1: The Loving Couple of -Canon Ship- Pop: 6,567 Mil 2: The Empire of -Empire of Japan- Pop: 4,909 Mil 3: The Federal Republic of -India Pop: 254 Mil 4: The Constitutional Monarchy of -United Nordic Kingdom- Pop: 14 Mil 5: The Finding of A Card Pop: 8,584 Mil 6: The Empire of Alto Boreal Pop: 1,072 Mil 7: The Republic of Amalitainie Pop: 1,580 Mil 8: The Kingdom of Ancien Regime Francais Pop: 4,158 Mil 9: The Federal Republic of Anzoania Pop: 5,247 Mil 10: The United Kingdom of Argintinian Pop: 7 Mil 11: The Dictatorship of Arpioska Pop: 1,145 Mil 12: The People's Republic of Aryavarta Raj Pop: 171 Mil 13: The Greater United of Banglades h Pop: 3,543 Mil 14: The United Federation of Biggest Guy Pop: 3,339 Mil 15: The Republic of Biscao Pop: 6 Mil 16: The Sovereign Union of Bluquse Pop: 27,967 Mil 17: The Republic of Bolivariana Venezuela Pop: 1,716 Mil 18: The Empire of Central America Federation Pop: 10,701 Mil 19: The Union of Central-Asia Pop: 3,661 Mil 20: The Empire of Daehan Jeguk Korea Pop: 819 Mil 21: The Democratic Republic of Dahastan Pop: 1,745 Mil 22: The Kingdom of Draumheim Pop: 306 Mil 23: The Kingdom of Draviska Pop: 157 Mil 24: The Empire of Ducal Imperium Pop: 1,570 Mil 25: The Constitutional Monarchy of El-Ionia Pop: 10,885 Mil 26: The Kingdom of Enortria Pop: 167 Mil 27: The United Socialist States of Equilon Pop: 9 Mil 28: The Reupublika of Eulumia Pop: 23,246 Mil 29: The Federation of European Council- Pop: 2,843 Mil 30: The Seventh Federative Republic of Flourishing Southlands Pop: 9,664 Mil 31: The Republic of Formosan Collectivity Pop: 285 Mil 32: The Nomadic Peoples of Fuxuan Dynasty Pop: 12 Mil 33: The Dominion of Geopolity Pop: 23,872 Mil 34: The Agency of Geopolity Customs Pop: 19,481 Mil 35: The Halcyon Realm of Gibberish Kingdom Pop: 15,145 Mil 36: The Dominion of Global Events Pop: 285 Mil 37: The Dictatorship of Greater Galician state Pop: 1,487 Mil 38: The Republic of Greece-Cyprus Pop: 1,832 Mil 39: The Rogue Nation of GSN79 Pop: 3,454 Mil 40: The Kingdom of Hanaokoku Pop: 279 Mil 41: The Republic of Hidden forest Pop: 4,134 Mil 42: The Grand Empire of Hyx Pop: 8,566 Mil 43: The Commonwealth of Illyrian Commonwealth Pop: 16 Mil 44: The United States of Imperial Eagle Pop: 29,286 Mil 45: The Imperial Federation of Infiny Pop: 22,309 Mil 46: The State of Israael- Pop: 1,163 Mil 47: The Kingdom of Italian Federate Pop: 908 Mil 48: The Greater Romanian Empire of Kaidia Pop: 5,387 Mil 49: The Peninsula of Kola Pop: 13,200 Mil 50: The Empire of Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Pop: 2,932 Mil | 51: The Empire of Labyrnna Pop: 30,271 Mil 52: The Federal Republic of Land of The Shadows Pop: 8 Mil 53: The People's Republic of Lands of Persia Pop: 1,356 Mil 54: The People's Republic of Lianhe Zhongguo Pop: 18 Mil 55: The Free Land of New Arauco Pop: 353 Mil 56: The Dominion of Nibinmillioke Pop: 45 Mil 57: The Confederacy of Noorestan Pop: 1,975 Mil 58: The Empire of Nusantaara Pop: 1,166 Mil 59: The Republic of Peoples Federal Republic of India Pop: 10 Mil 60: The Democratic Republic of Poleton Pop: 1,483 Mil 61: The Isotope of Protium Pop: 16,804 Mil 62: The Democratic Republic of Raiden Teikoku Pop: 8 Mil 63: The Republic of Republic of Lennon Pop: 10 Mil 64: The Free Land of Republica Astrusia Pop: 195 Mil 65: The Republic of Republica-Argentina Pop: 6,222 Mil 66: The Dominion of Rhodesia1 Pop: 14 Mil 67: The Grand Duchy of Romanovskaya Pop: 12,913 Mil 68: The Kingdom of Royal Scotland Pop: 1,025 Mil 69: The Federation of S0viet S0cialist Republics Pop: 702 Mil 70: The Egyptian Kingdom of Sakretia Pop: 2,108 Mil 71: The Republic of Shensheng Pop: 489 Mil 72: The Republic of Si-am Pop: 86 Mil 73: The Federation of Southern archipelago Pop: 168 Mil 74: The Republic of Sundilsasda Pop: 17,260 Mil 75: The Democratic Republic of Sunmiya Pop: 8 Mil 76: The United Kingdom of Svenska Rike Pop: 699 Mil 77: The Ancient Peoples of The Baltic Confederation Pop: 2,141 Mil 78: The Dictatorship of The Bulgarian State Pop: 477 Mil 79: The People's Republic of The Far Eastern Socialist Republics Pop: 20 Mil 80: The Dictatorship of The Great Terror Of FOXY Pop: 7 Mil 81: The United States of The Metaverses Pop: 301 Mil 82: The Holy Empire of The Silly Billys Pop: 705 Mil 83: The Neo-Ottoman Empire of The Turkic State Pop: 6,189 Mil 84: The Federal Republic of The United Arcadian States Pop: 1,415 Mil 85: The United Kingdom of The United British Kingdom Pop: 2,147 Mil 86: The Empire of Tianquan Pop: 23 Mil 87: The Socialist Federal Republic of Turco-Bulgaria Pop: 6,481 Mil 88: The Caliphate of Unified Arab States Pop: 1,155 Mil 89: The Constitutional Monarchy of United Arcadian Republic Pop: 22,677 Mil 90: The Democratic Republic of Upper Tuchoim Pop: 5,669 Mil 91: The United States of Vashnal Pop: 21,863 Mil 92: The Incorporated States of WRNC Pop: 475 Mil 93: The Emirate of Zanji-bar Pop: 201 Mil 94: The Republic of Zeleniya Pop: 5,708 Mil 95: The Empire of Zhonghua-Diguo Pop: 2,571 Mil 96: The Republic of Zlatomir Pop: 253 Mil |