1: The Ursurping Scoundrel of Aegon the Elder Pop: 4,989 Mil 2: The Unlucky Dragonbane of Aegon the Younger Pop: 4,997 Mil 3: The Targaryen Queen of Aemma Arryn Pop: 5,475 Mil 4: The Kinslaying Rogue of Aemond One-Eye Pop: 4,981 Mil 5: The Chained Green Queen of Alicent Hightower Pop: 5,465 Mil 6: The Queendom of Allun Caswell Pop: 5,013 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Alysanne Targaryen Pop: 4,970 Mil 8: The Oppressed Peoples of Arryk Cargyll Pop: 4,956 Mil 9: The Kingdom of Baela Targaryen Pop: 4,989 Mil 10: The Kingdom of Boremund Baratheon Pop: 5,000 Mil 11: The Principality of Corlys Velaryon Pop: 5,467 Mil 12: The Rogue Nation of Criston Cole Pop: 5,489 Mil 13: The Rogue Nation of Daemon Targaryen Pop: 5,403 Mil 14: The Kingdom of Erryk Cargyll Pop: 4,989 Mil 15: The Kingdom of Grand Maester Mellos Pop: 5,045 Mil 16: The Nomadic Peoples of Grand Maester Orwyle Pop: 4,988 Mil 17: The Kingdom of Harrold Westerling Pop: 5,045 Mil 18: The Rogue Nation of Harwin Strong Pop: 5,016 Mil 19: The Kingdom of Hobert Hightower Pop: 5,039 Mil 20: The Kingdom of Jacaerys Velaryon Pop: 5,050 Mil 21: The Kingdom of Jaehaerys I Pop: 5,000 Mil 22: The Kingdom of Jason Lannister Pop: 4,982 Mil 23: The Rogue Nation of Joffrey Lonmouth Pop: 4,951 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Joffrey Velaryon Pop: 4,986 Mil | 25: The Borderlands of Lady Mysaria Pop: 5,490 Mil 26: The Matriarchy of Lady Rhea Royce Pop: 5,021 Mil 27: The Free Land of Laena Velaryon Pop: 5,002 Mil 28: The Kingdom of Laenor Velaryon Pop: 5,027 Mil 29: The Rogue Nation of Larys Strong Pop: 4,969 Mil 30: The Kingdom of Lorent Marbrand Pop: 4,967 Mil 31: The Kingdom of Lucerys Luke Velaryon Pop: 4,978 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Lyman Beesbury Pop: 4,955 Mil 33: The Kingdom of Lyonel Strong Pop: 4,998 Mil 34: The Kingdom of Mysaria Pop: 1,491 Mil 35: The Grand Duchy of Otto Hightower Pop: 5,457 Mil 36: The Kingdom of Qarl Correy Pop: 5,012 Mil 37: The Kingdom of Queen Helaena Targaryen Pop: 4,947 Mil 38: The Kingdom of Rhaena Targaryen Pop: 4,989 Mil 39: The Queendom of Rhaenyra I Targaryen Pop: 5,406 Mil 40: The Principality of Rhaenys Targaryen Pop: 5,470 Mil 41: The Kingdom of Steffon Darklyn Pop: 4,988 Mil 42: The Kingdom of Tyland Lannister Pop: 4,968 Mil 43: The Jingoistic States of Vaemond Velaryon Pop: 5,018 Mil 44: The Kingdom of Viserys I Targaryen Pop: 5,449 Mil 45: The Kingdom of Viserys the Younger Pop: 4,960 Mil |