1: The Republic of A lake of green Pop: 4,155 Mil 2: The United Socialist States of Absurdistan Pop: 5,647 Mil 3: The Empire of Achamanid zartoshtian persia Pop: 488 Mil 4: The Republic of Afonset Pop: 16 Mil 5: The R?publique D?mocratique of Afropa Pop: 20,167 Mil 6: The United Kingdom of Ahlissa Pop: 3,208 Mil 7: The Empire of Akitsu Pop: 16,583 Mil 8: The Sultanate of Al Qolnidar Pop: 3,239 Mil 9: The Irken Colony of Alienmarky Pop: 17,232 Mil 10: The Sultanate of Alowercasel Pop: 45 Mil 11: The Federation of Alpenstein Pop: 4,410 Mil 12: The Principality of Altengrad Pop: 9,055 Mil 13: The United States of Amerikea Pop: 3,836 Mil 14: The Republic of Anain Pop: 1,428 Mil 15: The Kingdom of Andalasia Pop: 4,342 Mil 16: The Federal Commonwealth Union of Antarean Republics Pop: 2,191 Mil 17: The Community of Argleton Pop: 7,032 Mil 18: The Lost Empire of Aroma Pop: 17,166 Mil 19: The Intergovernment Organization of Assembled Nations Pop: 4,897 Mil 20: The Incorporated States of Atoll K Pop: 4,007 Mil 21: The United Republic of Atriastan Pop: 878 Mil 22: The Machine of Automatic Pop: 21,034 Mil 23: The Empire of Azincorth Pop: 2,429 Mil 24: The Jingoistic States of Bakalakistan Pop: 4,240 Mil 25: The Republic of Balnibarbi Pop: 3,979 Mil 26: The Potassium Banana Republic of Banana Pop: 6,876 Mil 27: The Incorporated States of Banoi Island Pop: 4,019 Mil 28: The Republic of Barbituros Islands Pop: 3,825 Mil 29: The Colony of Barclay Islands Pop: 4,057 Mil 30: The Republic of Batsweda Pop: 1,342 Mil 31: The Most Serene Republic of Baudelair Pop: 26 Mil 32: The Fresh Principality of Bel-Air Pop: 14,604 Mil 33: The Balkanbeats of Belgrado Pop: 30,588 Mil 34: The Kingdom of Belgrave Pop: 5,675 Mil 35: The Republic of Berylia Pop: 225 Mil 36: The Community of Big O Pop: 2,801 Mil 37: The Air Forces Never Broke Again of Black Air Force Energy Pop: 2,549 Mil 38: The Principality of Blau Pop: 1,686 Mil 39: The Kingdom of Boaga Pop: 20,830 Mil 40: The Colony of Bora Gora Pop: 3,974 Mil 41: The Republic of Bordurie Pop: 5,607 Mil 42: The Republic of Brazilistan Pop: 11,263 Mil 43: The Kingdom of British Sarazzavessons Pop: 8,452 Mil 44: The Unitary Republic of Browle Pop: 32,071 Mil 45: The People's Republic of Brutistan Pop: 5,610 Mil 46: The Free Land of Bryn Rhyddid Pop: 12,651 Mil 47: The People's Republic of Caliveis Pop: 2,480 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Calosway Pop: 2,372 Mil 49: The Kingdom of Carpania Pop: 5,602 Mil 50: The Republic of Carpathia Pop: 5,504 Mil 51: The Republic of Cartelombia Pop: 8,907 Mil 52: The National Republic of Carusterra Pop: 4,361 Mil 53: The Republic of Caydencody Pop: 8 Mil 54: The Democratic Republic of Centennia Cardina Pop: 345 Mil 55: The Empire of Chaldea Pop: 3,282 Mil 56: The People's Republic of Chayina Pop: 9,006 Mil 57: The Republic of Chernarus Pop: 5,657 Mil 58: The Colony of CIC Pop: 9 Mil 59: The Armed Republic of Clark Corps Pop: 1,816 Mil 60: The Empire of Constantine Pop: 6,741 Mil 61: The Kingdom of Corona Pop: 5,540 Mil 62: The Kingdom of Costa Dolce Pop: 242 Mil 63: The Kingdom of Costa Estrella Pop: 11,755 Mil 64: The Democratic Republic of Costa Gravas Pop: 4,967 Mil 65: The Republic of Costa Guana Pop: 12,792 Mil 66: The Principality of Costa Lottsa Pop: 5,652 Mil 67: The Kingdom of Costa Luna Pop: 11,795 Mil 68: The Commonwealth of Countries Pop: 14,561 Mil 69: The Free Land of Coven de la bourgeoisie Pop: 16 Mil 70: The Republic of Culsonia Pop: 4,110 Mil 71: The Democratic Republic of Dahum Pop: 10,531 Mil 72: The Empire of Danielywu Pop: 32 Mil 73: The Kingdom of Demiurgus Pop: 90 Mil 74: The Theocracy of DIN 126 Pop: 6,982 Mil 75: The Democratic Republic of Discordia Pop: 6,688 Mil 76: The Kingdom of Dragonle Pop: 399 Mil 77: The Rogue Nation of DSN30 Pop: 3,480 Mil 78: The Republic of Dufich Pop: 147 Mil 79: The Empire of EDSIS Pop: 1,521 Mil 80: The Empire of Emu-Land Pop: 1,934 Mil 81: The United Kingdom of Emyleryn Pop: 1,258 Mil 82: The Parliamentary Constituency of Enotsdiam and Dlaew Pop: 24,573 Mil 83: The Alliance Headquarters of EOS island Pop: 27,859 Mil 84: The Island of Eroda Pop: 11,440 Mil 85: The Free Land of Eruhini Pop: 4,456 Mil 86: The Dictatorship of Ethbizem Pop: 29 Mil 87: The United Socialist States of Eurovia Pop: 17,851 Mil 88: The Republic of Everon Pop: 6,811 Mil 89: The Democratic Republic of Eymenistam Pop: 148 Mil 90: The Oppressed Peoples of Fairyland Pop: 14,506 Mil 91: The Empire of Faitang Qui Pop: 3,372 Mil 92: The Republic of Fenduria Pop: 10 Mil 93: The Isle of Fogg Pop: 5,524 Mil 94: The United States of Foreess Pop: 3,524 Mil 95: The Federal Republic of Formicary Pop: 1,799 Mil 96: The Confederacy of Freubar Pop: 13,755 Mil 97: The Kongerige of Frisemark Pop: 7,372 Mil 98: The Republic of Gaaldine Pop: 3,999 Mil 99: The Principality of Genovia Pop: 14,967 Mil 100: The Federation of Gethen Pop: 5,642 Mil 101: The Kingdom of Glazgow Pop: 8 Mil 102: The Rogue Nation of Glurp Pop: 5,159 Mil 103: The Dictatorship of Gordogostan Pop: 5,189 Mil 104: The Republic of Graes Pop: 615 Mil 105: The Fast Food Empire of Great Burgerland Pop: 4,737 Mil 106: The Holy United Empire of Great Burlington Pop: 18,125 Mil 107: The Federation of Great Kings Pop: 27,430 Mil 108: The Kingdom of Greatest Britain Pop: 12,896 Mil 109: The United Kingdom of Grentickertop Pop: 1,729 Mil 110: The Disputed Territories of Griftlands Pop: 8,993 Mil 111: The Empire of Grinhelm Pop: 1,852 Mil 112: The Kingdom of Gutalandet Pop: 260 Mil 113: The Nation of Halluci Pop: 12,583 Mil 114: The Federation of Harczaw Pop: 56 Mil 115: The Commonwealth of Havebergen Pop: 6,793 Mil 116: The Republic of Heinzenland Pop: 10,274 Mil 117: The Kingdom of Hircosa Pop: 1,196 Mil 118: The Republic of Hopland Pop: 1,844 Mil 119: The Republic of Huella Islands Pop: 3,991 Mil 120: The Kingdom of Hyperborea Pop: 5,561 Mil 121: The Dictatorship of I EA T KIDS Pop: 1,143 Mil 122: The Loving Couple of I ShipIt- Pop: 8,037 Mil 123: The United Kingdom of Ingerlund Pop: 2,616 Mil 124: The United Kingdom of Ingland Pop: 6,444 Mil 125: The United Kingdom of Inglund Pop: 13,435 Mil 126: The Materia Regni of Invictum solis Pop: 4,922 Mil 127: The Federal Republic of Ionio Pop: 6,395 Mil 128: The Republic of Isle of pecock Pop: 5,751 Mil 129: The Empire of Iuz Pop: 3,219 Mil 130: The Republic of Iverica Pop: 12,717 Mil 131: The People's Republic of Jambalaya Island Pop: 4,027 Mil 132: The Kingdom of Kalreadia Pop: 40 Mil 133: The Republic of Kamistan Pop: 3,584 Mil 134: The Republic of Kashtar Pop: 12,195 Mil 135: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazistonia Pop: 9,088 Mil 136: The Emirate of Khemed Pop: 5,675 Mil 137: The Independent Realm of Klatenia Pop: 5,652 Mil 138: The People's Republic of Kogure Pop: 214 Mil 139: The Dominion of Kori-chi Pop: 8,858 Mil 140: The Republic of Krakozhia Pop: 14,957 Mil 141: The Kingdom of Krapopolis Pop: 7,529 Mil 142: The Dominion of Krivonia Pop: 9,522 Mil 143: The Republic of Kualoa Pop: 1,889 Mil 144: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kykaro Pop: 303 Mil 145: The Principality of Kyrothos Pop: 9 Mil 146: The Principality of La O Pop: 1,879 Mil 147: The Jingoistic States of Lian Yu Pop: 1,101 Mil 148: The Military-Industrial Complex of Limburgi Pop: 33,156 Mil 149: The Federal Republic of Littlemark Pop: 26,258 Mil 150: The Incorporated States of Lyurnia Pop: 691 Mil 151: The Principality of Madripoor Pop: 5,596 Mil 152: The Commonwealth of Magna-Parva Pop: 50 Mil 153: The Confederation of Magnaeus Pop: 19,807 Mil 154: The Dictatorship of Magnoum Pop: 91 Mil 155: The Protectorate of Mai Chow Pop: 3,986 Mil 156: The Incorporated States of Manamana Pop: 11,097 Mil 157: The Protectorate of Mardi Islands Pop: 4,023 Mil 158: The Republic of MeepWorld 1 Pop: 622 Mil | 159: The State of Mekabiri Pop: 6,769 Mil 160: The Grand Duchy of Memeosa Pop: 13,245 Mil 161: The Socialist Republic of Menghe Pop: 2,425 Mil 162: The Principality of Mervo Pop: 4,017 Mil 163: The Consortium of Miiros Pop: 42,554 Mil 164: The Music of Minawa Pop: 5,491 Mil 165: The Sultanate of Mingheria Pop: 5,325 Mil 166: The Republic of Molvania Pop: 3,695 Mil 167: The Kingdom of Montalbino Pop: 5,063 Mil 168: The Colony of Moresnet Pop: 3,725 Mil 169: The Colony of Murango Pop: 5,604 Mil 170: The United States of Murica Pop: 6,367 Mil 171: The Community of Mypos Pop: 4,020 Mil 172: The Queendom of Mystra Pop: 2,918 Mil 173: The Republic of Nayonland Pop: 611 Mil 174: The Jingoistic States of Nerdistan Pop: 407 Mil 175: The Republic of New Tealand Pop: 3,165 Mil 176: The Republic of Nordlands Pop: 5,561 Mil 177: The Constitutional Monarchy of Norrlands Union Pop: 40 Mil 178: The Federation of North Russian Republic Pop: 2,943 Mil 179: The People's Republic of Novanar Pop: 16,349 Mil 180: The Free Land of Nuevalta Pop: 1,496 Mil 181: The Republic of Nuevo Rico Pop: 5,565 Mil 182: The Oppressed Peoples of Nukula Atoll Pop: 5,483 Mil 183: The Kingdom of Nyrond Pop: 3,233 Mil 184: The Republic of Ojania Pop: 3,496 Mil 185: The Dictatorship of Oka Toca Pop: 3,691 Mil 186: The Armed Republic of Omarios Pop: 25,897 Mil 187: The Grand Duchy of Omdraai Pop: 40 Mil 188: The Free Land of Oogabooga Pop: 5,990 Mil 189: The Entente of Oriental States Pop: 24,137 Mil 190: The Colony of Orini Pop: 12,779 Mil 191: The Beautiful Empire of Orioni 2 Pop: 45,388 Mil 192: The Republic of Orsinia Pop: 5,574 Mil 193: The Federation of Osea Pop: 5,675 Mil 194: The Republic of Osean Federation Pop: 5,035 Mil 195: The Commonwealth of Osterlundd Pop: 40 Mil 196: The Fervent Eurth Resident of Oyussa Pop: 7,385 Mil 197: The People's Republic of Pamnot Pop: 146 Mil 198: The Federated States of Perfanesia Pop: 5,418 Mil 199: The Republic of Petria Pop: 5,601 Mil 200: The Dominion of Pfaffland Pop: 2,354 Mil 201: The Republic of Phaic Tan Pop: 5,565 Mil 202: The Democratic Republic of Piti Pop: 62 Mil 203: The Homeworld of Planet Eurth Pop: 14,347 Mil 204: The Federal Republic of Playmobilandia del Este Pop: 1,291 Mil 205: The Confederacy of Poja Pop: 12,616 Mil 206: The Republic of Poldavia Pop: 5,681 Mil 207: The Fiefdom of Poyais Pop: 5,684 Mil 208: The Disputed Territories of Pulau-Pulau Bomba Pop: 4,014 Mil 209: The Empire of Qingdao and Dalian Pop: 1,903 Mil 210: The Community of Quailluna Pop: 4,887 Mil 211: The Republic of Replubica da bahia Pop: 403 Mil 212: The Colony of Resolution Island Pop: 4,028 Mil 213: The Grand and Ordered Republic of Rihan Pop: 5,604 Mil 214: The Republic of Rogue Isles Pop: 3,684 Mil 215: The Republic of Rohini Pop: 5,517 Mil 216: The Kingdom of Roma Victor Pop: 116 Mil 217: The Autonomous Colony of Romae-Moldavianensis Pop: 9,319 Mil 218: The Holy Empire of Roman food Pop: 45 Mil 219: The Islamic Theocracy of Sa Hara Pop: 20,040 Mil 220: The Theocracy of Sacred Land of Veganist Pop: 1,668 Mil 221: The Republic of Sahali Pop: 93 Mil 222: The Commonwealth of Saint Honore Pop: 4,015 Mil 223: The Republic of Samaru Island Pop: 4,028 Mil 224: The People's Democratic Republic of San Escobar Pop: 6,605 Mil 225: The Republic of San Lorenzo Pop: 5,543 Mil 226: The Republic of San Marcos Pop: 6,577 Mil 227: The Democratic Republic of San Pequeno Pop: 8,966 Mil 228: The Republic of San Salvacion Pop: 6,358 Mil 229: The Republic of San Serif Pop: 12,665 Mil 230: The Republic of San Theodoros Pop: 5,618 Mil 231: The Kingdom of Sapienzia Pop: 62 Mil 232: The Kingdom of Sapin Pop: 2,967 Mil 233: The Kingdom of Saripoon Pop: 679 Mil 234: The People's Republic of Scabb Island Pop: 4,020 Mil 235: The Oppressed Peoples of Schlupsk Pop: 9,846 Mil 236: The Republic of Scipio Britannicus Pop: 17,241 Mil 237: The People's Republic of Scooby of doober Pop: 68 Mil 238: The Kingdom of Seahaus Pop: 4,022 Mil 239: The Republic of Sergal Pop: 7,006 Mil 240: The Principality of Shakya Pop: 9,324 Mil 241: The Kingdom of Sherpastan Pop: 5,626 Mil 242: The Republic of Shete Twernesib Pop: 934 Mil 243: The Republic of Siccila Pop: 2,345 Mil 244: The Sultanate of Siham Pop: 9,422 Mil 245: The Rogue Nation of Sinola Pop: 20,667 Mil 246: The Leaving Pod of So long and thanks for all the fish Pop: 5,459 Mil 247: The Revolutionary Republic of Sorvun II Pop: 21,886 Mil 248: The People's Republic of South Hanalei Pop: 12 Mil 249: The Soviet state of Sovie Petrograd Pop: 1,385 Mil 250: The Kingdom of Spafftopia Pop: 9,285 Mil 251: The Yorkshire Tea Empire of Spifftopia Pop: 10,230 Mil 252: The Dominion of State Saud Pop: 9,054 Mil 253: The Commonwealth of Stralia Pop: 760 Mil 254: The Principality of Sunrise Island Pop: 16,738 Mil 255: The Kingdom of Sunseong Pop: 1,541 Mil 256: The Republic of Sunset Island Pop: 2,680 Mil 257: The Republic of Sunset Sea Iceland Pop: 14,429 Mil 258: The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium Pop: 43,994 Mil 259: The Colony of Tahini Pop: 5,476 Mil 260: The Island of Takki Tikki Pop: 5,658 Mil 261: The Socialist Union of Tal Shiar Pop: 12,004 Mil 262: The Free Land of Tamoe Pop: 4,026 Mil 263: The Dictatorship of Tarkhestan Pop: 29 Mil 264: The Queendom of Thacian Greece Pop: 8,984 Mil 265: The Republic of Tharistan Pop: 3,350 Mil 266: The Incorporated States of The American Eternal Pop: 6 Mil 267: The Technosocial Myrmecocracy of The Cathunters Pop: 40,990 Mil 268: The Republic of The Charkov Peninsula Pop: 1,440 Mil 269: The Season 4 of The Crown Pop: 14,326 Mil 270: The Free Land of The Earth Party Pop: 2,750 Mil 271: The Tribal Sultanate of The Pacific Caliphate Pop: 20,885 Mil 272: The Republic of The peoples arab liberation of palastine Pop: 16 Mil 273: The Republic of The Qin republic Pop: 9 Mil 274: The Commonwealth of The Switzerland republic Pop: 74 Mil 275: The Colony of Thubani Pop: 3,354 Mil 276: The Democratic Republic of Tofu Islands Pop: 5,489 Mil 277: The Girls of Totally Spies Pop: 20,700 Mil 278: The Protectorate of Tsalal Pop: 4,023 Mil 279: The Republic of Turmezistan Pop: 5,521 Mil 280: The People's Republic of Ukhara Pop: 1,730 Mil 281: The Empire of UnitedRomanEmpire Pop: 16,141 Mil 282: The Free Land of Unopa Pop: 2,694 Mil 283: The Oppressed Peoples of Upper Slobbovia Pop: 5,597 Mil 284: The Republic of Ustio Pop: 5,606 Mil 285: The Free Land of Uwutah Pop: 5,155 Mil 286: The Free Land of Valamazca Pop: 140 Mil 287: The Democratic Republic of Valgsland Pop: 9,043 Mil 288: The Fiefdom of Vardenfell Pop: 3,995 Mil 289: The Seren?sima Rep?blica of Venetii Pop: 21,265 Mil 290: The United Dominion of Vetok Pop: 25,806 Mil 291: The Republic of Veyshnoria Pop: 5,262 Mil 292: The World of Viking Pop: 5,803 Mil 293: The Kingdom of Vorco Pop: 1,017 Mil 294: The Commonwealth of Vosarkia Pop: 281 Mil 295: The Kingdom of Vosnia Pop: 4,981 Mil 296: The Democratic Republic of Vostok Pop: 2,844 Mil 297: The Republic of Vytis Pop: 18,819 Mil 298: The Delicious Creamosity of Wachana Pop: 18,030 Mil 299: The Republic of Wadiya Pop: 5,620 Mil 300: The Armed Republic of Waropa Pop: 11,599 Mil 301: The Dictatorship of West Tyrnia Pop: 4,925 Mil 302: The Republic of Whitey Pop: 4,180 Mil 303: The Socialist Commonwealth of Wielkopolsa Pop: 1,892 Mil 304: The Community of World Congress Pop: 9,766 Mil 305: The Federal Republic of Xandanqui Pop: 9 Mil 306: The Republic of Yeto Pop: 20,105 Mil 307: The Republic of Yosai Pop: 6,725 Mil 308: The Republic of Zansk Pop: 343 Mil 309: The United Republic of Zanzarim Pop: 10,487 Mil 310: The Republic of Zekistan Pop: 4,780 Mil 311: The Republic of Zemenia Pop: 4,821 Mil 312: The Prisoner of Zenda Pop: 5,643 Mil 313: The Sultanate of Zuk union Pop: 1,099 Mil |