The Democratic Republic of The Crescere Concord
Pop: 18,355 Mil

1396: The Federal Republic of The Czechoslovak United Communist States
Pop: 40 Mil

1397: The Republic of The Democratic Brazilian Empire
Pop: 951 Mil

1398: The Dictatorship of The Democratic North Sudan
Pop: 62 Mil

1399: The Federal Republic of The Deutsches Volksreich
Pop: 56 Mil

1400: The Empire of The Duck Empire
Pop: 50 Mil

1401: The Panegyrists of The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation
Pop: 1,277 Mil

1402: The Publishing Office of The Europeian Government
Pop: 1,288 Mil

1403: The Armed Republic of The Faithful Revolution
Pop: 98 Mil

1404: The Federal Republic of The Federated Republic of Ninivan
Pop: 116 Mil

1405: The Empire of The Federated States of Germania
Pop: 2,383 Mil

1406: The Empire of The Floridian Citizens
Pop: 99 Mil

1407: The Federation of The Free Belarusian Peoples
Pop: 224 Mil

1408: The Republic of The Frontier Consortium
Pop: 88 Mil

1409: The Allied States of The Galactic Union of Systems
Pop: 238 Mil

1410: The Disputed Territories of The Goose Republic
Pop: 186 Mil

1411: The United Kingdom of The Great Gryzlovskaya of the Zhyrobasov
Pop: 286 Mil

1412: The Federation of The Greater Terran Union
Pop: 86 Mil

1413: The United Socialist States of The Hamlet Estate
Pop: 26 Mil

1414: The Democratic Republic of The Heisenberg
Pop: 107 Mil

1415: The United Kingdom of The Helepinose
Pop: 40 Mil

1416: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Hinterplace
Pop: 10,149 Mil

1417: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Hol Gressingtongtont
Pop: 108 Mil

1418: The Republic of The hungry for cards nation of LJM
Pop: 23 Mil

1419: The Dictatorship of The Italian Facist State
Pop: 6 Mil

1420: The Dominion of The Kronos System
Pop: 280 Mil

1421: The Republic of The Lawyer
Pop: 20,209 Mil

1422: The Republic of The Liberal United States
Pop: 56 Mil

1423: The Allied States of THE LIGHT REPUBLIC
Pop: 62 Mil

1424: The Most Serene Republic of The Local Walmart Supercenter
Pop: 20 Mil

1425: The Democratic Republic of The main land of Heavens union
Pop: 2,774 Mil

1426: The IInd French Empire of The Marseille
Pop: 2,157 Mil

1427: The People's Republic of The Meen
Pop: 7 Mil

1428: The Beartopia of The Nation of the People of the Nation
Pop: 14,172 Mil

1429: The Allied States of The Neo American Federation
Pop: 710 Mil

1430: The Free Land of The NeoGerman republic
Pop: 16 Mil

1431: The Protectorate of The Netherlands Islands
Pop: 56 Mil

1432: The Republic of The New Nationalist Party of Canada
Pop: 18 Mil

1433: The Commonwealth of The new walish
Pop: 40 Mil

1434: The Democratic Republic of The Nganda
Pop: 40 Mil

1435: The United Socialist States of The North American Republic
Pop: 490 Mil

1436: The Republic of The North Korean Djiboutis
Pop: 67 Mil

1437: The Empire of The Old Imperium
Pop: 141 Mil

1438: The United States of The Pacific wasten
Pop: 45 Mil

1439: The Holy Empire of The Phoenix Imperium
Pop: 206 Mil

1440: The Nomadic Peoples of The pimpleoncarlysforehead
Pop: 7 Mil

1441: The Weather Machine of The Rain Maker
Pop: 13,229 Mil

1442: The Officers of The Regional Security Council
Pop: 3,141 Mil

1443: The Royal Dominion of The Republic of Elegance
Pop: 22,605 Mil

1444: The Most Serene Republic of The Rifles Republic
Pop: 12 Mil

1445: The Republic of The Russian Americas
Pop: 62 Mil

1446: The United States of The ScordXeuros
Pop: 7 Mil

1447: The Shadow Wizard Money Gang of The Shadow-Wizard-Money-Gang
Pop: 3,579 Mil

1448: The Democratic Republic of The Sovereign States
Pop: 1,893 Mil

1449: The Confederation of The Steam-Gardens
Pop: 4,661 Mil

1450: The Kingdom of The storage nation 282
Pop: 106 Mil

1451: The People's Republic of The Stumbler
Pop: 6 Mil

1452: The Republic of The Trigon
Pop: 23 Mil

1453: The Ancient Trojan Kingdom of The Troad
Pop: 1,034 Mil

1454: The Protectorate of The UK of greater Silesia and lusatia
Pop: 36 Mil

1455: The Federation of The Ultra Society
Pop: 1,221 Mil

1456: The Free Land of The Unfrees
Pop: 29 Mil

1457: The Office of The Union Ambassador of XKI
Pop: 6,266 Mil

1458: The ♚ Royal Empire ♚ of The United Ariabics
Pop: 2,802 Mil

1459: The Sultanate of The United Ottoman State
Pop: 365 Mil

1460: The Breath of the Wild of The United Peoples of Centrism
Pop: 12,411 Mil

1461: The Dictatorship of The United Sovereign State
Pop: 3,893 Mil

1462: The United States of The United States Of Pluristan
Pop: 372 Mil

1463: The Holy Empire of The Vlandian States
Pop: 45 Mil

1464: The Armed Republic of The Volcanic States of Ireland
Pop: 14 Mil

1465: The Colony of The Washington Europeiation
Pop: 626 Mil

1466: The Holy Empire of The Woven
Pop: 9 Mil

1467: The Democratic Republic of The zilonailus
Pop: 12 Mil

1468: The Democratic States of Theap Navagand
Pop: 36 Mil

1469: The Holy Empire of TheGrandWizardKlan
Pop: 9 Mil

1470: The Federal Republic of TheKSC
Pop: 32 Mil

1471: The Principality of Thia Therbiestatascais
Pop: 74 Mil

1472: The Republic of Thibetum
Pop: 92 Mil

1473: The Armed Republic of This Empty Northern Tavern
Pop: 174 Mil

1474: The This Is True of This Is True
Pop: 1,207 Mil

1475: The Republic of Thisisahotnationname
Pop: 2,204 Mil

1476: The Republic of Thobilo
Pop: 7 Mil

1477: The Republic of Thorain
Pop: 764 Mil

1478: The Commonwealth of Thoribect
Pop: 16 Mil

1479: The Democratic States of Thorne Zytkow
Pop: 281 Mil

1480: The Titanium of Ti
Pop: 16,623 Mil

1481: The Republic of Tiaus
Pop: 80 Mil

1482: The Republic of Tiavaj
Pop: 62 Mil

1483: The Democratic Republic of Ticu
Pop: 16 Mil

1484: The United States of Tilde and Hobbes
Pop: 23 Mil

1485: The Kingdom of Tilendria
Pop: 1,956 Mil

1486: The Socialist Timothee Fanatics of Timothee Chalamet
Pop: 626 Mil

1487: The Commonwealth of Tirichia
Pop: 417 Mil

1488: The Armed Republic of Toramiko
Pop: 742 Mil

1489: The Dictatorship of Torexxia
Pop: 20 Mil

1490: The Republic of Tortugus
Pop: 375 Mil

1491: The Republic of Totally Not Cuba
Pop: 82 Mil

1492: The Democratic Kingdom of Trackeendy
Pop: 40,501 Mil

1493: The Holy Empire of Transsylvanien
Pop: 23 Mil

1494: The Federal Republic of Trapezuntine States
Pop: 707 Mil

1495: The Federation of Travellan States
Pop: 26 Mil

1496: The Democratic Republic of Traxonia
Pop: 36 Mil

1497: The Most Serene Republic of Tre Venesie
Pop: 12,314 Mil

1498: The Republic of Trealleveyvad
Pop: 6 Mil

1499: The Confederated Districts of Treir
Pop: 16,675 Mil

1500: The Union of Tri Ann
Pop: 2,602 Mil

1501: The Republic of Tribe of demo
Pop: 56 Mil

1502: The Federation of Trimarium
Pop: 15,735 Mil

1503: The Empire of Trinestan
Pop: 18 Mil

1504: The United Kingdom of Triports
Pop: 3,548 Mil

1505: The Republic of Trippani
Pop: 298 Mil

1506: The Free Land of True Noordelijk
Pop: 10 Mil

1507: The Dominion of True Perfection
Pop: 98 Mil

1508: The Federation of Tryonia
Pop: 3,972 Mil

1509: The Republic of TSU Notso
Pop: 237 Mil

1510: The Republic of Turkao
Pop: 9 Mil

1511: The Democratic Republic of Turkiston Jumhuriyati
Pop: 12 Mil

1512: The Republic of Turtchie
Pop: 395 Mil

1513: The Dominion of Twilight Imperium
Pop: 25,733 Mil

1514: The Federation of Tylantistan
Pop: 67 Mil

1515: The Republic of Tylee
Pop: 87 Mil

1516: The Community of Tyranko
Pop: 32 Mil

1517: The Empire of Tyranny or Nothing
Pop: 18 Mil

1518: The Democratic Republic of Tyyrani
Pop: 367 Mil

1519: The Republic of Ui Imair
Pop: 3,472 Mil

1520: The Kingdom of Uiralth
Pop: 2,331 Mil

1521: The United Kingdom of Ujn205
Pop: 179 Mil

1522: The Empire of Ulms space empire
Pop: 79 Mil

1523: The Republic of Umali
Pop: 8 Mil

1524: The Republic of Umtyad
Pop: 82 Mil

1525: The Community of Umville
Pop: 62 Mil

1526: The Federal Republic of Un Madrid Libre
Pop: 242 Mil

1527: The Republic of Unapia
Pop: 72 Mil

1528: The Federation of Undstam
Pop: 480 Mil

1529: The Kingdom of Unguibus Lacertis
Pop: 246 Mil

1530: The Holy Empire of Unholy Hell
Pop: 3,336 Mil

1531: The Constitutional Monarchy of Unia Vilace
Pop: 23 Mil

1532: The Republic of Uniduchik Leeia
Pop: 9 Mil

1533: The Colony of Union 1
Pop: 496 Mil

1534: The Commonwealth of Union Princes
Pop: 15,946 Mil

1535: The Democratic States of Unionsburger
Pop: 1,652 Mil

1536: The Social Republic of Unisteia
Pop: 29,698 Mil

1537: The Armed Republic of Unitary Republic Of Sordland
Pop: 18 Mil

1538: The Armed Republic of United Ame Batroy
Pop: 20 Mil

1539: The Federal Republic of United American Regions
Pop: 16,498 Mil

1540: The Allied States of United Atonympalkins
Pop: 1,641 Mil

1541: The Empire of United baltistates
Pop: 9 Mil

1542: The Federation of United Brietzen States
Pop: 124 Mil

1543: The Dictatorship of United For Paterderielhe
Pop: 79 Mil

1544: The Jingoistic States of United Fortherst Therah
Pop: 108 Mil

1545: The Federal Republic of United Germany and Austria
Pop: 45 Mil

1546: The Kongeriket of United Northen States Canada
Pop: 18,571 Mil

1547: The Republic of United Provinces Of Sylaystan
Pop: 45 Mil

1548: The Federal Republic of United Representative States of New Hold
Pop: 56 Mil

1549: The Theocracy of United Republic of Tiptonia
Pop: 255 Mil

1550: The Empire of United shops of tesco
Pop: 62 Mil

1551: The Federation of United Song
Pop: 95 Mil

1552: The Continental Federation of United Sovereign Republics
Pop: 3,273 Mil

1553: The Allied States of United State of Alabama
Pop: 6 Mil

1554: The Liberationist Union of United Vietussia
Pop: 20,135 Mil

1555: The Armed Republic of Universania
Pop: 137 Mil

1556: The United Tsardom of Unogonduria
Pop: 4,645 Mil

1557: The Undying Dynasty of UPC
Pop: 5,640 Mil

1558: The Card Silo of UPC Storage Nation 1
Pop: 8,453 Mil

1559: The Artificial Ignorance of UPC-3PO
Pop: 7,023 Mil

1560: The Republic of Upper Terth Anason
Pop: 8 Mil

1561: The Rogue Nation of Ur Momma
Pop: 62 Mil

1562: The Deadly Radioactive Element of Uranium-233
Pop: 1,014 Mil

1563: The Almondic Herald of Urduvan Sultanate
Pop: 4,727 Mil

1564: The Network of Usenet
Pop: 5,556 Mil

1565: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams III
Pop: 229 Mil

1566: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams IX
Pop: 229 Mil

1567: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams V
Pop: 228 Mil

1568: The Democratic Republic of Utopolia
Pop: 8 Mil

1569: The People's Republic of Utopolis Nova
Pop: 9 Mil

1570: The Kingdom of Vaelika
Pop: 20 Mil

1571: The Democratic Republic of Vak Ani
Pop: 6 Mil

1572: The Republic of Valdrun
Pop: 18 Mil

1573: The Kingdom of Valkar kingdom
Pop: 8 Mil

1574: The Armed Republic of Vallahan union
Pop: 29 Mil

1575: The Federal Republic of Vallospia
Pop: 1,747 Mil

1576: The Free Land of Valshain
Pop: 117 Mil

1577: The Federal Republic of Vape of Good Hope
Pop: 15,500 Mil

1578: The Armed Republic of Vapitori
Pop: 785 Mil

1579: The Armed Republic of Varimatsu
Pop: 766 Mil

1580: The Kingdom of Vaskir
Pop: 18 Mil

1581: The Republic of Vcc002
Pop: 334 Mil

1582: The Republic of Vcc108
Pop: 332 Mil

1583: The Republic of Velo38
Pop: 867 Mil

1584: The Republic of Velo55
Pop: 869 Mil

1585: The Republic of Velo94
Pop: 671 Mil

1586: The Republic of Velocromia
Pop: 219 Mil

1587: The Republic of Verena and Morr
Pop: 67 Mil

1588: The Constitutional Monarchy of Verenigd Vlaanderen
Pop: 270 Mil

1589: The Democratic States of Verikanesia
Pop: 6 Mil

1590: The People's Republic of Vespetian
Pop: 10 Mil

1591: The Federal Republic of Veyratha
Pop: 98 Mil

1592: The Holy Purple Empire of Vhearun
Pop: 24,084 Mil

1593: The Empire of Vicoria
Pop: 303 Mil

1594: The Dictatorship of Viele Fres
Pop: 355 Mil

1595: The Republic of Vielu
Pop: 192 Mil

1596: The Empire of Vigo the Carpathian
Pop: 1,680 Mil

1597: The Democratic Republic of Villay
Pop: 45 Mil

1598: The Oppressed Peoples of Vimonicanive
Pop: 356 Mil

1599: The People's Republic of Vinchandia
Pop: 40 Mil

1600: The Theocracy of Viscexa
Pop: 14 Mil

1601: The Armed Republic of Vivarex
Pop: 170 Mil

1602: The Republic of VladimirPutin
Pop: 13,005 Mil

1603: The Big Family of Vlazinova
Pop: 14,226 Mil

1604: The Empire of Vlkoria
Pop: 88 Mil

1605: The Empire of Vloronian
Pop: 36 Mil

1606: The Protectorate of Voice of Akasha 14
Pop: 62 Mil

1607: The Federation of Voice of Akasha 39
Pop: 62 Mil

1608: The Colony of Voice of Akasha 6
Pop: 62 Mil

1609: The People's Republic of Volcanila
Pop: 20 Mil

1610: The Republic of Volgaland
Pop: 3,587 Mil

1611: The Dictatorship of Volkradra
Pop: 6 Mil

1612: The Republic of Volumine
Pop: 18 Mil

1613: The Toxic Swamp-Dweller of Vorhollah
Pop: 11,323 Mil

1614: The Free Land of Vose
Pop: 32 Mil

1615: The Republic of Vryssia
Pop: 50 Mil

1616: The People's Republic of Wajonation
Pop: 100 Mil

1617: The Empire of Wakinda
Pop: 16 Mil

1618: The Republic of Waleswa
Pop: 76 Mil

Pop: 15,718 Mil

1620: The Matriarchy of Wasimfira Commerietropia
Pop: 7 Mil

1621: The Republic of Waxkin
Pop: 366 Mil

1622: The Republic of WC 191
Pop: 1,003 Mil

1623: The Republic of WC 263
Pop: 1,013 Mil

1624: The Armed Republic of Weatfon
Pop: 246 Mil

1625: The Kingdom of Weathertop
Pop: 3,413 Mil

1626: The Free Land of Weedeaters
Pop: 14 Mil

1627: The Classification Pending of Weeklingz Federation
Pop: 3,087 Mil

1628: The Borderlands of Wenda The Cat
Pop: 12 Mil

1629: The Republic of West Carnarna Capads Islands
Pop: 574 Mil

1630: The New kingdom of West chemireland
Pop: 2,773 Mil

1631: The Commonwealth of West Coter Stasopia
Pop: 36 Mil

1632: The Free Land of West Desparado
Pop: 85 Mil

1633: The Colony of West Gorillas
Pop: 26 Mil

1634: The Republic of West Linniona
Pop: 7 Mil

1635: The Federal Republic of West Sets Ale
Pop: 56 Mil

1636: The Republic of West Sigmastan
Pop: 16 Mil

1637: The Republic of Western Holaniatolo Shamblen
Pop: 6 Mil

1638: The Republic of Western Whinsas Rapolk
Pop: 14 Mil

1639: The Inaniloquent Idiot of Westinor
Pop: 10,713 Mil

1640: The Republic of Wexale
Pop: 2,155 Mil

1641: The United Kingdom of Whatintheworld
Pop: 86 Mil

1642: The Principality of Why Marx Was Right
Pop: 2,858 Mil

1643: The Free Land of Wing Como
Pop: 1,868 Mil

1644: The Queendom of Wizardry of Magic
Pop: 6,035 Mil

1645: The Supreme Empire of Woodleland
Pop: 16,007 Mil

1646: The Confederacy of Workers Unions and Syndicates
Pop: 182 Mil

1647: The Community of World Forum Founder
Pop: 69 Mil

1648: The Democratic Republic of Wss163
Pop: 404 Mil

1649: The Democratic Republic of Wss189
Pop: 395 Mil

1650: The Democratic Republic of Wss253
Pop: 369 Mil

1651: The Democratic Republic of Wss277
Pop: 357 Mil

1652: The United Kingdom of Wss355
Pop: 245 Mil

1653: The United Kingdom of Wss359
Pop: 253 Mil

1654: The Democratic Republic of Wss71
Pop: 401 Mil

1655: The Democratic Republic of Wss94
Pop: 405 Mil

1656: The Federation of Wurtz
Pop: 40 Mil

1657: The Democratic Republic of Xacedooelem
Pop: 40 Mil

1658: The Empire of Xerro
Pop: 621 Mil

1659: The Confederacy of Xi Si Wong
Pop: 45 Mil

1660: The Bannorn of Xintrea
Pop: 8,066 Mil

1661: The Republic of XNavigatoria
Pop: 704 Mil

1662: The Holy Empire of Xoxotaland
Pop: 32 Mil

1663: The Principality of Yarckel District
Pop: 569 Mil

1664: The Federation of Yavtria
Pop: 1,112 Mil

1665: The Kingdom of Yelace
Pop: 470 Mil

1666: The Democratic Republic of Yippee555
Pop: 742 Mil

1667: The United Kingdom of Ynn251
Pop: 261 Mil

1668: The United Kingdom of Ynn342
Pop: 234 Mil

1669: The United Kingdom of Ynn375
Pop: 241 Mil

1670: The Federation of Yorukum
Pop: 616 Mil

1671: The Republic of YSC Land
Pop: 7 Mil

1672: The Borderlands of Yur Muthar
Pop: 8 Mil

1673: The Republic of Zachtopi
Pop: 72 Mil

1674: The Federation of Zacia
Pop: 594 Mil

1675: The Armed Republic of Zakazania
Pop: 76 Mil

1676: The Principality of Zakhidnovia
Pop: 229 Mil

1677: The Armed Republic of Zakimiko
Pop: 728 Mil

1678: The Infinite Gender of Zander Cerebella
Pop: 16,616 Mil

1679: The Federal Republic of Zangzadia
Pop: 14 Mil

1680: The Grand Duchy of Zapato
Pop: 26,474 Mil

1681: The People's Republic of Zarchia Kons
Pop: 26 Mil

1682: The Protectorate of Zauchod
Pop: 26 Mil

1683: The Armed Republic of Zavemotu
Pop: 840 Mil

1684: The Republic of Zazaland
Pop: 40 Mil

1685: The Mandatory Teatime of Zekojlocar
Pop: 12,166 Mil

1686: The Kingdom of Zep Zorp Zipi
Pop: 68 Mil

1687: The Republic of Zephirion
Pop: 10 Mil

1688: The Democratic Republic of Zhodesia
Pop: 181 Mil

1689: The Empire of Zider
Pop: 56 Mil

1690: The Grand Duchy of Zircania
Pop: 56 Mil

1691: The People's Republic of Zivara
Pop: 144 Mil

1692: The Democratic States of Zman106
Pop: 198 Mil

1693: The Dominion of Zman12
Pop: 410 Mil

1694: The Queendom of Zman69
Pop: 263 Mil

1695: The Empire of ZOFAN
Pop: 10 Mil

1696: The Dictatorship of Zondar
Pop: 184 Mil

1697: The Union of Zoreisuya
Pop: 5,807 Mil

1698: The Republic of Zstar
Pop: 8 Mil

1699: The Federation of Zuban Hyptic
Pop: 62 Mil

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