1: The United Socialist States of -Jumpluff- Pop: 9,748 Mil 2: The Matriarchy of -Jynx- Pop: 9,791 Mil 3: The Commonwealth of -Lopunny- Pop: 9,613 Mil 4: The Democratic States of -Muk- Pop: 9,809 Mil 5: The Free Land of -Munna- Pop: 9,524 Mil 6: The Matriarchy of -Porygon- Pop: 369 Mil 7: The Holy Empire of -Pyukumuku- Pop: 9,486 Mil 8: The Confederacy of -Tsareena- Pop: 363 Mil 9: The Democratic Republic of 0ddish Pop: 9,819 Mil 10: The Commonwealth of 0manyte Pop: 9,776 Mil 11: The Nomadic Peoples of 0mastar Pop: 9,769 Mil 12: The People's Republic of 0nix Pop: 9,737 Mil 13: The Community of 1gglybuff Pop: 9,785 Mil 14: The Sultanate of 1nfernape Pop: 9,562 Mil 15: The Fiefdom of 1nkay Pop: 9,510 Mil 16: The Colony of 3spurr Pop: 9,534 Mil 17: The Kingdom of 4urorus Pop: 9,439 Mil 18: The Grand Duchy of 4xew Pop: 9,512 Mil 19: The Constitutional Monarchy of 5crafty Pop: 9,488 Mil 20: The Allied States of 5craggy Pop: 9,484 Mil 21: The Fiefdom of 5eadra Pop: 9,766 Mil 22: The Disputed Territories of 5huckle Pop: 9,717 Mil 23: The Federation of 5kuntank Pop: 9,575 Mil 24: The Principality of 5lugma Pop: 9,762 Mil 25: The Rogue Nation of 5lurpuff Pop: 9,504 Mil 26: The United States of 5takataka Pop: 9,440 Mil 27: The Nomadic Peoples of 5taraptor Pop: 9,597 Mil 28: The United Kingdom of 5taravia Pop: 9,580 Mil 29: The Dictatorship of 5tarly Pop: 9,560 Mil 30: The Allied States of 5tarmie Pop: 9,820 Mil 31: The Sultanate of 5taryu Pop: 9,771 Mil 32: The Holy Empire of 5tunky Pop: 9,551 Mil 33: The Federation of 5winub Pop: 9,806 Mil 34: The Allied States of 6urdurr Pop: 5,007 Mil 35: The Jingoistic States of 8urmy Pop: 9,499 Mil 36: The Colony of A8ra Pop: 9,752 Mil 37: The Matriarchy of Abomasn0w Pop: 9,517 Mil 38: The Republic of Abs0l Pop: 9,770 Mil 39: The Commonwealth of Accelg0r Pop: 9,542 Mil 40: The Free Land of Aeg1slash Pop: 9,523 Mil 41: The Disputed Territories of Aer0dactyl Pop: 9,769 Mil 42: The Armed Republic of Aggr0n Pop: 9,730 Mil 43: The United Socialist States of Aip0m Pop: 9,722 Mil 44: The United States of Al0momola Pop: 9,504 Mil 45: The Community of Alaka2am Pop: 9,807 Mil 46: The Most Serene Republic of Alcremie Pop: 9,504 Mil 47: The Armed Republic of Alolan D1glett Pop: 9,507 Mil 48: The Matriarchy of Alolan Dugtri0 Pop: 9,500 Mil 49: The Community of Alolan Exeggut0r Pop: 9,459 Mil 50: The Sultanate of Alolan G0lem Pop: 9,429 Mil 51: The Holy Empire of Alolan Ge0dude Pop: 9,506 Mil 52: The United Kingdom of Alolan Gr1mer Pop: 9,463 Mil 53: The Matriarchy of Alolan Grav3ler Pop: 9,450 Mil 54: The Dictatorship of Alolan Mar0wak Pop: 9,467 Mil 55: The Protectorate of Alolan Me0wth Pop: 9,549 Mil 56: The Democratic Republic of Alolan Muk Pop: 9,437 Mil 57: The Oppressed Peoples of Alolan N1netales Pop: 9,466 Mil 58: The Armed Republic of Alolan Pers1an Pop: 9,514 Mil 59: The People's Republic of Alolan R4ttata Pop: 9,437 Mil 60: The Borderlands of Alolan Ra1chu Pop: 9,502 Mil 61: The Principality of Alolan Rat1cate Pop: 9,517 Mil 62: The Republic of Alolan Sand5lash Pop: 9,490 Mil 63: The Dominion of Alolan Sandshr3w Pop: 9,454 Mil 64: The Constitutional Monarchy of Alolan Vulp1x Pop: 9,512 Mil 65: The Federation of Altar1a Pop: 9,591 Mil 66: The Incorporated States of Am4ura Pop: 9,508 Mil 67: The Matriarchy of Ambip0m Pop: 9,534 Mil 68: The Democratic States of Amo0nguss Pop: 9,502 Mil 69: The Disputed Territories of Amphar0s Pop: 9,757 Mil 70: The Federation of An0rith Pop: 9,590 Mil 71: The Republic of Annihilape Pop: 4,936 Mil 72: The Colony of Appl1n Pop: 9,462 Mil 73: The Democratic Republic of Appl3tun Pop: 9,439 Mil 74: The Fiefdom of Ar0n Pop: 9,715 Mil 75: The Democratic Republic of Araquan1d Pop: 9,511 Mil 76: The Empire of Arb0k Pop: 9,827 Mil 77: The Republic of Arboliva Pop: 4,915 Mil 78: The Republic of Arcan1ne Pop: 9,807 Mil 79: The Holy Empire of Arceu5 Pop: 9,745 Mil 80: The Confederacy of Arch3n Pop: 9,548 Mil 81: The Colony of Arch3ops Pop: 9,518 Mil 82: The Republic of Archaludon Pop: 3,365 Mil 83: The Republic of Arctibax Pop: 4,961 Mil 84: The Grand Duchy of Arctovish Pop: 9,475 Mil 85: The Disputed Territories of Arctozolt Pop: 9,416 Mil 86: The Dominion of Ariad0s Pop: 9,775 Mil 87: The Democratic States of Armald0 Pop: 9,631 Mil 88: The Republic of Armarouge Pop: 5,371 Mil 89: The Allied States of Aromat1sse Pop: 9,499 Mil 90: The Nomadic Peoples of Arrokuda Pop: 9,482 Mil 91: The Republic of Articun0 Pop: 9,801 Mil 92: The Queendom of Audin0 Pop: 9,526 Mil 93: The Empire of Av4lugg Pop: 9,462 Mil 94: The Republic of Az3lf Pop: 9,798 Mil 95: The Kingdom of Azumar1ll Pop: 9,758 Mil 96: The Incorporated States of Azur1ll Pop: 9,684 Mil 97: The Matriarchy of B0ldore Pop: 9,509 Mil 98: The Queendom of B0ltund Pop: 9,466 Mil 99: The Matriarchy of B0nsly Pop: 9,551 Mil 100: The Emirate of B0uffalant Pop: 9,544 Mil 101: The Principality of B0unsweet Pop: 9,431 Mil 102: The Empire of B1barel Pop: 9,606 Mil 103: The Nomadic Peoples of B1doof Pop: 9,558 Mil 104: The Allied States of B1nacle Pop: 9,445 Mil 105: The People's Republic of B1sharp Pop: 9,545 Mil 106: The Kingdom of B3ldum Pop: 9,632 Mil 107: The People's Republic of B3wear Pop: 9,476 Mil 108: The Protectorate of B4rbaracle Pop: 9,395 Mil 109: The Most Serene Republic of Bag0n Pop: 9,620 Mil 110: The Colony of Balt0y Pop: 9,616 Mil 111: The Commonwealth of Ban3tte Pop: 9,618 Mil 112: The Free Land of Barb0ach Pop: 9,584 Mil 113: The Matriarchy of Barraskewda Pop: 9,450 Mil 114: The Queendom of Bascul1n Pop: 9,522 Mil 115: The Republic of Basculegion Pop: 7,630 Mil 116: The Community of Bastiod0n Pop: 9,547 Mil 117: The Republic of Baxcalibur Pop: 4,938 Mil 118: The Confederacy of Bayl3ef Pop: 9,710 Mil 119: The Kingdom of Beart1c Pop: 9,535 Mil 120: The Republic of Beaut1fly Pop: 9,664 Mil 121: The Disputed Territories of Beedr1ll Pop: 9,802 Mil 122: The Democratic Republic of Beheey3m Pop: 9,518 Mil 123: The United Kingdom of Bell0ssom Pop: 9,746 Mil 124: The Republic of Bellibolt Pop: 5,097 Mil 125: The Democratic Republic of Bellspr0ut Pop: 9,773 Mil 126: The Constitutional Monarchy of Bergm1te Pop: 9,435 Mil 127: The Most Serene Republic of Bl1ssey Pop: 9,741 Mil 128: The Constitutional Monarchy of Bl1tzle Pop: 9,495 Mil 129: The Oppressed Peoples of Blacephal0n Pop: 9,423 Mil 130: The Commonwealth of Blastois3 Pop: 9,754 Mil 131: The People's Republic of Blaz1ken Pop: 9,611 Mil 132: The Most Serene Republic of Blipbug Pop: 9,430 Mil 133: The Republic of Bombirdier Pop: 4,914 Mil 134: The Protectorate of Br0nzong Pop: 9,544 Mil 135: The Principality of Br0nzor Pop: 9,583 Mil 136: The Kingdom of Br1onne Pop: 9,488 Mil 137: The People's Republic of Bra1xen Pop: 9,459 Mil 138: The Republic of Brambl1n Pop: 4,926 Mil 139: The Republic of Brambleghast Pop: 4,945 Mil 140: The Principality of Brav1ary Pop: 9,535 Mil 141: The Holy Empire of Brel0om Pop: 9,681 Mil 142: The Republic of Brute Bonnet Pop: 4,914 Mil 143: The Jingoistic States of Brux1sh Pop: 9,482 Mil 144: The Kingdom of Bu1zel Pop: 9,586 Mil 145: The Republic of Bud3w Pop: 9,599 Mil 146: The Incorporated States of Bulba5aur Pop: 9,857 Mil 147: The Incorporated States of Bun3ary Pop: 9,615 Mil 148: The Confederacy of Bunn3lby Pop: 9,508 Mil 149: The Rogue Nation of Butt3rfree Pop: 9,770 Mil 150: The Nomadic Peoples of Buzzw0le Pop: 9,515 Mil 151: The Republic of C0fagrigus Pop: 9,514 Mil 152: The Dominion of C0mbee Pop: 9,583 Mil 153: The Dictatorship of C0mbusken Pop: 9,743 Mil 154: The Democratic Republic of C0nkeldurr Pop: 9,506 Mil 155: The United Kingdom of C0pperajah Pop: 9,468 Mil 156: The United Kingdom of C0rphish Pop: 9,587 Mil 157: The Oppressed Peoples of C0rsola Pop: 9,766 Mil 158: The Incorporated States of C0rviknight Pop: 9,437 Mil 159: The Republic of C0smoem Pop: 9,784 Mil 160: The Republic of C0smog Pop: 9,764 Mil 161: The Rogue Nation of C1nccino Pop: 9,522 Mil 162: The Disputed Territories of C1nderace Pop: 9,473 Mil 163: The Sultanate of Cacn3a Pop: 9,624 Mil 164: The Sultanate of Cacturn3 Pop: 9,641 Mil 165: The Kingdom of Calyrex Pop: 9,503 Mil 166: The Nomadic Peoples of Cam3rupt Pop: 9,683 Mil 167: The Republic of Capsakid Pop: 4,931 Mil 168: The Protectorate of Carb1nk Pop: 9,512 Mil 169: The Jingoistic States of Carkol Pop: 9,422 Mil 170: The Theocracy of Carn1vine Pop: 9,550 Mil 171: The Free Land of Carrac0sta Pop: 9,523 Mil 172: The Republic of Carvanh4 Pop: 9,715 Mil 173: The Democratic States of Casc0on Pop: 9,734 Mil 174: The Empire of Castf0rm Pop: 9,645 Mil 175: The Kingdom of Caterp1e Pop: 9,803 Mil 176: The Republic of Celeb1 Pop: 9,783 Mil 177: The Constitutional Monarchy of Celeste3la Pop: 9,486 Mil 178: The Community of Centiskorch Pop: 9,461 Mil 179: The Republic of Ceruledge Pop: 5,351 Mil 180: The Republic of Cetitan Pop: 5,574 Mil 181: The Republic of Cetoddle Pop: 4,933 Mil 182: The United Kingdom of Ch1mchar Pop: 9,561 Mil 183: The Matriarchy of Ch1nchou Pop: 9,825 Mil 184: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ch1ngling Pop: 9,561 Mil 185: The United Kingdom of Ch4ndelure Pop: 9,515 Mil 186: The Empire of Chans3y Pop: 9,776 Mil 187: The Borderlands of Char1zard Pop: 9,792 Mil 188: The Republic of Charcadet Pop: 4,964 Mil 189: The United States of Charj4bug Pop: 9,501 Mil 190: The Colony of Charm3leon Pop: 9,740 Mil 191: The Confederacy of Charmand3r Pop: 9,808 Mil 192: The Holy Empire of Chat0t Pop: 9,562 Mil 193: The People's Republic of Cherr1m Pop: 9,584 Mil 194: The Nomadic Peoples of Cherub1 Pop: 9,535 Mil 195: The United Socialist States of Chesnaugh7 Pop: 9,506 Mil 196: The People's Republic of Chesp1n Pop: 9,425 Mil 197: The Allied States of Chewtle Pop: 9,474 Mil 198: The Republic of Chi-Yu Pop: 4,951 Mil 199: The Republic of Chien-Pao Pop: 4,921 Mil 200: The Rogue Nation of Chik0rita Pop: 9,756 Mil 201: The United States of Chimech0 Pop: 9,655 Mil 202: The Free Land of Cl0bbopus Pop: 9,458 Mil 203: The Theocracy of Cl0yster Pop: 9,762 Mil 204: The United Socialist States of Cl3ffa Pop: 9,755 Mil 205: The Allied States of Clamp3rl Pop: 9,675 Mil 206: The Confederacy of Claunch3r Pop: 9,466 Mil 207: The Protectorate of Clawitz3r Pop: 9,501 Mil 208: The Incorporated States of Clayd0l Pop: 9,690 Mil 209: The Incorporated States of Clefa1ry Pop: 9,758 Mil 210: The Matriarchy of Clefabl3 Pop: 9,816 Mil 211: The Republic of Clodsire Pop: 4,920 Mil 212: The Jingoistic States of Coal0ssal Pop: 9,376 Mil 213: The Republic of Cobali0n Pop: 9,839 Mil 214: The Incorporated States of Comf3y Pop: 9,485 Mil 215: The Confederacy of Corvisquire Pop: 9,390 Mil 216: The People's Republic of Cott0nee Pop: 9,449 Mil 217: The United Kingdom of Cr0agunk Pop: 9,592 Mil 218: The Fiefdom of Cr0conaw Pop: 9,826 Mil 219: The Holy Empire of Cr4wdaunt Pop: 9,672 Mil 220: The Sultanate of Crabominabl3 Pop: 9,466 Mil 221: The Democratic Republic of Crabrawl3r Pop: 9,428 Mil 222: The Most Serene Republic of Crad1ly Pop: 9,602 Mil 223: The United Socialist States of Cramorant Pop: 9,542 Mil 224: The Republic of Cranid0s Pop: 9,504 Mil 225: The Republic of Cressel1a Pop: 9,851 Mil 226: The Commonwealth of Cro8at Pop: 9,773 Mil 227: The Republic of Crocalor Pop: 4,941 Mil 228: The Allied States of Cru5tle Pop: 9,496 Mil 229: The Matriarchy of Cry0gonal Pop: 9,534 Mil 230: The Grand Duchy of Cub0ne Pop: 9,781 Mil 231: The Colony of Cubcho0 Pop: 9,504 Mil 232: The Emirate of Cufant Pop: 9,422 Mil 233: The Incorporated States of Cursola Pop: 9,480 Mil 234: The Kingdom of Cut1efly Pop: 9,505 Mil 235: The Republic of Cyclizar Pop: 5,472 Mil 236: The Empire of Cyndaqu1l Pop: 9,790 Mil 237: The Holy Empire of D0nphan Pop: 9,751 Mil 238: The Free Land of D0ublade Pop: 9,429 Mil 239: The Republic of D1alga Pop: 9,747 Mil 240: The Republic of D1ancie Pop: 9,808 Mil 241: The Protectorate of D1glett Pop: 9,850 Mil 242: The Democratic States of D3denne Pop: 9,440 Mil 243: The Kingdom of D3lcatty Pop: 9,748 Mil 244: The Commonwealth of D4rmanitan Pop: 9,520 Mil 245: The Dictatorship of D4rumaka Pop: 9,572 Mil 246: The Republic of Dachsbun Pop: 4,926 Mil 247: The Republic of Darkra1 Pop: 9,793 Mil 248: The Nomadic Peoples of Dartr1x Pop: 9,427 Mil 249: The Republic of De0xys Pop: 9,764 Mil 250: The United Kingdom of Dec1dueye Pop: 9,439 Mil 251: The Most Serene Republic of Deerl1ng Pop: 9,519 Mil 252: The Democratic Republic of Dein0 Pop: 9,543 Mil 253: The Disputed Territories of Del1bird Pop: 9,723 Mil 254: The Armed Republic of Delph0x Pop: 9,472 Mil 255: The Dominion of Dew0tt Pop: 9,495 Mil 256: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dewg0ng Pop: 9,782 Mil 257: The Holy Empire of Dewp1der Pop: 9,404 Mil 258: The Most Serene Republic of Dhelm1se Pop: 9,450 Mil 259: The Democratic States of Digg3rsby Pop: 9,515 Mil 260: The Republic of Dipplin Pop: 3,365 Mil 261: The Sultanate of Ditt0 Pop: 9,733 Mil 262: The Matriarchy of Dodri0 Pop: 9,767 Mil 263: The Kingdom of Dodu0 Pop: 9,866 Mil 264: The Republic of Dolliv Pop: 4,946 Mil 265: The Republic of Dondozo Pop: 4,972 Mil 266: The Disputed Territories of Dottler Pop: 9,421 Mil 267: The Jingoistic States of Dr0wzee Pop: 9,831 Mil 268: The Emirate of Dr1lbur Pop: 9,545 Mil 269: The Colony of Dr3dnaw Pop: 9,480 Mil 270: The Kingdom of Dr4gapult Pop: 9,407 Mil 271: The United Kingdom of Dracovish Pop: 9,466 Mil 272: The Queendom of Dracozolt Pop: 9,443 Mil 273: The Most Serene Republic of Drag0nair Pop: 9,809 Mil 274: The United Kingdom of Drag0nite Pop: 9,806 Mil 275: The Dictatorship of Dragalg3 Pop: 9,449 Mil 276: The Most Serene Republic of Drakloak Pop: 9,506 Mil 277: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dramp4 Pop: 9,498 Mil 278: The Sultanate of Drapi0n Pop: 9,578 Mil 279: The Principality of Drat1ni Pop: 9,768 Mil 280: The Democratic Republic of Dreepy Pop: 9,432 Mil 281: The Colony of Drifbl1m Pop: 9,518 Mil 282: The Fiefdom of Driflo0n Pop: 9,577 Mil 283: The Disputed Territories of Drizzile Pop: 9,425 Mil 284: The Queendom of Drudd1gon Pop: 9,523 Mil 285: The United Kingdom of Du5clops Pop: 9,597 Mil 286: The Emirate of Du5knoir Pop: 9,586 Mil 287: The Dominion of Du5kull Pop: 9,628 Mil 288: The Borderlands of Dubwo0l Pop: 9,408 Mil 289: The Empire of Duckl3tt Pop: 9,534 Mil 290: The Republic of Dudunsparce Pop: 4,915 Mil 291: The United Kingdom of Dugtri0 Pop: 9,833 Mil 292: The Matriarchy of Dunsparc3 Pop: 9,773 Mil 293: The Colony of Duos1on Pop: 9,488 Mil 294: The Theocracy of Dur4ludon Pop: 9,462 Mil 295: The Free Land of Dur4nt Pop: 9,587 Mil 296: The Kingdom of Dust0x Pop: 9,738 Mil 297: The Emirate of Dw3bble Pop: 9,477 Mil 298: The Queendom of E5cavalier Pop: 9,571 Mil 299: The Colony of Eelektr0ss Pop: 9,508 Mil 300: The Kingdom of Eelektr1k Pop: 9,546 Mil 301: The Grand Duchy of Eeve3 Pop: 9,756 Mil 302: The Confederacy of Eiscue Pop: 9,453 Mil 303: The Kingdom of Ekan5 Pop: 9,825 Mil 304: The Empire of El3ctabuzz Pop: 9,725 Mil 305: The Emirate of Eldeg0ss Pop: 9,457 Mil 306: The Confederacy of Elect1vire Pop: 9,568 Mil 307: The Democratic Republic of Electr0de Pop: 9,821 Mil 308: The Community of Electr1ke Pop: 9,701 Mil 309: The Borderlands of Elek1d Pop: 9,779 Mil 310: The Emirate of Elgy3m Pop: 9,497 Mil 311: The People's Republic of Em0lga Pop: 9,583 Mil 312: The Queendom of Emb0ar Pop: 9,524 Mil 313: The Empire of Emp0leon Pop: 9,584 Mil 314: The Republic of Enamorus Pop: 6,725 Mil 315: The Republic of Ente1 Pop: 9,837 Mil 316: The Republic of Espathra Pop: 4,929 Mil 317: The Republic of Espe0n Pop: 9,817 Mil 318: The Republic of Eternatu5 Pop: 9,801 Mil 319: The Rogue Nation of Excadr1ll Pop: 9,543 Mil 320: The People's Republic of Exeggcut3 Pop: 9,724 Mil 321: The Community of Exeggut0r Pop: 9,787 Mil 322: The Principality of Expl0ud Pop: 9,714 Mil 323: The Borderlands of F0rretress Pop: 9,745 Mil 324: The Most Serene Republic of Fal1nks Pop: 9,467 Mil 325: The Empire of Farf3tchd Pop: 9,782 Mil 326: The Republic of Farigiraf Pop: 5,206 Mil 327: The Empire of Fear0w Pop: 9,749 Mil 328: The Republic of Feeba5 Pop: 9,613 Mil 329: The Federation of Fennek1n Pop: 9,449 Mil 330: The Fiefdom of Feral1gatr Pop: 9,835 Mil 331: The Allied States of Ferr0seed Pop: 9,476 Mil 332: The Emirate of Ferr0thorn Pop: 9,444 Mil 333: The Republic of Fezandipiti Pop: 4,347 Mil 334: The Republic of Fid0ugh Pop: 5,559 Mil 335: The Republic of Finizen Pop: 4,970 Mil 336: The Dominion of Finne0n Pop: 9,593 Mil 337: The Republic of Fl0atzel Pop: 9,603 Mil 338: The Kingdom of Fl4affy Pop: 9,833 Mil 339: The Constitutional Monarchy of Flabeb3 Pop: 9,522 Mil 340: The Republic of Flamig0 Pop: 4,950 Mil 341: The United Socialist States of Flapple Pop: 9,447 Mil 342: The Republic of Flare0n Pop: 9,869 Mil 343: The People's Republic of Fletch1nder Pop: 9,438 Mil 344: The Theocracy of Fletchl1ng Pop: 9,470 Mil 345: The Republic of Flittle Pop: 4,897 Mil 346: The Community of Floett3 Pop: 9,473 Mil 347: The Republic of Floragato Pop: 4,956 Mil 348: The Borderlands of Florg3s Pop: 9,503 Mil 349: The BTW this isn't a pony of Flutter Mane Pop: 4,960 Mil 350: The Dominion of Flyg0n Pop: 9,641 Mil 351: The Confederacy of Fo0ngus Pop: 9,540 Mil 352: The Disputed Territories of Fomant1s Pop: 9,489 Mil 353: The Commonwealth of Fr0slass Pop: 9,534 Mil 354: The Most Serene Republic of Fr1llish Pop: 9,529 Mil 355: The Emirate of Fr4xure Pop: 9,551 Mil 356: The Republic of Frigibax Pop: 4,916 Mil 357: The Kingdom of Froak1e Pop: 9,550 Mil 358: The Constitutional Monarchy of Frogad1er Pop: 9,472 Mil 359: The Protectorate of Frosmoth Pop: 9,476 Mil 360: The Ice King of Frozen Circle Pop: 3,349 Mil 361: The Republic of Fuecoco Pop: 6,476 Mil 362: The United Kingdom of Furfr0u Pop: 9,511 Mil 363: The Empire of Furr3t Pop: 9,811 Mil 364: The United Socialist States of G0ldeen Pop: 9,836 Mil 365: The Matriarchy of G0lduck Pop: 9,737 Mil 366: The Grand Duchy of G0lem Pop: 9,835 Mil 367: The United Kingdom of G0lett Pop: 9,512 Mil 368: The Oppressed Peoples of G0lurk Pop: 9,539 Mil 369: The Queendom of G0rebyss Pop: 9,608 Mil 370: The United States of G0ssifleur Pop: 9,426 Mil 371: The Jingoistic States of G0thita Pop: 9,504 Mil 372: The United Socialist States of G0thitelle Pop: 9,498 Mil 373: The Dominion of G0thorita Pop: 9,512 Mil 374: The Jingoistic States of G1ble Pop: 9,544 Mil 375: The Commonwealth of G1galith Pop: 9,537 Mil 376: The Oppressed Peoples of G1rafarig Pop: 9,744 Mil 377: The Republic of G1ratina Pop: 9,763 Mil 378: The Republic of G3nesect Pop: 9,750 Mil 379: The Oppressed Peoples of G3ngar Pop: 9,691 Mil 380: The Colony of G4lvantula Pop: 9,566 Mil 381: The Democratic States of Ga5tly Pop: 9,722 Mil 382: The United Socialist States of Gab1te Pop: 9,525 Mil 383: The Disputed Territories of Galarian Articun0 Pop: 9,539 Mil 384: The Incorporated States of Galarian C0rsola Pop: 9,468 Mil 385: The Holy Empire of Galarian D4rmanitan Pop: 9,545 Mil 386: The Empire of Galarian D4rumaka Pop: 9,495 Mil 387: The Kingdom of Galarian Farf3tchd Pop: 9,511 Mil 388: The Sultanate of Galarian Lin0one Pop: 9,483 Mil 389: The Oppressed Peoples of Galarian M0ltres Pop: 9,477 Mil 390: The Disputed Territories of Galarian Me0wth Pop: 9,495 Mil 391: The Commonwealth of Galarian Mr M1me Pop: 9,440 Mil 392: The United Kingdom of Galarian P0nyta Pop: 9,481 Mil 393: The Colony of Galarian Rap1dash Pop: 9,487 Mil 394: The Dominion of Galarian Sl0wbro Pop: 9,438 Mil 395: The Free Land of Galarian Sl0wking Pop: 9,522 Mil 396: The Commonwealth of Galarian Sl0wpoke Pop: 9,428 Mil 397: The Nomadic Peoples of Galarian Stunf1sk Pop: 9,500 Mil 398: The Matriarchy of Galarian Weez1ng Pop: 9,484 Mil 399: The Queendom of Galarian Yama5k Pop: 9,495 Mil 400: The Rogue Nation of Galarian Zapd0s Pop: 9,526 Mil 401: The Democratic States of Galarian Zigzag0on Pop: 9,464 Mil 402: The Queendom of Gallad3 Pop: 9,561 Mil 403: The Allied States of Garbod0r Pop: 9,550 Mil 404: The United Socialist States of Garch0mp Pop: 9,598 Mil 405: The Allied States of Gardev0ir Pop: 9,728 Mil 406: The Republic of Garganacl Pop: 4,913 Mil 407: The Colony of Gastrod0n Pop: 9,563 Mil 408: The Theocracy of Ge0dude Pop: 9,765 Mil 409: The Republic of Gholdengo Pop: 4,914 Mil 410: The Republic of Gimmighoul Pop: 4,991 Mil 411: The Most Serene Republic of Gl0om Pop: 9,811 Mil 412: The United Socialist States of Gl1gar Pop: 9,744 Mil 413: The Republic of Glace0n Pop: 9,842 Mil 414: The Rogue Nation of Glal1e Pop: 9,660 Mil 415: The Holy Empire of Glame0w Pop: 9,602 Mil 416: The Republic of Glastrier Pop: 9,421 Mil 417: The Republic of Glimmet Pop: 4,918 Mil 418: The Republic of Glimmora Pop: 4,901 Mil 419: The Dictatorship of Glisc0r Pop: 9,586 Mil 420: The Empire of Go0dra Pop: 9,473 Mil 421: The Jingoistic States of Go0my Pop: 9,460 Mil 422: The Fiefdom of Gog0at Pop: 9,485 Mil 423: The Federation of Gol8at Pop: 9,763 Mil 424: The Federation of Golisop0d Pop: 9,540 Mil 425: The Republic of Gouging Fire Pop: 2,596 Mil 426: The Borderlands of Gourge1st Pop: 9,504 Mil 427: The Disputed Territories of Gr0tle Pop: 9,534 Mil 428: The Republic of Gr0udon Pop: 9,823 Mil 429: The Incorporated States of Gr0vyle Pop: 9,687 Mil 430: The Constitutional Monarchy of Gr0wlithe Pop: 9,779 Mil 431: The Rogue Nation of Gr1mer Pop: 9,807 Mil 432: The Republic of Grafaiai Pop: 5,409 Mil 433: The Most Serene Republic of Gran8ull Pop: 9,731 Mil 434: The Democratic Republic of Grappl0ct Pop: 9,463 Mil 435: The Holy Empire of Grav3ler Pop: 9,776 Mil 436: The Republic of Great Tusk Pop: 4,931 Mil 437: The Republic of Greavard Pop: 5,089 Mil 438: The Confederacy of Greedent Pop: 9,396 Mil 439: The Fiefdom of Gren1nja Pop: 9,489 Mil 440: The Community of Grimmsnarl Pop: 9,433 Mil 441: The Queendom of Gro0key Pop: 9,453 Mil 442: The Empire of Grubb1n Pop: 9,458 Mil 443: The Grand Duchy of Grump1g Pop: 9,720 Mil 444: The Confederacy of Gulp1n Pop: 9,738 Mil 445: The Fiefdom of Gumsho0s Pop: 9,434 Mil 446: The Federation of Guzzl0rd Pop: 9,482 Mil 447: The Theocracy of Gyarad0s Pop: 9,706 Mil 448: The United States of H0nedge Pop: 9,475 Mil 449: The Protectorate of H0othoot Pop: 9,789 Mil 450: The Theocracy of H0undoom Pop: 9,763 Mil 451: The United Kingdom of H0undour Pop: 9,750 Mil 452: The Republic of H3atran Pop: 9,816 Mil 453: The Democratic States of H4wlucha Pop: 9,482 Mil 454: The Incorporated States of H4xorus Pop: 9,529 Mil 455: The Sultanate of Hakamo-0 Pop: 9,501 Mil 456: The Allied States of Happ1ny Pop: 9,543 Mil 457: The Kingdom of Har1yama Pop: 9,697 Mil 458: The Free Land of Hat3nna Pop: 9,447 Mil 459: The Democratic States of Hatterene Pop: 9,378 Mil 460: The Empire of Hattrem Pop: 9,424 Mil 461: The Armed Republic of Haunt3r Pop: 9,777 Mil 462: The Jingoistic States of Heatm0r Pop: 9,521 Mil 463: The Emirate of Heli0lisk Pop: 9,490 Mil 464: The Fiefdom of Heli0ptile Pop: 9,519 Mil 465: The Matriarchy of Heracr0ss Pop: 9,785 Mil 466: The Constitutional Monarchy of Herd1er Pop: 9,543 Mil 467: The Federation of Hipp0potas Pop: 9,569 Mil 468: The Matriarchy of Hipp0wdon Pop: 9,563 Mil 469: The Republic of Hisuian Arcanine Pop: 6,831 Mil 470: The Republic of Hisuian Avalugg Pop: 6,672 Mil 471: The Republic of Hisuian Braviary Pop: 7,613 Mil 472: The Republic of Hisuian Decidueye Pop: 6,706 Mil 473: The Republic of Hisuian Electrode Pop: 6,842 Mil 474: The Republic of Hisuian Goodra Pop: 6,661 Mil 475: The Republic of Hisuian Growlithe Pop: 7,625 Mil 476: The Republic of Hisuian Lilligant Pop: 6,694 Mil 477: The Republic of Hisuian Qwilfish Pop: 6,689 Mil 478: The Republic of Hisuian Samurott Pop: 6,672 Mil 479: The Republic of Hisuian Sliggoo Pop: 6,725 Mil 480: The Republic of Hisuian Sneasel Pop: 6,680 Mil 481: The Republic of Hisuian Typhlosion Pop: 6,614 Mil 482: The Republic of Hisuian Voltorb Pop: 6,977 Mil 483: The Republic of Hisuian Zoroark Pop: 7,301 Mil 484: The Republic of Hisuian Zorua Pop: 7,247 Mil 485: The Commonwealth of Hitm0nchan Pop: 9,836 Mil 486: The Dominion of Hitm0nlee Pop: 9,787 Mil 487: The Holy Empire of Hitm0ntop Pop: 9,810 Mil 488: The Republic of Ho-0h Pop: 9,769 Mil 489: The Armed Republic of Honchkr0w Pop: 9,546 Mil 490: The Republic of Hoopa Pop: 9,768 Mil 491: The Colony of Hopp1p Pop: 9,779 Mil 492: The Oppressed Peoples of Hor5ea Pop: 9,772 Mil 493: The Republic of Houndstone Pop: 4,963 Mil 494: The Empire of Hunta1l Pop: 9,602 Mil 495: The Republic of Hydrapple Pop: 2,607 Mil 496: The Sultanate of Hydreig0n Pop: 9,521 Mil 497: The People's Republic of Hypn0 Pop: 9,802 Mil 498: The Empire of Illumis3 Pop: 9,746 Mil 499: The Oppressed Peoples of Impidimp Pop: 9,471 Mil 500: The Incorporated States of Inciner0ar Pop: 9,453 Mil 501: The Democratic Republic of Indeedee Pop: 9,422 Mil 502: The Grand Duchy of Intele0n Pop: 9,483 Mil 503: The Republic of Ir0n Hands Pop: 4,916 Mil 504: The Republic of Iron Boulder Pop: 2,576 Mil 505: The Republic of Iron Bundle Pop: 4,925 Mil 506: The Republic of Iron Cr0wn Pop: 3,370 Mil 507: The Republic of Iron Jugulis Pop: 4,932 Mil 508: The Republic of Iron Leaves Pop: 4,306 Mil 509: The Republic of Iron Moth Pop: 4,953 Mil 510: The Republic of Iron Thorns Pop: 4,931 Mil 511: The Republic of Iron Treads Pop: 4,910 Mil 512: The Republic of Iron Valiant Pop: 4,950 Mil 513: The Nomadic Peoples of Ivy5aur Pop: 9,765 Mil 514: The Queendom of J0ltik Pop: 9,583 Mil 515: The Constitutional Monarchy of J1gglypuff Pop: 9,822 Mil 516: The Republic of J1rachi Pop: 9,835 Mil 517: The Protectorate of Jangmo-0 Pop: 9,497 Mil 518: The Emirate of Jell1cent Pop: 9,532 Mil 519: The Republic of Jolte0n Pop: 9,873 Mil 520: The United Socialist States of K0mala Pop: 9,518 Mil 521: The Republic of K1ngdra Pop: 9,749 Mil 522: The Matriarchy of K1ngler Pop: 9,809 Mil 523: The Republic of K1rlia Pop: 9,716 Mil 524: The Sultanate of K4kuna Pop: 9,813 Mil 525: The Matriarchy of Kabut0 Pop: 9,771 Mil 526: The United Socialist States of Kabut0ps Pop: 9,809 Mil 527: The Nomadic Peoples of Kada8ra Pop: 9,757 Mil 528: The Empire of Kanga5khan Pop: 9,793 Mil 529: The Armed Republic of Karrabla5t Pop: 9,515 Mil 530: The Republic of Kart4na Pop: 9,427 Mil 531: The Empire of Kecle0n Pop: 9,618 Mil 532: The Republic of Keldeo Pop: 9,754 Mil 533: The Republic of Kilowattrel Pop: 4,920 Mil 534: The Republic of Kingambit Pop: 4,949 Mil 535: The Republic of Kl1nk Pop: 9,526 Mil 536: The Republic of Kl1nklang Pop: 9,544 Mil 537: The Republic of Kl4ng Pop: 9,552 Mil 538: The Republic of Klawf Pop: 5,333 Mil 539: The Republic of Kleavor Pop: 7,416 Mil 540: The Disputed Territories of Klefk1 Pop: 9,521 Mil 541: The United Kingdom of Koff1ng Pop: 9,830 Mil 542: The Incorporated States of Kommo-0 Pop: 9,502 Mil | 543: The Republic of Koraid0n Pop: 5,893 Mil 544: The Disputed Territories of Kr0korok Pop: 9,535 Mil 545: The Federation of Kr0okodile Pop: 9,462 Mil 546: The Commonwealth of Kr1cketot Pop: 9,630 Mil 547: The Sultanate of Kr1cketune Pop: 9,584 Mil 548: The Empire of Kr4bby Pop: 9,839 Mil 549: The Republic of Ku8fu Pop: 9,763 Mil 550: The Republic of Ky0gre Pop: 9,782 Mil 551: The Republic of Kyur3m Pop: 9,808 Mil 552: The Republic of L0kix Pop: 4,958 Mil 553: The Rogue Nation of L0mbre Pop: 9,709 Mil 554: The Confederacy of L0tad Pop: 9,651 Mil 555: The Democratic States of L0udred Pop: 9,684 Mil 556: The United States of L1ckilicky Pop: 9,597 Mil 557: The Democratic Republic of L1ckitung Pop: 9,817 Mil 558: The Rogue Nation of L1epard Pop: 9,521 Mil 559: The Colony of L1leep Pop: 9,634 Mil 560: The Colony of L1lligant Pop: 9,545 Mil 561: The People's Republic of L1llipup Pop: 9,551 Mil 562: The Kingdom of L1tten Pop: 9,518 Mil 563: The Emirate of L1twick Pop: 9,486 Mil 564: The Protectorate of L3avanny Pop: 9,494 Mil 565: The Republic of L3dyba Pop: 9,787 Mil 566: The Dictatorship of L4mpent Pop: 9,584 Mil 567: The Federation of Lair0n Pop: 9,720 Mil 568: The Democratic Republic of Lan7urn Pop: 9,761 Mil 569: The Republic of Landoru5 Pop: 9,785 Mil 570: The Democratic States of Lapra5 Pop: 9,774 Mil 571: The Community of Larv1tar Pop: 9,777 Mil 572: The United States of Larve5ta Pop: 9,518 Mil 573: The Republic of Lat1as Pop: 9,868 Mil 574: The Republic of Lat1os Pop: 9,810 Mil 575: The Republic of Leafe0n Pop: 9,838 Mil 576: The Republic of Lech0nk Pop: 5,962 Mil 577: The Community of Led1an Pop: 9,726 Mil 578: The United States of Lin0one Pop: 9,701 Mil 579: The Fiefdom of Litle0 Pop: 9,477 Mil 580: The Principality of Lucari0 Pop: 9,608 Mil 581: The Queendom of Ludic0lo Pop: 9,705 Mil 582: The Republic of Lug1a Pop: 9,865 Mil 583: The Constitutional Monarchy of Lumine0n Pop: 9,544 Mil 584: The Republic of Lun4la Pop: 9,822 Mil 585: The Fiefdom of Lunat0ne Pop: 9,692 Mil 586: The Rogue Nation of Lurant1s Pop: 9,500 Mil 587: The Grand Duchy of Luvd1sc Pop: 9,583 Mil 588: The Most Serene Republic of Lux1o Pop: 9,589 Mil 589: The Matriarchy of Luxr4y Pop: 9,605 Mil 590: The Emirate of Lycanr0c Pop: 9,520 Mil 591: The Republic of M0ltres Pop: 9,773 Mil 592: The Jingoistic States of M0nferno Pop: 9,571 Mil 593: The Incorporated States of M0relull Pop: 9,515 Mil 594: The Grand Duchy of M0thim Pop: 9,498 Mil 595: The Nomadic Peoples of M1enfoo Pop: 9,512 Mil 596: The Democratic Republic of M1enshao Pop: 9,558 Mil 597: The Kingdom of M1ghtyena Pop: 9,715 Mil 598: The Dictatorship of M1ltank Pop: 9,698 Mil 599: The Holy Empire of M1me Jr Pop: 9,545 Mil 600: The United Socialist States of M1nccino Pop: 9,502 Mil 601: The Fiefdom of M1nun Pop: 9,776 Mil 602: The Confederacy of M1sdreavus Pop: 9,715 Mil 603: The Democratic Republic of M1smagius Pop: 9,484 Mil 604: The Republic of M3lmetal Pop: 9,810 Mil 605: The Republic of M3ltan Pop: 9,796 Mil 606: The Borderlands of M3owstic Pop: 9,427 Mil 607: The Republic of M3sprit Pop: 9,836 Mil 608: The Armed Republic of M3tagross Pop: 9,673 Mil 609: The Colony of M3tang Pop: 9,559 Mil 610: The Republic of M3w Pop: 9,769 Mil 611: The Free Land of M4gby Pop: 9,775 Mil 612: The Incorporated States of M4gmar Pop: 9,758 Mil 613: The Republic of M4naphy Pop: 9,833 Mil 614: The Commonwealth of M4ractus Pop: 9,537 Mil 615: The Republic of Mabosstiff Pop: 4,945 Mil 616: The Nomadic Peoples of Mach0ke Pop: 9,804 Mil 617: The Community of Mach0p Pop: 9,768 Mil 618: The Jingoistic States of Mach4mp Pop: 9,764 Mil 619: The Borderlands of Mag1karp Pop: 9,732 Mil 620: The Republic of Mag3arna Pop: 9,869 Mil 621: The Nomadic Peoples of Magcarg0 Pop: 9,778 Mil 622: The Allied States of Magm0rtar Pop: 9,562 Mil 623: The Emirate of Magnem1te Pop: 9,794 Mil 624: The Republic of Magnet0n Pop: 9,773 Mil 625: The Emirate of Magnez0ne Pop: 9,572 Mil 626: The Constitutional Monarchy of Makuh1ta Pop: 9,701 Mil 627: The Disputed Territories of Malam4r Pop: 9,503 Mil 628: The Kingdom of Mamo5wine Pop: 9,565 Mil 629: The Oppressed Peoples of Mand1buzz Pop: 9,510 Mil 630: The Commonwealth of Manectr1c Pop: 9,704 Mil 631: The Borderlands of Mank3y Pop: 9,800 Mil 632: The Republic of Mant1ne Pop: 9,809 Mil 633: The Federation of Mantyk3 Pop: 9,566 Mil 634: The Sultanate of Mar0wak Pop: 9,763 Mil 635: The Incorporated States of Mar1ll Pop: 9,787 Mil 636: The Jingoistic States of Mar3ep Pop: 9,734 Mil 637: The Nomadic Peoples of Mareani3 Pop: 9,513 Mil 638: The Republic of Marshadow Pop: 9,858 Mil 639: The Holy Empire of Marsht0mp Pop: 9,717 Mil 640: The Republic of Maschiff Pop: 4,963 Mil 641: The Dictatorship of Masquera1n Pop: 9,734 Mil 642: The Republic of Maushold Pop: 4,939 Mil 643: The Incorporated States of Maw1le Pop: 9,690 Mil 644: The United Kingdom of Me0wth Pop: 9,779 Mil 645: The Allied States of Med1cham Pop: 9,709 Mil 646: The Community of Med1tite Pop: 9,722 Mil 647: The Holy Empire of Megan1um Pop: 9,790 Mil 648: The Republic of Mel0etta Pop: 9,821 Mil 649: The Republic of Meowscarada Pop: 4,939 Mil 650: The Fiefdom of Metap0d Pop: 9,823 Mil 651: The Republic of Mewtw0 Pop: 9,786 Mil 652: The Oppressed Peoples of Mil0tic Pop: 9,606 Mil 653: The Rogue Nation of Milcery Pop: 9,504 Mil 654: The Disputed Territories of Mim1kyu Pop: 9,456 Mil 655: The Emirate of Mini0r Pop: 9,483 Mil 656: The Republic of Miraid0n Pop: 5,956 Mil 657: The Disputed Territories of Morgrem Pop: 9,458 Mil 658: The Kingdom of Morpeko Pop: 9,457 Mil 659: The Protectorate of Mr M1me Pop: 9,783 Mil 660: The Most Serene Republic of Mr Rime Pop: 9,447 Mil 661: The Empire of Mudbr4y Pop: 9,515 Mil 662: The Disputed Territories of Mudk1p Pop: 9,671 Mil 663: The Republic of Mudsd4le Pop: 9,508 Mil 664: The Incorporated States of Munchl4x Pop: 9,554 Mil 665: The Republic of Munkidori Pop: 4,329 Mil 666: The Rogue Nation of Murkr0w Pop: 9,706 Mil 667: The Nomadic Peoples of Musharn4 Pop: 9,507 Mil 668: The Allied States of N0ctowl Pop: 9,773 Mil 669: The Oppressed Peoples of N0ibat Pop: 9,517 Mil 670: The United States of N0ivern Pop: 9,430 Mil 671: The Principality of N0sepass Pop: 9,737 Mil 672: The Oppressed Peoples of N1doking Pop: 9,778 Mil 673: The Allied States of N1doqueen Pop: 9,772 Mil 674: The Democratic States of N1doran Pop: 9,780 Mil 675: The Confederacy of N1dorina Pop: 9,770 Mil 676: The Democratic Republic of N1dorino Pop: 9,791 Mil 677: The Dominion of N1ncada Pop: 9,708 Mil 678: The Grand Duchy of N1netales Pop: 9,766 Mil 679: The Emirate of N1njask Pop: 9,724 Mil 680: The Dominion of N4tu Pop: 9,825 Mil 681: The Republic of Nacl1 Pop: 4,917 Mil 682: The Republic of Naclstack Pop: 4,966 Mil 683: The Disputed Territories of Naganad3l Pop: 9,465 Mil 684: The Republic of Necr0zma Pop: 9,793 Mil 685: The Jingoistic States of Nickit Pop: 9,448 Mil 686: The Sultanate of Nihileg0 Pop: 9,524 Mil 687: The Grand Duchy of Num3l Pop: 9,717 Mil 688: The Allied States of Nuzl3af Pop: 9,724 Mil 689: The Republic of Nymble Pop: 4,907 Mil 690: The People's Republic of Obstago0n Pop: 9,477 Mil 691: The Fiefdom of Oct1llery Pop: 9,885 Mil 692: The Republic of Ogerpon Pop: 4,328 Mil 693: The Republic of Oinkologne Pop: 4,939 Mil 694: The Republic of Okidogi Pop: 4,354 Mil 695: The Democratic States of Or4nguru Pop: 9,486 Mil 696: The Disputed Territories of Orbeetle Pop: 9,447 Mil 697: The Republic of Oricori0 Pop: 9,472 Mil 698: The Republic of Orthworm Pop: 4,953 Mil 699: The Allied States of Oshaw0tt Pop: 9,550 Mil 700: The Republic of Overqwil Pop: 6,677 Mil 701: The Fiefdom of P0litoed Pop: 9,715 Mil 702: The Oppressed Peoples of P0liwag Pop: 9,786 Mil 703: The Principality of P0liwhirl Pop: 9,777 Mil 704: The Disputed Territories of P0liwrath Pop: 9,799 Mil 705: The Constitutional Monarchy of P0nyta Pop: 9,830 Mil 706: The Empire of P0ochyena Pop: 9,710 Mil 707: The Commonwealth of P0rygon2 Pop: 9,776 Mil 708: The Oppressed Peoples of P1chu Pop: 9,764 Mil 709: The Rogue Nation of P1dgeot Pop: 9,857 Mil 710: The Holy Empire of P1dgeotto Pop: 9,793 Mil 711: The Confederacy of P1dgey Pop: 9,793 Mil 712: The Queendom of P1gnite Pop: 9,517 Mil 713: The Emirate of P1k4chu Pop: 9,804 Mil 714: The Federation of P1neco Pop: 9,821 Mil 715: The Community of P1nsir Pop: 9,791 Mil 716: The Confederacy of P1plup Pop: 9,485 Mil 717: The Confederacy of P4ssimian Pop: 9,387 Mil 718: The Confederacy of P5yduck Pop: 9,747 Mil 719: The Theocracy of Pach1risu Pop: 9,530 Mil 720: The Republic of Palafin Pop: 4,947 Mil 721: The Republic of Paldean Tauros Pop: 4,925 Mil 722: The Republic of Paldean Wooper Pop: 5,554 Mil 723: The Republic of Palk1a Pop: 9,766 Mil 724: The Disputed Territories of Paloss4nd Pop: 9,429 Mil 725: The Colony of Palpit0ad Pop: 9,536 Mil 726: The Emirate of Pan5age Pop: 9,513 Mil 727: The Fiefdom of Pan5ear Pop: 9,553 Mil 728: The People's Republic of Panch4m Pop: 9,500 Mil 729: The Armed Republic of Pangor0 Pop: 9,477 Mil 730: The Empire of Panp0ur Pop: 9,518 Mil 731: The Fiefdom of Para5 Pop: 9,762 Mil 732: The Holy Empire of Para5ect Pop: 9,818 Mil 733: The Colony of Patra7 Pop: 9,568 Mil 734: The Republic of Pawm1 Pop: 5,880 Mil 735: The Republic of Pawmo Pop: 4,926 Mil 736: The Republic of Pawmot Pop: 4,911 Mil 737: The Armed Republic of Pawn1ard Pop: 9,478 Mil 738: The Republic of Pecharunt Pop: 2,612 Mil 739: The Nomadic Peoples of Pel1pper Pop: 9,731 Mil 740: The Principality of Perrserker Pop: 9,501 Mil 741: The Federation of Pers1an Pop: 9,817 Mil 742: The Democratic States of Petil1l Pop: 9,465 Mil 743: The United States of Ph4npy Pop: 9,781 Mil 744: The Oppressed Peoples of Ph4ntump Pop: 9,447 Mil 745: The Sultanate of Pherom0sa Pop: 9,415 Mil 746: The Republic of Phi0ne Pop: 9,786 Mil 747: The Grand Duchy of Pid0ve Pop: 9,539 Mil 748: The Republic of Pikip3k Pop: 9,498 Mil 749: The Dominion of Pilo5wine Pop: 9,787 Mil 750: The Incorporated States of Pincurchin Pop: 9,422 Mil 751: The Dictatorship of Plusl3 Pop: 9,701 Mil 752: The Dictatorship of Poipol3 Pop: 9,490 Mil 753: The Rogue Nation of Poltchageist Pop: 3,303 Mil 754: The Grand Duchy of Polteageist Pop: 9,458 Mil 755: The Borderlands of Poppl1o Pop: 9,473 Mil 756: The Borderlands of Poryg0n-Z Pop: 9,555 Mil 757: The Emirate of Pr0bopass Pop: 9,553 Mil 758: The Colony of Pr1marina Pop: 9,460 Mil 759: The Principality of Pr1meape Pop: 9,839 Mil 760: The Dictatorship of Pr1nplup Pop: 9,560 Mil 761: The Theocracy of Pumpkabo0 Pop: 9,460 Mil 762: The Free Land of Pup1tar Pop: 9,793 Mil 763: The Jingoistic States of Purrl0in Pop: 9,482 Mil 764: The Borderlands of Puru9ly Pop: 9,571 Mil 765: The Fiefdom of Pyr0ar Pop: 9,489 Mil 766: The Most Serene Republic of Qu1lava Pop: 9,787 Mil 767: The United States of Quags1re Pop: 9,741 Mil 768: The Republic of Quaquaval Pop: 4,898 Mil 769: The Republic of Quaxly Pop: 6,477 Mil 770: The Republic of Quaxwell Pop: 4,949 Mil 771: The Commonwealth of Quillad1n Pop: 9,481 Mil 772: The People's Republic of Qw1lfish Pop: 9,767 Mil 773: The Borderlands of R0ckruff Pop: 9,430 Mil 774: The Emirate of R0ggenrola Pop: 9,527 Mil 775: The Dominion of R0selia Pop: 9,659 Mil 776: The Constitutional Monarchy of R0serade Pop: 9,581 Mil 777: The Most Serene Republic of R0tom Pop: 9,574 Mil 778: The Matriarchy of R0wlet Pop: 9,451 Mil 779: The Dictatorship of R1bombee Pop: 9,441 Mil 780: The Republic of R3shiram Pop: 9,793 Mil 781: The Grand Duchy of R4ttata Pop: 9,799 Mil 782: The Nomadic Peoples of Ra1chu Pop: 9,739 Mil 783: The Republic of Ra1kou Pop: 9,820 Mil 784: The Colony of Raboot Pop: 9,428 Mil 785: The Republic of Rabsca Pop: 4,912 Mil 786: The Republic of Raging Bolt Pop: 3,343 Mil 787: The Principality of Ralt5 Pop: 9,686 Mil 788: The Allied States of Rampard0s Pop: 9,564 Mil 789: The Dictatorship of Rap1dash Pop: 9,762 Mil 790: The People's Republic of Rat1cate Pop: 9,854 Mil 791: The Republic of Ray9uaza Pop: 9,795 Mil 792: The Republic of Reg1ce Pop: 9,851 Mil 793: The Republic of Reg1drago Pop: 9,818 Mil 794: The Republic of Reg1eleki Pop: 9,849 Mil 795: The Republic of Reg1gigas Pop: 9,820 Mil 796: The Republic of Reg1rock Pop: 9,777 Mil 797: The Republic of Reg1steel Pop: 9,781 Mil 798: The Borderlands of Rel1canth Pop: 9,605 Mil 799: The Republic of Rellor Pop: 4,947 Mil 800: The Principality of Rem0raid Pop: 9,786 Mil 801: The Armed Republic of Reun1clus Pop: 9,498 Mil 802: The Republic of Revavroom Pop: 4,919 Mil 803: The Federation of Rhyd0n Pop: 9,775 Mil 804: The Empire of Rhyh0rn Pop: 9,792 Mil 805: The Nomadic Peoples of Rhyperi0r Pop: 9,597 Mil 806: The Armed Republic of Ri0lu Pop: 9,596 Mil 807: The Protectorate of Rillaboom Pop: 9,464 Mil 808: The Republic of Roaring Moon Pop: 4,924 Mil 809: The Allied States of Rolycoly Pop: 9,464 Mil 810: The Borderlands of Rookidee Pop: 9,450 Mil 811: The Democratic States of Ruffl3t Pop: 9,446 Mil 812: The Queendom of Runerigus Pop: 9,437 Mil 813: The United Kingdom of S0bble Pop: 9,459 Mil 814: The Republic of S0lgaleo Pop: 9,766 Mil 815: The Matriarchy of S1gilyph Pop: 9,486 Mil 816: The Republic of S1lvally Pop: 9,852 Mil 817: The Protectorate of S3el Pop: 9,788 Mil 818: The Federation of S3ntret Pop: 9,783 Mil 819: The United States of S3waddle Pop: 9,499 Mil 820: The Free Land of S4ndygast Pop: 9,430 Mil 821: The Jingoistic States of S4wk Pop: 9,494 Mil 822: The Incorporated States of S7ufful Pop: 9,503 Mil 823: The Empire of Sabley3 Pop: 9,733 Mil 824: The Democratic States of Salam3nce Pop: 9,627 Mil 825: The Jingoistic States of Saland1t Pop: 9,442 Mil 826: The Protectorate of Salazzl3 Pop: 9,485 Mil 827: The Colony of Samur0tt Pop: 9,591 Mil 828: The Holy Empire of Sand1le Pop: 9,516 Mil 829: The Rogue Nation of Sand5lash Pop: 9,779 Mil 830: The Democratic Republic of Sandaconda Pop: 9,513 Mil 831: The Republic of Sandshr3w Pop: 9,796 Mil 832: The Republic of Sandy Shocks Pop: 4,966 Mil 833: The Matriarchy of Saw5buck Pop: 9,495 Mil 834: The Principality of Sc0lipede Pop: 9,503 Mil 835: The Incorporated States of Sc0rbunny Pop: 9,426 Mil 836: The Fiefdom of Scatt3rbug Pop: 9,469 Mil 837: The Sultanate of Scept1le Pop: 9,661 Mil 838: The Dominion of Sciz0r Pop: 9,743 Mil 839: The Republic of Scovillain Pop: 4,930 Mil 840: The Republic of Scream Tail Pop: 4,948 Mil 841: The Holy Empire of Scyth3r Pop: 9,815 Mil 842: The Democratic States of Seak1ng Pop: 9,814 Mil 843: The Allied States of Seale0 Pop: 9,606 Mil 844: The United States of Seed0t Pop: 9,732 Mil 845: The Empire of Seismit0ad Pop: 9,535 Mil 846: The Sultanate of Serper1or Pop: 9,488 Mil 847: The Empire of Serv1ne Pop: 9,533 Mil 848: The Holy Empire of Sev1per Pop: 9,643 Mil 849: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sh1ftry Pop: 9,698 Mil 850: The Empire of Sh1nx Pop: 9,515 Mil 851: The Nomadic Peoples of Sh3llder Pop: 9,772 Mil 852: The Democratic Republic of Sh3lmet Pop: 9,573 Mil 853: The United Socialist States of Sharped0 Pop: 9,743 Mil 854: The Republic of Shaym1n Pop: 9,830 Mil 855: The Sultanate of Shed1nja Pop: 9,683 Mil 856: The Emirate of Shelg0n Pop: 9,661 Mil 857: The Incorporated States of Shell0s Pop: 9,540 Mil 858: The Fiefdom of Shield0n Pop: 9,531 Mil 859: The Borderlands of Shiin0tic Pop: 9,503 Mil 860: The Democratic Republic of Shro0mish Pop: 9,761 Mil 861: The Republic of Shroodle Pop: 4,928 Mil 862: The Nomadic Peoples of Shupp3t Pop: 9,604 Mil 863: The Disputed Territories of Silc0on Pop: 9,725 Mil 864: The Commonwealth of Silicobra Pop: 9,512 Mil 865: The Sultanate of Simi5age Pop: 9,561 Mil 866: The Dominion of Simi5ear Pop: 9,471 Mil 867: The Dictatorship of Simip0ur Pop: 9,513 Mil 868: The Republic of Sinistcha Pop: 3,183 Mil 869: The Borderlands of Sinistea Pop: 9,503 Mil 870: The Protectorate of Sirfetchd Pop: 9,453 Mil 871: The Oppressed Peoples of Sizzlipede Pop: 9,431 Mil 872: The Dominion of Sk0rupi Pop: 9,590 Mil 873: The Rogue Nation of Sk1ploom Pop: 9,783 Mil 874: The Dominion of Sk1tty Pop: 9,699 Mil 875: The Sultanate of Skarm0ry Pop: 9,792 Mil 876: The Republic of Skeledirge Pop: 4,949 Mil 877: The Matriarchy of Skidd0 Pop: 9,430 Mil 878: The Queendom of Skr3lp Pop: 9,509 Mil 879: The Colony of Skwovet Pop: 9,422 Mil 880: The Rogue Nation of Sl0wbro Pop: 9,777 Mil 881: The Free Land of Sl0wking Pop: 9,769 Mil 882: The United States of Sl0wpoke Pop: 9,793 Mil 883: The Grand Duchy of Slak0th Pop: 9,706 Mil 884: The United States of Slak1ng Pop: 9,696 Mil 885: The Federation of Sliggo0 Pop: 9,523 Mil 886: The Republic of Slither Wing Pop: 4,902 Mil 887: The Republic of Sm0liv Pop: 5,981 Mil 888: The Armed Republic of Sm0ochum Pop: 9,785 Mil 889: The Matriarchy of Sm3argle Pop: 9,827 Mil 890: The Nomadic Peoples of Sn0m Pop: 9,506 Mil 891: The Theocracy of Sn0rlax Pop: 9,824 Mil 892: The United Socialist States of Sn0runt Pop: 9,618 Mil 893: The Nomadic Peoples of Sn0ver Pop: 9,585 Mil 894: The Grand Duchy of Sn1vy Pop: 9,502 Mil 895: The Allied States of Sn3asel Pop: 9,823 Mil 896: The Republic of Sneasler Pop: 6,697 Mil 897: The United States of Snu8bull Pop: 9,774 Mil 898: The Constitutional Monarchy of Solos1s Pop: 9,458 Mil 899: The Confederacy of Solr0ck Pop: 9,626 Mil 900: The Rogue Nation of Sp0ink Pop: 9,723 Mil 901: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sp1narak Pop: 9,820 Mil 902: The Nomadic Peoples of Sp1nda Pop: 9,763 Mil 903: The Emirate of Sp3wpa Pop: 9,483 Mil 904: The United Kingdom of Spear0w Pop: 9,825 Mil 905: The Republic of Spectrier Pop: 9,439 Mil 906: The Community of Sph3al Pop: 9,629 Mil 907: The Republic of Spidops Pop: 4,947 Mil 908: The Matriarchy of Spirit0mb Pop: 9,626 Mil 909: The Federation of Spr1tzee Pop: 9,484 Mil 910: The Republic of Sprigatito Pop: 6,496 Mil 911: The Republic of Squawkabilly Pop: 4,944 Mil 912: The Dictatorship of Squirtl3 Pop: 9,786 Mil 913: The Democratic States of St0utland Pop: 9,534 Mil 914: The Protectorate of St3elix Pop: 9,754 Mil 915: The Constitutional Monarchy of Stantl3r Pop: 9,747 Mil 916: The Borderlands of Steene3 Pop: 9,479 Mil 917: The United Socialist States of Stonjourner Pop: 9,481 Mil 918: The Queendom of Stunf1sk Pop: 9,516 Mil 919: The Republic of Su1cune Pop: 9,869 Mil 920: The Most Serene Republic of Sud0woodo Pop: 9,773 Mil 921: The Jingoistic States of Sunfl0ra Pop: 9,792 Mil 922: The Commonwealth of Sunk3rn Pop: 9,744 Mil 923: The Free Land of Sursk1t Pop: 9,667 Mil 924: The Incorporated States of Sw1rlix Pop: 9,457 Mil 925: The Holy Empire of Sw4nna Pop: 9,522 Mil 926: The Community of Swa8lu Pop: 9,644 Mil 927: The Sultanate of Swadlo0n Pop: 9,588 Mil 928: The People's Republic of Swal0t Pop: 9,663 Mil 929: The Republic of Swamp3rt Pop: 9,752 Mil 930: The Jingoistic States of Swell0w Pop: 9,667 Mil 931: The Queendom of Swo0bat Pop: 9,545 Mil 932: The Republic of Sylve0n Pop: 9,842 Mil 933: The Empire of T0gedemaru Pop: 9,470 Mil 934: The Fiefdom of T0gekiss Pop: 9,604 Mil 935: The Colony of T0gepi Pop: 9,824 Mil 936: The Fiefdom of T0getic Pop: 9,809 Mil 937: The Democratic Republic of T0rkoal Pop: 9,685 Mil 938: The Matriarchy of T0rracat Pop: 9,472 Mil 939: The Dominion of T0rterra Pop: 9,610 Mil 940: The Community of T0todile Pop: 9,770 Mil 941: The Dominion of T1mburr Pop: 9,538 Mil 942: The Republic of Tadbulb Pop: 4,927 Mil 943: The Democratic States of Taill0w Pop: 9,757 Mil 944: The Holy Empire of Tal0nflame Pop: 9,478 Mil 945: The Republic of Tandemaus Pop: 4,947 Mil 946: The Holy Empire of Tang3la Pop: 9,790 Mil 947: The Democratic States of Tangr0wth Pop: 9,545 Mil 948: The Republic of Tapu 8ulu Pop: 9,745 Mil 949: The Republic of Tapu F1ni Pop: 9,827 Mil 950: The Republic of Tapu K0ko Pop: 9,772 Mil 951: The Republic of Tapu L3le Pop: 9,844 Mil 952: The Republic of Tarountula Pop: 4,915 Mil 953: The Republic of Tatsugiri Pop: 4,895 Mil 954: The Commonwealth of Taur0s Pop: 9,789 Mil 955: The United States of Tedd1ursa Pop: 9,772 Mil 956: The Rogue Nation of Tentac0ol Pop: 9,796 Mil 957: The Commonwealth of Tentacru3l Pop: 9,811 Mil 958: The Oppressed Peoples of Tep1g Pop: 9,523 Mil 959: The Republic of Terapagos Pop: 4,359 Mil 960: The Republic of Terraki0n Pop: 9,773 Mil 961: The Confederacy of Thievul Pop: 9,502 Mil 962: The Disputed Territories of Thr0h Pop: 9,474 Mil 963: The Republic of Thunduru5 Pop: 9,873 Mil 964: The Disputed Territories of Thwackey Pop: 9,427 Mil 965: The Republic of Ting-Lu Pop: 4,933 Mil 966: The Republic of Tinkatink Pop: 4,937 Mil 967: The Republic of Tinkaton Pop: 4,933 Mil 968: The Republic of Tinkatuff Pop: 4,921 Mil 969: The Most Serene Republic of Tirt0uga Pop: 9,508 Mil 970: The Republic of Toedscool Pop: 4,904 Mil 971: The Republic of Toedscruel Pop: 4,952 Mil 972: The United Socialist States of Torch1c Pop: 9,698 Mil 973: The Republic of Tornadu5 Pop: 9,758 Mil 974: The Allied States of Toucann0n Pop: 9,515 Mil 975: The Dominion of Toxap3x Pop: 9,495 Mil 976: The Principality of Toxel Pop: 9,480 Mil 977: The Borderlands of Toxicr0ak Pop: 9,555 Mil 978: The Community of Toxtr1city Pop: 9,437 Mil 979: The Democratic States of Tr0pius Pop: 9,636 Mil 980: The Jingoistic States of Tr3venant Pop: 9,491 Mil 981: The Jingoistic States of Tranqu1ll Pop: 9,579 Mil 982: The Jingoistic States of Trap1nch Pop: 9,703 Mil 983: The Federation of Treeck0 Pop: 9,726 Mil 984: The Colony of Trubb1sh Pop: 9,552 Mil 985: The Empire of Trumb3ak Pop: 9,443 Mil 986: The Dominion of Turtonat0r Pop: 9,393 Mil 987: The Sultanate of Turtw1g Pop: 9,612 Mil 988: The Dominion of Tymp0le Pop: 9,519 Mil 989: The Democratic States of Tynam0 Pop: 9,531 Mil 990: The Republic of Type Null Pop: 9,853 Mil 991: The Kingdom of Typhl0sion Pop: 9,819 Mil 992: The Grand Duchy of Tyr0gue Pop: 9,775 Mil 993: The Disputed Territories of Tyr4ntrum Pop: 9,501 Mil 994: The Holy Empire of Tyran1tar Pop: 9,788 Mil 995: The United Kingdom of Tyrun7 Pop: 9,463 Mil 996: The Republic of Umbre0n Pop: 9,910 Mil 997: The Queendom of Un0wn Pop: 9,734 Mil 998: The Theocracy of Unf3zant Pop: 9,556 Mil 999: The Republic of Ur5hifu Pop: 9,833 Mil 1000: The Republic of Ursaluna Pop: 6,603 Mil 1001: The Dominion of Ursar1ng Pop: 9,769 Mil 1002: The Republic of Uxi3 Pop: 9,761 Mil 1003: The Oppressed Peoples of V0lbeat Pop: 9,679 Mil 1004: The Empire of V0ltorb Pop: 9,799 Mil 1005: The Most Serene Republic of V1brava Pop: 9,743 Mil 1006: The Republic of V1ctini Pop: 9,804 Mil 1007: The Dominion of V1ctreebel Pop: 9,773 Mil 1008: The Democratic States of V1kavolt Pop: 9,474 Mil 1009: The Confederacy of V1leplume Pop: 9,870 Mil 1010: The United Socialist States of V3nipede Pop: 9,510 Mil 1011: The Democratic Republic of Van1llish Pop: 9,567 Mil 1012: The Disputed Territories of Van1llite Pop: 9,517 Mil 1013: The United States of Van1lluxe Pop: 9,558 Mil 1014: The Republic of Vapore0n Pop: 9,867 Mil 1015: The Republic of Varoom Pop: 4,923 Mil 1016: The Republic of Veluza Pop: 4,917 Mil 1017: The Dictatorship of Ven0moth Pop: 9,792 Mil 1018: The Principality of Ven0nat Pop: 9,820 Mil 1019: The Dominion of Venu5aur Pop: 9,703 Mil 1020: The United Kingdom of Vesp1quen Pop: 9,604 Mil 1021: The Holy Empire of Vigor0th Pop: 9,712 Mil 1022: The Republic of Virizi0n Pop: 9,792 Mil 1023: The Borderlands of Vivill0n Pop: 9,504 Mil 1024: The Republic of Volcanion Pop: 9,801 Mil 1025: The Kingdom of Volcar0na Pop: 9,513 Mil 1026: The Sultanate of Vull4by Pop: 9,519 Mil 1027: The Borderlands of Vulp1x Pop: 9,847 Mil 1028: The Theocracy of W0bbuffet Pop: 9,830 Mil 1029: The Matriarchy of W0oper Pop: 9,764 Mil 1030: The Dominion of W0rmadam Pop: 9,579 Mil 1031: The Protectorate of W1gglytuff Pop: 9,696 Mil 1032: The People's Republic of W1ngull Pop: 9,719 Mil 1033: The Fiefdom of W1shiwashi Pop: 9,524 Mil 1034: The Protectorate of Wa1lmer Pop: 9,714 Mil 1035: The Commonwealth of Wa1lord Pop: 9,718 Mil 1036: The Republic of Walking Wake Pop: 4,390 Mil 1037: The People's Republic of Walre1n Pop: 9,627 Mil 1038: The Republic of Wartortl3 Pop: 9,749 Mil 1039: The Community of Watch0g Pop: 9,529 Mil 1040: The Republic of Wattrel Pop: 4,923 Mil 1041: The Protectorate of Weav1le Pop: 9,618 Mil 1042: The Armed Republic of Weedl3 Pop: 9,778 Mil 1043: The Democratic States of Weep1nbell Pop: 9,770 Mil 1044: The Dominion of Weez1ng Pop: 9,791 Mil 1045: The United Kingdom of Wh1rlipede Pop: 9,553 Mil 1046: The Rogue Nation of Wh1scash Pop: 9,630 Mil 1047: The United Kingdom of Wh1smur Pop: 9,675 Mil 1048: The Dominion of Whimsic0tt Pop: 9,520 Mil 1049: The Republic of Wiglett Pop: 5,243 Mil 1050: The United Kingdom of Wimp0d Pop: 9,508 Mil 1051: The Republic of Wo-Chien Pop: 4,927 Mil 1052: The Constitutional Monarchy of Wo0bat Pop: 9,529 Mil 1053: The Dominion of Woolo0 Pop: 9,466 Mil 1054: The Republic of Wugtrio Pop: 4,927 Mil 1055: The Federation of Wurmpl3 Pop: 9,711 Mil 1056: The Disputed Territories of Wynau7 Pop: 9,635 Mil 1057: The Republic of Wyrdeer Pop: 7,610 Mil 1058: The Republic of X3rneas Pop: 9,811 Mil 1059: The Constitutional Monarchy of X4tu Pop: 9,708 Mil 1060: The Rogue Nation of Xurk1tree Pop: 9,476 Mil 1061: The Oppressed Peoples of Y4nma Pop: 9,802 Mil 1062: The Borderlands of Yama5k Pop: 9,504 Mil 1063: The Republic of Yamp3r Pop: 9,483 Mil 1064: The Armed Republic of Yanm3ga Pop: 9,559 Mil 1065: The Confederacy of Yungo0s Pop: 9,500 Mil 1066: The Republic of Yv3ltal Pop: 9,783 Mil 1067: The Queendom of Z0roark Pop: 9,544 Mil 1068: The Most Serene Republic of Z0rua Pop: 9,508 Mil 1069: The Republic of Z3krom Pop: 9,798 Mil 1070: The Republic of Zac1an Pop: 9,770 Mil 1071: The Republic of Zamaz3nta Pop: 9,864 Mil 1072: The Armed Republic of Zango0se Pop: 9,646 Mil 1073: The Republic of Zapd0s Pop: 9,820 Mil 1074: The Republic of Zarude Pop: 9,817 Mil 1075: The Democratic Republic of Zebstr1ka Pop: 9,514 Mil 1076: The Republic of Zera0ra Pop: 9,831 Mil 1077: The Allied States of Zigzag0on Pop: 9,670 Mil 1078: The People's Republic of Zu8at Pop: 9,769 Mil 1079: The Incorporated States of Zweil0us Pop: 9,518 Mil 1080: The Republic of Zygard3 Pop: 9,764 Mil |