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107 Countries populate the Region of Flanelistan

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1: The People's Social Monarchy of -Sobraque-
Pop: 2,170 Mil

2: The Republic of A lake of grey
Pop: 4,123 Mil

3: The Dictatorship of Agrrea
Pop: 1,396 Mil

4: The Holy Empire of Alou
Pop: 29 Mil

5: The Federal Republic of Alto Ipiranga
Pop: 6,779 Mil

6: The Forestry Empire of Amazonical
Pop: 3,720 Mil

7: The Federation of Anarco-hierarqui
Pop: 2,469 Mil

8: The Iberic Kingdom of Angalusia
Pop: 1,431 Mil

9: The Fraternal republic of Anquitaine
Pop: 1,195 Mil

10: The Empire of Armurin
Pop: 155 Mil

11: The Empire of Arsstoska
Pop: 566 Mil

12: The Fiefdom of Arsstostzka
Pop: 533 Mil

13: The Constitutional Monarchy of Aulcaria
Pop: 189 Mil

14: The Republic of Belmenia
Pop: 111 Mil

15: The Empire of Birkonia
Pop: 307 Mil

16: The Conservative republic of Blumia
Pop: 843 Mil

17: The Federation of Borodine
Pop: 276 Mil

18: The Constitutional Monarchy of Brasil Imperiu
Pop: 525 Mil

19: The Federal Republic of BraSilist
Pop: 26 Mil

20: The Democracia Independente of Brasnarc
Pop: 1,606 Mil

21: The Deminister of Plenty ☭?????? of Brazue1a
Pop: 4,712 Mil

22: The Democratic Republic of Bresdem
Pop: 815 Mil

23: The Queendom of Capellen
Pop: 3,439 Mil

24: The Confederacy of Caralhadas
Pop: 353 Mil

25: The Socialist Kingdom of Claudinistan
Pop: 5,210 Mil

26: The Rep?blica Federal of CruzeiroDoSul
Pop: 6,822 Mil

27: The Oppressed Peoples of Cupuassu
Pop: 6,861 Mil

28: The Kingdom of Dancaster
Pop: 279 Mil

29: The Absolute principality of Discorddd
Pop: 1,353 Mil

30: The Republic of Dom Mira
Pop: 162 Mil

31: The No Man's Land of Doze Macacos
Pop: 6,736 Mil

32: The Republic of Ermesia
Pop: 194 Mil

33: The Conselho Judicial of Estado Supremo
Pop: 1,933 Mil

34: The Mitologia of Evangelistao
Pop: 9,420 Mil

35: The Third Confederacy Empire of Fexico
Pop: 2,728 Mil

36: The Free Land of Flanel Republic
Pop: 4,175 Mil

37: The Republic of Flanelismo azul
Pop: 665 Mil

38: The Emerald Kingdom of Gheta
Pop: 3,505 Mil

39: The Savannah Republic of Ghodesia
Pop: 1,518 Mil

40: The Sagrado of Grao Evangelistao
Pop: 1,175 Mil

41: The Federal Republic of Great Parana
Pop: 2,729 Mil

42: The Rogue Nation of GSN77
Pop: 3,419 Mil

43: The Republic of United Provinces of Guaraba
Pop: 2,693 Mil

44: The Imperial dictatorship of Haburg
Pop: 1,634 Mil

45: The Volksreich Hyperborean of Hidraxia
Pop: 3,244 Mil

46: The Bourbon reign of Hisbania
Pop: 1,503 Mil

47: The Empire of Ilv
Pop: 3,356 Mil

48: The Confederacy of Ilyarssland
Pop: 474 Mil

49: The Empire of Imperio Democratico da Caatinga
Pop: 1,672 Mil

50: The Constitutional Monarchy of Imperio Estrendor
Pop: 5,063 Mil

51: The Federal habsburg empire of Ipiranga
Pop: 1,598 Mil

52: The Non-aligned Republic of Kamunaptra
Pop: 1,302 Mil

53: The Soviet Democrat State of Kratograd
Pop: 4,347 Mil

54: The Kingdom of Krips Eld
Pop: 6,603 Mil

55: The Big Intergalactic Superstate of Latrovna
Pop: 6,009 Mil

56: The Commonwealth of Libertarios Nacionalistas kk
Pop: 2,066 Mil

57: The Theocracy of Liborio
Pop: 2,567 Mil

58: The Christian duchy of Lunigiana
Pop: 1,221 Mil

59: The Hereditary Monarchy of Lusovera
Pop: 2,531 Mil

60: The Estado Flaneliano of Macovi
Pop: 5,918 Mil

61: The Dominion of Mensageiro dois
Pop: 113 Mil

62: The Confederacy of Mines Gerais
Pop: 1,358 Mil

63: The Dictatorship of Moraeslandia
Pop: 849 Mil

64: The Colony of MRS logistica
Pop: 502 Mil

65: The Kingdom of Kingdoms of Mufasa
Pop: 2,259 Mil

66: The Neutral Confederate States of New rhine river
Pop: 5,679 Mil

67: The O Grande Estado of Nova Luz
Pop: 3,958 Mil

68: The Democratic Republic of Nuvia
Pop: 609 Mil

69: The Grand Duchy of Pampa do Sul
Pop: 6,802 Mil

70: The Seventh Republic of Panubia
Pop: 573 Mil

71: The Lorranist monarchy of Pax-Lorran
Pop: 4,771 Mil

72: The Federal Republic of Pernambuco SSR
Pop: 12 Mil

73: The Second republic of Ponderania
Pop: 1,997 Mil

74: The Traditionalist republic of Porongaba
Pop: 567 Mil

75: The Republic of Queijo105
Pop: 375 Mil

76: The Republic of Queijo111
Pop: 381 Mil

77: The Republic of Queijo120
Pop: 379 Mil

78: The Republic of Queijo123
Pop: 367 Mil

79: The Republic of Queijo126
Pop: 379 Mil

80: The Republic of Queijo128
Pop: 382 Mil

81: The Republic of Queijo129
Pop: 382 Mil

82: The Republic of Queijo130
Pop: 366 Mil

83: The Republic of Queijo18
Pop: 416 Mil

84: The Republic of Queijo19
Pop: 421 Mil

85: The Republic of Queijo21
Pop: 427 Mil

86: The Republic of Queijo22
Pop: 408 Mil

87: The Republic of Queijo64
Pop: 410 Mil

88: The Republic of Queijo98
Pop: 374 Mil

89: The Great Raxulan Empire of Raxul
Pop: 2,206 Mil

90: The Republic of Rekee Worp Adald
Pop: 2,789 Mil

91: The Free Land of Rubeck
Pop: 2,268 Mil

92: The Colony of Sao Paulo do Brasil
Pop: 628 Mil

93: The Estado Flanelista Glorioso of SERVO DO FLANELA
Pop: 635 Mil

94: The Republic of Shanalandia
Pop: 135 Mil

95: The Official Kingdom of Simoland10
Pop: 3,343 Mil

96: The Republic of Sobraquea
Pop: 208 Mil

97: The Ρεινο Υντερναλ Σατανικό of Sudlich Kaizer
Pop: 6,772 Mil

98: The Classical republic of Suovo
Pop: 661 Mil

99: The Matriarchy of The Queens Land RekSai
Pop: 882 Mil

100: The People's Republic of Togon
Pop: 5,261 Mil

101: The Loving Couple of Tr1bute-4rt
Pop: 6,674 Mil

102: The オタク帝国 of Um Japones
Pop: 3,371 Mil

103: The Jingoistic States of Uniao Socialista Nacional-
Pop: 795 Mil

104: The Kingdom of Urucaia
Pop: 272 Mil

105: The Empire of Vogland
Pop: 361 Mil

106: The Union of provinces of Vontreal
Pop: 1,212 Mil

107: The National unitary republic of Zaraguay
Pop: 704 Mil

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