1: The Prefecture of Aichi Pop: 5,503 Mil 2: The Colony of Ajiro Pop: 307 Mil 3: The Imperial Navy carrier of Akagi Pop: 5,454 Mil 4: The Prefecture of Akita Pop: 1,513 Mil 5: The Borderlands of Akuta Refuge Pop: 167 Mil 6: The United States of All Might Pop: 9,677 Mil 7: The Down with the Graeparchy of Anti-Grape Revolutionary Front Pop: 7,202 Mil 8: The Borderlands of Banzai Pop: 2,049 Mil 9: The Japanese Prefectures of British Commonwealth Occupation Zone Pop: 3,300 Mil 10: The Code of Bushido Pop: 4,964 Mil 11: The Confederacy of Catgirl Cuties Pop: 13,339 Mil 12: The Republic of Chise Talleyrand Pop: 5,448 Mil 13: The Prefecture of Chishima Pop: 1,802 Mil 14: The Colony of Chosen Pop: 5,568 Mil 15: The Kingdom of Chrouniss Pop: 19,858 Mil 16: The Protectorate of Code 002 Pop: 12,410 Mil 17: The Prefecture of Domashu Pop: 12,193 Mil 18: The Disputed Territories of Ezo Military Republic Pop: 457 Mil 19: The Democratic Republic of Feron Ahruppy Pop: 2,772 Mil 20: The Republic of Flame Forge Pop: 4,136 Mil 21: The Minamitsuru Samurai Domain of Fujikawa Clan Pop: 4,545 Mil 22: The Nucweaw waw OwO of Furrys fluffys and mushroom clouds Pop: 11,298 Mil 23: The Imperial Dynasty of Fuson Pop: 934 Mil 24: The Prefecture of Genyosha Pop: 10,977 Mil 25: The Commonwealth of Goldapp Pop: 5,888 Mil 26: The Dictatorship of Greater terran Commonwealth Pop: 3,062 Mil 27: The Rogue Nation of GSN100 Pop: 3,442 Mil 28: The Worldwide Strongest Idol of Haaton Prime Pop: 8,240 Mil 29: The Prefecture of Hachisuka Pop: 4,375 Mil 30: The Prefecture of Harukaze Pop: 2,641 Mil 31: The Prefecture of Hatsume Pop: 5,071 Mil 32: The Libertarian Duchy of Hexsea Pop: 3,280 Mil 33: The Republic of Higashitakasu Pop: 631 Mil 34: The Rogue Nation of Hinatasou Pop: 22,442 Mil 35: The Imperial Japanese carrier of Hiryu Pop: 7,246 Mil 36: The Queendom of Hojo Masako Pop: 16,849 Mil 37: The Imperial Constitutional of Hongru Pop: 1,273 Mil 38: The Holy Empire of Horo Pop: 5,715 Mil 39: The Imperial Japanese carrier of Hosho Pop: 5,660 Mil 40: The Prefecture of Isobe Pop: 1,528 Mil 41: The State of J a p a n Pop: 2,311 Mil 42: The People's Republic of Japamwenia Pop: 3,985 Mil 43: The Matriarchy of Japanese Women Pop: 929 Mil 44: The Cursed Springs of Jusenkyo Pop: 2,682 Mil 45: The Prefecture of Kadotani Pop: 12,008 Mil 46: The Empire of Kamakura Shoguns Pop: 13,040 Mil 47: The Prefecture of Kasuga Pop: 2,006 Mil 48: The Society of Kireina Pop: 11,279 Mil 49: The Heavenly Hiruko Huntress of Kiruko Pop: 2,051 Mil 50: The Imperial Navy ship of Kotetsu Pop: 5,455 Mil 51: The Draconis Combine of Kurita Pop: 5,502 Mil 52: The Holy Cute Matriarchy of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Pop: 24,352 Mil 53: The Lucky Summer of Lovelab Pop: 7,546 Mil 54: The Fiefdom of Matsumae Pop: 136 Mil 55: The Colony of Matsumoto Pop: 256 Mil 56: The Prefecture of Matsushima Pop: 1,507 Mil 57: The Matriarchy of Meloconistan Pop: 4,612 Mil 58: The Prefecture of Mikasa Pop: 5,663 Mil 59: The Colony of Minekaze Pop: 443 Mil 60: The Cute Critter of Mini Ika Musume Pop: 18,764 Mil 61: The District of Minowa Pop: 7,131 Mil 62: The Prefecture of Minowara Pop: 1,537 Mil | 63: The Prefecture of Mishima Pop: 1,645 Mil 64: The Prefecture of Mizutoshi Pop: 7,382 Mil 65: The Colony of Moritsugu Pop: 177 Mil 66: The Rock Hell of MUCC Pop: 39,301 Mil 67: The Prefecture of Murasaki Pop: 10,989 Mil 68: The Rogue Nation of Myuri Pop: 6,022 Mil 69: The Prefecture of Nagasawa Pop: 8,006 Mil 70: The Colony of Nagashima Pop: 1,107 Mil 71: The Prefecture of Nagato Pop: 2,725 Mil 72: The Colony of Nagumo Pop: 647 Mil 73: The Prefecture of Nanakaido Pop: 12,293 Mil 74: The Prefecture of Natori Pop: 2,429 Mil 75: The Communication Disorder of Neko Komi Pop: 5,715 Mil 76: The Federal State of Nergtul Pop: 2,893 Mil 77: The Great Imperial State of Nihon koku Pop: 27,766 Mil 78: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nihon-koku Pop: 5,278 Mil 79: The Prefecture of Nishizumi Pop: 11,956 Mil 80: The Protectorate of Ochiba no Kata Pop: 173 Mil 81: The Old Kothic Sleeper of Okami Yaiba Pop: 16,422 Mil 82: The Switch of ON Pop: 24,780 Mil 83: The Colony of Onogoroshima Pop: 287 Mil 84: The Prefecture of Ozawa Pop: 5,620 Mil 85: The Ancient Kingdom of Pedda Pop: 6,321 Mil 86: The Dog Girl Supremacy of PoliticallyIncorrectHeaven Pop: 11,691 Mil 87: The Prefecture of Ryuken Pop: 4,594 Mil 88: The Community of Safety number one Pop: 23 Mil 89: The Prefecture of Sanuki Pop: 9,521 Mil 90: The Prefecture of Settsu Pop: 2,680 Mil 91: The Shinobi of Shadow Warrior Pop: 29,151 Mil 92: The Colony of Shibusawa Pop: 291 Mil 93: The Way of the kami of Shinto Pop: 1,761 Mil 94: The Prefecture of Shizuoka Pop: 5,683 Mil 95: The Imperial Navy carrier of Shokaku Pop: 5,610 Mil 96: The Colony of Shoku Pop: 14 Mil 97: The Democratic Republic of Slit Pop: 17,592 Mil 98: The Imperial Japanese carrier of Soryu Pop: 7,218 Mil 99: The City of Suwa Pop: 3,871 Mil 100: The Prefecture of Taihoku Pop: 5,661 Mil 101: The Prefecture of Takebe Pop: 11,993 Mil 102: The Japanese Empire of The Greater Tokyo Area Pop: 21,947 Mil 103: The People's Republic of The Mekong Pop: 45 Mil 104: The Protectorate of The Ministry of Welfare Pop: 6,661 Mil 105: The Federation of The Union of Bolshevik Socialist States Pop: 2,054 Mil 106: The Disputed Territories of The Western America Japanese Union Pop: 244 Mil 107: The Metal of Tin Pop: 14,318 Mil 108: The Metropolis of Tokyo Pop: 5,406 Mil 109: The Principality of Tokyo Megapolis Prefecture Pop: 693 Mil 110: The Holy Green Wetlands of Tonsaeay Pop: 14,473 Mil 111: The Prefecture of Toranaga Pop: 1,399 Mil 112: The Protectorate of Torii Pop: 270 Mil 113: The Prefecture of Tosa Pop: 2,830 Mil 114: The Borderlands of Umami Pop: 1,010 Mil 115: The Grand Duch? of Weebie Pop: 1,502 Mil 116: The Loving Couple of Whoa Crikey Pop: 5,506 Mil 117: The Free Land of William Glen Harold Herrington Pop: 5,191 Mil 118: The Prefecture of Yezochi Pop: 12,330 Mil 119: The Kingdom of Zowa Pop: 2,151 Mil 120: The Prefecture of Zuiho Pop: 10,909 Mil 121: The Imperial Navy carrier of Zuikaku Pop: 8,239 Mil |