1: The Republic of -A dream thats been a lifetime Pop: 4,008 Mil 2: The Republic of -Condescending- Pop: 4,027 Mil 3: The Republic of -I wont be held down any longer Pop: 3,994 Mil 4: The Republic of -Its my turn- Pop: 4,007 Mil 5: The Republic of A chance to win Pop: 4,035 Mil 6: The Republic of A chance to win- Pop: 4,001 Mil 7: The Republic of A dream thats been a lifetime Pop: 4,023 Mil 8: The Republic of Accept your fate and show good face Pop: 3,984 Mil 9: The Republic of An endless vast uphill climb Pop: 4,025 Mil 10: The Republic of An endless vast uphill climb- Pop: 3,978 Mil 11: The Republic of And be thankful that youre there Pop: 4,016 Mil 12: The Republic of And how youd scold and chide me Pop: 3,977 Mil 13: The Republic of And Ill never go back there Pop: 4,027 Mil 14: The Republic of And my heart was happy there Pop: 4,022 Mil 15: The Republic of And now Im so much stronger Pop: 4,057 Mil 16: The Republic of And youre not going anywhere Pop: 3,997 Mil 17: The Republic of Anything to crush my soul Pop: 3,976 Mil 18: The Republic of Anything to feel control Pop: 4,018 Mil 19: The Republic of Bend me shape me Pop: 4,022 Mil 20: The Republic of Big things arent for you Pop: 4,031 Mil 21: The Republic of Build me break me Pop: 3,989 Mil 22: The Republic of But I wont leave here jaded Pop: 4,024 Mil 23: The Republic of But now I think I know the truth Pop: 4,024 Mil 24: The Republic of Dont be foolish Pop: 3,962 Mil 25: The Republic of Dream of any place Pop: 4,016 Mil 26: The Republic of Finally free Ive come so far Pop: 3,999 Mil 27: The Republic of Finally see how sick you are Pop: 3,995 Mil 28: The Republic of Forever criticize me Pop: 4,022 Mil 29: The Republic of Give up your wish Pop: 3,990 Mil 30: The Republic of Hey wait turn and show your face Pop: 3,993 Mil 31: The Republic of I believed it was true Pop: 3,998 Mil 32: The Republic of I dont care what it costs me Pop: 4,032 Mil 33: The Republic of I know I almost lost me Pop: 3,978 Mil 34: The Republic of I was heading nowhere Pop: 3,981 Mil 35: The Republic of I wont be held down any longer Pop: 3,993 Mil 36: The Republic of If I just closed my eyes Pop: 4,015 Mil 37: The Republic of Ill start again and finally prove Pop: 4,022 Mil | 38: The Republic of Im in control I own my soul Pop: 4,015 Mil 39: The Republic of Im not yours any longer Pop: 4,040 Mil 40: The Republic of Imagination set the pace Pop: 4,017 Mil 41: The Republic of It all begins Pop: 4,005 Mil 42: The Republic of It all begins- Pop: 4,009 Mil 43: The Republic of Its My Turn Pop: 4,060 Mil 44: The Republic of Its my turn- Pop: 3,986 Mil 45: The Republic of Ive got a lot to say Pop: 4,027 Mil 46: The Republic of Ive got a message here for you Pop: 4,008 Mil 47: The Republic of Ivewaited all my lifeandfinally its here Pop: 4,020 Mil 48: The Republic of Ivewaited allmy lifeand finally its here Pop: 4,028 Mil 49: The Republic of Made my life hell Pop: 3,989 Mil 50: The Republic of Never knowing Pop: 4,030 Mil 51: The Republic of Never-ending Pop: 4,005 Mil 52: The Republic of Now I just refuse Pop: 4,000 Mil 53: The Republic of Round and told me Pop: 3,983 Mil 54: The Republic of Said my dreams cant come true Pop: 3,996 Mil 55: The Republic of That was so long ago Pop: 3,997 Mil 56: The Republic of The day Ive waited for is drawing near Pop: 4,036 Mil 57: The Republic of The day Ive waited for is drawing near- Pop: 3,969 Mil 58: The Republic of Then I could go anywhere Pop: 4,019 Mil 59: The Republic of Time for you to learn Pop: 4,006 Mil 60: The Republic of Time for you to learn- Pop: 4,004 Mil 61: The Republic of Wasted years that I spent Pop: 4,008 Mil 62: The Republic of What a shame that you came Pop: 4,027 Mil 63: The Republic of When I was young Pop: 3,966 Mil 64: The Republic of Who held me down and told me Pop: 4,030 Mil 65: The Republic of Why was I your fool Pop: 3,979 Mil 66: The Republic of Wont spend another day confused Pop: 4,024 Mil 67: The Republic of You lose the time you ruled mes through Pop: 3,979 Mil 68: The Republic of You rose I fell Pop: 4,013 Mil 69: The Republic of You said know your place Pop: 4,018 Mil 70: The Republic of You were the one Pop: 4,017 Mil |