1: The Barbarous Monarchy of Ajojelja Pop: 18,548 Mil 2: The Free Land of Ancapistan-TM Pop: 512 Mil 3: The Allied States of Andrewdia Pop: 16 Mil 4: The United Socialist States of Anorakia Pop: 1,443 Mil 5: The Empire of Ansoku Pop: 7,483 Mil 6: The Vabasian Fed State of Antarctican Immagrants Pop: 10,596 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Aphragia Pop: 40 Mil 8: The Democratic States of Arcandias Pop: 1,176 Mil 9: The Empire of Arkadag Pop: 32 Mil 10: The Republic of Artevenia Pop: 15,104 Mil 11: The Republic of Aumbria Pop: 6 Mil 12: The Empire of Baniq Pop: 7 Mil 13: The Principality of Beeland Pop: 18 Mil 14: The Commonwealth of Biggonian Megaist Empire Pop: 10,298 Mil 15: The Republic of Birmingham bulls Pop: 4,767 Mil 16: The Old Hand of Bonnie Blue Republic Pop: 17,327 Mil 17: The Republic of Brainrot Sigmas Pop: 23 Mil 18: The Grand Duchy of Buchbach Pop: 3,074 Mil 19: The Thing of C1 Pop: 5,670 Mil 20: The United States of Cashle Pop: 29 Mil 21: The Truthful Isles of Cassinia Pop: 8,818 Mil 22: The Federal Republic of Central Potat Pop: 56 Mil 23: The Confederacy of Cirsicca Pop: 224 Mil 24: The Tropical Island of Claysville Pop: 4,493 Mil 25: The Republic of Concoland Pop: 770 Mil 26: The Dictatariat of Dasva Pop: 7,099 Mil 27: The Acetylcholine Inhibitors of Deadly Night Shade Pop: 36,512 Mil 28: The Եադյրա՟դյշի Պևօդշօդեվա՟դա of Deims Kir Pop: 13,623 Mil 29: The Dolphin's Paradise of Dolplandia Pop: 7,761 Mil 30: The Free Land of Dom Rosola Pop: 18 Mil 31: The Empire of Durbashk de cermincio Pop: 16 Mil 32: The Emirate of Easonaxia Pop: 23 Mil 33: The Disputed Territories of Eastern Kalamazoom Pop: 18,536 Mil 34: The Republic of Ethniopa Pop: 306 Mil 35: The Free Land of Ethtopia Pop: 1,030 Mil 36: The Theocracy of Glossapolis Pop: 2,050 Mil 37: The Federal Republic of Golzar Pop: 226 Mil 38: The Imperium autocraticae civita of Great Britain and Irelandia Pop: 4,890 Mil 39: The Province of Greater Drenthe Pop: 10,490 Mil 40: The Holy Yellow Veins of Grennick Gold Pop: 17,173 Mil 41: The Grand Duchy of Gresto Pop: 154 Mil 42: The Rogue Nation of GSN48 Pop: 3,453 Mil 43: The Rogue Nation of Guna Lotstan Pop: 4,391 Mil 44: The Federal Republic of Hangunaria Pop: 4,334 Mil 45: The Great of Hansa Federation Pop: 8,874 Mil 46: The Parent Company of Hollip Pop: 28,429 Mil 47: The Confraternition of Hooseria Magna Pop: 11,064 Mil 48: The United States of Hungry Nation Pop: 7 Mil 49: The Holy Empire of Hussainiya Pop: 7,941 Mil 50: The Free Land of I hate bannana Pop: 40 Mil 51: The Loving Couple of I-Ship It Pop: 8,044 Mil 52: The Dominion of Islands of Prosperity Pop: 3,400 Mil 53: The Sultanate of Jaredistan Pop: 4,625 Mil 54: The Psychotic Republic of Jermaville Pop: 8,369 Mil 55: The Republic of Jhavna Pop: 675 Mil 56: The Armed Republic of Junta Malaysia Pop: 36 Mil 57: The Second Highest Mountain Peak of K2 Pop: 15,586 Mil 58: The Republic of Kangaamiut Pop: 3,584 Mil 59: The End of the World of Katifor Pop: 4,485 Mil 60: The Confederacy of Kyun Alura Pop: 6,857 Mil 61: The Secretariat of Lands End Dispatch Office Pop: 8,085 Mil 62: The Federal Stratocracy of Laskaltine Pop: 8,869 Mil 63: The USA of Lincoln Pop: 26,148 Mil 64: The Federal Republic of Lippeland Pop: 8,090 Mil 65: The Principality of Maartean Islands Pop: 2,125 Mil 66: The Most Serene Republic of Maceratum Sal Pop: 126 Mil 67: The Commonwealth of Mechanica Empire Pop: 8,049 Mil 68: The Kingdom of Micalandia Pop: 8,856 Mil 69: The Borderlands of MinecraftOnePointSeven Pop: 881 Mil 70: The Republic of Minisya Pop: 69 Mil 71: The Holy Theocracy of Murskat Pop: 3,969 Mil | 72: The Colony of Mythel Pop: 15,339 Mil 73: The Conglomerate of Nadal Mobianordia Pop: 11,675 Mil 74: The Empire of Neo URSS Pop: 8,631 Mil 75: The Three Republics of New Tussia Pop: 15,949 Mil 76: The Republic of Newerpenes Pop: 45 Mil 77: The Empire of Normianm Empire Pop: 9,735 Mil 78: The Kingdom of North Egret Pop: 91 Mil 79: The Grand Kingdom of North-Bardonia Pop: 3,604 Mil 80: The Kingdom of Nouni Pop: 20 Mil 81: The Federation of Numistan Pop: 20 Mil 82: The Free Land of Nyvardan Pop: 5,583 Mil 83: The Federation of Overijse Pop: 2,567 Mil 84: The Republic of Pais-Sukoku Pop: 3,481 Mil 85: The Republik of Pantsville Pop: 7,476 Mil 86: The AA Administrator of Papalania Pop: 5,228 Mil 87: The Peafowl Conglomerate of Peacockastan Pop: 13,818 Mil 88: The Free Land of Persistent Pain and Prosperity Pop: 982 Mil 89: The People's Land of Pianuland Pop: 4,030 Mil 90: The Oppressed Peoples of Piophila casei Pop: 6 Mil 91: The Jingoistic States of Polydypsia Pop: 340 Mil 92: The Fiefdom of Poupehan Pop: 8,910 Mil 93: The Great Empire of Qilia Pop: 3,783 Mil 94: The Kingdom of ROR LAND Pop: 1,274 Mil 95: The Federation of Ruwan Islands Pop: 7,894 Mil 96: The Republic of Sadie Adler Pop: 1,839 Mil 97: The Empire of Saince Pop: 233 Mil 98: The Consortium of Scalpulavakiia Pop: 12,664 Mil 99: The Free Confederation of Schabinur Pop: 7,511 Mil 100: The United Socialist States of Schnarkums Pop: 45 Mil 101: The Communist State of Scostatikneite Pop: 2,822 Mil 102: The Kingdom of Sectora Pop: 20 Mil 103: The Armed Republic of Silver Corp Pop: 329 Mil 104: The Emirate of Singaporean Islamists Pop: 36 Mil 105: The Trade Confederation of Singhapala Bisaya Pop: 10,816 Mil 106: The Most Serene Republic of SlovanBretislava Pop: 239 Mil 107: The People's Republic of Solansonirul Pop: 2,057 Mil 108: The Republic of Solar Education Automaton Pop: 10,236 Mil 109: The Colony of South-Central Rhodesia Pop: 13,704 Mil 110: The Stratocratic Empire of Sovende Pop: 11,335 Mil 111: The Kingdom of Sundlant Pop: 1,736 Mil 112: The Kingdom of Tanganis Pop: 2,168 Mil 113: The Empire of Tayichi Pop: 5,341 Mil 114: The Republic of Terra Argo Pop: 6,560 Mil 115: The Union of TESDAI Pop: 12,238 Mil 116: The Blessed Republic of Thaltopia Pop: 11,872 Mil 117: The Syoi Federation of Thauto States Pop: 2,835 Mil 118: The Market Ventures of The Charging Bull Pop: 3,730 Mil 119: The Free Land of The Christian Peoples Union Pop: 45 Mil 120: The Demokratische Bunnesreich of The Deitsch Pop: 2,535 Mil 121: The United Socialist States of The New English Confederarion Pop: 601 Mil 122: The Incorporated States of The Stupendous Rebellion Pop: 12,410 Mil 123: The Trade Federation of The Tribia Pop: 8,643 Mil 124: The Republic of The united states virgin islands Pop: 3,637 Mil 125: The Federal Republic of Thehm Knokk Pop: 110 Mil 126: The Commonwealth of Tillaania Pop: 6,224 Mil 127: The Democratic Republic of Troposia Pop: 5,158 Mil 128: The Republic of Union of Republic Burma Pop: 14 Mil 129: The Confederacy of Union of The Islands Pop: 254 Mil 130: The Sultanate of United Islamic Turan Pop: 130 Mil 131: The Holy Empire of Veng Hi Pop: 23 Mil 132: The Community of Vird Kald Pop: 20 Mil 133: The Sultanate of Volkovysk Pop: 2,376 Mil 134: The United States of Wayshyan Moodletz Pop: 2,032 Mil 135: The United Socialist States of Wokeanda Pop: 985 Mil 136: The United States of Zaplip Pop: 23 Mil 137: The 2nd Republic of Zenjen Pop: 5,398 Mil 138: The Federal Republic of Zup Pop: 20 Mil |