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45 Countries populate the Region of Lennart

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Lennart.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The State of Arklow
Pop: 15,091 Mil

2: The Principality of Aude
Pop: 14,793 Mil

3: The Isle of Bray
Pop: 19,234 Mil

4: The Federal Republic of Canarian Isles
Pop: 19,445 Mil

5: The Confederation of Catalan Countries
Pop: 17,648 Mil

6: The Principality of Celje
Pop: 18,803 Mil

7: The Commonwealth of Celtic Britain
Pop: 14,893 Mil

8: The Confederacy of Celtic Nations
Pop: 16,755 Mil

9: The Community of Clamart
Pop: 15,227 Mil

10: The Community of Creil
Pop: 14,624 Mil

11: The Fiefdom of Ehlnar
Pop: 19,413 Mil

12: The Duchy of Elancourt
Pop: 15,133 Mil

13: The Dominion of Ennor
Pop: 14,659 Mil

14: The Isle of Evry
Pop: 18,920 Mil

15: The Community of Glunmar
Pop: 18,795 Mil

16: The Federation of Great British Isle
Pop: 14,894 Mil

17: The Principality of Herault
Pop: 14,858 Mil

18: The Isle of Ilvia
Pop: 18,824 Mil

19: The Grand Duchy of Istiniar
Pop: 18,862 Mil

20: The Community of Kreisen
Pop: 14,689 Mil

21: The Community of Le Havre
Pop: 19,238 Mil

22: The Lennart of Lennart
Pop: 19,075 Mil

23: The Principality of Lievin
Pop: 14,847 Mil

24: The Community of Lindau
Pop: 18,540 Mil

25: The Kingdom of Lindsey
Pop: 18,904 Mil

26: The Community of Linz
Pop: 18,048 Mil

27: The Principality of Lowerdale
Pop: 18,585 Mil

28: The Community of Mittenwald
Pop: 15,084 Mil

29: The Kingdom of New Southern Holland
Pop: 20,162 Mil

30: The Community of Oldbury
Pop: 14,724 Mil

31: The House of Raybrandt
Pop: 18,791 Mil

32: The Spirit of Renaixensa
Pop: 17,906 Mil

33: The Kingdom of Rhodoks
Pop: 18,119 Mil

34: The Community of Rouen
Pop: 18,180 Mil

35: The Isle of Selby
Pop: 18,858 Mil

36: The Island of Shalott
Pop: 19,205 Mil

37: The Confederation of Slavs
Pop: 17,652 Mil

38: The United Kingdom of The Elder Isles
Pop: 1,314 Mil

39: The Community of Valestein
Pop: 18,608 Mil

40: The Community of Veidar
Pop: 15,923 Mil

41: The Isle of Vesly
Pop: 17,891 Mil

42: The Republic of Yantaria
Pop: 1,048 Mil

43: The Isle of Ynys
Pop: 15,163 Mil

44: The Community of Yvelines
Pop: 14,788 Mil

45: The Fief of Yves
Pop: 14,645 Mil

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