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130 Countries populate the Region of Grant

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1: The Grant of Aigo
Pop: 23,021 Mil

2: The Grant of Albiore
Pop: 3,806 Mil

3: The Grant of Anza
Pop: 25,748 Mil

4: The Grant of Argento
Pop: 16,681 Mil

5: The Grant of Asernia
Pop: 19,075 Mil

6: The Grant of Baetina
Pop: 24,300 Mil

7: The Grant of Berlizzi
Pop: 23,999 Mil

8: The Grant of Berrialva
Pop: 24,315 Mil

9: The Grant of Boggia
Pop: 24,250 Mil

10: The Grant of Borcenna
Pop: 24,346 Mil

11: The Grant of Borgonzamo
Pop: 24,238 Mil

12: The Grant of Briuli
Pop: 24,309 Mil

13: The Grant of Brugnatella
Pop: 24,421 Mil

14: The Metropolis of Brutland City
Pop: 24,320 Mil

15: The Grant of Calabruzzi
Pop: 24,241 Mil

16: The Grant of Campedusa
Pop: 24,388 Mil

17: The City of Campobasso
Pop: 25,777 Mil

18: The Grant of Campodania
Pop: 24,376 Mil

19: The Grant of Cantabrica
Pop: 24,307 Mil

20: The Grant of Capitanata
Pop: 25,917 Mil

21: The Grant of Capriati
Pop: 24,400 Mil

22: The City of Carpa
Pop: 24,392 Mil

23: The Grant of Cavese
Pop: 24,347 Mil

24: The Grant of Cerca
Pop: 24,278 Mil

25: The Grant of Chiardogna
Pop: 24,309 Mil

26: The City of Colfetta
Pop: 24,333 Mil

27: The Grant of Cortel
Pop: 24,395 Mil

28: The Grant of Corza
Pop: 22,368 Mil

29: The Grant of Covara
Pop: 24,285 Mil

30: The Grant of Crosseto
Pop: 24,288 Mil

31: The City of Dennville
Pop: 24,318 Mil

32: The Grant of Desantorica
Pop: 24,346 Mil

33: The Grant of Dolzone
Pop: 24,385 Mil

34: The Grant of Doro
Pop: 24,347 Mil

35: The Grant of Duglie
Pop: 23,907 Mil

36: The Grant of Ferbiabbo
Pop: 24,347 Mil

37: The Grant of Fiano
Pop: 24,293 Mil

38: The Grant of Fiorgamino
Pop: 24,405 Mil

39: The Grant of Fonzo
Pop: 24,328 Mil

40: The City of Forlicesena
Pop: 24,345 Mil

41: The Grant of Frento
Pop: 13,444 Mil

42: The Grant of Giomestagno
Pop: 24,375 Mil

43: The Grant of Helverica
Pop: 24,359 Mil

44: The Grant of Italina
Pop: 3,794 Mil

45: The Grant of Jorca
Pop: 16,044 Mil

46: The City of Kingsbourg
Pop: 24,252 Mil

47: The Grant of La Spergamo
Pop: 24,353 Mil

48: The Grant of Lecarocchiavalle
Pop: 24,260 Mil

49: The Grant of Librugnie
Pop: 24,337 Mil

50: The Grant of Liparegna
Pop: 24,328 Mil

51: The Grant of Maceltellina
Pop: 24,362 Mil

52: The Grant of Marchesta
Pop: 22,586 Mil

53: The Grant of Marivenna
Pop: 24,471 Mil

54: The Grant of Mecco
Pop: 24,306 Mil

55: The Grant of Merana
Pop: 24,230 Mil

56: The Grant of Micchiolli
Pop: 24,339 Mil

57: The Grant of Midritto
Pop: 24,327 Mil

58: The Grant of Milova
Pop: 24,275 Mil

59: The Grant of Modica
Pop: 25,341 Mil

60: The Grant of Montesa
Pop: 13,123 Mil

61: The Grant of Montova
Pop: 24,420 Mil

62: The Grant of Mordogudoro
Pop: 24,339 Mil

63: The Grant of Morlise
Pop: 24,273 Mil

64: The Grant of Morza
Pop: 24,328 Mil

65: The Grant of Nativiscare
Pop: 24,334 Mil

66: The Grant of Nevade
Pop: 24,367 Mil

67: The Grant of Nicoletano
Pop: 24,256 Mil

68: The City of Nordville
Pop: 24,321 Mil

69: The Grant of Olba
Pop: 24,295 Mil

70: The Grant of Ollinocchiese
Pop: 24,305 Mil

71: The Grant of Palatina
Pop: 14,534 Mil

72: The Confederacy of Pannondrio
Pop: 24,333 Mil

73: The Grant of Pennino
Pop: 24,331 Mil

74: The Grant of Piadana
Pop: 24,259 Mil

75: The Grant of Piccu
Pop: 24,287 Mil

76: The Grant of Piscierettu
Pop: 24,314 Mil

77: The Grant of Pistozzi
Pop: 24,336 Mil

78: The Grant of Plano Verta
Pop: 24,239 Mil

79: The Grant of Plantina
Pop: 16,988 Mil

80: The Grant of Potti
Pop: 24,312 Mil

81: The Grant of Quonzicchio
Pop: 24,362 Mil

82: The Grant of Ravino
Pop: 24,281 Mil

83: The Grant of Redutto
Pop: 24,374 Mil

84: The Grant of Rigulia
Pop: 24,317 Mil

85: The Grant of Rivero
Pop: 24,107 Mil

86: The Grant of Rodige
Pop: 24,255 Mil

87: The Grant of Rucca
Pop: 13,201 Mil

88: The Grant of Runeo
Pop: 24,272 Mil

89: The Grant of Santelleria
Pop: 24,376 Mil

90: The Grant of Santobricco
Pop: 24,307 Mil

91: The Grant of Saotivalles
Pop: 24,246 Mil

92: The City of Scaglietto
Pop: 24,352 Mil

93: The Grant of Sceicce
Pop: 23,953 Mil

94: The Grant of Scilia
Pop: 24,408 Mil

95: The Grant of Scommagena
Pop: 24,336 Mil

96: The Grant of Seltina
Pop: 24,012 Mil

97: The City of Senzioffre
Pop: 23,966 Mil

98: The Grant of Seppa
Pop: 24,011 Mil

99: The Grant of Soltera
Pop: 24,330 Mil

100: The City of Spadavecchia
Pop: 23,515 Mil

101: The Grant of Spiermanza
Pop: 24,333 Mil

102: The Grant of Stampione
Pop: 24,320 Mil

103: The Grant of Stellago
Pop: 24,379 Mil

104: The Grant of Storrefine
Pop: 23,912 Mil

105: The Grant of Strigina
Pop: 24,319 Mil

106: The Grant of Subrigaria
Pop: 24,337 Mil

107: The Grant of Tambione
Pop: 24,369 Mil

108: The Grant of Tavoliere
Pop: 23,973 Mil

109: The Grant of Terragnano
Pop: 24,347 Mil

110: The Grant of Terrallo
Pop: 24,351 Mil

111: The Grant of Thessalia
Pop: 16,588 Mil

112: The Grant of Timberland
Pop: 29,125 Mil

113: The Grant of Tomo
Pop: 14,163 Mil

114: The Grant of Tonzifiatto
Pop: 24,346 Mil

115: The Grant of Tonzivibbia
Pop: 24,278 Mil

116: The Grant of Tortona
Pop: 21,508 Mil

117: The Grant of Toscaria
Pop: 24,327 Mil

118: The Grant of Trascara
Pop: 24,385 Mil

119: The City of Tratagnano
Pop: 24,313 Mil

120: The Grant of Trazio
Pop: 24,325 Mil

121: The Grant of Trebba
Pop: 24,279 Mil

122: The Grant of Trefini
Pop: 24,294 Mil

123: The Grant of Troia
Pop: 17,786 Mil

124: The Grant of Union Island
Pop: 24,419 Mil

125: The Grant of Valle di Giri
Pop: 24,203 Mil

126: The Grant of Vallo di Stresu
Pop: 23,359 Mil

127: The Grant of Valtebriggio
Pop: 24,033 Mil

128: The Grant of Valtemmira
Pop: 23,891 Mil

129: The Grant of Valtistrada
Pop: 23,995 Mil

130: The Grant of Voccanica
Pop: 24,269 Mil

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