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118 Countries populate the Region of Liberal Democratic Union

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1: The Theocracy of 1997
Pop: 642 Mil

2: The Audi of A6
Pop: 5,617 Mil

3: The Holy Kingdom of Abelist
Pop: 11,161 Mil

4: The Republic of Advancorium
Pop: 7 Mil

5: The Federal Unitary Republic of Alak-Kazanistahn
Pop: 13,787 Mil

6: The Holy Empire of ALAKAZAMIA
Pop: 26 Mil

7: The Kingdom of Almitruz
Pop: 5,058 Mil

8: The Queendom of Amazon alexa
Pop: 2,078 Mil

9: The Community of Angaba
Pop: 2,283 Mil

10: The Kingdom of Arcaniana
Pop: 11,048 Mil

11: The Federal Republic of Argumeny
Pop: 1,231 Mil

12: The Grand Duchy of Arkhangelsk-Vologda
Pop: 6,791 Mil

13: The Republic of Armenian Republic
Pop: 26 Mil

14: The Democratic Republic of Attuannik
Pop: 5,249 Mil

15: The Kingdom of Beligulum
Pop: 6,514 Mil

16: The Parliamentary Republic of Bethersontonia
Pop: 3,297 Mil

17: The Loving Couple of Blightsexual
Pop: 7,857 Mil

18: The Constitutional Monarchy of Brazilian Empire Federation
Pop: 1,557 Mil

19: The The Glorious Neko Empire of CATGIRL MAKASTA
Pop: 8,345 Mil

20: The Republic of Continental Football Association
Pop: 181 Mil

21: The Democratic Republic of Cute Boykisser
Pop: 305 Mil

22: The First Threshold of DayeVASTan
Pop: 2,149 Mil

23: The Federation of Democratic Kingdom of South India
Pop: 9,198 Mil

24: The Asexual Empire of Dlankalin
Pop: 5,474 Mil

25: The Confederacy of Dream did nothing wrong
Pop: 6,574 Mil

26: The Principality of Dutchlalande
Pop: 45 Mil

27: The Protectorate of Eastern Bengal and Assam
Pop: 1,063 Mil

28: The Unitarian Republic of Einsiev
Pop: 22,117 Mil

29: The Federal Republic of Elysia Archipelago
Pop: 45 Mil

30: The Holy Empire of EMIR EL MUAMININ
Pop: 6,028 Mil

31: The Principality of Far Far Far Away
Pop: 2,325 Mil

32: The Kingdom of Friend Inside Me
Pop: 306 Mil

33: The Community of Fryske Frijheid
Pop: 665 Mil

34: The Dictatorship of Furr
Pop: 476 Mil

35: The Mutasharifat Caliphate of Golden Maghreb
Pop: 869 Mil

36: The United Kingdom of Great Britain et Northern Ireland
Pop: 45 Mil

37: The Kingdom of Greater Avalora
Pop: 2,380 Mil

38: The Federal Republic of Greater Tyrosh
Pop: 536 Mil

39: The Rogue Nation of GSN65
Pop: 3,430 Mil

40: The Federal Republic of Hanharates
Pop: 2,297 Mil

41: The Tetrahedron of Hunetia Dos
Pop: 2,350 Mil

42: The United Directorates of Hypernorjislav
Pop: 1,434 Mil

43: The Kingdom of Ieveraans
Pop: 8,046 Mil

44: The Borderlands of Illishira
Pop: 2,295 Mil

45: The Disputed Territories of Indianois
Pop: 497 Mil

46: The Republic of Insert Factbook URL
Pop: 1,001 Mil

47: The Kingdom of Kalunistas
Pop: 3,158 Mil

48: The Independent Republic of Karaqalpaqstan
Pop: 1,754 Mil

49: The United States of Kenving
Pop: 7,474 Mil

50: The Queendom of Kingdom of Ari
Pop: 772 Mil

51: The Republic of Kisnal
Pop: 7,323 Mil

52: The Federation of Kozmolistan
Pop: 891 Mil

53: The Tribes of Las Selvas
Pop: 5,593 Mil

54: The Regional Archive of LDU Research Society
Pop: 6,336 Mil

55: The Parliamentary Republic of LiberMocracy
Pop: 5,110 Mil

56: The Democratic States of LOFN
Pop: 2,647 Mil

57: The Federal State of M0ntana
Pop: 1,946 Mil

58: The Republic of Menelaos
Pop: 2,919 Mil

59: The Social Democratic Empire SDE of Milidae
Pop: 4,600 Mil

60: The Nomadic Peoples of Mongolian Steppes
Pop: 312 Mil

61: The United States of Monkasota
Pop: 240 Mil

62: The Republic of Nalsia
Pop: 9 Mil

63: The Disputed Territories of New dawn of hope
Pop: 429 Mil

64: The Rogue Nation of New Zodleda
Pop: 10 Mil

65: The Military forces of Putler of NewKazakhBy
Pop: 6,411 Mil

66: The Divine Order of North Gilead
Pop: 6,714 Mil

67: The Republic of Ny Herrnhut
Pop: 5,031 Mil

68: The Skelleftellan Colony of Ny Holmstrom
Pop: 4,812 Mil

69: The Republic of NY Rangers
Pop: 6,598 Mil

70: The Enlightened Hegemony of Ordovicia
Pop: 1,649 Mil

71: The Sublime Empire of Oruzia
Pop: 9,193 Mil

72: The Fiefdom of Pan-Comanche
Pop: 9,539 Mil

73: The Incorporated States of Pan-Xinjinhe
Pop: 286 Mil

74: The Holy Empire of Penumbra Phantasm
Pop: 110 Mil

75: The Imperio of Potenzia
Pop: 13,605 Mil

76: The Republic of Qandaley
Pop: 1,299 Mil

77: The Kingdom of Reginar
Pop: 11,487 Mil

78: The Protectorate of Repian Pers
Pop: 7,118 Mil

79: The Rogue Nation of Roanfield
Pop: 172 Mil

80: The Imperium of Romanum et Britannia Minor
Pop: 7,157 Mil

81: The Federation of Sajnur
Pop: 13,409 Mil

82: The More powerful than Potenzia of Savranakas Suurvaltas
Pop: 4,178 Mil

83: The Kingdom of Saxemunden
Pop: 1,497 Mil

84: The Allied States of Selvadorada
Pop: 3,140 Mil

85: The Republic of September 11th
Pop: 637 Mil

86: The Republic of Sierra-Cordillera
Pop: 91 Mil

87: The Subulev of Sjevre
Pop: 9,214 Mil

88: The Theocracy of Soltanica
Pop: 772 Mil

89: The Federation of Somso Alim
Pop: 148 Mil

90: The Community of Souplandica
Pop: 9,389 Mil

91: The Principality of Subulev Berlynas
Pop: 2,414 Mil

92: The Grand Duchy of Subulev Hamburgas
Pop: 1,692 Mil

93: The Kingdom of Subulev Kirov
Pop: 4,984 Mil

94: The Empire of Subulev Komii
Pop: 4,810 Mil

95: The Constitutional Monarchy of Subulev Minskas
Pop: 5,888 Mil

96: The Theocracy of Subulev Mosjkuv
Pop: 6,566 Mil

97: The Principality of Subulev Permia
Pop: 1,640 Mil

98: The Kingdom of Subulev Puola
Pop: 5,017 Mil

99: The Protectorate of Subulev Tanska
Pop: 4,956 Mil

100: The Grand Duchy of Subulev Vladimir
Pop: 6,603 Mil

101: The Federal Republic of Temedme
Pop: 9,838 Mil

102: The Republic of Texas guy
Pop: 224 Mil

103: The Empire of The Gondorlands
Pop: 157 Mil

104: The Republic of The Lazarene Republic
Pop: 505 Mil

105: The Republic of The Navy of South Asians 30
Pop: 5,540 Mil

106: The Free Land of The Weird Nation Name Accretor
Pop: 1,020 Mil

107: The Subulev of Tula-Tambov
Pop: 5,560 Mil

108: The Bull moose state of Tuthar
Pop: 8,358 Mil

109: The Republic of United arabia land
Pop: 202 Mil

110: The Federation of United Democratic Syria
Pop: 264 Mil

111: The Federal Republic of United States of Appalachia
Pop: 502 Mil

112: The Republic of Uusi-Sjevre
Pop: 1,579 Mil

113: The Empire of Vantier
Pop: 10,631 Mil

114: The Confederate Union of Varyanoslav
Pop: 1,547 Mil

115: The Republic of Weatnuckdon
Pop: 6,088 Mil

116: The Rep?blica of Western Hia
Pop: 5,478 Mil

117: The Federal Republic of Wizlandia
Pop: 21,107 Mil

118: The Kingdom of Zarinyu
Pop: 657 Mil

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